by Dr. Lawrence Wilson

© January 2024, LD Wilson Consultants, Inc.


            Development is the growth of the subtle energy field of a human and it is your birthright.  It is also fulfilling your full genetic potential, and it is the goal of the programs we set up.

A key to development is moving subtle energy from the head to the feet.  This is why we suggest the Pulling Down Exercise, and no other mental exercise.

The most difficult part of moving subtle energy from oneÕs head to oneÕs feet is moving it through the joints.  This article discusses how to open the joints so that subtle energy will flow through them much more easily.




Opening the joints consists of a set of movements, each of which works on certain joints of the body. 




1. Empty your bladder.

2. Lie down comfortably on your back on a bed or massage table.

3. Do not use a pillow under your head.

4.  You will need to wear only loose or flexible clothing so that you can bend and twist the body.

5. Ideally, make sure you will not be interrupted by the telephone, or by children or others.  The reason is so that you can RELAX completely and focus on the exercises without distractions.

Visualizing.  As you do the following exercises, it is even better if you visualize subtle energy flowing downward from your head to your feet.

We will begin with the feet and work our way up the body, although one could do it in a different order.




 Start with the left foot.  Bend the left knee so that the toes are nearby and easy to grab.  The exercise is to push the toes downward, toward the floor.  As you do this, some or all of them should ÒpopÓ, making a slight noise.

Some people can grab all five toes at the same time and push them all downward together.  However, the author finds he often needs to do the first and fifth toes separately, and sometimes the second toe separately, as well. 

At times, one can just push the toes downward.  However, the author finds that a better way is to pull each toe away from the foot, a little, and at the same time push it downward. 

If a toe does not pop, it is okay and usually just means the joint is more stuck.  Eventually, with practice, it will usually release more easily.  Even if it does not pop, you have still loosened it.

Now do the same with the right toes.




These are not so easy to pop or move around.  The basic procedure is to once again bend your left knee so that your left foot is reachable with your hands.

Four ways to open the feet are:

1. Grab the top and bottom of the foot between the anklebone and the toes.  Move the foot downward somewhat forcefully.  It may pop when you do this.

2. Grab the top and bottom of the foot and move it upward somewhat forcefully.  It may pop when you do this.

3. Grab the sides of the foot, one hand on each side.  Now twist the foot inward.  It may or may not pop.

4. Grab the sides of the foot, one hand on each side.  Twist the foot outward.  It may or may not pop.

Repeat the entire procedure with the other foot.




            Lying on your back, bend one knee fully.  The foot should be very close to your backside.  Now grab the lower leg with both hands and give a quick tug or pull on the lower leg, moving the foot even closer to your backside. 

Often, the knee will pop.  In fact, at times it will pop twice.  It is okay if it does not pop - you have still opened the joint even if it does not pop.

Now repeat the procedure with the other leg.




            The procedure for the hips is the standard spinal twist that we highly recommend for everyone.  Lying comfortably on your back with legs down and out straight, lift the left leg so that the big toe points directly upward.  If possible, do not bend the knee.  Also, for added safety, make sure your head is straight ahead, not turned to either side.

            Now swing the raised leg to the right over the right leg until it touches the bed or even the floor, if you wish.  This will often cause some popping in the low back area and perhaps in other areas of the back.

            A way to enhance this exercise is that after swinging the leg over the other leg, when it comes to rest, bend the leg at the knee.

            It is helpful to do this gently at first.  However, at times, in order to open and align the spine, you may need to swing the leg again and do it with some force.

            Now repeat the exercise using the other leg:  Lift the right leg, keeping the knee straight.  Swing the uplifted leg to the left, over the left leg, until it hits the bed or even until it hits the floor.

You may want to do the exercise a few times. 

Safety.  Some people are afraid of doing this exercise for fear of hurting themselves.  We have not had any reports of anyone harming themselves with this exercise.  In fact, a few clients said they corrected spinal misalignments with this exercise that even their chiropractor was not able to achieve.




1. While lying down comfortable, clasp your hands together behind your neck, interlocking your fingers.  Now move your elbows toward one another until they meet, if possible, in front of your face.  Often, the shoulders will pop.

2. Do this one carefully and slowly.  With the hands still clasped behind your neck, slowly move the left elbow downward toward the bed and move the right elbow upward toward the ceiling.  As you do this, gently turn your head to the right.

Now reverse the motion: slowly move the left elbow upward toward the ceiling and move the right elbow downward toward the floor.  As you do this, gently and slowly turn your head to the left.




            There are two positions for this exercise:

1. Lying down comfortably, raise both arms directly above your head.  Clasp the hands together, interlocking the fingers for a good grip.

            Gently move both arms as a unit toward the left as far as you can.  Try to keep your head straight.

            Bring the arms back to the center, in front of your face.  Now move both arms as a unit toward the right as far as you can.  If possible, keep your head straight.  Once again, you may hear or feel popping in your upper back or shoulders.  Even if no popping occurs, you have helped open the shoulder joints.  You can now open your fingers and relax your arms.

            2. If the head of your bed or table is against a wall, you will need to move down toward the foot of the bed to do this exercise.

            Lying comfortably, move both arms away from your feet so they are behind your head.  Join the hands, interlocking the fingers of both hands.

            Move both hands together toward the left, as far as you can.  Keep your head straight.  Then move the hands back to the center.

Keeping the hands together and fingers interlocked, move both hands as a unit to the right as far as you can.  Keep the head straight.  This exercise also helps open the shoulder joints.




Neck twist.  Be sure to do all neck exercises slowly and gently.  Lying comfortably, with arms at your sides, turn your head to the left as far as you can comfortably.  Then bring it back to the center.  Do no leave your neck turned to one side.  This is not necessary and is not as safe.

Now repeat the exercise, moving the head to the right.


Neck rotation.  This is a little different.  Be sure to do this exercise gently and slowly.

Lying comfortably, lift up your head a little and move it to the right and put it down again on the bed or table.

Now rotate your head to the left as far as can comfortably do so.  Important – try to rotate the neck, rather than stretch to the left as was done in the first neck exercise above.

Repeat the procedure on the other side.  Begin by moving the head a little to the left on the bed.  Then rotate the head to the right as far as can comfortably.


The neck pull.  This is a very powerful development exercise that opens the vertebrae of the neck and upper spine.  A separate article describes how to do it.  It requires a little practice, but everyone can learn it.  For details, read The Neck Pull.




Finally, to help open and align the cranial bones, do the following two exercises: 

1. Lying down comfortably, clasp your hands together with the backs of the hands against each other, not the palms.  Interlock the fingers, which should be straight.

The backs of your hands should be touching each other and the palms of the hands should face away from each other.

Quickly move the palms of the hands inward, toward each other, as far as you can comfortably go.  Often, you will hear popping of the fingers.  Do this a few times, moving the hands slightly.


2. Keep your hands together as before, with the fingers still interlocked.  Now bend your fingers at their joints so that the middle part of each finger (between the two end joints of each finger) also interlocks.

When done right, the fingers are interlocked at their base and in the middle of each finger, as well.

Now quickly move the palms of the hands inward, toward each other, as far as you can comfortably go.  Often, you will hear popping of the fingers.  Do this a few times, moving the hands slightly.


Remember, with all these exercises, you can add the visualization of moving energy downward from the head to the feet and this will enhance the exercises.



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