by Dr.
Lawrence Wilson
© March 2023, LD Wilson Consultants, Inc.
All information in this article is for
educational purposes only. It is
not for the diagnosis, treatment, prescription or cure of any disease or health
Table Of Contents
Definition Of Detoxification
The Century Of Toxins
Definitions Of Toxins
Types Of Toxins
Environmental (from outside) Entities, EMF
- Metals
- Chemicals
- Biological
- Entities
- Electrical
- Mental And Emotional Toxins
- Geopathic Toxins
Born Toxic – Congenital Toxicity
Imbalances That Favor Toxicity
Autointoxication or Endogenous Toxins (those made inside the body)
The Colon – Our Most Toxic Organ
Toxicity As a Cause Of Disease
The Autonomic Nervous System And Detoxification
Detoxification Requires Energy
Yang And Yin Methods Of Detoxification
Replacing Toxic Metals With More Preferred Minerals
Toxic Metals And Chemicals Can Remain In The Body For Decades
The Organs of Detoxification
Other Ways The Body May Eliminate Toxins
Autonomic Imbalances And Toxicity
Toxin Removal Is Never Enough
“Layers” Of Toxicity
Methods Involved
Stages Of Detoxification
28 Methods Of Detoxification Used With Development Programs
Hair Mineral Patterns Of Toxicity
Other Testing Methods
Breast Feeding
Older People
When Very Ill
Detox Methods To Avoid
Genetic Detox
Trauma Release
Infections As Cleansers
Mineral Cleansers
Menstruation As Detoxification
Development And Detoxification
Significance Of The Colors Of bodily Discharges During Detoxification
Article from - The Six Major Detoxification Pathways
Further Reading
Definition. Detoxification
is the removal of waste matter or toxins from the body. It is one of the most critical of the
body’s natural functions.
goes on 24 hours a day, rain or shine, and we soon die if anything goes wrong
with this function. This article
is introduction to the large topic of detoxification – how it is done
well, how it affects health, and more.
concept of detoxification is as old as humanity. In fact, it was one of the mainstays of health care until
the rise of drug medicine in the past 100 years. Here are some of the historical methods that heavily
employed detoxification.
This is the oldest type of health care, dating back many thousands of
years. Detoxification of the body
is one of the main methods of healing in traditional herbalism. This is very clear from the words used
to describe the action of herbs.
They may be called the language of detoxification, and include:
– cause vomiting
– cause sweating
– cause elimination
through the bowel
– soften the stools
– increase bile flow
Alteratives - cause cleansing of the organs
Anthelminthics – destroy worms
Vermifuges -
expel worms
Astringents -
peels off the top layers of mucus
Carminatives – expel gas
Cathartics – violently expel contents of the
stomach and upper intestine
Demulcents – soften hard mucus
herbs and salves – cause
toxins to come out through the skin and mucus membranes. Black salve is one example used with nutritional
balancing programs.
Emmenogogus – cause menstrual blood flow
Expectorants – expel mucus from the throat and lungs
Lithotropics – expel gall and bladder stones
Lympthatics -
cause lymph to flow
Rubifacients – cause increased blood flow
Sialagogoues – cause more saliva to flow
This 175-year old science contains the idea of miasms and diatheses. These are toxic conditions of the body that are remedied
with homeopathic pills or drops.
allopathy. Present-day medical care has many fewer words
for detoxification, but still uses some.
One of them is kidney dialysis. This is a
forced cleansing of the body using a special machine that filters the
blood. Doctors also occasionally
do peritoneal
dialysis, cleansing the body tissues by running pure water through the
abdominal cavity.
also employ some emetics, purgatives, laxatives and other cleansing products,
usually drugs, today.
more about these healing arts, and others, read The
Healing Arts on this site.
toxic metals have always been around, as have biological toxins such as
bacteria and viruses, the latter half of the 20th century and the 21st
century on planet earth have seen an increase in toxic metals and toxic
chemicals in the food, air and water that is unprecedented.
levels of toxic metals, thanks to industrialization, are 1000 times higher than
in any previous century in many areas.
In addition, over 10,000 toxic chemicals have found their way into our
air, water and food supplies. We
also contact them through our skin on a daily basis.
addition, the advent of atomic bombs and nuclear power plants has added a
tremendous amount of ionizing radioactive particles that float through the air
and water, and find their way into the food supply as well.
addition, the advent of cell phone technology, along with large-screen
televisions and computers, has added a large amount of toxic electromagnetic
fields to the atmosphere of many nations on earth.
this reason, the topic of detoxification is far more important today than it
was 100 years ago, for example, when so-called modern medicine was
established. While bacteria and
viruses are still very important, conventional medical care is far behind
nutritional balancing and other healing modalities that recognize and regularly
deal with the 21st century problem of metal and chemical toxicity.
system problems.
Conventional medical methods of healing, and even holistic and naturopathic
methods of healing, are not solving some of the disease
crises of our time such as cancer, heart disease, diabetes, autism, attention
deficit disorders, birth defects, infections and other problems.
are not designed for the current toxic situation with the bodies. A
focus of this article is to address these concerns with some newer approaches
such as nutritional balancing science.
order to understand the need for detoxification, and what it requires, one
needs to know about toxins. So
this short section introduces toxins and toxicity.
of toxins. In our
bodies, toxins can be of at least five categories. This may seem to be nitpicking, but all of them are
important in nutritional balancing
1. Anything that does not belong in the body. These include obvious poisons. However, sometimes these are not
exactly what one may imagine, as explained below.
2. Less
preferred minerals. Toxins may also include “inferior” or less preferred minerals
that the body can use when no better materials are available.
example, if the body does not have enough zinc, because the diet is deficient
in zinc, the body can sometimes use other minerals in its enzymes and proteins
instead of zinc.
One of these is cadmium.
This mineral is located just below zinc on the periodic table of the
elements. This means it “looks”
very much like zinc in its outer electron shell. For this reason, it can sometimes substitute for zinc in
certain enzyme binding sites.
An analogy. A
good analogy is to imagine a car factory that must produce 1000 cars per
day. They order all the parts, and
they hope they all arrive on time.
However, sometimes the “factory original” parts are not available.
this case, since the factory must produce the cars (just as our bodies must
produce its chemicals), the factory workers call upon other suppliers and tell
them “Send us your parts, even though they are somewhat inferior”. This is what happens in our bodies
commonly, because most people do not eat properly!
3. Less-preferred
mineral compounds. Another type of toxins are inferior or
less-preferred compounds. These contain the right mineral such as
zinc, but it is in a different compound or molecule.
example, this toxic situation definitely occurs with magnesium. The body can use a magnesium chloride,
for example, but is it not ideal.
Some magnesium acetates are superior and less toxic.
example is a group of minerals we call the “amigos”. The group includes iron, manganese, copper, boron, and
chromium. The amigos are oxide
forms of these minerals. They are
not the best forms of the minerals for our bodies, but in the face of
deficiencies of better forms of the minerals, the body will use them. For details about them, read The Amigos – Iron, Manganese and Aluminum.
4. Too much of a
good thing. Toxicity can also
have to do with the amount of a mineral, vitamin or other substance, even the best of
them. For example, we find that
meat such as lamb or wild game is an excellent food. However, eating too much causes too much acidity and gives
the body too much iron.
“Older” versus “newer” minerals. This is an unusual concept. However, as bodies develop, a very important idea in nutritional balancing
science, they must eliminate certain minerals and substitute others that we
call the “newer” ones. We promote
this process with the diet and with nutritional supplements.
example, older minerals include most of the toxic metals with which everyone is
born today. These include mercury,
cadmium, aluminum and others. For
development to occur, these need to be replaced with more zinc, selenium,
silicon, lithium, iodine and others.
a rule, the “newer” minerals have a lower molecular weight, but not
necessarily. Two older minerals
that are highly toxic, for example, are aluminum and beryllium, both of which
are lighter-weight minerals.
may be naturally-occurring or man-made. They may come from outside the body (environmental
toxins) or may be generated within (autointoxicants).
explained above, they may include simple poisons, but they may also be nutrient
substances that are simply present in excessive amounts. They may be vital minerals, for
example, that are compounded in ways that they are now poisonous.
too much water, or the wrong type of drinking water, can become a poison in the
substances. Toxins can be:
1. Chemical elements. These include the toxic metals and other toxic elements such
as chlorine, fluoride, bromine and many others. For details, read Toxic Metals
on this site.
2. Chemical
compounds. Thousands of toxic chemicals
exist. Some are naturally-occurring. Some are made inside our bodies. This phenomenon is important and
discussed below in the section entitled Autointoxication.
Others are man-made industrial chemicals
such as solvents, sealants, paints, adhesives, lubricants, pesticides, and
others. For more about them, read Toxic Chemicals on this site.
3. Living or
biological toxins. These include bacteria, molds, yeasts,
fungi, viruses, parasites, and cancer cells.
4. Entities
or discarnate souls. These are unusual, but very real. They are souls who are no longer in
living bodies. They can enter
another body or energy field and cause many problems for a person.
Electrical toxins. These include stray electromagnetic
fields from cell phones, cell phone towers, computers, television sets and other
6. Mental and
emotional toxins. Harmful beliefs, and negative
attitudes and emotions can be as deadly as any virus or bacteria. Harmful beliefs include selfishness,
negativity, elitism, fixations, hatred for anyone or anything, and even
excessive seriousness.
emotions include uncontrolled anger, lust, greed, resentment, anxiety, and
severe depression.
and other suble toxins. The earth generates magnetic fields,
geopathic fields, and other subtle energetic toxins, at times.
Etheric Toxins. These are very subtle, very fine, high-frequency energies that are finer than electromagnetic
radiations and therefore hard to detect.
They emanate from people, from the earth, and from outer space.
can play an important role in human relationships,
marriages and sexual relationships and can make a lot of difference as to
whether one is happy or not in a male-female relationship, in particular.
toxins are also generated by certain energy weapons that, when directed to a
person, can make a person ill or even kill a person at a distance. This topic is explored more in the
article entitled Psychotronics on this website.
Most children born today have excessive levels
of many toxic metals and many toxic chemicals. This is not an exaggeration. In fact, it is obvious from the hair mineral analyses of
hundreds of babies. The toxic
metal levels are high, even when the baby has never ever touched regular
Congenital toxicity. This condition is called congenital
toxicity. The word congenital means
present at birth, but not caused by defective DNA. Instead, the toxicity is caused by toxins in the mother’s
body that find their way into the unborn baby. Congenital
mineral deficiencies and congenital metal toxicity should become household
words because they are so important and common.
All toxic metals and many toxic chemicals pass
right through the placenta from mother to child during pregnancy. This is a major, and generally ignored,
cause of autism, ADD, birth defects and many cases of delayed development as
need assistance. All teenagers,
especially girls, would be very wise to start a nutritional balancing program before becoming
pregnant. If that is not
possible, then at least begin a program once you become pregnant.
would help replenish hundreds of nutrient compounds and reduce the body’s load
of toxic metals and toxic chemicals greatly. This can undoubtedly help prevent birth defects, as well as
make childbirth safer and reduce illnesses in their children.
prenatal care. Thus far, in all cases, when a pregnant mother follows
a nutritional balancing program carefully, compared to their previous
pregnancies, the pregnancies and the births have been easier, and the health of
the babies far better than that of their previous children.
hope that our prenatal care system will change, as it is one of the worst
features of “modern” medical care.
It is simply too little, too late.
It is just not enough to make sure a woman does not have diabetes or
some other serious disease and then to hand her a
simple diet sheet and a pre-natal vitamin that is often not correct for her
metabolic type.
care needs to begin earlier than when a woman becomes pregnant. It takes several years to remove dozens
of toxic metals and toxic chemicals from her body.
contrast, teenage girls and young women are allowed and often encouraged by the
media and even parents and friends to:
* Eat junk foods that contain
toxic chemical additives.
* Indulge in other toxic habits
such as smoking, drinking coffee and drinking alcohol.
* Take dangerous medical drugs
such as birth control pills, the patch and others.
* Adopt loose morals that cause
sexually transmitted diseases in at least 25% of young women between the ages
of 16 and 25. These are biological toxins that always
damage one’s health. For more
details, please read Prenatal Care on this
addition to exposure to toxins and congenital toxicity, certain imbalances in
the body predispose one to becoming much more toxic. These include:
1. A sluggish
oxidation rate.
2. A very fast
oxidation rate.
3. A low
sodium/potassium ratio.
4. Sympathetic
5. Four lows
6. Aging or low
etheric energy.
7. Impaired
digestion or absorption of nutrients.
8. Other problems
with the liver, kidneys, bowel or skin (the eliminative organs).
details about these imbalances are discussed in the section of this article
entitled Assessing Toxicity.
This is toxicity produced within the body. All bodies produce some toxins due to digestion of food. However, there are numerous reasons for endogenous toxicity or autointoxication.
1. Normal metabolism. This produces some toxic
chemicals such as carbon dioxide from energy production, and lactic acid in the
muscles. The body also naturally
produces ammonia and a number of other toxins.
2. Digestion. Digestion always produces some toxins. Some of these are fermentation products such as alcohol, methane gas, acetaldeyde and a number of others. Those with the best digestion produce less, but still produce some of them.
Rotting or putrefaction of protein also
produces some toxins in everyone.
With a proper diet and healthy digestion, less is produced, but always a
little. Parasites in the intestines of some people also produce powerful toxins.
To minimize toxin production in the
intestines, separate meals by 5 hours, do not snack, do not overeat, do not
drink with meals, go to bed early, and do not eat in the middle of the
night. Also, always have relaxed,
sit-down meals with pleasant conversation only. This will minimize toxicity that occurs due to digestion.
3. Toxins produced
when healing occurs. Whenever
healing occurs, diseased tissue and perhaps tumors are broken down by the
action of macrophages and enzymes such as lysozymes. Usually, the body handles these
well but they can be a problem, in a few cases.
4. Infections. All of these produce some endo-toxins and exo-toxins when they die. Some are extremely powerful and poison the liver, kidneys, heart and other organs.
of the worst sources of infection are infected root
canal-filled teeth. Almost all of
these produce very harmful bacterial toxins. You may not be aware of it at all! This is the reason why I never suggest having a root canal
procedure, and I suggest removing all root canal-filled teeth.
many other bacteria, viral and parasitic infections anywhere in the body are
also sources of toxins.
cells, of which most people have some, also produce toxins inside the
body. If their numbers are small,
they are not too important. As the
number of these cells increase, the effect of their toxins increases
These toxins are a common cause of liver toxicity today. They also often cause foul-smelling
stool or gas, intestinal bloating, bad body odors, bad breath, fatigue,
headaches, weakness, and many other symptoms of toxicity.
just assume that the large intestine or colon must always be a smelly cesspool
of toxic waste matter. This is not
true. The stool can be more like
horse manure, which smells but is not overly unpleasant.
reasons why the colon is usually a person’s most toxic organ are improper diet,
poor digestion, improper intestinal flora and infections in the intestinal
tract, stress, ignoring the call of nature, and constipation.
usually take a few years to correct on a nutritional balancing program, even
with the help of coffee enemas, foot reflexology, and red heat lamp therapy on
the abdomen. However, when, the
colon is no longer a source of toxicity, and bowel movements and body odor
The concept that toxic substances cause disease is very ancient. It is mentioned in Greek and Roman medical texts, and even older writings as well. Ancient Chinese medical books speak of ‘harmful chi’ and contain other references to toxins that cause illness.
healing methods such as nature-cure have emphasized toxin removal for thousands
of years. Baths, enemas,
poultices, emetics, laxatives, purgatives, skin brushing, cleansing diets,
sweating and other methods for eliminating poisons are integral parts of these
or allopathic medical care emphasizes biological toxins such as bacteria and viruses
as causes of disease. However,
they overlook and often deride the broader concept of toxins and their role in
all illness. Unfortunately, many
of their remedies and procedures, including drugs and surgery, are very toxic
themselves. As a result, they
contribute to ill health by making the bodies even more toxic.
balancing strongly emphasizes this cause of disease and advises people eat pure
food, drink pure water, and breathe pure air. In addition, detoxification of the body is given great
toxicity of the body tissues is a very important cause of aging. In some cases, it is a primary
cause. In others, toxicity is
secondary to low etheric energy in the body, or to something else such as
infections or a disease such as cancer.
hope that toxicity will be given more attention in the medical world as a
primary cause of aging in plants, humans and animals in the years to come.
concept of detoxification is that poisons that get into the body cause its
dysfunctions. Removing those
toxins will help restore the ‘body machine’ to a better state of
functionality. This is similar to
the way one maintains an automobile or other complex machine.
This philosophy tends to be preventive because it logically follows that
to avoid problems in the body, one should avoid getting toxins inside the
body. This can be done through
one’s diet, drinking water, air one breathes, and avoiding contact with toxic substances.
important cause of poor detoxification is excessive activation of the
sympathetic or fight-or-flight branch of the autonomic nervous system. This severely reduce
detoxification in the body. Here
is what occurs:
Activation of the sympathetic nervous system causes blood and nerve energy to
be shunted away from the liver, kidneys, bowel, and skin.
Blood is moved toward the brain and the muscles so that one can better
fight or run away.
2. The
liver, kidneys, bowel and skin are the eliminative organs. As
a result, they do not function as well when there is activation of the
sympathetic nervous system.
3. The
effect on these organs is quite pronounced and profound.
4. Even worse,
in many people and some animals on earth, the sympathetic nervous system is
activated most of the time. This is a serious health problem that
causes anxiety, depression, and even diseases such as cancer.
give this condition two names in nutritional balancing
science, depending upon the oxidation rate:
A. A
sympathetic state of body chemistry. This is the same as fast
oxidation. It means that the
entire body is stuck in a fight-or-flight mode of operation.
Sympathetic dominance. This is a more chronic imbalance of the
autonomic nervous system found in some slow oxidizers.
An analogy.
These imbalances are somewhat like having everyone in a nation preparing
for war and training in the army.
As a result, there are not enough people available to collect the
garbage, so the trash builds up!
other words, the parasympathetic
branch of the autonomic nervous system is the clean up branch whose
activity is required for proper detoxification. For more details, read Fast Oxidation and Sympathetic
Dominance on this site.
balancing is one of the few healing sciences that addresses
these nervous system problems that are directly responsible for many illnesses
related to toxicity.
often overlook this critical idea.
A healthy, high-energy, balanced body detoxifies itself all the time,
and does so with ease. Sick bodies
cannot detoxify properly because they are low in adaptive energy. This is the reason why babies often
have high fevers, eczema, and colds.
These are often symptoms of the elimination of toxins from the body.
have fewer of these, but not because they are healthier. They have fewer because they have lower
energy levels, and therefore they do not detoxify as well.
Analogy: A clogged toilet. When clients begin a nutritional balancing program, their
adaptive energy level is often low.
As a result, detoxification proceeds slowly. This is similar to having a clogged or poorly-functioning
toilet. It just does not flush
well. As one’s energy improves due
to balancing body chemistry, detoxification proceeds much faster.
methods of detoxification are either more yang in nature or more yin. This is a vital topic, although it is
not commonly discussed.
Yang methods heat the body, and may compress or contract
the body. They may also have a
drying effect on the body and may activate the body in order to remove toxins.
are diets with cooked food, kelp, sea salt, bone broth, some meats
and eggs, a small amount of grains, and no fruits, or sweets. One must also limit juices, alcohol and
almost all herbs.
Fever, thermotherapy, or heating up the body is a
wonderful yang method for cleansing the body. It has been used for thousands of years to rid the body of
infections. The reason
1. Many
bacteria, viruses, fungi and parasites and cancer cells are heat-sensitive. They are more delicate than good tissue,
and do not survive when the body temperature goes up.
2. Raising the body temperature even one or two
degrees increases the white blood cell count. This means it activates certain parts of the immune
methods of raising the body temperature are the use of a very hot bath, along
with one or two cups of ginger or cayenne tea, and wrapping oneself in blankets
after the hot bath. This will
usually get rid of a cold in one afternoon. Some cancer clinics use heat therapy to reduce tumors in
which they raise the body temperature very high. This must be carefully supervised.
examples are the use of saunas, especially the red heat lamp sauna. This raises the body temperature
several degrees, in addition to having many other benefits for detoxification.
more yang methods are yang herbs such as coffee, rubbing the feet
(reflexology), and the Pushing Down exercise. All of these are part of all nutritional balancing programs. Chiropractic tends to be more yang, as well.
Yin methods cool the body and may expand the body. They tend to relax the body and often
flush it with water.
of yin detoxification methods are vegetarian diets, “cleansing” diets with a
lot of raw food, fruit, and juices, and little cooked food. They also include chelation,
homeopathy, baths, clay treatments, relaxation exercises, and most vitamin and
herbal therapies. They
particularly include high-dose vitamin regimens, IV vitamins, vitamin C therapy,
and the use of powders, smoothies and shakes. Acupuncture tends to be yin, as well.
Why is the
idea of yin and yang important? The reasons are:
* The balance between the complementary opposite forces of yin and yang
are most helpful to maintain and achieve health. They are also important to promote the fastest, safest and
most effective detoxification.
* Today, almost all bodies are too yin, in our experience. This is due to our diets, toxic
metals and toxic chemicals in the environment, medical drugs and vaccines,
recreational drug use in some cases, radiation poisoning, electromagnetic
toxins all around us, and because we are born this way due to toxicity of our
mother’s bodies.
* Therefore, we find that using yang detoxification methods work much
better and are much safer than yin methods because they also tend to balance
the body better.
this reason, herbal methods are not as safe or effective today as they were 100
years ago when brilliant people such as Jethro Kloss, author of Back To Eden, wrote about them.
therapy, bio-identical hormone therapy, some hyperbaric oxygen therapy and many
others are also more yin as well. It means there will often be side
effects from them, even if they are not obvious. For more on this topic, read Yin And
Yang Healing.
is a somewhat esoteric topic, but a very important one. Some toxic metals are just occupying
space in a body compartment or organ and need to be removed. However, many toxic metals are lodged
in enzyme binding sites where they actually perform a function, albeit poorly.
the latter always requires replacing them with more modern, more physiological
and what I call preferred minerals.
This is sometimes called the concept of preferred minerals. It means that many enzymes and other
body systems will function, to a degree, using toxic metals in critical enzyme
binding sites. However, some
minerals in these sites are preferred, and function much better.
example, zinc, selenium, chromium, magnesium and manganese are among the most
preferred minerals in enzyme binding sites. Less preferred minerals might include lead, cadmium, nickel
and aluminum.
implication of this concept is that one must never simply attempt to “pull out”
toxic metals using powerful methods such as chelation. This tends not to work that well.
must always attempt to assess which preferred minerals are needed, and to
supply them in bioavailable forms.
This is not always easy.
administering a general mineral supplement, or adding minerals to an IV bottle
containing a chelating agent is not sufficient in most cases. It is not exact enough, and usually
does not contain the required amount and type of minerals needed.
is the truth, although most people do not realize it or they would be much more
careful with medical drugs, toxic chemicals and everything else they touch or
ingest. Toxins that are easily
retained include all prescription, over-the-counter and recreational drugs, along with most toxic chemicals such as
anesthesia drugs, recreational drugs, pesticides, solvents and others.
toxins that remain in the body for years are mercury from amalgam dental
fillings, aluminum from anti-perspirants or anti-acid use, and nickel from
eating hydrogenated oils found in commercial peanut butter and margarine. Others are cadmium from cigarette or
marijuana use, manganese from breathing auto exhaust, and many others.
a parent’s cigarette smoke (contains cadmium and other toxic metals) and residues
from contaminated work clothing are stored in the body for 20 or more years,
especially if a person’s health is impaired, as is often the case.
undertaking a nutritional balancing program, medications and other toxins from
long ago will be eliminated. One
may smell or taste them, or even experience their pharmacologic or toxic
effects to a slight degree. This
happens, at times, because, when liberated from storage tissues, they circulate
in the blood a short while until they are excreted through the urine, bile or
other routes.
can give rise to odd symptoms. For
example, one may suddenly smell cigarettes, even though one has not been
exposed to nicotine for years. One
may experience a caffeine-like rush if a stimulant drug is released, or feel
extremely tired if a sedative is released.
phenomenon is called retracing or purification reactions.
of the most interesting phenomena to do with detoxification is called
retracing, healing reactions, purification reactions, or flare-ups.
are symptoms that occur as one eliminates toxic substances from the body. Symptoms can be most anything such as
rashes, headaches, upset stomach, runny nose, diarrhea, constipation and many
others. Most symptoms are benign
and go away on their own. However,
they can be annoying and occasionally scary.
can also mimic diseases, which confuses our clients and often confuses their
doctors. They often cause blood
and other tests to be skewed, which also confuses doctors and their patients. This critical topic is discussed in the
article entitled Retracing And Healing Reactions.
organs of the body are called the eliminative organs. These are the large intestine, liver, kidneys, lungs and skin. While the idea of eliminative organs is
very important, in fact the entire body is concerned with detoxification.
cell must continuously eliminate toxins in order to function properly. Its ability to do this depends on how
much adaptive energy the cell has, the condition of the cell membrane, the
condition of other cell structures.
circulatory and lymphatic systems play indispensable roles to carry waste
products from the cells to the eliminative organs.
such as the thyroid, adrenals, and others must also function well as regulators
of the eliminative organs.
autonomic nervous system also plays a critical role. The parasympathetic nervous system enhances the activity of
the eliminative organs. In contrast,
all sympathetic nervous system activity, which is often very exaggerated today,
diminishes the activity of the eliminative organs.
Fortunately, our bodies have over 100 methods for handling toxins. In addition to the organs discussed in the section above, they include the tears, ears, nasal secretions, lung or bronchial mucus, vaginal mucosa, and menstrual blood.
The body occasionally also encapsulates poisons in benign tumors or swellings, in polyps in the small or large intestines or the sinuses, and in kidney or liver cysts. Methods the body uses in the blood include encouraging phagocytosis by macrophages, destruction by lysozymes, chelation of metals, use of fever, and other means. Some of these are discussed in more detail below.
is actually a complex process. It
always involves a series of steps:
Step 1.
Dislodging toxins from the tissues. Toxins are often stored or sequestered
deep in body organs and tissues.
The first step in detoxification is to dislodge, mobilize or remove
toxins from storage sites.
is often not easy. Some toxins are
encapsulated, such as chronic infections.
Some are deeply hidden in the brain, for example. Some not close to a major blood vessel
or lymph vessel needed to carry them away. Others are tightly bound to tissue structures. In fact, many are part of tissue
structures such as connective tissue, enzymes, and other chemicals.
toxins are also extremely dangerous for the body, and must be handled with
great care. These come out very
slowly, and may require chemical transformation so they will not damage the
body too much if they are placed in the blood stream.
Occasionally, the body will prefer to move them into a cyst or capsule,
rather than risk putting them into the blood stream. This can be mistaken for a cancerous tumor, when it is
really just an effort of the body to dispose of very poisonous substances.
example, the kidneys often form cysts filled with toxins to move the toxins out
of the way where they will not do damage to the body. This is not a “disease”, but a method of detoxification.
step requires plenty of adaptive energy.
It also may require the presence of nutrients such as more preferred
minerals to replace some toxic material.
It may also require macrophages, lysozymes or other specialized cells
that can help dislodge the toxins.
Step 2. Once dislodged, toxins must be moved
into the bloodstream or lymph channels.
is needed to transport toxins to the eliminative organs for final removal. This is often not an easy step. The reasons are that many people have
impaired circulation and impaired hydration. This directly impairs the body’s ability to move toxins
around the body.
most people’s diets are low in omega-3 fatty acids. This interferes with the integrity and permeability of the
cell membranes. Some people also
have hardened arteries and veins that impair transport of toxins.
that can help with this stage are improving circulation, hydration, and
oxygenation of the body. For
example, near infrared heat lamp sauna therapy is wonderful to assist
circulation. Some exercise is also helpful.
Plenty of rest helps all the steps by conserving energy for healing and
detoxification that would otherwise be used up in other activities. I cannot emphasize how important this
is for detoxification.
is one reason our clients often feel tired, and need to rest more. Their bodies want to detoxify and it
requires energy to do this.
Step 3.
Moving toxins out of the blood and lymph and into the eliminative organs.
is a rather amazing step. The body
has 5 or more eliminative channels.
It must decide which one to use for each type of toxin in the body.
For example, the liver handles hundreds of types of toxins. It has dozens of methods of altering
and breaking down various types of toxins so they can be safely excreted from
the body through the blood or in the bile, which flows from the liver into the
digestive tract and finally leaves the body with the feces.
The kidneys handle other types of toxins. They are amazing filtering systems that remove dozens of
poisons through the urine.
The skin is the largest detoxification organ. Unfortunately, in most people it is congested and not too
active. This is due to wearing
tight clothing, and the use of soaps, lotions, creams and other products that
clog up the skin.
imbalance. Inactive skin is also due to
overactivity of the sympathetic nervous system. When the sympathetic nervous system is chronically
activated, it reduces circulation and thus elimination through the skin. This very important and common
autonomic nervous system imbalance is discussed later in this article. Some
toxins are moved to the skin and come out through the oil glands and sweat
glands in the skin. At times,
toxins are removed through the skin by an eruption or rash. These can be unsightly, but this is an
excellent way to safely remove some toxins from the body.
example, silver, a toxic metal, comes out this way and causes a bluish tinge to
the skin. Copper often causes
rashes on the face, chest, back and abdomen.
Lungs. Some
toxins are “blown off” as gases.
The lungs take of these.
When operational, which is usually only up to the age of about 30 to 40,
these specialized lymph glands in the abdomen move toxins directly from the
lymph channels into the small intestine for final removal. This bypasses the liver, which may not
be able to handle certain chemical toxins.
elimination from the blood to the colon. We have observed other unusual
detoxification of the blood in which some toxins are moved directly from the
blood to the large intestine for final removal.
times, toxins may first go to the liver where they are chemically altered by
such processes as methylation and others.
Then they may pass out of the liver and move to to the kidneys or skin
for final removal. In other words,
more than one eliminative organ may be involved with just one type of toxin.
eliminative organs also help each other in other ways. In many people, especially as they age
or become less healthy, one or another of the eliminative organs becomes
weakened. In this case, another
eliminative organ can take over its job, at least to some extent. If this did not occur, many people
would die much younger.
methods that are most helpful for this step of detoxification include all
methods that nourish, restore, cleanse or otherwise support the eliminative
organs. These include proper diet,
plenty of rest, and drinking enough good quality water that hydrates the body.
methods are procedures such as skin brushing, coffee enemas, sauna therapy, chiropractic and perhaps massage. The Pushign Down Exercise recommended on this website helps
every aspect of detoxification and is extremely beneficial. Foot reflexology is also amazing, at
times, to keep subtle energy flowing through the body and to remove toxins.
helpful are supplementary nutrients such as kidney glandular product and
trimethylglycine to supply methyl groups.
Rarely, we use herbs such as garlic, milk thistle and dandelion. However, most herbs are somewhat toxic
and are not helpful for this reason.
I very rarely recommend baths because they are too yin. One must not take more than two baths
weekly at the most.
Step 4. Final elimination through the urine, feces, skin, and lungs.
This step has mainly to do with one’s lifestyle. It is important to avoid constipation,
and to breathe deeply and drink enough water every day.
very important is to maintain the health of the skin by avoiding contact with
toxic chemicals. Beware of toxic
body care products, even those sold at health food stores. These include soaps, shampoos, lotions,
hair dyes, makeup, and other body care products that can poison or congest the
you can see, this is not a simple process. This is the reason that anyone who claims to detoxify the
body in a few weeks or a few months, or even in few years does not understand
detoxification well, or is just lying.
Understanding that toxins cause disease
leads many people to undertake various detoxification regimens to heal
themselves. While helpful in
theory, I find this harmful in almost all cases. Here is why:
They are not needed if one follows a nutritional balancing program.
Most of them involve deficient and unbalanced diets such as vegetarian diets or
raw food regimens.
Some involve fasting. I find this
is definitely dangerous today because the bodies are so nutritionally deficient
Some detoxification regimens also involve toxic methods such as the ionic foot baths, clay baths if done often, too many water baths,
which is very yin, and the use of herbs that are somewhat toxic.
Some methods involve chelators, which are also somewhat toxic and which always
deplete some vital minerals along with the toxic metals. For more on this,
read Chelation Therapy, Cleanses
and Fasting, and Detoxification
Protocols on this site.
the above can easily throw the body further out of balance and deplete it
nutritionally, no matter what other benefits they provide. Please beware of these problems today.
contrast, a properly designed nutritional balancing program will remove all of
the toxic metals, thousands of toxic chemicals, all biological toxins
eventually, and much more. It will
do this faster than any other method I am aware of, in a gentler, safer way
than other methods.
this reason, I do not recommend ANY cleansing diets or detoxification regimens
at this time.
idea that toxins cause disease is a critical one. However, I find it must be combined with other concepts of disease
or a person will be misled. For
example, low adaptive energy causes disease and is probably even more
important, at times. Without
enough adaptive energy one cannot eliminate the toxins.
An unbalanced body chemistry also causes disease and death
in all cases. Unless the body is
balanced properly, once again it is impossible to remove toxins properly and
adequately. The balance of the
body chemistry is complex, and involves mineral levels at the cellular level,
yin and yang, mineral ratios, and more.
balancing is one of the few modern biochemical sciences that addresses
this balance in a delicate and precise way. So while the idea that toxins cause disease is an important
one, it is not sufficient of itself to understanding how our bodies work, in my
important concept in regard to detoxification is that some toxins in the body
may be “layered”. This means there
can be some mercury, and a little deeper is a chronic infection, and a little
deeper is some cadmium, and a little deeper is more mercury, and so on.
know this because, as an experiment, I have tried removing specific chronic
infections with various methods.
It has not worked well. It
seems like the one must “work through the layers” to remove deeper toxicity.
is one reason that nutritional balancing does not force toxins out of the body
with chelators, for example.
Instead, nutritional balancing programs mainly support and renourish the
body. Then the body decides in
what order to remove toxins, when, and how fast.
is a major difference between nutritional balancing and other detoxification
programs that are aimed at mercury, for example, or perhaps cadmium. Their approach might be called allopathic. By this I simply mean that one
identifies a toxin, and then gives a remedy for it. With a nutritional balancing program, one rarely needs to
identify which toxin is present, and no specific remedies are required or used. Also, the body decides the speed and
timing of the removal of all toxins.
of the key advantages of nutritional balancing is its ability to safely,
comfortably, inexpensively and often quite easily eliminate most, if not all,
toxic metals, toxic chemicals, radioactive particles and biological toxins.
addition, mental and emotional toxins, and psychological traumas of many kinds,
are slowly brought up to the surface of the mind for processing and elimination
as well.
used. Nutritional balancing makes use of
about 15 methods in a coordinated way to detoxify the body. These include:
1. Reduce toxic exposures. This is done via a healthful diet, proper drinking water and
a healthful lifestyle.
2. Increase adaptive energy.
This comes from balancing the oxidation rate and the major mineral
levels and ratios. It makes far
more energy available for detoxification and healing. It is a key difference between nutritional balancing and
most other approaches to detoxification.
3. Increase rest and sleep.
This is critical for maximum detoxification.
4. Remove the need for physical
and emotional compensations. Many toxins act as
compensatory mechanisms. For
example, cadmium raises the sodium level.
Also, the “three amigos” (iron, manganese and aluminum, all in
biounavailable form) appear to boost adrenal and perhaps thyroid activity in
slow oxidizers.
the need for these compensations and adaptations is what appears to allow these
toxic minerals and compounds to be removed so easily and quickly. Otherwise, they are very difficult to
remove from the body.
the need for adaptations also helps prevent them from re-accumulating, which
can happen with other methods.
5. Balance the qualities of yin
and yang. Balancing these subtle qualities
strengthens the body and increases the available adaptive energy. This is discussed later in this
6. Balance the autonomic
nervous system. Detoxification
is primarily a parasympathetic activity.
It requires organs that are stimulated by parasympathetic nervous system
activity such as the liver, kidneys, and intestines. Any therapy that promotes parasympathetic activity or
inhibits sympathetic activity will assist detoxification greatly. Methods used with every nutritional
balancing program are:
* A healthful diet free of
* Supplemental calcium,
magnesium, and zinc to help relax the sympathetic nervous system.
* Extreme care to avoid supplements, herbs and other substances that
stimulate the sympathetic nervous system, or that unbalance the body,
increasing tension in the body.
* Sauna therapy, especially when done upon awakening in the morning or
just before bedtime.
* Enemas and colonic irrigation.
* The Pushing Down Mental
* Foot reflexology. This simple technique is very relaxing.
* The Spinal Twist. This procedure will reduce tension and
misalignments of the spine. This
is also very relaxing for the nervous system.
* Removing toxic material from
the body that irritates the central nervous system is very helpful.
For example, iron, manganese, aluminum, copper and other metals, when in
oxide forms, act as irritants that help keep the body in a sympathetic state.
7. Reduce harmful stress of all kinds. Stress interferes with
detoxification for several reasons:
The body must use up a lot of energy adapting to stress
b) stress of any kind activates the
sympathetic nervous system, which impairs detoxification.
c) stress depletes many vital
nutrients such as zinc and magnesium needed for detoxification
d) stress weakens the body greatly,
making detoxification much more difficult.
8. Replace less preferred
minerals with more preferred minerals. This is both a cause and an
effect of detoxification. In order
for detoxification to proceed rapidly and safely, one must replace the less
preferred or toxic minerals in millions of enzymes with more preferred vital
elements such as selenium, chromium, zinc, magnesium and others.
9. Support the eliminative
organs. Nutritional balancing makes use of at least a dozen methods to improve the
activity of the eliminative organs.
These range from improving the diet, drinking the right water and resting
more, to colon cleansing, saunas and other detoxification procedures.
10. Increase the body temperature
to help normalize enzyme activity. Many adults have a low body temperature due to fatigue,
illness or decreased thyroid or adrenal activity. Increasing the oxidation rate and regular use of a near
infrared heat lamp sauna helps normalize this.
11. Deep cleansing of the liver and large intestine with coffee enemas.
12. The use of antagonists. These
are specific nutrients or compounds that oppose or compete with toxic
substances. They antagonize in
various ways:
a) Some compete with toxic metals for
b) Some
antagonists replace the less preferred minerals in enzyme binding sites.
c) Some, such as zinc, safely escort toxic metals out of the body, or in other ways facilitate their removal.
d) Some
replace toxic metals in various tissues, but not enzymes.
e) Antibiotics and antitoxins may be considered
antagonists for bacteria or other toxins.
For infections, however, nutritional balancing uses
safer and often more effective agents such as colloidal silver and bee
13. Clearing emotional and mental
toxins. Emotional blocks and traumas can reduce detoxification as badly as any other
factor. Methods that can help
release them that are part of nutritional balancing programs include reducing
the physical toxin level, enhancing overall vitality, improving memory and
cognition, and what I call personality integration.
14. The right type and amount of
drinking water. This is vital to hydrate the body, and
provide nutrient minerals, as well.
Pure water also helps reduce a person’s intake of toxic chemicals and
we use distilled water for a few days to assist detoxification. Distilled water is often called “hungry
water”. It contains very
few minerals. As a result, it
holds and helps remove from the body many minerals and other toxic
substances. It is not for
long-term use, however, as it will remove many vital minerals, not just toxic
15. Uncovering layers of toxins.
Many toxins are buried deeply within body organs. Nutritional balancing slowly brings up the
layers to be uncovered over a period of several years or more. I know of no other method that can
uncover and remove these deeper layers of toxicity.
allopathic concept of identifying a single toxic metal as the cause for a
symptom is only partially effective, in my experience. In fact, everyone has most toxic metals
in their bodies. In addition, they
are layered and often the deeper deposits will not be revealed on any tests,
even hair tests, until they begin to be uncovered.
16. Eliminate many
chronic infections. Infections produce powerful toxins and they use up the body’s vitality in
fighting them. Eliminating
infections thus frees up a lot of adaptive energy for detoxification. Methods used to eliminate them include:
* Heating the body with saunas or
hot baths. Many infectious
organisms are sensitive to heat.
* Balancing the body chemistry to
enhance adaptive energy.
* Removing toxic metals and
replenishing missing vital nutrients.
*Coffee enemas are very helpful
to get rid of some infections.
* Improving the sodium/potassium
ratio, in particular, along with other mineral imbalances.
* Improving circulation,
oxygenation and hydration.
* Healing emotional traumas and other
issues that weaken the immune response.
* At times, using specific
anti-microbial agents such as colloidal silver, bee propolis, vitamin A, or
rarely others.
17. Parasite cleansing. Some people have intestinal parasites
that can produce toxic substances in the intestines. They also interfere with proper digestion and absorption of
nutrients. These are all slowly
eliminated on a nutritional balancing program. Methods used to eliminate them with nutritional balancing
* Ox bile and pancreatic enzymes
in the digestive aid we use weaken and even digest many parasites.
* Daily use of a near infrared
lamp sauna enhances circulation and raises the body temperature.
This weakens some parasites.
* Coffee enemas can dislodge many
* Increasing the vitality of the
body by balancing the oxidation rate and replenishing many minerals and
vitamins helps greatly to make the body less hospitable to all parasitic
18. Other
therapies when needed.
Nutritional balancing is not intended as a complete healing system, and
I do not know of any such system.
All healing arts have their place.
Methods such as bodywork, chiropractic, and biofeedback may all assist
detoxification, at times.
a person may require a medical drug for sleep or for something else until the
body can heal enough that it is not needed. However, the toxicity of drugs, surgery and other medical
methods make them unsuitable for a healing method that emphasizes
detoxification. The
only except is if all of the more natural and less toxic methods have been
exhausted and are not sufficient.
doctors and health authorities recommend many other methods of detoxification. These include fasting, special diets,
baths, clay packs, herbs, and others.
separate article on this site discusses many methods of detoxification. It is divided into methods we like,
methods that are okay but not as good, and methods to avoid. The article is Detoxification Protocols.
The methods below are always used together
in nutritional balancing program, in an integrated combination, to remove all
toxic metals and hundreds of toxic chemicals, as well, from the body. Full documentation as to why these
methods work and how to use them is found in numerous other articles on this
Increase the amount of rest and sleep greatly.
Extra rest and sleep is critical for any detoxification program for
several reasons:
Detoxification takes place mostly when we are resting or sleeping. During the day when one is active, the body is mainly focused on
the daily activities, not on eliminating poisons from the body.
Rest and sleep reduce sympathetic nervous system activity.
This is so important it is listed separately as a powerful method to
enhance detoxification of all chemicals, metals and other types of poisons.
c) Resting and sleeping more conserves the
body’s energy for healing. Most
people use up too much energy in their daily activities. This slows progress tremendously.
d) The essential organs and glands, such
as the adrenals, thyroid, liver, kidneys and others rebuild best when rested.
e) Sleep allows mental and emotional
processing to occur. This reduces
stress, which helps release toxic metals.
Many people live in continual stress because they do not process each
day’s events and traumas enough at night due to not enough resting time.
Inhibit the sympathetic nervous system.
This is
another key to our programs.
Sympathetic nervous system activity reduces the elimination of all
toxins from the body. This is well
known in medicine.
The liver, kidneys, bowel, skin even the lungs are all associated with the
parasympathetic nervous system.
They are also important organs of elimination. Sympathetic nervous system activity inhibits these
activities powerfully. One can
reduce sympathetic activity in at least six ways:
a) As mentioned above, get a lot more rest
and sleep. This is a primary
method of reducing sympathetic nervous system activity.
b) Diet is important needs to be as
nourishing and non-stimulatory as possible. Lots of cooked vegetables provide the most minerals
The diet also needs to minimize chemical
additives and other toxins. One
should also
limit caffeine, sugar, wheat, most beef, and other stimulating,
irritating, allergic or sensitive foods in the diet.
c) Supplements used in nutritional
balancing programs are carefully chosen to have a parasympathetic effect. This means strictly limiting all
stimulating products, including many herbs, as well.
d) The lifestyle must be restful in
general. This can have a big
influence on the nervous system, even if one sleeps enough. It includes one’s activities,
relationships, job or career, thoughts and emotions.
e) The Pushing Down
Exercise is very helpful to reduce sympathetic nervous system
activity. Regular prayer, certain
affirmations, and always watching one’s “mental diet” can be critical to reduce
fear, anger and negativity. Too
much that is on the television, the news and other information sources is harmful to the body’s delicate nervous system.
f) Other ways to reduce sympathetic
nervous stimulation are to be careful with excessive exercise, reduce cell
phone use, and avoid other radiation sources. Far infrared saunas give off harmful EM fields and should
not be used.
Red heat lamp saunas, however, are excellent
to reduce sympathetic nervous system activity. Reduce noise levels, freeway driving and other more
dangerous or unnerving activities. These and many other simple changes together
can reduce your stress level dramatically.
g) Reducing certain imbalances on a hair
mineral chart also can dramatically lower sympathetic nervous activity. These include, but are not limited to,
balancing a fast oxidation rate, reducing a high Na/K or a high Ca/Mg ratio,
improving zinc, selenium and chromium status and lowering certain toxic metal
3. Eat
an excellent-quality diet of 70-80% cooked vegetables and some animal protein
daily. Avoid all fruits, fruit
juices, sweets, most nuts and seeds and strictly avoid vegetarian and raw food
This diet is the richest in alkaline
reserve minerals that I know of.
The body will absorb and utilize less toxic metals if it receives more
of the preferred
A recent study in the Journal of
Clinical Nutrition measured the mineral content of organic versus commercial
food. Results indicated that food
labeled “organic” that was selected randomly from Chicago food markets had an
average of twice the mineral content of standard supermarket food.
The famed people of Hunza who live to 120
years or longer in excellent health drink glacial runoff that was so
mineral-rich the water was cloudy (see The Wheel of Health by G.T. Wrench, paperback edition, 2009).
mineral-rich foods that are part of the diets we recommend are kelp, sea salt,
and bone broth.
The fiber from cooked vegetables and whole
grains reduces bowel transit time and reduces constipation, which help limit
the absorption of toxic metals.
For much more on diet, please read the Slow
Oxidizer Eating Plan and other articles on diet on this website.
4. Other
dietary considerations. These include;
a) Avoid all restrictive and extreme
diets. These include strict vegan
and vegetarian diets, for example. These are almost always deficient in zinc and
many other essential nutrients.
Read Vegetarian Diets on this
Raw food diets do not work well today
because no one is able to extract enough minerals from raw foods. The minerals are not available because
they are bound up with tough vegetable fibers that we cannot properly digest,
even with a digestive aid. Raw
food is also much too yin for general consumption. Read Raw Foods for more
information about them.
Cooking does not reduce the mineral
content of food and usually makes minerals much more bioavailable by breaking
down fiber. Cooking also
concentrates the food so that one ends up ingesting many more vital minerals.
b) Avoid living on protein powders and
other processed supplements instead of foods. For example, egg or whey protein powder is not a substitute
for eating eggs or fresh goat milk.
The latter are whole foods that are much richer in many minerals. Food supplements are never a substitute
for an excellent diet.
c) Avoid most refined foods such as white sugar, white flour,
table salt and white rice.
These are almost devoid of vital minerals and will cause the body to
absorb and utilize more toxic metals.
Improve the eating habits, attitudes and other aspects of lifestyle. Excellent eating habits include having regular, sit-down
meals in a quiet place. Also, eat
quietly and slowly, and chew thoroughly.
These habits assist nutrient absorption and proper elimination. Poor habits include skipping meals,
snacking all day, eating on the run, and eating the same foods every day wit no
A relaxed and positive outlook greatly facilitates elimination and
healing of all illness. One’s
attitudes can matter greatly as well.
They either relieve stress, or add to it.
I encourage an attitude of gratitude and
avoidance of all victim thinking. This include
thinking that anyone else is a victim, either. Such apparently small changes in one’s thoughts and actions
can have a huge impact on general health and the body’s ability to heal and
eliminate toxic substances. In
contrast, hopelessness and low self-esteem impair elimination. These factors are too
often overlooked by medical and holistic practitioners.
In some cases, other lifestyle patterns
are destructive and must be changed, such as drinking too much alcohol,
recreational drug use, spending time with negative or destructive “friends”,
and other lifestyle issues.
Nutritional supplements. Nutritional supplements called mineral antagonists can help reduce
toxic metals in the body. For
example, kelp is an inexpensive source of iodine that can help remove
fluorides, chlorides and bromides from the body by competing with them for
absorption and for binding sites in the cells of the body.
Kelp also contains alginates that help
bind toxic metals in the intestines so they will be removed. Kelp also contains a wide range of
other vital minerals to body needs to rebuild itself. All act as antagonists to some
degree to the toxic metals.
In addition to kelp, nutritional balancing
programs usually involve supplemental zinc, selenium, calcium, magnesium and
other minerals. Calcium and zinc
are cadmium antagonists. Selenium
and zinc are mercury antagonists, and so on.
In nutritional balancing science, however,
supplements must only be used in a way that does not unbalance the oxidation
rate and the major mineral ratios.
This is a major difference between this method and most other
nutritional methods of healing.
The reason for this is that unbalancing
the major mineral ratios decreases a person’s vitality, which will negate or at
least reduce the effectiveness of the entire program. Also, one must be careful not to use too many supplements. This adds too much yin energy to the
body and can confuse the body.
Also, many supplements subtly negate each other. For example, copper and vitamin C are
definite antagonists. Therefore,
supplementation must be kept simple and clearly follow these and other rules.
Support the eliminative organs.
This greatly facilitates toxic metal
removal. Balancing the mineral levels and ratios on a hair analysis is a
powerful support for the eliminative organs.
In addition, for the liver and bowel, we
always give ox bile and pancreatin.
We sometimes use a kidney support formula to support elimination through
the kidneys.
The procedures such as red heat lamp sauna
therapy, coffee enemas, foot reflexology and the Pushing Down Exercise also
support the eliminative organs.
General nutritional support. In addition to the
above, nutritional balancing programs always include general nutritional
support such as vitamin D, omega-3 fatty acids and other nutrients. Food alone does not provide enough of
these to replenish our demineralized bodies.
Improve adaptive energy. Increasing the
amount of energy available to the body cells is a great key to toxic metal and
toxic chemical elimination. The body must produce plenty of biochemical energy
in order to eliminate toxins. This is sometimes overlooked by
physicians, even holistic ones.
Balance the oxidation rate. The primary way to enhance adaptive energy using nutritional
balancing science involves a properly performed and properly interpreted hair
mineral analysis. With it, one can
identify the oxidation type and the oxidation rate.
One can then use foods, lifestyle, diet
and other methods to balance the oxidation rate. This gentle balancing
procedure, done in all nutritional balancing programs, greatly enhances the
body's ability to eliminate toxic metals.
For more on this topic, read Fast,
Slow and Mixed Oxidation.
One must also avoid any supplement or
procedure to remove toxins that upsets the oxidation rate. I teach this science to anyone who is
interested. Click on the link, Training, for
more information about learning this method.
Reduce exposure to toxic substances as much as possible.
This includes exposures in foods, such as pesticide residues on foods,
and chemical additives in foods.
It includes pure water, if possible. However, I differ from some health
authorities on this issue. The
only water I recommend is either spring water or carbon-only filtered tap
water. To understand why,
read Water For Drinking.
I also suggest reducing the toxins one
acquires by contact. This includes
soaps, lotions, cosmetics, creams and all skin products. It also includes dental amalgam removal,
except in the case of active cancer, which can be made worse by amalgam
removal. Wait until the cancer is
under control before doing this and preferably be on a nutritional balancing
program to help reduce the side effects of amalgam removal.
Some people also need to reduce
occupational exposure to toxic metals.
Improve circulation, oxygenation and hydration.
This is done with
sauna therapy, deep breathing, the correct type and amount of drinking water,
mild exercise (more is not needed and just wastes energy), and improving
general health. Also, inhibiting
the sympathetic nervous system assists with circulation.
Balancing yin and yang qualities in the body, and in one’s life, in general.
The concept of balance between opposite forces is one of the most
ancient teachings on planet earth.
I find it is also critical for detoxification of heavy metals. For more, read Yin and Yang Healing on this website.
Distilled water, on occasion, but only during healing crises or purification
reactions. Drinking distilled water will remove some
loosely bound toxic metals. However, it can
deplete essential minerals in the body because it is mineral-free water. Therefore, I only recommend it during a healing
reaction and when a person is already following a nutritional balancing program. At these times, it can be used for a
few days or perhaps a week to reduce elimination symptoms and speed up the
removal of certain toxins from the body.
Remove the need for compensations and adaptations. This is a little more technical. Often, toxic metals perform an adaptive
role in the body. They can support
the activity of the adrenal glands, for example, and they can actually be used
in some of the body’s millions of enzyme systems to a limited extent.
By balancing the body chemistry
delicately, the need for a toxic metal in an adaptive role can be removed. This makes possible the removal of many
toxic metals.
This methodology is built into nutritional
balancing programs that are correctly designed.
Reduce all stress.
Stress of any kind will slow the removal toxic metals. Therefore, reducing all stress on the
body and mind greatly enhances toxin elimination. Read Understanding Stress for more
on this important topic.
Replace less preferred minerals with more preferred minerals. This is also a somewhat more complex topic. For each metallo-enzyme in the body,
there is one or perhaps two preferred metals or minerals that will cause the
enzyme to function optimally.
Nutritional balancing programs always seek
to replace less preferred minerals in enzyme binding sites with more preferred
minerals. This is required for all
deep healing. It is done by giving
the appropriate foods and supplementary nutrients, avoiding the others,
reducing toxic exposures and stress, conserving energy for healing with more
rest, and other methods.
Increase the body temperature when it is low. This may not seem important, but it is a very
powerful method of enhancing many body activities, including elimination.
Indeed, all the body’s enzyme systems
function optimally when the body temperature is ideal. However, most people have a low body
temperature today, due in part to toxic metal accumulation in the thyroid and
adrenal glands. Other reasons are
fatigue, a low thyroid for other reason, nutrient depletion and others.
One can use a sauna to heat the body a few
degrees every day. Even if it is only
for 30-60 minutes at a time, this can have a tremendous effect of normalizing
enzymatic reactions in the body that, in turn, promote healing and
Eliminate infections and parasites of all kinds. This may not seem related to toxic metal
removal, but it is. Most
people have several dozen chronic infections in their bodies. Common sites are the eyes, ears,
throat, bronchials, intestines, teeth, and bladder.
Each of these infections uses up adaptive
energy or vitality in the body. As
they are cleared using nutritional balancing –
and never antibiotics that tend to be toxic – a person’s vitality
increases and his ability to then eliminate toxic metals increases, at times
Emotional and mental cleansing. This is an unusual concept, but can be
vital to detoxify the body. We
find that cadmium, for example, is associated with what may be called ‘macho’
styles of thinking. If a person
will do the pushing down exercise, or just read the Bible, for example, it will
help to release negative and violent thoughts. This will help remove some cadmium from the body.
Similarly, copper toxicity is associated
with fearful thoughts. If one
reduces fearful thinking, then this will help reduce copper overload in the
Bridging over damaged enzymes. This is a very
important mechanism whereby by giving higher doses of some vitamins, especially
B-complex vitamins, one can bridge across enzymes damaged by the presence of
toxic metals. These enzymes are
needed to help remove the toxic metals.
22. The
use of a powerful digestive aid for everyone.
No matter how good the food one eats, if digestion is weak, and it is
weak in almost everyone today, one will not absorb enough minerals and other
nutrients. Insisting on a powerful
digestive aid is therefore essential for many people to facilitate proper
mineral absorption.
Integrating all of the above methods in a way so that none interferes with the
others. This is essential. A problem with many medical and
holistic approaches to toxic metal removal is that the methods of
detoxification get in each other’s way, which negates some or even all of the
For example, chelation is effective to
remove some metals. However, most
chelation, even natural chelating agents, remove some
vital minerals along with the toxic ones.
This is extremely harmful, and it is not an easy problem to solve. Simply taking minerals does not seem to
work adequately. One reason is
that minerals are complex, are found in many forms, and are best absorbed from
food, not formulated products, in general.
Another problem with chelation is that the
chelators are often slightly toxic, which damages the kidneys, liver and other
organs, interfering with metal elimination.
Chelation may also mobilize toxins from
relatively harmless areas of the body and redistribute some in the kidneys, and
this is harmful, as well.
Release traumas. This is most helpful for
detoxification. It is a large
subject, but the main idea is that when traumas are present, they directly
interfere with elimination in the body because they affect the nervous
system. Nutritional balancing
releases most traumas fairly easily.
For details, read Trauma Release on
this site.
Release toxins in the body’s own sequence, order and its own timing.
This is extremely helpful to make the process of toxic metal removal as
safe as possible, and more effective, as well. It is accomplished in nutritional balancing programs by
focusing on raising the body’s energy and vitality level, rather than focusing
on pushing out particular toxic metals.
As the body’s adaptive energy level rises,
the body decides which metals to remove first. Neither the doctor nor the client make this decision for the body.
Correct latent diseases and disorders. Nutritional
balancing causes the healing of latent or sub-clinical health problems. This is an unusual ability of this
program and depends upon raising the adaptive energy level of the obdy. Once these heal, the body is more
capable of thorough detoxification.
For example, many people have slightly
damaged livers or slightly damaged kidneys. Yet the damage is sub-clinical or latent, meaning it does
not cause any symptoms. When a
person begins a nutritional balancing program, often these sub-clinical
conditions are corrected first because they are the basis for later healing.
Other natural and balancing therapies. Therapies
that combine beautifully with nutritional balancing include gentle
chiropractic, osteopathic manipulation, Rolfing, structural integration, and
foot and hand reflexology. These
can help to reduce stress, improve vitality, support the eliminative organs, improve circulation and more.
Avoiding other therapies. This is also
important to remove toxic metals.
For example, many herbs, most natural hormone therapy, most vitamin and
mineral regimens, homeopathy, and most medical drug therapy, unless needed for
a life-threatening condition, can and will impair toxic metal removal in
various ways by unbalancing body chemistry, adding toxins, or otherwise
altering the body chemistry.
For example, vegetarian diets are too low
in zinc and in sulfur-containing amino acids and this impairs
detoxification. Raw food diets do not
allow the body to absorb enough minerals from vegetables, and this inhibits
detoxification. Both these methods
are also very yin, which strongly inhibits detoxification.
Many toxic metals accumulate in these
organs. In most Americans, in
particular, who have used pharmaceuticals and over-the-counter remedies,
healing these organs takes time.
Fortunately, the liver has great
regenerative ability, especially when one is less than about 65 years old. We use every method possible to enhance
liver functioning. This includes:
A clean,
healthy diet and pure water to drink, as explained above.
b) A healthful lifestyle, especially going to
bed by 9 Pm and lots of rest and sleep.
The liver does its main work during rest and sleep. Missing this single factor is often a
key as to why some do not succeed in restoring the liver.
c) Nutritional support for the liver
includes milk thistle, dandelion root and perhaps other herbal products that
are superb. Be careful with some
herbs, however, such as burdock root and others, as they are somewhat
toxic. They may be used for a
short time, but are not for ongoing use as milk thistle and dandelion can be
d) Other procedures for the liver are a
daily coffee enema, or even two per day for very toxic conditions, colonic
irrigation to reduce debris and fermentation and putrefaction in the colon,
castor oil packs over the liver and the use of a near infrared lamp sauna.
Of these, the coffee enema or really a
coffee implant, is the most powerful and wonderful procedures
that I have seen. I cannot say
enough good things about the effects of this simple, though slightly unpleasant
procedure. More about coffee
enemas is found in an article on this website, Coffee
Enemas, and in the Detoxification
Procedures article.
Using a near infrared sauna on a daily
basis, or better twice daily, is also very helpful for liver detoxification.
Traditional saunas and far infrared saunas may be okay, but do not seem to work
as well. Far infrared types may
emit harmful electromagnetic frequencies.
e) Attitude change is critical for the
liver in some cases. The liver is
associated with a “bilous personality”.
In modern language, this means anger, resentment, hatred and other
harmful emotions. For some people,
this is the key to their liver regeneration. Meditation, relaxation and forgiveness are thus important
for the liver.
f) Other healing modalities may help,
especially body work such as Rolfing, acupuncture and acupressure. For instance, we recommend everyone to
rub their feet each day. This seems simple and maybe silly, but can have beneficial
effects, particularly if one is skilled at it. The technique is easy to learn and to practice.
kidneys. To restore the kidneys, many of the
same items are critical. These
include an excellent diet that is balanced for the oxidation type, along with a
very healthful lifestyle and reducing your exposure to all toxins. Other items include:
a) Herbs for the kidneys. Uva ursi, parsley and other herbs are
helpful to a degree. We also use
kidney glandular substance with excellent results.
b) Drinking plenty of spring water or
carbon-only filtered tap water or sand-filtered tap water is critical for the
kidneys. Be sure to drink enough pure water (2-3 quarts daily for all
adults). We don’t recommend other
types of water.
Strictly avoid reverse osmosis water, “drinking
waters”, most
“purified water” and alkaline waters.
Carbon-only filtered tap water is okay and second-best,
but not as good, in most cases, as a good spring water. Drink an hour after meals or up to 15
minutes before meals, rather than with meals. Read Water For Drinking for much
more on drinking water.
c) Rest is also critical for the kidneys,
which are close to and associated with the adrenal glands. This, in Chinese terminology, is
related to the kidney meridian, a meridian that is very weak on most
people. Rest cannot be
overestimated to restore the kidneys and the adrenal glands.
skin. This is the third most important
eliminative organ, and most doctors pay no attention to it whatsoever! In most people, today, including most
children, it is toxic or congested and for these reasons quite underactive in
its job of eliminating many toxins from the body.
This even applies to newborns today. Vaccines affect the skin and can cause
it to become less active, as can overdressing
infants. Read more about the
vaccine abomination in the article on this website entitled Vaccination.
Bathing in toxic bath water harms the
skin, as can tight clothing and some synthetic clothing. The use of toxic lotions, skin creams,
and body care products also harms the skin of many people.
therapy. Improving the skin requires a lot of
work in most cases. Even with two
saunas daily, plus all our other efforts, just restoring the skin will take six
to twelve months in most adults.
Children require less, as their skin is usually in far better condition
due to more sweating and fewer toxic exposures.
Saunas draw blood to the surface, powerfully
stimulate circulation and decongest the internal organs. Infrared saunas penetrate more deeply
and are often more comfortable as they work at lower temperatures.
I find the best saunas are those powered
by infrared heat lamps. Far
infrared saunas are okay, in most cases, but are not as good as a near infrared
lamp sauna. Almost all far
infrared saunas emit stray electromagnetic fields that affect some people.
Steam baths and other procedures such as
skin brushing, sitting in hot tubs or others may be used, but are not nearly as
good. Sweating during exercise is
also not nearly as good, but better than nothing.
As an example of what saunas can do, The New York
Rescue Workers Project has reported on the success of sauna therapy to help
over 900 firemen, police and other rescue workers.
of them were ill from breathing toxic fumes at the 2001 World Trade Tower
bombing. No other therapy was able
to help these brave men and women recover their health. Refer to the articles on this site
about Sauna Therapy for more information.
The large intestine.
This is also an important organ of elimination and one that is in
terrible condition in the vast majority of people. Fortunately, it is easier to correct than the skin, liver or
kidneys. Diet, of course, plays a
critical role in rehabilitating the intestines. Eliminating sugar is most important, even the sugar found in
too much fruit or juices. Fiber is
critical, as is enough protein for the intestine to rebuild itself.
In addition, lifestyle is important and
coffee enemas can greatly speed the elimination of toxins from the large
intestine and liver that often lead to bowel problems.
We recommend for most people a digestive
aid, usually GB-3 by Endomet Laboratories in Phoenix. This not only assists digestion. It also kills many parasites in the intestines over time and
helps eliminate poisons from the liver as well.
Other aids for digestion are other
digestive aids such as Betaine Hcl-pepsin, bromelain and others. However, they are not as good. Deep breathing, some exercise and
adequate rest and sleep are important for digestive strength as well. Staying warm in winter is important as
Even with an excellent quality diet, healthful
lifestyle, and consistent daily use of red heat lamp sauna therapy, coffee
enemas, toxic metal removal at the deepest levels continue. Repeated hair mineral analyses keep
revealing more and more of the metals coming out of the body through the hair
and skin.
NOTE: This is not because the program is slow to
remove the toxic metals. In fact,
it is faster than any other method of removing toxins from the body such as
chelation therapy, herbs, clay baths and other methods.
The main reason it takes years is that development is
a long process. Other reasons are:
Toxicity of the
metals. They are extremely toxic substances. If they were removed too quickly, they
could poison or even kill a person.
The body seems to know how to remove them at a pace that is safe,
providing we keep balancing the body chemistry and supporting a person the
entire time. Otherwise, it just
takes longer. Rarely, a person
will have a powerful toxic reaction as a heavy metal is released from a storage
site, but this is not common.
of the metals, in some instances. Some storage sites of the body are much harder to reach
than others due to impaired circulation, or other difficulties such as the
blood-brain barrier and others.
Toxic metals in the bones, for example, usually take longer to reach as
well due to reduced circulation and just the depth or layer of the tissue where
they are stored. Sites that have
suffered damage and some scarring such as often the ear canals, bronchials,
lungs and other tissues may also be harder to regenerate and thus take longer.
into enzymes. Toxic metals are often not just in
deposits or floating free in the tissues, although this is true of some of
them. These are the easiest to
toxic minerals also replace essential minerals in enzymes throughout the
body. They cannot simply be pulled
out with a chelator or anything else.
The body must very carefully and slowly replace them with enzymes that
contain essential minerals. This
is a much slower process, but a vital one that slowly increases a person’s
energy level and restores functioning of all the body organs as well.
vitality. Energy is required to synthesize new enzymes,
carry away toxic metals and activate the eliminative organs to remove them
completely. Most people,
especially when they begin a program, have low cellular energy production that
make this process much slower.
eliminative channels. All toxic metals must be flushed or
removed from the body through the so-called eliminative channels or organs such
as the liver, kidneys, bowel and skin.
Some can be removed through the lungs and elsewhere but these are the
main routes. Most people have very
damaged livers, colons and skin, so this slows the process of metal elimination
drastically, often for a few years until these organs can be rebuilt and
function at their optimum levels.
general nutrition.
As explained above, toxic metals must often be replaced by vital minerals in enzymes. One may think that just swallowing some
kelp capsules or other supplements and eating well will provide these
the body has complex buffering systems, and it will only accept a certain
amount of these essential minerals at one time. This is even true even if one were to take minerals
intravenously or intramuscularly (which we do not need or suggest).
mineral must be bound to a mineral transporter to be properly utilized in many
instances and the process of remineralizing and renourishing a body thus is a
time-consuming process. If we felt
that IV or IM minerals and other nutrients were better, we would suggest it. However, so far we have seen the
opposite. Other than very gross
remineralizing of the body, these routes of administering nutrients seem to do
more damage by upsetting the delicate balance of minerals in the body and
bypassing the normal buffering systems of the body having to do with food
absorption. Exceptions to this
principle may exist, but they are not many.
topic must not be forgotten in any article about toxic metals. The elimination of heavy metals, as
well as the removal of toxic chemicals and chronic infections, almost always
will cause symptoms from time to time.
These symptoms are called healing reactions flare-ups, exacerbations,
aggravations, crises of Herxheimer reactions in
different natural healing arts.
They may include energy fluctuations, headaches, skin rashes and other
symptoms as well.
and mental symptoms often occur as well.
These include feelings of depression, anxiety, irritability, insomnia or
mood swings. All purification
symptoms tend to be very temporary.
The best way to handle them is to rest more, reduce your nutrition
program if you wish and do supportive therapies.
include extra coffee enemas, drinking distilled water in larger quantities,
short, rather than longer sauna therapy sessions, colonic irrigation, Epsom salt
baths and others. In almost all
cases, this will suffice to move the toxic metals out of the body a little
faster and the symptom will disappear.
times, more vigorous or severe healing reactions occur. Almost any symptom can arise, from a
cold or flu to various aches and pains or other types of symptoms.
only supportive, natural methods of care are needed to see a reaction through to
completion. However, if you are
not sure, always contact a person knowledgeable in healing and purification
reactions. For more information,
read other articles on this website such as Retracing
and Copper Elimination Symptoms.
the toxicity of the body is difficult.
for this is that toxins can
be located deep inside body organs, where they cannot be detected through most
there are many types of toxins. A
person may not have much metal toxicity, for example, but may have more
chemical toxicity, or some other kind.
are many methods to assess the toxicity of human or animal body. Among them are symptoms, blood and
urine tests, hair mineral tests, and electrical machines.
Is testing
needed? In regular medical care,
functional medicine, holistic care and naturopathy, testing is very
important. The reason is that the
remedies given for different toxins are different, and must be applied
carefully. Testing can be costly,
especially if one is searching for toxic chemicals in the body.
Blood tests.
The blood is a transport medium.
Toxins are removed from the blood as fast as possible because the blood
touches all the body organs, and having toxins in the blood is very
in general, the blood is only useful to detect acute toxicity, not chronic
toxicity. For example, it can
detect if a child is eating old paint off the walls that contains lead.
most toxicity about which we are concerned is chronic, not acute. Blood tests are generally too accurate
for this assessment.
balancing. This detoxification method uses hair
mineral testing, but not primarily to assess toxicity. Instead, we assume that everyone is
toxic. This is accurate, in my
with nutritional balancing there is no need to figure out which toxin is
present because the program is designed to remove many types of toxins,
including all of the most common ones.
These are important differences between nutritional balancing and
methods such as functional medicine, naturopathy, environmental medicine and
other common approaches to detoxification.
spending a lot of money on blood and other tests for toxicity, here are some
symptoms that indicate toxicity:
body odor
or bloating
skin color and skin eruptions
Why use hair? Recall that hair, an outgrowth of the
skin, and is an eliminative
tissue. This means that it
will be cut off the body, and anything in the hair will be permanently
eliminated from the body. For this
reason, the body often tries to eliminate toxins of many kinds through the
Does the
hair test reveal the “body load” of a toxic metal?
No. It only reveals what is
being eliminated through the hair.
This is often related to the total body load of a toxic mineral, but not
example, often on an initial hair mineral test, few toxic metals are
revealed. This usually means that
the body is having difficulty removing them. It does not mean that they are not present.
know this because when the person undertakes a nutritional balancing program designed
to eliminate toxic metals, the hair levels often rise very high on subsequent
hair tests. This occurs because on
the program the body gains enough energy to remove more toxic metals through
the hair and through other routes.
mineral testing is my specialty area.
This test can assess toxicity in two overall ways:
I. Specific
indicators for excessive toxic metals in the body.
II. General bodily
toxicity indicators.
are examples of each type of indicator:
1. A slow
oxidation rate. All slow oxidizers are more toxic. Slow oxidation is like having the motor
in your car run too slowly. Gunk
builds up in the motor in this situation.
analogy is that it is like having water flowing too slowly through a pipe. Eventually, sediment always builds up
in the water pipe in this situation.
A more yin
state of body chemistry Slow
oxidation is also a more yin condition of the body. This means weak and expanded, which makes it easier for
certain toxins to build up. For
details, read Slow Oxidation on this site.
2. A very
fast oxidation rate, especially with a low sodium/potassium ratio.
This indicates a strong sympathetic state of body chemistry. This condition powerfully inhibits
elimination in the body. For
details, read Fast Oxidation.
Sympathetic dominance. This indicates a chronic activation of
the sympathetic nervous system in a slow oxidizer. The sympathetic nervous system strongly inhibits toxin
elimination by driving blood and nerve energy away from the organs of
elimination. For details, read Sympathetic Dominance.
4. Four lows
pattern. This is usually an
exhaustion pattern, that is always associated with
excessive toxins in the body, even if none of them are revealed as elevated on
the hair mineral chart or on other types of tests.
reason that high levels of toxic metals may not be revealed on the hair chart
or other tests with this pattern is that the body’s adaptive energy level is
too low too push out the toxins.
For details, read Four Lows Pattern.
Four highs. This is a somewhat deceptive pattern that
always indicates an underlying slow oxidation pattern. As explained in #1 above, slow
oxidation is always associated with high toxicity. For details, read Four
Highs Pattern.
6. Bowl
pattern. This is an indirect indicator. The pattern indicates nutrient
deficiencies. When the body is nutrient-deficient,
it tends to pick up more toxic metals.
For more details, read The Bowl Pattern.
7. A low
sodium/potassium ratio. This is a weakness and electrical
discharge pattern that also predisposes one to accumulate toxins. For details, read Low Sodium/Potassium Ratio.
1. Elevated
hair levels of the toxic metals, and of some nutrient minerals, as well. This pattern usually means the body is
dumping a lot of these minerals into the hair in an attempt to eliminate
them. This is especially true if
one is following a nutritional balancing program.
nutrient minerals. One
might ask, why would the levels of iron, manganese, copper and other nutrient
minerals be elevated on some people’s hair tests?
answer is that these can be in a toxic form, such as oxides, carbonates and
others. Then these become toxins,
as well, and our bodies must eliminate them.
Rarely, a high hair level of a mineral occurs
because a person has just put a mineral on the hair, such as using Selsun Blue
shampoo, which contains a lot of selenium. This is on the hair, but the mineral is not necessarily
present throughout the body.
2. Poor
eliminator patterns. These indicate that a person cannot
eliminate toxic minerals properly.
This is a more recent finding on hair mineral tests, and is quite
reliable. The criteria
is a very low level of a mineral.
For the exact criteria, read Mineral Ideals,
Ranges, Toxicity And Poor Eliminator Patterns on this website.
receive many emails and phone calls from people who are in trouble because they
decided to take herbs, or decided to do coffee enemas, saunas, or other
detoxification programs on their own.
Here are my observations:
Not all methods are safe.
Coffee enemas and near infrared lamp sauna therapy are very powerful and will
cause healing reactions.
The correct diet is very important along with any detoxification procedure to
minimize intense reactions.
Without the diet, the body simply cannot properly eliminate many toxins.
One can begin with the ‘Free Program’ on
this website.
It is definitely best to work with one of the Approved Practitioners
listed on this website at this link.
This is so that it is done correctly, and you have someone to consult
when healing reactions occur.
Otherwise, deep and effective detoxification can be scary, and sometimes
Cautions with newborns and infants. Babies are generally less toxic than adults. However, many are ill, even if they seem healthy.
The main cause is nutritional deficiencies and toxic conditions in their mothers. The babies’ condition is made much worse by vaccinations, antibiotics, and other drugs used today on babies and young children.
All babies need to be breastfed for about three years if they accept it. In some instances, the mothers’ milk is not of good quality and the babies may reject it earlier.
Telling mothers to stop breastfeeding after the baby is 6 months or 1 year of age is among the worst advice that many doctors offer. Mothers who follow a nutritional balancing program improve their milk quality very quickly.
Infants and young children do exceedingly on nutritional balancing programs. Most of them handle healing reactions easily. Most need just two or three supplements.
The diet needs to be mainly cooked vegetables and some animal protein, with no fruit, no juices, no junk, and no shakes or smoothies. Babies also benefit from foot reflexology, and ten to fifteen minutes of red heat lamp therapy on the abdomen.
Cautions with children and teens:
* Children are growing fast. Never deprive them of protein, and
plenty of cooked vegetables. This
means avoid “cleansing diets”, which we find are not needed.
* Children over the age of about
6 need extra omega-3 fatty acids, a vitamin D supplement, calcium and magnesium
supplements, and iodine in the form of kelp.
* If children won’t
eat vegetables alone, set a good example, use toppings they like, disguise
them, cook them in thick soups, and give them about 2-4 ounces of carrot juice.
can also be given Veg-Easy or Juice Plus dried vegetables in a capsule. Green “superfood” powders are not as
good because they must be mixed with something sweet in a smoothie, they form
bad food combinations, and because, unlike capsules, they go rancid much
* Avoid herbal products, as children are much more sensitive
to them than most adults.
* Be careful with
vitamin doses. Some doctors
give babies or children adult doses of vitamins or worse, herbs, many of which
contain small amounts of toxic metals.
* Nutritional balancing
supplement programs from the computer at Analytical Research Labs often need
adjustments for children. They are much more difficult for a
computer to design.
* Children over the age of
5 or 6, and teens benefit greatly from saunas. The sauna clears their acne, relaxes
them, and removes many toxins easily and painlessly. It may also assist their maturing process.
* Most healing reactions are
benign. Rashes in
children are a very common healing reaction, as is fever. With a proper program, these go away on
their own.
Try not to give children drugs for healing reactions.
* Most fevers can be handled naturally. Other articles on this website such as Infections discuss how to handle healing reactions and retracing in children.
programs during pregnancy and lactation. Some are rightly concerned
about placing pregnant women on detoxification programs. I suggest avoiding most detoxification
regimens at this time.
I was very skeptical about placing pregnant women on a nutritional balancing
program because it is a powerful detoxification method. However, after 36 years of personal
experience, as well as checking with other nutritional balancing practitioners,
the programs appear to be very safe.
the health of the mother and child are much better if the mother follows a
nutritional balancing program before, or even just during her pregnancy.
breast milk is also of much better quality and there are fewer problems with breast feeding.
Often, the baby will continue to want the milk for a longer period of
time, which is very beneficial.
and detoxification. Nutritional balancing programs while
breastfeeding are superb. Very
rarely, baby will develop colic due to one of the supplements or due to the
elimination of a toxin that finds its way into the breast milk.
these rare cases, you may have to try each product one at a time to discover if
one or another of them is causing the reaction. Another idea is to take one’s nutritional supplements soon
after breastfeeding so the supplements will be thoroughly assimilated before
the next breastfeeding.
Detoxification in older or very ill people. Older people have less ability to remove toxins due to lower vitality and often due to a more sluggish oxidation rate. Therefore, begin slowly and gently with them. Those over the age of about 83 usually need fewer supplements.
Avoid all
especially any over about 2-3 days. These are quite unsafe, in my
view. I worked as the medical
director at a natural hygiene fasting spa for several years. I found that the bodies are so toxic,
so yin and so depleted today that books written about fasting 50 years ago, as
most were, no longer apply. Clients
who consult me after fasting are often more depleted and worse off than before
the fast, although some symptoms may have improved.
Avoid most
herbs and herbal cleanses.
Among products that can be somewhat toxic are cloves, wormwood, black
walnut, yellow dock, bugleweed and other commonly used herbs. Even safe herbs may contain small
amounts of toxic metals and other impurities that are hard to trace, but cause
problems eventually if used continuously for more than a few weeks.
Avoid putting
salt of any kind into drinking water.
This removes some toxins.
However, it also unbalances the macrominerals and causes subtle mineral
losses that may take months to notice and are difficult to correct.
diets and other cleanses. These are not needed with nutritional balancing and slow a
person’s progress in almost all cases.
Fruit diets and juice fasts, for example, are okay for a few days, but are
very incomplete and cause more nutritional deficiencies. They are also too yin, similar to
fasting, and they slow the metabolic rate in most cases. If you must do them, limit them to a few
days at the most.
Clay baths. Some doctors like these. However, clay is high in aluminum and
other toxic metals. Once in a
while they are fine and will pull certain toxins from the body. Definitely avoid long-term use and
preferably use other methods.
Ionic foot baths such as the Q2, Biocleanse and others cause
some detoxification. However, they
are harmful and should be avoided altogether. They seem to spin the energy centers improperly. They may be okay for those who are over
75, but no one else.
Alkaline water. Avoid all alkaline water. Symptomatic improvement may occur. However, they make the body yin and may
have other problems. Two people
contacted me recently who slowly developed severe metal poisoning from this type
of water. Read Water
For Drinking for more details on the problems with alkaline water.
Swishing oil
in the mouth. This Ayurvedic
method was great when the world was not totally polluted, as it is today. It will do little for modern toxic
mankind, as it is just not powerful enough.
Detox foot pads from Japan.
These are an older herbal detoxification method. They are fine, but not very powerful.
This has been discussed earlier.
It is not needed and usually harmful in subtle ways. All chelators remove beneficial
minerals along with toxic ones.
There is never any need for a “metal detox” product or program if one is
using nutritional balancing science because all the toxic metals will gently be
removed in a natural sequence without the problems these products can cause.
important purpose of detoxification of the body is to permit better
manufacturing or biosynthesis
of all body chemicals. This helps
prevent some genetic defects, and can greatly improve anyone’s health.
DNA itself does not require detoxification. However, the fluid of the nucleus of each cell, called the nucleoplasm,
can benefit greatly from detoxification.
nucleoplasm or fluid in the nucleus of each cell is the site where all the
chemicals in our bodies are manufactured.
When this fluid contains too many toxic metals and toxic chemicals, some
of them can find their way into our body chemicals such as our hormones, enzymes,
proteins and others.
This is exactly like making computers or cars in a filthy factory. Some of the dirt and grime tends to get
into the finished products, and damages them.
the genetically defective chemicals, sometimes called pleomorphisms, cause many symptoms in
the body. They also have to do
with aging and death.
worst of these toxins for your genes and chromosomes are toxic metals such as
cadmium, mercury, lead, arsenic, aluminum, nickel, antimony, beryllium, bromine
and, less often, a few others!
Please remember this.
are a type of injury to the brain that act somewhat
like a toxin. They get in the way
of normal functioning of the brain an cause symptoms
such as post-traumatic stress disorder, phobias and more.
traumas is something like releasing toxins from the body. For details, read Trauma Release on this site.
have a cleansing or detoxifying effect upon the body. An example is a common cold. One’s nose runs for a week, and this may eliminate some
toxic substances from the nasal area.
is part of the nature-cure theory that infectious organisms are not only
opportunists. They are also
helpful for mopping up toxins in the body. The theory is that infectious organisms only cause disease
if there is present debris or toxins that need removal.
this theory is correct, one should not suppress infections with antibiotics,
herbs or other products unless the infection is life-threatening. Instead, one should detoxify the body,
and the infection will subside.
fact, this is the preferred method of handling infections with a nutritional
balancing program. We do not like
to use antibiotics, or even natural “germ killers” such as grapefruit seed
extract, oregano oil, olive leaf extract or other toxic products.
we recommend coffee enemas, infrared lamp sauna therapy, and foot reflexology
to promote detoxification and balancing of the body. We also recommend a diet of chicken soup or other mild food,
along with plenty of rest. In this
way, most infections go away easily without a need for suppressive drugs of any
things worse. In contrast, using suppressive drugs,
as shown in medical studies of antibiotic therapy for ear infections, for
example, often causes a recurrence of the infection. The reason is simple.
The drugs (or some herbs) kill the “bugs”, the toxic terrain of the body
remains. So another infection
often follows.
the drugs don’t work as well.
Doctors call this “antibiotic resistance”. It can be due to mutated germs. However, it can also occur because the body has become more
and more toxic due to the suppressive drug methods of treatment. As a result, there is just too much
“food” (really toxins) available for the infection to feed upon.
methods such as antibiotics also add more toxins to the body because the drugs,
or even health food store remedies, are often somewhat toxic themselves. This also can contribute to future
bodies use three common minerals as cleansers. These same minerals are used in industry for similar
1. Sulfur.
Sulfur is a fiery mineral, a direct copper antagonist, and a general
cleansing mineral. It grabs on
tightly to toxic metals, in particular.
is found in many foods including radishes of all kinds, and the cruciferous
vegetables, especially cabbage.
Those who do not eat many cooked vegetables do not get enough sulfur,
and this impairs their detoxification significantly.
form of sulfur in meats and eggs is one reason we recommend these foods, as
they help with liver detoxification.
Vegetarian diets lack this form of sulfur. Too much meat, however, is not helpful. One reason is that sulfur is an
acid-forming mineral, so one must moderate the amount eaten as meat and eggs.
2. Chlorine.
This is a completely different kind of cleansing mineral. It is an oxidizer. This means that it causes oxygen to combine with
toxins. This
destroy many types of toxins, especially toxic chemicals and some
viruses, bacteria and fungi. It is
like putting bleach in your laundry because bleach kills many germs.
is enough chlorine in sea salt so that most people are getting enough of this
3. Boron.
This is also a cleansing mineral, and works somewhat like chlorine. It also kills some bacteria and
is a trace mineral found in many foods.
Excellent sources are broccoli, green beans and other vegetables and
grains. The best form to get it is
from food.
The loss of the menstrual blood each month in young women is a method of detoxification. Many women notice the blood is a dark color, and sometimes smelly. It is a benefit for these women, although they may not view it that way.
Development programs are very unique among all healing programs in that they cause development. This, in turn, causes the deepest detoxification of the body that we have seen.
The development process restores the thymus gland and later the Peyer’s patches, both of which become congested and less active in most people after age 40. These are just two ways that development assists detoxification. For details, read Introduction To Development.
UPDATE. 2016. A recent finding is that Mellow White Miso by Cold Mountain can transmute or change mercury into a more benign substance and help eliminate it.
During a development program, we have observed eliminations of
metals, chemicals, medical drugs and parasites by many routes. These
include through the urine, feces, bile, sweat, tongue, ears, nose, scalp, the
vagina or penis, the skin, and the fingernails.
Here is a brief explanation of common colors of discharges.
Black. Often
this is an elimination of iron or manganese, which have a black color when
oxidized. Digested blood is also black, and sometimes a person will
eliminate this, usually in the feces, if there has been bleeding in the upper
Red. Nickel,
in some forms, has a reddish color. Iron
and copper also have reddish colors, in some forms and these may come out on
the skin or elsewhere in boils or other discharges.
Fresh blood, especially if it is well-oxygenated,
is also a bright red color. Blood that is less well-oxygenated has a
purplish color.
Yellow shades. Some
infections produce toxins that are yellow. These
are common, for example, in discharges from the lungs and bronchial
tubes. Yeasts are sometimes a yellowish color, although they can also be
a cream color. Mucus can be yellowish, as well.
Green. Bile is
a bright emerald green color. Sometimes this shows up in vomit, for
example, or in the stool when the body eliminates a lot of bile quickly.
Infections in the sinuses, lungs and bronchial tubes also often
produce greenish mucus, which can be a dark or light green depending on the
severity of the infection and the type of infection.
Copper oxide is a green or teal color. Think
of the statue of liberty in New York and other brass structures that have a
greenish tint to them. I once saw a greenish tint on a person’s eyeglasses that was due
to a copper elimination.
Brown. Some
infections produce brownish mucus or discharges. Partially
digested blood or dried blood can be a brown color, as well.
Silvery. Eliminations
of aluminum, and perhaps eliminations of other metals such as zinc or cadmium
can produce a silvery discharge. Lead elimination can produce a grayish silvery discharge, as well.
Blue. Two
centuries ago, wealthy people often ate on silver plates and used silver forks,
knives and spoons to eat on. This was a status symbol, but it also reduced infection. They
were nicknamed “the bluebloods”, and the term is still used today to describe
wealthy people.
The term referred to the fact that ingesting ionic silver (not
colloidal silver) tends to cause a buildup of silver in the skin, and it turns
the skin a slightly bluish color.
Medical drugs are of all colors, and often contain artificial colors to give the
pills a more pleasant appearance. Many of
these drugs and coloring agents do not biodegrade inside the body.
Some will come out of the body during a development program. When this
occurs, they can turn the urine, the stool, the sweat or other discharges
almost any color.
Parasitic organisms. These
are often a color similar to flesh, in my experience. They
are sometimes very difficult to distinguish from simply an elimination of
intestinal lining, for example. Some are a whitish or brownish color, as well.
We include the following
article reprint because it helps one understand the need for eating lots of the
preferred vegetables and cooking them well. We believe there are more detoxification pathways than the
ones listed in this article.
However, the six Phase II pathways are a good start.
The detoxification system of the body consists of three phases
that process toxins for excretion from the body. The Phase I
detoxification pathway is responsible for breaking fat-soluble toxins down
and then sending the metabolites to the Phase II detoxification pathways,
which builds new substances from the metabolites by adding molecules to
them, which is called conjugation.
The purpose of the addition or conjugation of new substances to
the Phase I toxic metabolites is to convert them into water-soluble forms and
make them easier to transport, more stable and more functional for the body to
excrete. Once the toxic metabolites are conjugated by
Phase II substances, Phase III molecules transport the stable toxins out
of the body through the urine and/or bile.
There are at least six Phase II detoxification pathways in the
body. Each conjugation pathway serves a specific purpose of detoxifying
certain toxins and requires specific nutrients to function. The six detoxification pathways include:
These six conjugation pathways are found primarily in the liver
and in various other locations within the body:
Locations of Phase 2
Conjugation Pathways
System |
Location in
Body |
Acylation/Glycation conjugation |
liver, kidney |
Glutathione conjugation |
liver, kidney |
Glucuronidation |
liver, kidney, intestine, lung, skin, prostate, brain |
Acetylation |
liver, lung, spleen, gastric mucosa, RBCs, lymphocytes |
Sulfation |
liver, kidney, intestine |
Methylation |
liver, kidney, lung, CNS |
Source: Liston HL,
Markowitz JS, DeVane CL (October 2001). “Drug glucuronidation
in clinical psychopharmacology”. J Clin
Psychopharmacol 21 (5): 500–15. doi:10.1097/00004714-200110000-00008. PMID 11593076
In order for each conjugation
pathways to function properly, they require specific nutrients. These
nutrients are listed in the Table below:
Phase II Conjugation Pathways
conjugation |
is an intracellular antioxidant. It is synthesized from the amino acids
cysteine, glutamic acid, and glycine. It is synthesized from the amino acids
cysteine, glutamic acid, and glycine. Glutathione conjugation is used to
eliminate toxins through the lungs, intestines and kidneys, as well as the
liver. Exposure to high levels of toxins and heavy metals deplete glutathione
faster than it can be replenished |
Fat soluble
toxins: solvents, herbicides, fungicides, hydrocarbons and lipid peroxides.
Heavy metals (mercury, cadmium, lead). Nicotine and toxins from tobacco
smoke. Alcohol |
vegetables, Vitamin C, Alpha lipoic acid, whey protein, N-Acetyl-Cysteine,
Glutamine and methionine, milk thistle |
Methylation |
conjugates toxins to methyl groups, particularly the amino acid methionine |
estrogen, melatonin. Neurotransmitters: Epinephrine and norepinephrine, dopamine,
histamine, serotonin. It converts pyridine, sulphites and hypochlorites into
compounds excreted through the lungs |
Amino acid:
methionine, B-Vitamins: B12, B6 and Folic acid, Choline, Betaine (TMG),
Magnesium, Zinc, SAMe (S-adenosylmethionine) |
Sulfation |
toxins to sulfur compounds. Sulfation requires sulphate and is limited by the
amount present in the body. Sulphate may be ingested from food, but is also
produced by the action of the enzyme cysteine dioxygenase on the amino acid cysteine.
Sulfoxidation, a final stage of methylation, transforms toxic sulfites into
sulfate |
acetaminophen, Food additives: aspartame,
Hormones and neurotransmitters: cortisol, thyroid, steroidal, Toxins from
intestinal bacteria, Various environmental toxins, Xenoestrogens |
and cysteine, sulfur rich vegetables, B Vitamins: B1, B2 and B12, Magnesium,
Zinc, MSM, N-Acetyl-Cysteine, Indole-3-Carbinol |
Amino Acid
Conjugation: Acylation/Glycination |
Attaching toxins
to amino acids glycine, glutamine and tuarine. Attaching toxins to glycine is
also known as glycination |
Salycilates (aspirin), Toluene (industrial solvent) |
foods, Amino acids: glycine, taurine, glutamine, arginine, and ornithine |
Acetylation |
acetyl co-A to toxins. Poor acetylation prolongs the life span of drugs and
other toxic chemicals in the body, thus enhancing their toxicity |
histamine, serotonin, Salicylic acid, PABA, Sulfa drugs, environmental
toxins, tobacco smoke, exhaust fumes |
acid (B5), Vitamin C, Thiamine (Vitamin B1) |
References and further reading
Poisoning – Acute And Chronic – And Its Healing
Retracing And Healing Reactions
Skin Elimination And Nutritional Balancing
| Hair Analysis
| Saunas | Books | Articles | Detox Protocols