by Dr. Lawrence Wilson

© February 2025, LD Wilson Consultants, Inc.

All information in this article is for educational purposes only.  It is not for the diagnosis, treatment, prescription or cure of any disease or health condition.


The dantiens look like small spinning balls of energy. However, as of February 2025 we know that the dantiens are a set of prisons, shields and action cloaks.

Each prison contains at least one fine matter creature and perhaps more. So far, the creatures inside the prisons are all satans, which means they are thoroughly raped, beaten, poisoned and spiked.

The dantiens are found in coarse matter beings such as human beings, animals and plants.  They are also found in fine matter beings such as elves, angels and trillions of other fine matter creatures and plants.

A weapon system. We believe the dantiens are a weapon of the thugs, rogues or satan. They form an array used to jam our communication. They also harm our creatures in many other ways.

Action cloaks. The thugs, crap, Rogues or Satan in the Bible cloak the dantiens with a very advanced type of cloak called an action cloak. This is like a movie or moving picture. It can make it look like the dantien is alive, growing, moving, etc.

Prisons. The dantien is also a prison and not easy to get into. Also, the thugs are sending warships to “protect” the prisons and they shoot at anyone who tries to enter the dantien. The Father is helping hold them off.

Multiple. There can be multiple prisons in one spot and/or there can be one or two prisons in a spot, but they may contain many satans. Some are easy to miss!

To find multiple dantiens, we spray the area with coffee and only then can most see the multiple dantiens.

So far, we have found up to 14 dantiens together in one spot on a creature. The creatures with the most dantiens are females, so far. The most have been found on some javelinas, also called the jav.

So far, the largest number of satans found in one dantien is about one hundred.

Dantiens inside the body. The dantiens located inside the body appear to be the same as the ones outside the body. They damage organs, centers and more.

Qualities. All have wires and plenty of weapons and so far, they lie. So far, they are all a particular creature – a relay.

Trees. Take the dantiens off the trees and the trees will communicate much better.

Shield. Also, we believe the dantiens form a shield. We say this because without them our creatures are doing long distance healing much better.

We believe are an array communication system, but they harm the creatures in other ways, too. We know this because when we remove the dantiens the creatures feel better.

Volunteers. If creatures are scared to have their dantiens removed, ask for a volunteer to test the idea. So far, all the volunteers feel better and look better without the dantiens.

Attachment. The dantiens are attached to the physical bodies by a tensegrity mast. That is a term coined by Buckminster Fuller, who was an earth scientist. It is made of short pieces of metal or plastic joined to very fine wires.

Disposal. We are killing off the satans inside the dantiens. We are also just cutting apart the structure holding the dantien on.


Doing at least two strong coffee enemas every day is helping us to see the true nature of the dantiens and the creatures inside them.


The word dantien is a Sanskrit word. I believe it means spheres or bubbles, which is the way they appear when cloaked. However, it is not an accurate term.

Other ways the Sanskrit word is spelled in some books are dantian, dan t'ian, or tan t'ien.


The dantiens are not the same as the seven subtle energy centers discussed in the article The Energy Centers. These energy centers look very different and are in the shape of funnels. In the Sanskrit language they are called the chakras, a word that just means the funnels.

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