by Dr. Lawrence Wilson

© September 2023, LD Wilson Consultants, Inc.


All information in this article is for educational purposes only.  It is not for the diagnosis, treatment, prescription or cure of any disease or health condition.











1. Chelation Randomly And Erratically Removes Vital Minerals

2. Chelation Throws The Body Chemistry Out Of Balance

3. Chelation Can Worsen Kidney and Liver Activity

4. Toxic Metal Removal Is Not Adequate

5. Chelation Only Removes Some Toxic Metals and Does Not Remove Toxic Chemicals

6. Chelation Does Not Address Most Of The Deeper Causes Of Illness and Worsens Overall Health

7. Chelation can damage higher brain centers and the connection with the Holy Spirit or Guidance.

8. Chelation removes toxic metals in an unnatural order.  This is not a safe way to detoxify the body.

9. Chelation slows or stops development.  This is the expansion of the energy field of a human being and the expression of the full human genetic potential.











Definition.  The word chelate means to grab on or hold on.  Chelation therapy is the use of specific chemical substances called chelators that bind to and help remove toxic metals from the body.

These chemicals can be synthetic or natural.  The therapy can be administered intravenously or orally, and occasionally in other ways such as rectally.

Chelation therapy is used mainly by holistic doctors and naturopaths.  The use of chelating agents to remove toxic metals is in the medical textbooks, and has been for years.  However, chelation therapy to remove calcium from the arteries for example, is not an “officially approved” conventional medical therapy.


Confusion with chelated minerals.  Chelation therapy is completely different from the concept of chelated minerals.  The latter are minerals that are tightly bound to specific mineral transporters so that they are absorbed faster and better into the body inside the intestinal tract.  In fact, our bodies naturally chelate or bind minerals in the stomach and intestines in order to absorb them properly.

Chelation therapy, however, has nothing to do with absorbing minerals.  It has to do with removing minerals by the use of specific chemicals that bind tightly to minerals and then move them to the kidneys for exretion.




Chelation therapy is better than bypass surgery for blocked arteries.  It is safer, easier and less costly.  However, we never recommend standard chelation therapy because:

- It is not too effective compared to a development program, and therefore not needed.

- It is not safe enough.  It removes some vital minerals along with the toxic ones.  These cannot be replaced by just taking vitamin or mineral supplements or by adding vitamins and minerals to an intravenous drip.

Chelation is also hard on the kidneys, which must remove the chelating agents and the toxic metals.  Dr. Paul Eck first noticed this problem about 44 years ago because he found that chelation therapy decreases the sodium/potassium ratio on a hair mineral analysis.

- Chelation therapy is a symptomatic therapy that does not address the deeper causes of disease.

Some people today are told that the more they chelate their heavy metals, the better.  In our view, this is incorrect and dangerous advice, as this article will explain.

So far, everything chelation therapy offers can be done better with a complete development program, so that is what we suggest.  However, it is true that a development program is much more work than sitting in a chair for a few hours to receive a series of intravenous drips of a chelating agent.




1. Below is an email we received.  The patient was a young adult, and seemingly healthy at the time he had chelation.  Today, unlike the past, people who seem healthy may not be that healthy, and this can complicate any therapy.


Dear Dr. Wilson,

I was treated by my naturopath with 2 chelation treatments to remove heavy metals in June, 2012.  The day after the second treatment I had a severe migraine.  Tylenol nor Advil would help at all.  The morning of the next day the headache continued until I collapsed at work.  My first aid attendant at work called 911 and I was in the emergency room in 17 minutes.   They did a scan and found I had a brain stem hemorrhage.  The doctors said that in another 30 minutes I would have died.

My blood pressure was so high I was put into a drug-induced coma, where I remained for the next 9 days!  When they took me out of the coma, they told my children that I was alive, but will likely have "serious deficiencies".

I have made a good recovery, but can no longer do a lot of the things I enjoy.  My short-term memory is poor.  I was active and enjoyed hard work, and activities like windsurfing, kayaking and rock climbing.  The doctors advise against these.

- J.S.


One can argue that the timing of the man’s hehorrhagic stroke was purely coincidental, and not related to his chelation therapy.  However, we think this is unlikely.

One must ask, why would something like this occur from giving a chemical that removes toxic metals?  Possible answers are:

1. Removing calcium deposits that were coating the inside of the arteries of the brain may have weakened the artery wall, resulting in its rupture.

2. Chelation therapy removes vital minerals along with the toxic ones.  In this instance, removing a vital mineral may have caused the blood pressure to rise too high.

3. Chelation therapy is hard on the kidneys.  In this case, the chelating drug may have interfered with kidney function, and this may have raised the blood pressure.

 In fairness, this case is extreme.  However, we have received a number of client reports that chelation therapy just did not solve their health problems or that chelation therapy caused adverse effects, but not as extreme as in the case above.


2. Rosemary G. asked that her experience with chelation be included in this article.  Several years ago, at age 64, Rosemary was diagnosed with mercury toxicity.  Her symptoms included extreme fatigue, a kind of free-floating fear, depression, anxiety, skin problems, and other emotional disturbances.

She underwent more than 20 chelation treatments to remove the mercury, using DMPS and DMSA.  She reported that the treatments did not help her symptoms, but in fact made her more ill.  Her first hair tissue mineral analysis revealed a 0.4 mg% mercury level.  This is over 10 times normal.  She had been told that her mercury level was normal using a urine challenge test for toxic metals!

After only three months on a development program, Rosemary began to feel normal for the first time in many years.  A retest hair mineral analysis showed an almost 100% increase in her hair mercury level to 0.74 mg%.  This indicates an active elimination in progress.  Rosemary is continuing on her development program and feeling still better, as there is more mercury yet to be eliminated.




            These include the following:


1. Chelating agents randomly and erratically remove vital minerals.  All chelating agents, both natural and synthetic, remove some essential mineral compounds from the body.  This is a serious problem today for two main reasons.  First, many people are already extremely deficient in many essential minerals such as zinc, chromium, selenium, manganese and others.  If one removes even a little of the essential minerals, the person can become much more ill, even though the deficiency state can be subtle.

The other problem with removing some essential minerals is that it further unbalances or upsets the body chemistry, often in ways that are difficult to repair.  For this reason, removing vital minerals from the body in a random way is usually the worst problem with all chelation – synthetic or natural - that we observe.

Physicians that offer chelation say they replenish the vital minerals with either oral supplements or minerals added to an intravenous chelation bottle.  However, in our experience, this is not true.  The proper foms of the minerals often come from food and cannot be duplicated with pills or IV minerals.  In fact, replenishing minerals in the human body is a delicate, exacting process and it cannot be done by just ‘dumping’ them into the bloodstream or with mineral supplements. 

I believe that a complete development program can replace the vital minerals lost through chelation therapy, however.  For more about this, please read Introduction To Development on this website.


2. Chelation throws the body chemistry out of balance.  Chelation rips toxic metals out of the arteries, veins and some tissues without regard for the overall balance of the body chemistry.  Replacing minerals with IV pushes and piles of vitamin pills does the same thing, or worse. 

If one unbalances the body, the vitality always suffers, even if symptomatic improvement occurs.  This is a major problem with chelation, using either natural and synthetic chelating agents.


3. Chelation can worsen kidney and liver activity.  This occurs for two reasons;

- All chelating agents are toxic, or potentially toxic.  The synthetic chelators such as EDTA, DMPS, DMSA, penicillamine, deferoxamine and other drugs are known to be toxic for the kidneys, in particular.

- Toxic metals that are lodged in fairly safe places such as fatty tissue are mobilized by chelation therapy and moved into vital organs such as the kidneys.  There the metals accumulate, causing damage to vital organs.

For example, kidney damage causes high blood pressure, buildup of toxic ammonia and other chemicals, and hastens death.

Chelation seems to damage methylation in the kidney.  Methylation is a method of detoxification.  We believe this is the case because giving clients who have undergone chelation trimethylglycine, a methylating agent, seems to help them a lot.

The toxicity of chelation therapy may not be apparent at first.  However, newer chelation protocols demand that the doctor check the patient’s liver and kidney function periodically, exactly for this reason.  Unfortunately, standard liver and kidney blood tests are not sensitive enough to detect subtle damage to these vital organs due to chelating agents.

Natural chelators such as high-dose vitamin C, zeolite, chlorella, cilantro extract, distilled water, reverse osmosis water, charcoal tablets and others are less toxic, but still damaging in various ways, and should be avoided.  The safest agents are sulfur amino acids, garlic, modified citrus pectin, and the alginates.  While safer, these are quite yin in Chinese medical terms and must be used sparingly, if at all.


4. Removal of toxic metals is not thorough enough.  Most, if not all of the chelating agents only work in the blood and in the tissues and organs located near larger blood vessels.  Repeated use of the chelating agents can go somewhat deeper, but then the hazards of chelation such as removing more essential minerals also increase.

In contrast, development science begins at the cellular level and works at this level.  The metals can slowly be removed at much deeper levels, as a result, and much more thoroughly.  Several patients of mine had previously undergone 40 or more chelation treatments.  This is usually considered enough to rid the body of lead, mercury or other metals.  However, when these patients went on a development program, they began to eliminate significant amounts of these toxic metals that supposedly had already been removed.  The only explanation I can think of is that deeper deposits were now being removed that were not reached by the chelating agents.


5. Chelation only works on some toxic metals and does not remove toxic chemicals.  Chelating agents can remove some mercury, lead, cadmium, arsenic, copper, iron, aluminum and perhaps a few other toxic metals.  However, they will not remove very well about a dozen other toxic metals for various reasons.  They also do not remove toxic chemicals.

In contrast, a development program removes all toxic metals and all toxic chemicals, as well. 


6. Chelation does not address most of the deeper causes of illness, and worsens overall health.  While toxic metal removal is helpful in some cases, many times the metal accumulation is due to many other bodily imbalances.  These include Yin Disease, Sympathetic Dominance, mineral deficiencies, chronic infections, imbalanced mineral ratios and more.

No matter what anyone claims, chelation therapy is an allopathic, or drug approach to healing.  By this I mean that it does not address underlying imbalances, it is somewhat toxic, it never balances the body, and it usually reduces the overall vitality of the body. 

This is important because naturopaths and holistic doctors claim to avoid allopathic approaches, but often offer chelation.  While it is an alternative to bypass surgery for heart disease, for example, it is still very allopathic in its philosophy and methodology.

Granted, it may extend life because it can remove calcium deposits from the arteries of the heart, brain, liver and elsewhere.  However, this is not the same as improving overall vitality and health.


7. Chelation can damage higher brain centers and the connection with the Holy Spirit.  Removing even tiny amounts of certain forms of zinc and selenium with chelation therapy can damage finer brain centers.  When this occurs, one may feel less connected to God or the Holy Spirit because this connection requires higher brain cortex activity.

This can be a devastating adverse effect of chelation therapy.  Please consider this when you are tempted to undergo chelation therapy.


8. Chelation removes toxic metals in an unnatural order. In development, all of the toxic metals are removed in the body’s own order.  This is a complex and delicate process.  The practitioner simply keeps balancing and supporting the overall stress response by balancing the key mineral ratios and oxidation rate, and the body does the rest. 

Chelation therapy is more of a ‘sledgehammer’ approach that literally rips the toxic metals out of the enzyme binding sites in a totally unnatural order.  This can cause problems such as those described in the email above.

In addition, because the order is unnatural, some reaccumulation of the toxic metals might occur, necessitating more chelation therapy in the future.  It is also possible that toxic metals that the body either cannot remove well enough or that reaccumulate for other reason will end up in more vital organs.  This does not occur with a properly designed development program.


9. Chelation slows or stops what is called development on this website.  Development is very special and is the central goal of a development program.  It involves the expansion of the energy field of a human being and the expression of the full human genetic potential.  This can drastically improve a person’s physical and mental health and tends to causes a longer, happier life.




Chelation therapy involves giving a drug of other substance that binds toxic metals such as lead. However, we find the body cannot eliminate lead and other toxic metals very well if the shepherd concept is not in play.

The shepherd concept is that the body uses certain minerals, especially zinc, calcium and magnesium, as shepherds to guide the safe and rapid elimination of toxic metals.  For details, read The Shepherd Concept.

In most cases of chelation therapy, the shepherd concept is not involved. In part, this is because the body is out of balance and too low in adaptive energy. Also, most bodies are very deficient in the shepherd minerals.

Responsible practitioners supplement minerals, but do not know which ones or how much to give.  Much worse is the problem that chelating drugs tend to binds up calcium, zinc and other vital shepherd minerals, rendering them biologically unavailable to the body.

The result is the chelating drugs and the toxic metals tend to build up in the kidneys, in particular, and damage them.




The development program approaches the problem of toxic metals very differently from chelation therapy.  The program employs over 20 methods to remove toxic metals at the same time.

They include balancing the oxidation rate, improving the organs of elimination, making the body more parasympathetic, removng the need for adaptations to stress, improving digestion, improving hydration, improving oxygenation of the tissues, and more.

This method is much safer and removes much more of the toxic metals.  For details about the methods, read Toxic Metals. 






Not exactly because it does not involve a chemical or herb.  However, the effect is very similar.  That is, drinking mineral-free water will bind to and leach out of the body some minerals.  It is sometimes called “hungry water”.  Unfortunately, it does not just leach out toxic metals, but also removes vital nutrient minerals, as well.

For this reason, please do not drink reverse osmosis or distilled water.  The only exception is that distilled water is occasionally helpful during a healing crisis for a few days or a week if one is eliminating toxic metals and needs to get them out faster.

There are other problems with distilled and reverse osmosis water, even though they are fairly pure and chemical-free.  For more on this important subject, please read Water For Drinking on this website.




Heart disease (arteriosclerosis).  Chelation therapy definitely removes some toxic metals that lodge in the arteries.  By so doing, it can improve blood flow to the heart and other organs.  Over one thousand studies confirm this. 

However, chelation therapy for heart disease is not medically accepted.  The likely reason for this is that it competes directly with heart bypass and other common surgeries that are major sources of income - literally in the billions of dollars - for physicians, hospitals, drug companies and others who sell or supply various medical items.

The claim that chelation is not well-researched, or that it is more dangerous than most heart surgery, is false.  The ignorance and deception by the medical journals and authorities on this subject are a sad reflection upon a medical profession that supposedly exists to help people, rather than to harm them or take their money. 

The statistics on bypass surgery, for example, show clearly that there are many side effects that would be prevented if development, chelation or other methods such as sauna therapy were tried first.  The cost of chelation and natural methods is often one tenth to one-one hundredth of bypass surgery.  Thus, bypass surgery is quite insane today.  Unfortunately, chelation therapy is also unsafe, in my experience.  It is also not needed because a properly designed development program will clear the arteries and do it better than chelation possibly can.


Chelation for other diseases such as dementia, diabetes, impaired circulation, and others.  Fewer studies support the benefits of chelation therapy for other conditions, but it may help reduce some symptoms because toxic metals cause so many ailments in modern day society.




Toxic metal exposure is universal today.  Everyone has toxic metals.  To read why I say this, read Everyone Is Toxic.  All children are born with some toxic metals that pass through the placenta from their mothers.  This is why removing toxic metals with a development program BEFORE one becomes pregnant is very critical if one wishes to have healthy children.  It does not matter how beautiful a young woman looks, or even if her blood or hair tests indicate that she does not have toxic metals.  They are just hidden in these cases.

After birth, vaccine exposure is an important source of mercury and aluminum, along with food, drinking water, pharmaceutical drugs of many kinds, over-the-counter drugs, cosmetics, and other environmental sources.  These include, but are not limited to air pollution, dental amalgams and other dental materials, and contact with toxic metals at home and at work.

In development work, we assume that everyone has toxic metals.  I have yet to work with anyone who is not quite toxic.  Toxic metals are not the most important assessment.  It is far more important to figure out a person’s energy level, exact oxidation rate, ability to eliminate toxic metals, ability to digest and assimilate nutrients and a few other parameters of health.

Once this is done, Dr. Eck’s system involves designing a healing program that includes at least 20 methods to gently and safely remove ALL the toxic metals and ALL toxic chemicals in the body at the same time.  They include improving the vitality level, balancing the autonomic nervous system (see Understanding The Autonomic Nervous System), improving the eliminative organs, the use of antagonists and synergists and much more.  For the specifics of these methods, read Toxic Metals And How To Remove Them on this site.




              In my experience, saunas are the finest single additional modality with a development program for toxic metal elimination.  They combine a number of effects that together produce wonderful results.  They are also safe and very cost-effective.  One can build or buy a light sauna for several hundred dollars or less.  Click here for information about saunas.

            In essence, sauna therapy helps rejuvenate the skin, the largest eliminative organ in the body.  It helps decongest the internal organs by shunting blood to the body surface.  It helps to spare and protect the kidneys, as most all toxins eliminated by the kidneys can be eliminated in the sweat.

Heating the body assists it to kill pathogenic microorganisms, and helps destroy weaker, toxic metal-laden cells.  Saunas also drastically increase circulation, assisting to dislodge stored toxins and assisting nutrients to reach all the cells to improve energy output. 

The sauna is also a powerful inhibitor of the sympathetic nervous system.  According to Guyton's Textbook of Medical Physiology, when heat is supplied from outside, normal heat production, a sympathetic activity, shuts down.  Also, shunting blood to the body surface to remove heat requires and causes inhibition of the sympathetic system.

            Infrared energy supplied by far infrared and infrared light saunas adds other benefits such as deep tissue heating, decoupling of toxins from water molecules, production of heat shock proteins that help regenerate cellular structures, and more.  Saunas also have a long history of safety that extends over literally thousands of years..

            For all these reasons, saunas are the finest single modality for toxic metal removal.  As added benefits, they are also the best methods I have found to remove toxic chemicals, another serious health hazard.  They are also powerful infection-fighters, and able to dig out old chronic infections that deplete one's energy and secrete biological toxins that are hidden causes of systemic disease.


            Coffee enemas.  These are also superb for removing most toxins from the liver and large intestine.  They should be included in any detoxification protocol for this reason.  For more information about this unusual but very helpful therapy that can be done in the privacy of your home, read Coffee Enemas on this website.



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