by Dr. Lawrence Wilson

 © October 2019, L.D. Wilson Consultants, Inc.


All information in this article is for educational purposes only.  It is not for the diagnosis, treatment, prescription or cure of any disease or health condition.


            Causes for childhood and adult depression, anxiety and attention deficit range from nutritional imbalances and chemical exposure to home and school problems. Instead of addressing causes, many doctors and psychologists treat the symptoms with powerful medications.

            Today, almost nine million children, or almost one out of every five American children, take psychoactive drugs for their behavior disorders, many of which are questionable diagnoses.




           Prozac, Luvox, Paxil, and Zoloft belong to a class of drugs called selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors or SSRI's. These drugs can induce akathisia - mental and physical agitation that sparks self-destructive, violent behavior.

            They can also induce dissociative reactions. The one taking the drug becomes insensitive to the consequences of his behavior.

            The combination of these effects can lead to anti-social behavior of the worst kind.  In one study, 6% of the children on Prozac became psychotic (1).




            Here are the sad results. Eric Harris was on Luvox before taking part in the shooting at Columbine High School in April 1999. Fifteen-year-old Shawn Cooper fired on students and high school staff in Notus, Idaho in April 1999. He was taking an SSRI.

            Thirteen-year-old Chris Fetters of Iowa killed her favorite aunt. She was on Prozac. Kip Kinkel, a 15-year-old, first shot his parents, then killed two and wounded 22 fellow students at Thurston High School in Oregon. He was taking Prozac.

            Joseph Wesbecker was on Prozac when he killed seven people at a printing plant in Kentucky, before taking his own life. In September 1999, Buford O'Neal Furrow, Jr. fired 70 rounds at the North Valley Jewish Community Center in Los Angeles wounding 5 people – while on an SSRI.  A month earlier Mark Barton, who took an SSRI, murdered his wife and two children and then methodically gunned down 21 people in two brokerage firms in Atlanta.

            Jeff Weise was another school killer in Red lake, Minnesota. His dose of Prozac had just been increased to 60 mg daily. The story is the same - those involved were taking SSRI drugs.

            Since 1998, eight of the thirteen ‘school shooters’ were on psychiatric drugs. The records on the remaining five are sealed. Did the drugs cause the violence?

            Ann Blake Tracy, PhD has studied Prozac for ten years. She researched 32 murder cases involving women and their children. In 24 of the cases, the women were taking Prozac or another SSRI.

            Why isn't this on the news? Perhaps because drug company advertising supports most TV and radio stations, newspapers and medical journals. Drug companies spend $11 billion a year on advertising.  An article in California Lawyer, Dec. 1998, reported that Eli Lilly, manufacturer of Prozac, settled nearly a dozen cases involving Prozac out of court in one year. They did this to avoid unwanted publicity that would unleash an avalanche of Prozac horror stories.




            In many areas, one of every five children is labeled with 'attention deficit' or ADHD. The number of children so diagnosed increased by 90% between 1989 and 1996!  Three-fourths of the doctor visits resulted in drug treatment.

            Clinical Psychiatric News, July 1998, reported that 223 children under age 3 who enrolled in Michigan's Medicaid program before December 1996 were labeled ADHD. The author adds: "Amazingly, 57% of these children were treated with one or more psychotropic drugs including Ritalin, Prozac, Dexedrine, Aventyl and Syban. Thirty-three percent were medicated with two or more of these drugs."  These drugs have not been well-tested on children.

            Combining anti-depressants (Prozac or Luvox) and psychostimulants (Ritalin) increases the risk of cardiovascular collapse, seizures, euphoria and psychosis (3). Researchers at the Brookhaven National Laboratory reported that "when Ritalin was given to cocaine users, they couldn't distinguish the Ritalin high from the cocaine high".




            The cause is not a deficit of Ritalin or Prozac!  The culprits are atrocious diets, vaccines, overuse of medical drugs such as antibiotics, and mothers who are malnourished and in poor health who give birth to sick children.

            Another factor that most people are not aware of is that schools often receive money for every child they diagnose with ADHD.  This gives the schools a strong incentive to obtain the diagnosis.   Here are more details.




            Pellagra is a vitamin B3 deficiency disease. In 1938, the American Journal of Medical Science, Vol. 196 published an article titled, "The Mental Symptoms of Subclinical Pellagra" by T.D. Spies, et al.  Symptoms include hyperactivity, perceptual difficulties, inappropriate social behavior, and children have learning and behavior problems in school. 

            One may say, how can one develop a vitamin deficiency disease today?  The answer is easily.  Just live on a standard diet of products made from white flour, white rice, and refined sugar. 

            In a California study involving 400 prisoners, 200 were given a multi-vitamin-mineral supplement, while the others were given a placebo. Neither the prisoners nor the prison staff knew who was getting the placebo. The number of discipline violations in the treated group fell 38% in the 15 weeks of the study.  There was no change in violations in the placebo group.

            Psychiatrist Abram Hoffer, MD has added much to our understanding of human nutrition. Two of his contributions concern food allergies and dosages of vitamins.  He wrote that "food allergy can produce almost every known psychiatric symptom, from autism and schizophrenia to mood and behavioral disorders".

            His work with Korean concentration camp victims proved that some people need much higher doses of vitamins than others to maintain health.




Many studies support the concept that better nutrition reduces crime and delinquency in adults as well as in children.

For example, in 2002, the British Journal of Psychiatry published a study of juvenile delinquents.  Half of a group of 230 young offenders were given a food supplement containing vitamins, minerals and essential fatty acids.  The other half were given a placebo or dummy pill (an excellent choice of words, in this case).

            Those who took the real food supplement over an eighteen-month period experienced a reduction in all repeat offenses of 25%.  Violent crime was reduced by nearly 40%.  Those who took the placebo had no reduction in their repeat offenses over the same period of months.




            Our brain has several parts. The so-called ‘old brain’ is the diencephalon, often referred to as the brain stem. It is responsible for our animal responses, including the desire to harm or kill another.  This can be a natural defensive response.

            The ‘new brain’ is the cortex, which sits on top of the old brain.  One of its functions is to modify our animal responses, substituting the higher emotions such as forgiveness, patience and compassion for the lower emotions of anger, hatred and aggression.

            Dr. Paul Eck taught that copper stimulates the old brain, whereas zinc is needed in greater quantity for the new brain.  In fact, zinc is a calming neurotransmitter in its own right.

            Hair analyses reveal today that over 50% of the population is zinc deficient and copper toxic.  Symptoms of copper toxicity from standard textbooks include psychosis, schizophrenia, and emotional instability.

            Why are the copper levels high? Among the important reasons are zinc-deficient (refined food) diets, adrenal gland weakness, use of birth control pills and copper intra-uterine devices in young women, vegetarian diets, and stress.  For details, read Copper Toxicity Syndrome.




            Caffeine.  Another cause of erratic behavior is overstimulation with caffeine and sugar.  Both are found together in soda pop and energy drinks.  They give a temporary lift, but eventually exhaust the adrenal glands, upset blood sugar badly, deplete nutrients and have other harmful effects.

            The American Food And Drug Administration is very tough on vitamin manufacturers, but ignores the danger of caffeine and sugar.  This government agency is among the most corrupt of all the government agencies.  For details, read The FDA Menace.


            Refined sugar, labeled fructose, corn sweeteners, honey, dextrose, liquid sugar or other names, depletes the body of B-complex vitamins because the vitamins are used up during digestion of the sugar.  Eating sugar also upsets blood sugar and feeds fungal and yeast infections.  Yeasts produce alcohol in the brain, lead to a “dry drunk” syndrome that is quite common today and potentially an important cause of anti-social and criminal behavior.  For details, read Dry Drunks.


              Artificial sweeteners.  Substituting Nutrasweet for sugar, as many people do, is even worse for many people.  This chemical is called an excitotoxin and is very harmful for the nervous system.  It should be banned.  For details, read Aspartame Or Nutrasweet. 


            Calcium, magnesium and zinc deficiencies.  Calcium, magnesium and zinc are called the "sedative minerals". They are essential for mental well-being.  Most children and adults today are deficient in these three vital minerals.  These deficiencies cause widespread anxiety, irritability and can cause anti-social activity, especially when one is under stress.

            In addition, soda pop contains phosphoric acid that binds and eliminates calcium, magnesium and zinc from the body.  Thus drinking soda pop worsens mineral deficiencies.




            Lead, cadmium, mercury, nickel, aluminum and manganese damage the brain and cause mood swings and violent thoughts.  This assertion is supported by many studies.  However, toxicology is not a popular subject among doctors or psychiatrists.  Most know very little about it and it is not taught much in their schools.

            Tissue mineral tests on several serial killers found they had high tissue levels of manganese.  They were welders who developed a well-known clinical condition called manganese madness.

            A study of Navy recruits found the higher the cadmium level in their hair, the more disciplinary problems they experienced.

            The "mad hatters" of Alice in Wonderland were real people.  They became poisoned with mercury working in the hat industry in the mid 1800's.  Today, children are poisoned with mercury on a much larger scale from their vaccines and from dental fillings.  Some European nations have banned amalgam fillings.  The American Dental Association knows about the problem.  If they told you the truth, there might be lawsuits, so the poisoning continues.


            The author’s experience.  A troubled teen consulted the author some years ago. He had been expelled from several high schools, and lived at the Arizona Boys Ranch. His driver said he had "a bad attitude". In my office, he said "Doc, my brain doesn't work".

            The boy’s hair mineral analysis indicated high levels of cadmium and aluminum.  Both are very neurotoxic.  We helped him improve his diet by removing sugar and refined flour products, and recommended a development program to lower the levels of toxic metals and balance the entire body chemistry.

            Six months later the young man returned for a follow-up visit.  On a retest hair analysis, the cadmium and aluminum levels had improved.  The driver who brought the young man to us said, "His attitude has turned around".  In my office, the boy said, "Doc, my brain works".

            An important principle is that when the diet is low in vital minerals, the body absorbs much more of the toxic metals from food and the environment.




            Pesticide exposure can induce homicidal behavior.  Many pesticides affect cholinesterase activity. This enzyme affects the level of acetylcholine, a calming neurotransmitter.

            The result can be a state of severe agitation and irritability.  Studies show that many children by age five have reached a dangerous level of pesticide exposure thanks to spraying of many food items with pesticides.




            Schools are often built today without windows for better insulation.  Many have carpeting, which formerly was never used in schools.  This creates a closed environment with a much greater possibility of high concentrations of carpet molds, dust, toxic cleaning chemicals and formaldehyde in furniture and building materials.

            The result is called "sick building syndrome". Excellent books such as Is This Your Child's World? by Doris Rapp, MD document the harmful effects these chemicals can have on childrens’ and teachers’ behavior.  Perhaps it is no wonder that shooters often open fire in schoolyards.  Another reason for this, however, is that schools are often “gun-free” zones, which means the shooter is much safer killing people here than in places where someone might have a gun to stop him.




            What can be done about all this? A lot can be done.  For example, all children and adults can be inexpensively screened for toxic metals.  The food, the water and everything one touches and breathes can also be cleaned up. 

            With a development program with one of the Approved Practitioners, most attention deficit disorder, panic attacks and irritability go away, often within a few months to a year.  So also does most depression, anxiety and other mental and emotional imbalances.




       It is tempting to pass gun control laws to “control” the violence.  However, these laws do not work!  By reviewing the statistics does one begin to realize that guns in the hands of the citizens are an excellent deterrent to crime, and in fact they prevent thousands of rapes, robberies and murders every year. 

              For example, Kennesaw, Georgia passed a law requiring heads of households to have at least one gun in the house. The crime rate dropped and has remained low. There are excellent books detailing the benefits of gun ownership. Click here to read about gun statistics in America and read Gun Policy.

            If the nutritionally atrocious diets continue and if biochemical imbalances that are easily seen on a hair mineral analysis are not addressed, the violence will only escalate.  If guns are not available, it will be with bombs, knives, chemicals or other weapons that could be far worse than a gun.




            Parents need to explain to children the rules of healthy eating and the government needs to back them up by banning the food chemicals, refined foods and toxic food products that today fill the supermarket shelves. 

            Have fun explaining nutrition to children and they will listen.  Tell them that fluffy, bleached, preserved white bread is good for two things: cleaning up a mess on the floor, and for blowing your nose if you don't have Kleenex.  It has no place in a healthful diet.  Bleached white flour is great for paper mache, but not for eating.  Don't keep junk food in the house, substitute healthier products, and set a good example for children.

            If you send your children to school, which we do not recommend for many reasons, then parents must stay involved with the school and how they are feeding your children.

            Yell and scream until they take the soda machines and McDonald's-style meals out of the schools.  If they refuse, consider taking your child out of that school. While visiting the school, note if there is proper ventilation, and how many toxic carpets and other items your child will be exposed to.  For details about schooling, read What Is Wrong With The School System?

            Give your children choices of food, but make sure that food fits our standards – loads of cooked vegetables, fresh meats, eggs, a little raw milk or raw cheese, and a little whole grains, but not wheat.

       Natural light, provided by windows or full-spectrum bulbs, is also much healthier for children than windowless school buildings and standard fluorescent lights.

       Spend more time with your children. Although TV violence is probably not the main cause of school violence, why support violence on TV and movies? Ratings are everything. If enough people tune out, the programming will change.




         If your child is diagnosed with ADHD or depression, use drugs as a last resort.  Seek first for causes, including nutritional imbalances, candida albicans infections, food allergies and chemical sensitivity among others.  We find if one does this, drugs are very rarely needed or helpful.

            Children need to be loved and cared for carefully. Too many parents are burned out, too busy, or some just don’t care enough about their children.  When children are not loved and cared for properly, most cannot articulate their needs. Instead, they "act out" - sometimes violently.

            Under the influence of drugs and other imbalances, it can be deadly. Perhaps we can be grateful for these incidents. They may point us in directions that are needed to better love the children.




1. Breggin, P.R., Talking Back to Prozac, St. Martin's Paperbacks, New York, NY, 1994.

2. Breggin, P.R., Your Drug May Be Your Problem, Perseus Books, Reading, MA 1999.

3. Breggin, P.R., also Talking Back to Ritalin and Toxic Psychiatry.

4. Dishinger, R.C., Bad Behavior and Illness are Caused by Biochemical Imbalances, available free at www.biochemimbal-bahavior.com or call 502-684-9233.

5. Doctor Visits by Youngsters with ADHD, Arch. of Ped. and Adolescent Med., Dec. 1999;153,1257-1263,1220-1221.

6. Drug Company Advertising to Doctors, J. of the AMA,2000;373-380 and 391-393.

7. Eck, P. and Wilson, L., Toxic Metals in Human Health and Disease, Eck Institute of Applied Nutrition, Phoenix, AZ, 1989.

8. Greeley, R.E., Thomas Jefferson's Freethought Legacy, Prometheus Books, Amherst, NY,    1995.

9. Hoffer, A, Dr. Hoffer's ABC of Natural Nutrition for Children, Quarry Press, Inc., Ontario, Canada 1999.

10. Johnson, J.A. et al., Drug-related Morbidity and Mortality, A Cost-of-Illness Model, Arch. Intern. Med., Oct. 9, 1995;155(18)1949-1956.

11.Olarsch, I.G., and Stockton, S., Why are Kids Killing...The Nutrition-Mind Connection, Townsend Letter for Doctors, April 2000;201,108-111.

12.O'Meara, K.P., Doping Kids, Insight Magazine, June 28, 1999, available at www.freerepublic.com

Prozac Survivor's Support Group, at www.pssg.org

13. Rapp, D., Is This Your Child?, Quill William Morrow, New York, 1991.

14. Rappaport, John, Why Did They Do It? An Inquiry Into The School Shootings in America, (available at www.truthseeker.com)

15. Schauss, A., Diet, Crime and Delinquency, Parker House Press, Berkeley, CA, 1980.

16. Thiel, R.J, Nutrition-based Interventions for ADD and ADHD, Amer. Naturo. Med. Assoc. Monitor, 1999, or at www.healthresearch.com.

17. Tracy, A.B., Prozac: Panacea or Pandora?, Cassia Publications, West Jordan, UT, 1994.

18. Tracy, Ann Black, International Coalition for Drug Awareness, www.drugawareness.org

19. Wiley, H., The History of the Crime Against the Food Law, available from the National Health Federation, Monrovia, CA.

20. Williams, D.G., Teach Your Children Well, Alternatives For the Health Conscious Individual, September 1999, 800-219-8591.



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