by Dr. Lawrence Wilson

© July 2013, L.D. Wilson Consultants, Inc.


All information in this article is for educational purposes only.  It is not for the diagnosis, treatment, prescription or cure of any disease or health condition.


            During a nutritional balancing program, clients sometimes report that a blood test indicates an elevated TSH or thyroid stimulating hormone.  Often, there are few symptoms and the T4 level is often normal or slightly low.  If the T4 is normal, this condition is called sub-clinical hypothyroidism. 

Doctors often recommend taking thyroid hormone replacement therapy for this.  However, we find this to be harmful in every case.  Thyroid hormone replacement, in these cases, always delays deep healing, and it can worsen health significantly even if it gives a person a little more energy.




TSH is produced by the pituitary gland and causes the thyroid gland to produce more thyroxine or T4.  An elevated TSH level simply indicates that the body is signaling the thyroid gland to produce more thyroid hormone.

Common causes of an elevated TSH include defects in thyroid hormone biosynthesis, Hashimoto’s disease, surgical removal of the thyroid, irradiation of the thyroid, the use of certain medical drugs, and a few other less common causes.

I find that the most important cause of a high TSH is biochemical and nutritional imbalances that affect the biosynthesis of thyroid hormones.  These defects include deficiencies of iodine, manganese and other chemicals needed for the production of thyroxine or T4.  They also include toxicity with chlorine, fluorides, bromides, mercury, copper and perhaps other toxic metals.


Iodine deficiency is everywhere.  Medical science believes that iodine deficiency is extremely rare in places such as America, Europe or Asia.  This is because iodine is added to most table salt, and is found in fish, seafood and sea vegetables. 

However, they fail to take into account that the environment is high in iodine antagonists today.  These are bromides, fluorides, and chlorine compounds, primarily.  These compete with iodine for absorption and utilization in the intestinal tract and elsewhere, and they replace iodine in the thyroid gland and other locations in the body.

The result is low thyroid activity and often Hashimoto’s disease.  Women are affected ten times as much as men.  This is due to differences in women’s metabolism, such as naturally higher copper levels, lower zinc levels, greater need for iodine for the breasts and other tissues, and perhaps for other reasons, as well.




The standard medical therapy for hypothyroidism is thyroid hormone replacement.  The best medical therapy for sub-clinical hypothyroidism, however, is more controversial, according to most medical textbooks.  Some doctors want to treat it with thyroid hormone replacements, while others prefer to just monitor the patient.

Another viewpoint, however, is to get rid of the basic causes of the problem.  This means to remove the mercury, copper, fluorides, bromides and chlorine compounds from the body, and this can be done with a nutritional balancing program.  When this is done, by following a program faithfully for at least a year or more, we find that the thyroid function normalizes easily and Hashimoto’s disease goes away on its own, in every case.

In addition, we find that taking thyroid replacement hormones for an elevated TSH or even for a low T4 or T3 worsens health in every case, perhaps because thyroid hormones are best produced within the body, at the exact rate the body needs.  This changes moment to moment, and day to day, and cannot be duplicated with a tablet or other replacement therapy.

For much more information about thyroid disease, read Thyroid Disease And Its Healing on this site.



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