by Dr. Lawrence Wilson
© May 2021, LD
Wilson Consultants, Inc.
All information in this
article is for educational purposes only.
It is not for the diagnosis, treatment, prescription or cure of any
disease or health condition.
General systems theory is a rather unique and very important science that
is not well understood. It is also
a key to our scientific future, and a key to understanding development science.
It is based on the properties of systems. A system may be defined as a group of items, all of which affect
each other.
Systems theory was developed early in the twentieth
century. It is an unusual type of
science because it is not about any particular subject such as health care or
Instead, it is about all complex
subjects. It consists of a set of principles about how to approach very complex
systems in ways that make it much easier and more effective to alter them,
control them and use them properly.
This is the essence of general systems theory. The actual science is quite technical
and mathematical, at times, and it is not necessary to know all this in order
to use the concepts.
secret is to always think in a whole system fashion when dealing with the body. This may sound simple, but it is not so easy in
practice. Medical doctors talk
about body systems such as the
cardiovascular system and the digestive system. However, they rarely talk about the entire person as a
system. Their science not set up
and does not operate this way.
In other words, whole system thinking is an idea
that is foreign to most healing methods, especially conventional and most
holistic and natural health care.
This is a major reason the current health care system is not solving important
health problems and costs a fortune.
The current methods are not a whole system approach
to the body. This huge mistake
needs to be remedied immediately or the health of the people of the Western
world, in particular, is going to continue to decline faster and faster.
In contrast, certain areas of human endeavor are
studied from a whole system perspective.
These include business, the environment, some
sciences such as physics, computer design, industrial design and a few others.
In fact, the areas of life that are studied using
general systems theory methodology are doing well. Areas of life that are not studied as systems such as
education, health care, criminal justice and a few others are working worse and
worse today. In this regard,
general systems theory is the answer for many human problems.
In contrast to conventional medical and most natural health care, development
is a completely whole systems approach.
This means that at all times the client is viewed as one system,
not a collection of body systems or parts. This includes the body, the brain, the emotions, the
thoughts, the lifestyle, the diet, the rest level and much more.
idea, while quite logical if you understand how our bodies work as one
organism, is quite foreign, unfortunately. As a result, we receive many criticisms and complaints by
those who do not understand this idea.
Here are some of the most important misunderstandings:
1. It is too difficult to follow the program. Some complain that our healing programs
are difficult to follow because they involve so many factors. These are one’s diet, lifestyle,
thinking patterns, rest, activity, supplementary nutrients and the very
powerful detoxification procedures.
this is just how it needs to be if we view you as a whole system. It is not necessary to follow the
entire program to get some results, but we find that the more a person does,
the better will be the results.
times, a person follows it all, to the letter. They always obtain the best results of anyone! In other words, it is quite mechanical
in its results. Do the program and
the results will follow.
2. Wishing to add to the program. Clients
often tell us that we have left out certain food supplements or perhaps foods
or procedures that should be included.
For example, some people insist on eating fruit, taking spirulina, using herbs or a vegetarian diet.
do not realize that the programs are designed in a whole system fashion. This means that adding anything is
almost as bad as subtracting something from the program.
cannot add to the program one’s favorite food or herb and expect the program to
work as well. In some cases,
adding a few more supplements can completely negate the program, in fact. This is a serious problem for people
who love to take handfuls of supplements or herbs.
is always a good reason why a particular food, supplement, or herb is NOT
included in the program. We have
not forgotten it. If you are not
sure and want to know, ask your consultant or read the articles on this
website, as they will usually answer the question of why we do not recommend
many vitamins, minerals, herbs, specialty products, methods or procedures.
3. Deleting parts of the program. Some tell us that blue corn chips are
just a greasy, salty junk food, or that sardines in a can are no good. Others tell us we recommend too many
do these because the souls tell us we must do so or the bodies will not be properly
nourished! We know it is unusual,
but that is what we are told and it works. Omitting things you don’t like or that others say are bad
does not work, in our experience.
4. The program is of long duration. Some clients complain that a development program
works too slowly and takes too long.
They are accustomed to taking a remedy that causes them to feel better
almost instantly, in many cases.
They want a quick fix.
many people do feel better within a week or two, an important principle of
systems theory is that in order to change the parts of a system,
you must often alter the behavior of the entire system. Then the parts come into balance by
to alter the whole system often takes a few years or longer because most people’s
bodies are depleted nutritionally from birth or early childhood. They are often loaded with toxic
medical drugs, vaccine residues, food chemicals, and more.
the time most people find this website, they are in miserable nutritional shape,
not matter how beautiful they may appear.
As a result, several years may be needed to correct a long-standing or
chronic health condition. This is
not a problem, but requires some patience.
5. One symptom clears up, but another hangs on. Occasionally
someone complains that one of their symptoms has gone away quickly, but another
seems to be lagging behind and is still present after a year or more on a development
program. This baffles them, but
that is because they are not thinking in whole system fashion.
our approach, the focus is always on the entire system. As this comes into better homeostasis
or balance, the parts of the body slowly come into harmony and most symptoms
due to the complexity of the human body system, we never know which of the
thousands of possible symptoms will clear first, and which will take much
longer to clear up. We don’t pay
attention to this order, as it is too complex to predict in almost all cases. We encourage clients to do the same.
6. New symptoms arise temporarily. Another concern for some clients is
that a new symptom may arise while on a development program. One may suddenly develop leg cramps, a stomach ache, a headache or diarrhea during a development
program. Many think they are
getting worse and may quit the program if they do not consult us as to what to
again, symptom flare-ups are common in whole system approaches to life. It is similar to passing a new law that
really benefits society, but it causes temporary upset and stress for some
people. In both cases, as the
total system parameters shift, large changes in some of the body parts or
so-called body systems will occur.
example, a person could develop some headaches or a skin rash for a few
days. In most instances, these symptom are due to the release of toxins in the body, or to
the rebalancing of the glands and hormones. As soon as the toxin elimination or rebalancing is complete,
the symptom disappears as quickly as it started.
flare-ups or purification reactions, as they are called, last no more than are
few minutes to a few hours. At
times, they may require a few days and rarely one lasts for a few months.
example, I had asthma as a baby and all during my childhood years. Recently, a retracing occurred involving
the lungs and bronchial tubes in which I coughed up green mucus and needed to
clear my throat many times daily.
It lasted 11 months. Then it
suddenly disappeared as the lungs and bronchial tubes healed. During that time, I also eliminated a
bluish chemical in the stools that was probably one of the many drugs I was
given during childhood for the asthma.
we alter the supplements or diet to assist the retracing and healing
process. For example, drinking
more water or switching to distilled water for a few days can remove toxins
faster, in some cases.
other cases, one can slow the healing and balancing process to relieve symptoms
by reducing the number of supplements one takes. In other cases, one can speed up the rebalancing process by
adding more detoxification procedures to remove toxins and balance the body.
in most cases, we just leave things alone and the process goes to completion
rapidly all by itself. It is
important to send in a question if you are not feeling well and we will check
on why.
reactions are normal with a whole system approach to healing, and not to worry. The temptation to visit the doctor, and
to take a drug or remedy for a flare-up or purification reaction is sometimes
great. However, this almost always
slows down the healing process and can stop the whole system balancing
completely if one takes a powerful drug or even some herbs or vitamins.
be careful about self-medicating or running to doctors if symptoms arise during
a development program. However, we
never advise people to avoid seeing another doctor if they desire to do so.
7. Blood or other tests become abnormal during a program.
Clients often report that their
serum thyroid hormone level or another test becomes abnormal during a development
program. This, too, is a feature
of whole system rebalancing.
fact, not only may new symptoms arise for a short time. Blood, urine, x-rays and all other
types of medical and holistic tests can shift wildly, at times, as the body
corrects itself at the deepest system levels. The reasons for this are similar to the reasons for
flare-ups of old symptoms or new ones explained in the paragraph above.
answer is not to worry, and if desired, retest in a month or so. In many instances, the test result is
magically better although you took no remedy or medicine.
with symptom flare-ups, medicating yourself to “treat the problem” is usually a
terrible idea that upsets and could even stop the whole system balancing
process. The body knows what it is doing, and we just support the process by
supplying the right conditions for healing.
8. Trauma release and emotional healing. A question
many people ask that is related to general systems theory is whether a development
program can reverse traumas and serious mental illness. Although at first I did not believe it,
the answer is yes.
our programs have become more accurate and thus more effective, many mental and
emotional health conditions are being reversed. This is especially true if a person follows the entire
program, or close to it. The
results can be quite amazing.
explanation for this is that we are supplying enough energy to the brain, and
removing enough toxins, so that the brain is much better able to process old
traumas and function properly.
The brain, itself, is a complex sub-system. When it is nourished, balanced and
detoxified properly, it is capable of tremendous regeneration and can, indeed,
often heal itself without a need for drugs, specific remedies or any other
systems theory is also the key to understanding why a development program does
not require, and usually avoids remedies.
people are accustomed to taking remedies and cures offered by allopaths or medical doctors, naturopaths, chiropractors,
herbalists, acupuncturists and other holistic healers. They are also conditioned to believe in
remedies by drug advertising.
a result, it is important to be able to explain why remedies are not needed or
helpful when one designs and follows a development program, even if a remedy
relieves a symptom quickly.
The reason remedies are not
needed is that the human body is mainly a self-regulating, self-correcting or
self-healing system. This is a special type of system. It is often capable of healing itself, which is rather
one breaks a leg, it is still necessary to set the bones. However, for most conditions, if the
body obtains exactly what it needs when it needs it, then healing of most
conditions will occur by itself. Remedies are not needed and usually get
in the way.
the key is that one must nourish the body in just the right manner and gently
balance certain mineral levels and ratios, or the self-healing power cannot
build up sufficiently for deep healing to occur. How this is done is explained in some other articles on this
site and in the textbook, Development Science And
Development Programs.
systems theory is a key to a successful future on earth. I hope this article helps you
understand just how important it is in order to understand the development
this regard, development is much closer to modern computer science or
environmental design than it is to conventional drug medicine, naturopathic
methods or other holistic health care.
If you are interested in more theoretical aspects of this subject, read The Theory Of Development Science.
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