by Dr. Lawrence Wilson

© January 2023, LD Wilson Consultants, Inc.


All information in this article is only the opinion of the author and is for educational purposes only.  It is not for the diagnosis, prescription, treatment or cure of any disease or health condition.












Primary qualities of outer space are:


1. Space is enormous!  Our telescopes only show us a small part of space and that is huge.

2. There is some oxygen, carbon dioxide and other gases in space.  This is known by scientists.

3. We believe space is a gigantic living being that contains trillions of smaller living beings.  This is called the biological theory of space.  Some scientists have believed this for many years.

According to this theory, space is not mostly “empty”.  It is actually a huge fine matter creature.  Fine matter is less dense than the matter that makes up our bodies, so we cannot see creatures made of it, but they are real.

Inside this being are many trillions of other fine matter and coarse matter plants and animals. 

We have our existence inside this enormous creature, similar to a cell of a large body. Some would call this being our creator, God or the Father In Heaven.  We are literally inside Him.

In the Bible, when Jesus said “I and the Father are one” and “I am one with God” he perhaps meant that he (and everyone else) is part of God and this can never ever change, no matter what one does, says or believes.

In this understanding, there can be no atheism (disbelief in God) or agnosticism (unsure about the existence of God).  It is also impossible to be separated from this being or God.  We explore this topic in a little more detail in the book, The Real Self.

We believe that the biological concept of space is deliberately withheld from the people of earth to confuse them and to instill the false idea that there is no God.

4. Space is ancient.  It has existed for at least 50 trillion years.

5. All of space contains an energy called ether.  It is generated by the thoughts of the beings that live in space, including ourselves.  One cannot see the ether, but some can feel it.

Ether can be used to power machines of all kinds.  For example, it can power our cars, aircraft, ships and everything else.  Some day soon, we believe, we will use this free source of energy.

The only reason we don’t currently use this source of energy is because the Rogues don’t want it used, in part because it is very clean and plentiful.  They say it is best if the planet is somewhat polluted at this time and that many people are without electricity.

Our bodies also require ether as a nutrient to stay alive.  We are born with a supply of it that slowly runs down as one ages.  However, it can be conserved and renewed. 

The development programs we set up (not those of others) are designed to bring a lot more ether into the body, especially when one does the pulling down exercise.  At one level, this is the key to our development programs.  For details, read The Ether.




This section is divided into fine matter beings and coarse matter beings.




These are physical plants and animals, including human beings just like ourselves.  They cannot live in space without protection such as a space ship.  It is too cold or hot and there is not enough oxygen to breathe or food to eat.

However, they can live on planets such as ours, and they some live on space ships.  Human beings, plants and animals that are familiar to us are found on many planets in space.

            The humans speak many languages and have a wide variety of customs, traditions and cultures.  Some are happy, loving people while others are unfriendly and warlike.

Some have visited the earth.  A number of books describe encounters with them.  A few groups of them are:

Rogues.  This is a group of beings that are very powerful and control much of space through advanced technology, stealth and cunning.  For details, read The Rogues.

Scientists.  These are researchers from other planets who travel around to learn about our planet or others.

Highly developed spiritual beings.  These are people who are here to help planet earth.  More are coming at this time because there is a great need.

Other visitors.  Others visit the earth to steal minerals, to study the people, to repair their ships, or for other purposes.




The hierarchy of size.  We are told that space is a very large being.  Within this enormous being are trillions of smaller beings.  Within them are even smaller ones, and so on.  We are among the smallest of the beings in space.  This is the true nature of space, we are told.

Invisible.  We cannot see these beings because their bodies are made of fine matter.  This has a lower density that is difficult for most human beings to see.  A few human beings can see them and many books report on their observations of large creatures such as angels, and smaller ones such as elves and others.

Adapted to space.  Fine matter beings can easily tolerate:

- the extreme cold and heat of space

- the small amount of oxygen and food in space

- other hazards of space such as ionizing radiation.  All of them can also move about easily and most can fly very fast through space.

Shape.  Some of them have a human shape, while others look more like some of our common plants and animals such as dogs, fish, trees and others.  They do not have a bony spine and some can actually change their shape, to a degree, if they wish.

 Size.  Some can hold the earth in the palm of their hand and one would have to look closely to see the earth, so large is their hand.  Many others are much smaller and some are microscopic in size.

Physiology.  All of them have organs, some of which look very much like our liver, kidneys, lungs, genitals, eyes, ears, nose and more.  The plants in space also look something like the plants on earth.

Most reproduce with eggs, including the human-looking ones.  However, some have live births.  A few are male and female in one being, but most are either male or female with genital organs similar to ours.

Activities.  Smaller fine matter or space beings can travel to planets like ours to rest and eat.  At times, they help the people of the planet, and sometimes they interfere with the activities of the planet.

Those found on earth include souls, elves and angels.  Larger ones are too big to visit the earth.  For more details about fine matter bodies, read Bodies In Space.






            Outer space contains trillions of planets of various sizes and age.  Our planet is one of the newer ones.  Scientists estimate it is about 200 billion years old.

Many planets are alive.  They go through a birth process, and they grow older and mature.  They need to develop or their life will be terminated. 

The atmosphere.  To support life, a planet needs an atmosphere.  This is a collection of gases that remain with the planet due to gravity.  If the mix of the gases is correct, this favors the existence of plant and animal life.

Developed fine matter beings first plan a planet’s atmosphere and then bring in the gases needed for a planet’s atmosphere.  They also monitor the atmosphere constantly and maintain it.

This is why the concern with climate change is complete nonsense.  Earth’s climate is carefully controlled by large fine-matter beings, even though we cannot see them.  Driving your car or burning fossil fuels have no effect whatsoever on the climate because the climate is controlled for the benefit of all creatures and beings on the planet.  We are in no danger of “killing the earth”.

Suns.  Planets all require a sun to warm them and perhaps to supply other frequencies of energy.  The climate must be mild to support life, and this is accomplished by moving a planet to the correct distance from its sun so that it becomes warm, but not too warm.

Once again, advanced fine matter beings plan and implement this, and monitor the distance to the sun so that the temperature is maintained correctly on all inhabited planets.

To support coarse matter beings such as ourselves, a planet also needs to have plenty of water and protection from predators who would destroy the lives of anyone living on the planet.  Advanced fine matter beings also take on this task and others to help prepare and maintain planets for habitation.

These same beings introduce various plants, animals and human colonists to colonize planets.  Some of the colonies work out better than others.  The story of Adam and Eve is one of the stories of colonists, according to what we understand.




Suns or stars (these are the same) are in part gigantic gas clouds that are on fire.  Gravity keeps them together and increases the pressure inside so much that nuclear reactions occur, intensifying their heat and their light.

However, suns also contain fine matter creatures.  We know this sounds unusual.  However, our guidance is that suns do contain fine matter creatures who also give off a plasma light and this contributes to the brightness of a sun.

The color of suns varies from bluish-white or yellow to reddish.  The color depends upon the temperature of each particular sun.

Most suns are enormous and there are millions of them.  Occasionally one blows up, causing what is called a super nova.

There are also suns that are not natural structures.  They are manufactured “gas burners”, similar to a burner on a gas stove.  We know this sounds preposterous, but that is what we are told.  The rogues build these because they can control the frequencies of light they emit in order to better control life on the planets these suns light up.





            These are enormous ring-like structures in space that attract matter to themselves.  The matter is sucked in one side of the ring and as it passes through the ring all the matter is destroyed.  Bodies are destroyed.  Souls lose their bodies and the sparks revert back to their “father” to obtain a new body.

In other words, black holes convert matter to energy.  That is their function.  Needless to say, they are very dangerous for space travelers, who must stay far away from them or be consumed by them.




            These are mainly chunks of iron or other metals that float around in space.  They range in size from the size of a pebble to huge ones that are almost the size of planets. 

Asteroids usually do not have much life on them because most are too small to have an atmosphere.  However, they may have bacteria or other simple life on them.

They can be dangerous for anyone traveling in space.  However, since most of them don’t move fast, they are easy to see from a distance so one can steer a ship around them to avoid hitting them.




            These are made of the same material as asteroids.  The only difference is that comets move fast through space.  They often leave a trail of matter behind them that can be seen by us.  There are not too many of them, but they can be very dangerous for anyone living or traveling in space.

If a comet comes close to the earth, it may be drawn into the earth by the earth’s gravity.  In this case, the friction of encountering our atmosphere heats up the comet so much that it usually melts or explodes.  This saves us from the impact that would occur if one of them hits the planet.

Now and then, one hits the earth, causing a massive explosion and leaving a crater.




The space around the earth and some other areas of space contain a lot of debris.  This consists of old satellites, garbage from space ships, old weapons, old space stations, electronic apparatus, and more.  Space junk poses a hazard for fast-moving ships and easily causes collisions that can wreck a space ship or space station.



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