by Dr. Lawrence Wilson

© April 2022, LD Wilson Consultants, Inc.


All information in this article is for educational purposes only.  It is not for the diagnosis, treatment, prescription or cure of any disease or health condition.




I don’t fully understand the presence of the group on earth that we call the Rogues.  At this time, (2022), they seem to be some sort of disease of space.

However, they sometimes teach valuable lessons.  Here are some of them.  (We all interact with rogues, even if you do not realize it.)




The rogues teach obedience.  I have learned obedience to God or the One.  It seems we either are God’s slave or we end up enslaved to the rogues.


Desire to be helpful.  Watch out for selfishness.


Learn to give.  The rogues force women to give them yin energy during rapes.  It is awful but learning to give is a good lesson and can be applied in other ways.


The development program.  This healing program is proving protective for many of our clients. 

NOTE: Daily coffee enemas – ideally two of them - are necessary and very important to have this protection.

Also, work only with this website and the Helpers listed here at Find A Helper.  At least 50 other people on the internet claim to know our system, and claim to know me, but they have been turned and are doing the programs incorrectly.  Beware! 


Stay away from the idea of a “pecking order” in life.  The rogues seem to be at the top of that order right now with their high-tech beatings and more.  Many people secretly want to be at the top of the pecking order, rather than to live from love and God.


Keep on going, and you might succeed.  Give up and you definitely lose.


Don’t dress, behave or think sexy.  This seems to attract them.


Always take your guidance only from the Father in heaven or the One or Holy Spirit - never from other questionable sources.  Voices in your head are not reliable sources!


Detach emotionally from the body and from the brain.  You are not the body or the brain, but rather much more than this.  The rogues can try to degrade and humiliate the body, but you are much more than this and can never lose your dignity and the love of your creator no matter what they say.


Anger will get you nowhere but sick.  Let is go and learn to forgive now.  Forgive everyone for everything that has happened to you.  It is easy to hate the rogues, but this is not helpful. 


Know that you are always loved by God.  Anyone who mistreats you or disparages you is rogue and not to be listened to.


RELAX.  You will live longer and go further this way.


Fear is not a real thing.  Fear is an absence of love and nothing more.  This is similar to the idea that darkness is not real.  It is simply an absence of light.

So when you are afraid, do the pulling down exercise to bring in more of God’s love.  This will dispel fear.


Work together with others.  A major rogue tactic is to divide people into groups – people of color versus white, rich versus poor, heterosexual versus homosexual, one religion versus another, and so on.  All these divisions are totally false and wrong because we are all souls and we are all one under God.


No hatreds and no hate talk allowed.  It is all rogue.  There are no “hate crimes”.  There is only crime.  Hate crimes presumes you know people’s motives and this is never true.  It is a fake idea, like communism, socialism, progressivism and liberalism.  These are code words for authoritarian rule or tyranny.

Similarly, words like social justice, economic justice, environmental justice are all rogue and false.  There is only justice and equal justice under the law.


The words Christian, Jewish, Hebrew and Bible are good.  Anyone who tells you they are bad is a rogue and an imposter – ignore them and get away from them!

If you have to lose your job or quit college for this reason, do it to save your mind.  You don’t need them and will find better answers and better things to do with your time and money.


Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely.  Therefore, become a fan of political liberty.  Listen to conservative talk radio and other conservative media outlets.  All the others are tainted or just propaganda – and that is most of them!


Truth is real and truth matters more than most other things.  Anyone who says otherwise is rogue and wrong.



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