by Dr. Lawrence Wilson

© October 2020, L.D. Wilson Consultants, Inc.


            All information in this article is for educational purposes only.  It is not for the diagnosis, treatment, prescription or cure of any disease or health condition.


Unfortunately, the “emergency and symptomatic disease care paradigm” rules the world.  This is the exact opposite of development science.  Development may be described as “preventive maintenance”, although it is much more than this. 

The current paradigm of disease care may be described as “waiting until the airplane is dropping out of the sky before repairing it”.  Another good analogy is waiting until you have a car accident and then attempting to repair the brakes and steering.




The media constantly glorifies allopathic drug medical care, which is now the dominant system of medical care in all Westernized nations.  It is built around identifying “entities” called diseases, and then exorcising them using various remedies.  This methodology is taught on television, magazines, newspapers, the internet and elsewhere.

The sick insurance industry.  The health insurance industry is built around the same concept.  It could be designed around preventive measures, such as purchasing the right food and water, getting enough rest and sleep, taking the time to relax and heal, and so on.  However, prevention is definitely secondary in the insurance systems of the world today, including the socialized medical care systems of Canada, Europe and elsewhere. Drug medicine is also most effective for emergencies where swallowing some poisons is less important than saving a life. 

Laziness is another reason why many people do not take an interest in their health until a crisis occurs.  People are not taught in school that our bodies are machines.  Much like any machine, the parts will wear out much faster if they are not lubricated, nourished and otherwise maintained in proper working order.

Most people understand this fact in relation to their car, their home, their computers, and every other piece of machinery they encounter.  However, they are in the dark when it comes to doing the same thing for the body.  This is why development science is so needed today, as it directly addresses prevention, rather than seeking for ‘cures’ or remedies.

Drama. Another factor that plays into the emergency medical care paradigm is that some people love drama.  The body can provide plenty of this drama, especially if health is poor.  The desire for drama can thus feed the emergency medical care mentality.




This is one of our challenges if we want people to stay with a development program.  Here are a few suggestions:


1. Make it fun, or at least enjoyable as much as possible. 

3. Help people make it something that is socially acceptable and even something others will envy and want, too.

4. Make it easy to understand and talk about.  

5. Offer support and encouragement.  This may involve phone contact, email, blogs, articles and so on.

6. Teach the spiritual aspect of development science, not just the physical aspect.  The reason for this is that otherwise people confuse development with all the other healers and natural healing systems that promise symptom removal.  These range from naturopathic medicine, to energy medicine, herbs, and so on.

These healing modalities are very different from development, which is possible only with development, in our experience.

7. Be like the old-fashioned doctors.  Our excellent Helpers are more like the doctors of olden times who really got to know their patients.  Then they act not only as technicians, but also act as counselors, teachers, friends, advisors and confidants.

We know this is an expanded role and one that is not rewarded financially.  However, more and more people are seeking this type of “doctor” and are happy to pay for it, to a degree.




Here are a few ways you may be able to be compensated financially for taking more time with people. 


Offer related services. One may offer services, such as cooking classes, trips to the supermarket to learn about vegetables and proper shopping, or a trip to the home of the client to evaluate the kitchen setup and make recommendations.  One can also offer seminars, workshops, webinars, and other educational programs.


Charging for your time when people need more support.  If someone wants more of your time, it is fine to charge them for extended telephone or email time.



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