by Dr. Lawrence
May 2017, L.D. Wilson Consultants, Inc.
Force is a kind of pressure of atoms. This is a physics definition, but it is
the only one that covers all types of force. For example, we speak of the gravity force, or the force of
a wave, or the force of a car hitting a pole. In all cases, there is a certain pressure
of atoms that is present.
Power is the ability to control and manipulate force. These are the basic definitions I will use
for this article, though they may not be complete.
Everyone wants to be powerful, but this can mean many different things to various people:
Physical power. This can refer to the power of
an engine that turns a shaft at a particular speed, for example. The ‘power of nature’ is also a
physical power, such as the power of the wind or the ocean waves to smash into
the beach. A piece of glass
or plastic cut in the proper shape forms a prism. The prism somehow manipulates light rays
and bend some of them more than others to form a rainbow of colors.
Human muscle power is a physical
control and manipulation of force.
Others are the power of a rifle, or the power of any machine to apply
pressure or to move objects, for example.
Even the ability to play the piano is a type of power in which one
carefully controls and manipulates physical steel strings by pressing on keys
that activate hammers that hit the strings in just the right way.
Enzyme power or
This is a critical aspect of health.
It refers to the power of your digestive enzymes, and the body’s ability
to make enough ATP to power all bodily activities. Nutritional balancing restores this power better than other
programs I have tested. For more
on this topic, read The Electron Transport System And The Work Of WF Koch.
Mental power. Power, however, can also refer to
the ability to manipulate more subtle forces. Just as a high-powered computer can manipulate electrons in
wires and semi-conductor materials, a powerful mind seems to be able to
manipulate ideas and even forces of nature.
example, some humans can communicate telepathically. This is a type of power to communicate by controlling and
manipulating very refined forces in nature that form ‘thought waves’ that go
from person to person.
people can apparently bend spoons or otherwise alter matter just with their
minds. This is
called telekinesis. Many
other types of subtle powers are possible, such as healing another person with
energy from your body.
Emotional power. This may mean very steady or
stable, able to argue forcefully without becoming angry perhaps, and able to be
emotionally flexible and yet in control of one’s emotions. This is an excellent human trait that
one can develop with some simple training to become aware of one’s emotions,
for example.
Financial power. This
means not only that one has some money, but also that one knows how to use it
or earn, invest, and spend it wisely to achieve one’s financial goals.
Professional power. This may mean that one is a real
expert in one’s career, or is in charge of a lot of
people, or is very well-respected and listened to by others in one’s chosen
area of expertise.
figures who are powerful. For example, one may think of the miracles of
Jesus. Many other instances of spiritual
power could be cited and fill the bible, for example. In these instances, however, the real power was not the
person who commanded the miracle, but was an unseen hand, or being or force
that we will call God. Jesus said “not my will, but Thine be done”
and “Of myself I do nothing. The Father in me doeth all these things”.
also teach that anyone can theoretically move toward, and eventually achieve
this kind of extraordinary power through right living and perhaps special types
of training. For example in the
New Testament, Jesus stated that “Greater miracles
than this shall you do”. This would seem to indicate that such power is not limited to one soul,
but can be learned or developed in anyone.
is power. This is an important
idea. God, for many people, is a
powerful man who sits on a throne and decides our fate. But this is
just one definition of God. Other
definitions of God are more subtle, such as thinking of God as a power or
force, like the “power of nature and nature’s god”, to use an old phrase from
the bible.
God can also
be thought of as a spiritual power that rules the planets and the
universe and keeps the universe spinning and moving in the correct way so the
planets do not just fall into the sun or smash into each other.
So God is power. Know this and align yourself with
God. This is a great secret. Too many in the modern world hate the
idea of God because it was shoved down their throat as a child, or they were
forced to go to church and it didn’t make sense, or their hypocritical parents
and teachers invoked the “power of God” while they were molesting or abusing
them. So
they are angry with God, and would rather do yoga and chant mantras. You make yourselves weak this way.
Give up running away from God,
however you conceive him or her, and run toward God and you will gain great
power. You will essentially hook
up with the “Great Spirit” or great power of this world. This is what is meant
when I say that God is power.
All of these ideas of power have
to do with acting in the world in an effective way, and the ability to
manipulate the world around you.
Another kind of power is power
over oneself. It is sometimes called will power or self-discipline. It is the ability to resist
temptations, and to overcome resistance in oneself to doing or saying certain
things. It can also be the ability
to force oneself to think in certain ways or certain thoughts, while avoiding
other thoughts that others want you to think, perhaps.
At the highest level, the journey to power really does not
exist. You have had full power all along. However, most people have given away
their power to their parents as children, to their peers and friends, to their
teachers, and later to their husbands and wives, to the government, and so
on. This is the truth, whether or
not you believe it.
So at one level there is no
journey to power. There is only
recognizing that you give away your power most of the time, and this needs to
stop. Then you will slowly realize
you have the power to do all things.
On a more practical level,
however, today one must indeed embark on a journey to power because giving
power away for so many years has weakened the body and the mind severely. Thus, on a practical level there is a
journey to power that anyone can and should undertake at once.
Begin with power
over oneself. Learning to have power over oneself is
definitely the best way to begin your journey to power. Here are just a few of the reasons why:
To prevent the abuse of power. Most people begin to subtly take advantage of others as
soon as they gain some power. They
may push them around physically, or perhaps they mistreat them financially or
emotionally. This is harmful for
all involved, and it frightens many away from the journey to power. Developing your self-control and
self-discipline is one way to minimize, and perhaps avoid, falling into this
To build a solid foundation for later development of more power. Developing your inner strength, discipline and will power
will bring a kind of balance and strength that will serve you later on. It is forming a solid foundation for
the future.
As a secret shortcut to real and solid power. Working on yourself is the fastest way, in most cases, to become truly
powerful in the outer world. This is explained in more detail below.
Many have heard the phrase “health
is wealth”. However, another
correct idea is that true health is power. It is physical power because without
health one’s muscles, timing, coordination and other physical functions do not
work as well.
Health is also related to
emotional power because without a balanced body
chemistry, controlling one’s emotions is more difficult.
Real health also promotes
intellectual power, which then can translate into professional and financial
power as well. A
secret that the brightest of our leaders in business and elsewhere must be
healthy. Otherwise, they
could not keep up the hours of work, and deal effectively with the stress of
the job and their busy lives.
Finally, excellent health is required
for mental and spiritual power.
This means that good basic health will help the development of the
subtle human bodies, the aura, the energy centers that
are needed by all people for their mental functioning.
A goal of nutritional balancing,
in my view, is not simply to remove symptoms, but to
enhance a person’s power as well.
Dr. Eck, who founded nutritional balancing science, did not speak much
about this. However, he realized
that his healing system was capable of making powerful changes in a human body.
A primarily nutritional method
may seem like a very ordinary or mundane way to develop oneself. However, as many articles on this
website explain, the problem holding many people back today is that their
physical bodies are extremely depleted and toxic. This prevents many people from exercising their potential in
every area, including the development of their gifts or powers, as well.
Nutritional balancing always
works to increase the cellular energy output of the body. This was a key idea of Dr. Paul
Eck’s. It is enzyme power, or cellular power production that is just like the
electrical power that one generates with gasoline in the car, or with other
balancing versus stimulants. By balancing
the key mineral ratios in the body, the body’s energy production rises quite
dramatically in many cases. This
is totally different from using stimulant substances
such as ginseng, caffeine, maca, hormone replacement
or other means to give a person more energy. It is about restoring the natural energy-producing
mechanisms of the body, which increases its power to heal, and to accomplish
all other body functions. This is
a true type of power at the deepest level.
Toxic metals
reduce one’s true power. Developing biochemical
force or power requires removing most toxic metals. It is not enough to remove just a few with a chelation program or a “cleansing program” for a few
months. It must go much deeper, in
my experience.
replacement means more power. Reaching for power also requires
replenishing dozens of nutrients, not just a handful. That is why a “mineral supplement” is not good enough. It is why I insist on 70-80% cooked
vegetables in the diet, as nothing else will do it. That is, nothing else seems to supply enough of the many
minerals the body requires, and not just a select few. It is also the reason to recommend kelp
and certain other products for everyone that are described in other articles on
this website. These also supply
many minerals, not just a few.
Raw food
eventually causes a lack of power. Most raw food
does not offer the body enough minerals.
It offers many vitamins, lots of fiber, lots of
phytochemicals, but not enough minerals because the
minerals are locked inside the fibrous tissues of the plant and our bodies
cannot release enough of them to really gain all the goodness of the raw
Cows, horses and other
vegetarian animals, even apes, can release enough minerals from raw foods, and
of course have no choice, but not human beings. This is my observation, which I know is
not shared by most physicians and health authorities. This is why raw food is not part of
nutritional balancing science, except for raw dairy products, and why the more
raw vegetables and fruits a person eats, the weaker he will generally become,
over time. Do not be fooled by the
temporary stimulation that occurs with fruit and even salads. This is not the same as true power.
Another problem with raw salads
and fruits is they fill up the stomach, so there is literally less room for the
cooked vegetables and meats that most people need. This is important if one is looking for true power. For more on this subject, read Raw Foods on this website.
Vegetarian diets
reduce your power. Vegetarian diets are lacking in too
many minerals and other substances our bodies require such as bioavailable sulfur, zinc, manganese, chromium, selenium, carnitine, vitamins A and D, and others. Animals process grass and other
vegetable matter and are able to extract or synthesize these and other vital
nutrients. When we eat their
flesh, we get these nutrients easily and we don’t need to work as hard to obtain
Sadly, most strict vegetarians
die young, in my experience, even if they seem to live healthfully for a
while. They simply run out of
minerals because a vegetable-based diet will not supply enough of them.
Dr. Eck was also very clear that
“a vegetarian” does not just mean a person who does not eat meat. It also means a person who only eats it
once, twice or three times weekly.
To be a meat eater means to have
animal quality food every day, assuming you can afford it. Of course, it must be good quality and
it does not include pig products, and highly processed products like Egg
Beaters, powdered milk, protein powders, processed cheeses, and processed or
canned meats. It does include some
fresh, lightly cooked eggs, lightly cooked meats, poultry and perhaps small
fish such as sardines. It should
also include raw dairy products that are preferably uncooked, such as fresh
cream, milk, yogurt and butter.
Dairy is the only category of food that we find works well in the raw
state, and only in moderation. For
more on this subject, read The
China Study: A Book Review and Vegetarian Diets.
Too many vitamin
pills mean less power. Many people today believe they can
become strong and healthy by taking hundreds of supplements of amino acids, for
example, or even mineral supplements.
This does not work well, in my experience. The reason has to do with the next problem – that of
yin disease.
disease. This is a subtle imbalance in the body
related more to physics than to medical care. Yin is a Chinese word meaning expanded, cold and
feminine. Yang is its opposite,
and means masculine and contracted, and hot. Most bodies today are yin thanks to nutrient deficiencies,
toxic metals and chemicals in everyone’s body, and radiation poisoning in
Power development requires
balancing the physics forces of yin and yang. It is done most easily with the diet, and secondly with yang
procedures such as near infrared sauna therapy, but not nearly as well with far
infrared saunas. Among foods, raw
food, vegetarianism and fruit are the worst foods to eat if you wish to develop
your biochemical power today. This
is why in nutritional balancing does not recommend these.
Fruit is not part of the nutritional
balancing diet at all. Fruit
juices are even worse, as are most smoothies, frappes, milk shakes and other
liquid concoctions, no matter how healthful the ingredients may seem such as a raw
egg or raw, uncooked honey, or raw yogurt, or various protein powders. All of these are extremely yin, and
they form poor food combinations that irritate and damage the intestines
because they are so yin. Balancing
yin and yang in your food is quite critical today, and most bodies are very
yin, so the food needs to be a little more yang, but not too yang such as
eating red meat every day. That is
not helpful, in my experience.
Yin and yang balancing must also be done with every aspect of your lifestyle,
supplements, activities, and even your thinking. For more on this fascinating area of nutrition, read Yin Disease and Yin
And Yang Healing.
All drugs are yin
and lead to less power. This applies to recreational drugs like
marijuana or cannabis, and to all the others, as well. It
also applies to most medical drugs and to many over-the-counter drugs. Other harmful yin chemicals are found in most skin care products, shampoos, nail polish,
hair spray, creams and lotions that many people lavish on their bodies without
realizing the damage they are doing to themselves.
The less you put on your skin,
the better for it. Even vitamin C
used in skin creams is not good.
Vitamin E is better, because it is much less yin. The fat-soluble vitamins are less yin, such as vitamins A, D, E and K. Vitamin K is easy to get from
vegetables. The others are often
needed in supplement form as they are critical for
health and not plentiful in the diet.
So-called vegetarian forms of
vitamin A such as beta-carotene and astazanthin and
other carotenes are not nearly as good for your power, however. They are not as well
utilized. This is another
problem with vegetarian diets, which are always lower in animal-quality
vitamins A and D, in particular.
It is one reason the vegetarians do not live as long, though they may
stay healthy while they are alive.
Your living habits either build power or destroy it. Smart people live a power
lifestyle. This does not mean
lifting weights, riding your mountain bike or skiing on the weekends. It
means getting plenty of rest and sleep, eating well, and avoiding all toxins as
well as you can. It also means
breathing deeply of pure air, and preserving your mind by not indulging in
stupid and degrading lifestyle practices. These include, in this order, any alcohol or drugs at all,
too much sex, too much TV, too much computer or cell phone use, or too much
food and drink.
For example, alcohol is
particularly yin in nature, which is why it gives one a high as it destroys
your brain cells.
Sauna therapy with
a near infrared light sauna builds power, while the other types of saunas do
not do this as well.
Infrared energy is very special
for the human body. The near
infrared spectrum is more yang than the far infrared
spectrum and thus much better. In
fact, true far infrared saunas always emit somewhat
harmful electromagnetic fields.
The near infrared light sauna does not do this.
A traditional hot rocks sauna or
sweat lodge is not too bad, but not nearly as good as a near infrared lamp
type. We currently sell one for
under $600.00 US. If you cannot afford
one, you can buy a single reddish, 250-watt “heat
lamp” and use it on yourself each day for about an hour, on your abdomen, in
particular, and perhaps on the kidneys as well. This will build some enzyme power, too. For more on this subject, read Sauna Therapy or see the book, Sauna Therapy.
Coffee enemas
build a lot of power. This may sound unusual, as well, since
coffee drinking is basically stimulating and
toxic. Yet
the coffee enemas work excellently, in my experience with thousands of people
using them. The main reason is
that they move energy downward through the body in a rhythmic fashion, using
caffeine, the stimulant drug, in a different way. They also clean many toxins from the lower part of the body,
a seat of power. They also balance
certain meridians by enhancing liver energy. This is the essence of coffee enemas and power. To read much more about them, read Coffee Enemas.
The pushing down
exercise builds a type of power in the body, while most other meditations leak
and destroy this power. This is a very important subject, since
many people are “experimenting” with meditation. Please be warned.
Most are harmful for the development of what I will call etheric power. Other mental exercises, prayers, affirmations, chants and
mantras may bring peace, joy, love, balance, and some harmony to you, but not etheric power.
Only the procedure described below, which is about moving mental energy downward
forcefully into and through the body builds
this etheric power. This type of power, in turn, builds many other types of
mental, emotional and what may be called spiritual
This is critical because many
people spend years investing their time and money in their Buddhist, Vipassana, Zen and so many other meditations that do not
build power and actually deplete power if they move energy circularly in the
body or worse, move it upwards.
For more on this subject, read Meditation For Healing and Downward
Motion And Healing.
Most yoga is
harmful to your power. This is difficult to write about, as
yoga is so popular today. Most
yoga seems to damage one’s true power by developing a person unevenly. This is a complex topic. It is true that yoga can build physical
strength and flexibility, relax the body and the mind, and has other
benefits. However, the power is not balanced in most cases, in our experience. The exception is very, very gentle rejuvenative yoga, which is closer to meditation and
relaxation than it is to yoga.
Power must be built by moving
energy down the body, and never upward, as occurs with too many yoga postures,
chi kung regimens, and other Oriental healing
practices. This is why the
Christians are leery of all Oriental healing arts, and
with good reason. For more on this subject, read Yoga, Its
Benefits and Dangers.
A word that denotes or connotes
a person of power is the word warrior. A warrior does not necessarily mean a
person with a sword, a shield or a gun.
A warrior can be someone who works at a desk, or perhaps may describe a
single mother taking care of her children.
A warrior, in this expanded
sense of the word, is perhaps best understood as a
particular personality style or type.
And the word that best describes this type of
person is one of power. The
warrior seeks for, understands and knows how to use power to his or her
advantage, for good purposes only.
I do not want to give the impression that every soldier is a
warrior. A warrior is someone who
knows how to use force and power to build a better world. For more on this topic, read two
articles on this website, The Secret Society Of Loving, Light-Hearted Warriors and The Warrior’s Creed.
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