by Dr. Lawrence Wilson

© September 2016, L.D. Wilson Consultants, Inc.


All information in this article is for educational purposes only.  It is not for the diagnosis, treatment, prescription or cure of any disease or health condition.


Definition. Sexual molestation is the act of subjecting someone to any unwanted or improper sexual advances or sexual acts.  This can include touching the private parts, exposing the genitalia, taking pornographic photos, inducing sexual acts or feelings, placing objects in the vagina, rape, or other related activities.

Molestation usually applies to women and children, but can apply to anyone.




“Innocent” molestation.  Most, if not all babies and young children experience some degree of sexual molestation when someone cleans a baby’s private parts while changing a diaper or while bathing or dressing a baby. 

This is impossible to avoid.  The best one can hope for is that the parent is mindful and careful of how sensitive babies are to touch.  However, some do not realize what is involved.

Some go further and tickle or otherwise play with a baby’s private parts to distract a crying baby or to make the baby laugh.  They do not realize that this is molestation and needs to stop.

Staring.  Another possible type of molestation occurs when one person stares at another, imagining having sex with the person.  Usually, men stare at women on the street, undressing the women with their minds and often imagine having sex with them.  Some men also imagine abusing the women sexually in some way. 

One can argue that no harm is done because no action is taken.  However, most women can feel the way men regard them to some degree, and they feel it as a kind of molestation, which it is at one level.  It causes most women to feel insecure and perhaps angry with all men, unfortunately.

While some of this male behavior is due to genetic programming, aware men are embarrassed by their preoccupation with women’s bodies, and make an effort to keep their eyes on a woman’s head area and not below.  This is definitely best.  Meanwhile, many women enjoy having men stare at their bodies, or so they think, so they dress in a provocative manner.  This is not helpful for either the men nor the women.  The worst offenders in this regard are usually young women and teens, who find it all thrilling.  They do not realize the risks they take when they “dress down” or the way they are harming themselves in a subtle way.


Depraved molestation.  This occurs when an older person intentionally talks with a young child about sexual matters, or intentionally uses one’s authority, size reputation or something else to upset and harm another person, usually a child.  This can occur with priests and young boys, teachers, doctors, parents and others.  While it is depraved, some is actually not intentionally that “evil” because some adults do not realize that just talking about  


Rape and incest. These, of course, are violent criminal acts, mainly against women.  They occur all too commonly, and many times, if not most of the time, it is not reported to the police for various reasons. 

Some rapes are not reported because they are date rape situations and the women are too embarrassed to report it.  Others are not reported out of fear of retaliation, or for other reasons.  Some young women are not even aware they have been molested or even raped, if it occurred when they were very young.  This is important to know.




Molestation can result in or aggravate any symptom imaginable.  However, the following may be more common:


Intense anger, either consciously expressed or hidden.  This is probably the most common response.  It can manifest as declining grades in school, a lack of interest in sex, too much interest in sex and depraved sex of many kinds, or a host of other symptoms that are either subtle expressions of anger or compensations so the person will not feel the anger so much.

For example, some women become very sweet and loving, but underneath they are seething with anger.  Others become very loose sexually, which they see as a rebellion against their parents, perhaps, who failed to protect them or who actually raped them.  Still others become sullen and depressed for the rest of their lives.


Pelvic syndrome.  This is a name that I assign to a tendency found in some clients.  It can affect both women and men.  It consists of tightness in the pelvic area, and a host of possible symptoms related to trauma in this area of the body such as digestive problems, constipation, diarrhea, bladder problems, colon problems, rectal problems, adrenal weakness, ovarian dysfunctions, pelvic inflammatory disease or PID, and more.  This condition is described in a separate article on this website entitled Pelvic Syndrome.


Fatigue, exhaustion and depression.  These are common as well.  This is due to the anger that they feel, or it could be a result of infections that are acquired from rape or incest.

It is important to know that sexually transmitted infections, in women, especially, do not remain in the genital area.  Many of them slowly spread throughout the body and attack all of the organs, especially the brain for some reason.  They include varieties of syphilis, gonorrhea, herpes and other viruses, genital warts and the others.  These will cause fatigue, depression, and often brain fog among many other symptoms.


Chronic muscle tension, chiropractic problems such as scoliosis and kyphosis, fears and phobias.  These are other common physical symptoms that can result from molestation and rape.


Sexual imbalances and sexual identity problems.  Not surprisingly, many people who have been molested and raped have difficulty with relationships, difficulty with sexuality, and may have physical or other types of conditions related to the sexual organs, sexual functioning, and sexual identity.  For example, molestation in early childhood is common in those who have difficulty with normal male-female relationships.


Poor eliminator pattern.  Poor eliminator pattern is a fascinating finding on a hair tissue mineral analysis.  It consists of extremely low levels of one or more toxic metals or what are called the amigos – iron, manganese, and perhaps copper, molybdenum, boron or others.

It appears that molestation may cause a person to shut down the normal elimination channels more than other people.  This may contribute to the poor eliminator pattern.




Mild molestation is usually not difficult for one to overcome with age or maturity.  Forgiveness is always needed to help one realize that some, if not all molestation is not worth focusing upon, and one is best served by moving on.

Serious molestation such as rape, incest, domestic violence and other incidents are more difficult to resolve.  Many methods of therapy can help.  To help you evaluate them, I will divide them into two general approaches:


1. Analytical or insight methods.  This is the common method.  It involves talking therapy, counseling and perhaps hypnotherapy to gain more insight into the cause or root of the problem.  It is helpful to a degree, but often it cannot really undo the trauma, so people remain unhealed in many cases.  However, they gain insights about themselves and about the situation that helps them relax and usually to live more normal lives.

The problems with analytical methods include that the client and the counselor may not be aware of the depth or real effects of the problem, since it usually occurred years before and memories can be hard to access accurately in these cases.  Therefore, they may miss the real problem altogether, gloss over important facts, and sometimes the patient is misled and learns to blame the wrong person entirely.  This is why it is much less effective than the second method.  Counseling may be needed for years, as well, and often it is.  This is costly and many people cannot afford it or do not want to go through such as lengthy process.


2. A nutritional balancing program.  This works by dramatically raising the body’s level of adaptive energy.  When this is done, the brain automatically begins to process past traumas on its own in quite amazing ways.

From the perspective of systems theory, this approach has to do with breaking vicious cycles in as many places as possible to free the mind from its “positive feedback loops” that keep one stuck or focused on the past in a negative way.

From a stress theory perspective, this method is about reducing stress on the body and drastically reducing chaos in the system by nourishing it better, and by removing blockages of all kinds including toxic metals, toxic chemicals, imbalances, deficiencies, structural defects and more.  As this is done, energy is freed up that is automatically directed to where it needs to go to heal old wounds of all types.

This approach does not require that the client know anything about the trauma.  What needs to be known consciously will surface in its own time.  Thus it is not an analytical approach like most counseling.  It is still excellent to discuss one’s insights and revelations as they arise. 

However, this is not the focus, and it is not necessary in most cases, nor is it necessarily helpful.  It is not helpful because it can throw the person back into the past in an unhealthy way, rather than just focusing on the present moment and on moving forward in a single-minded fashion.

This approach is described in more detail in a separate article entitled Trauma Release.



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