by Dr. Lawrence Wilson

© June 2014, L.D. Wilson Consultants, Inc.


All information in this article is for educational purposes only.  It is not for the diagnosis, treatment, prescription or cure of any disease or health condition.


            A critical topic in toxicology  and environmental science on planet earth is how to remove mercury from the oceans, in particular.  It is critical because the problem of mercury contamination of all the fish and seafood of the world, is getting worse with each passing year.  There is simply too much mercury being dumped into the oceans and spewed into the air from coal-fired powerplants, automobile exhaust, and many other sources.

            The answer is not to stop burning coal or oil.  This just raises the price of energy and makes people starve and freeze to death.  The answers lie in:


1.  Use scrubbers on the powerplants to prevent the mercury from being spewed into the air.  This not only prevents contamination, but can recover many important minerals and chemicals that are expensive to make otherwise.


2. Make the cars burn cleaner by adding water to the gas and air mixture.  This is easy to do with HHO methods.  One simply splits water into hydrogen and oxygen, and then introduces this into the cylinders.  It is old technology, and it works.


3. Find methods to actually clean up the mercury in the oceans and collect it for other uses, if needed.  Some day it may be used for engines, in fact.


            Please support this kind of research.


NOTE: Do not support the bogus “climate change” research that seeks to discontinue the use of fossil fuels completely under the guise of reducing the carbon footprint of the planet.  This is insanity, since plant life all depends on carbon dioxide, the very gas they want to limit.

Reducing fossil fuel use is in the future, and not for now.  When done now, it just raises the cost of energy which causes more people to starve and freeze in the winter, and which supports draconian laws that benefit only the controllers and manipulators.  Beware of this common mistake among many well-meaning people.  You are just being used by the world socialists who want to control every aspect of your life and rob you of your money.




I suggest to everyone to have the silver/mercury amalgams replaced in their mouths with composite resin (the white filling material) or inlays or gold fillings.  However, a few cautions are:


1. Never do amalgam removal if you have active cancer.  The added mercury burden from drilling out the fillings during the dental procedure can kill you.  Wait until the cancer is in remission.  I am not sure if this is true if one is strictly following a complete nutritional balancing program, but I would wait, most likely.

2. I would not do amalgam removal during the first trimester of pregnancy unless you are strictly following a complete nutritional balancing program.  Otherwise, the extra mercury from drilling out the fillings could harm the baby inside you.


For much more on this topic, please read Biological Dentistry on this website.



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