by Dr. Lawrence
May 2020, LD Wilson Consultants, Inc.
All information in
this article is for educational purposes only. It is not for the diagnosis, treatment, prescription or cure
of any disease or health condition.
NOTE: We never suggest that you
stop any medication or postpone any medical diagnostic test, treatment,
procedure or intervention.
Also, this article does not seek
to denigrate doctors, some of whom do a very good job. However, as a patient you need to be
aware of the problems within the health professions.
The principle of this article. A simple, but critical principle is that anything that
gets between the doctor and patient will interfere with the doctor-patient
relationship and lower the quality of health care.
Stated as an economic principle,
anything that
gets between the buyer and the seller of services will reduce the quality of
the service.
This article includes facts
about the American and most other medical care systems that are not pleasant to
discuss. The goal is to assist you
to make better choices about drugs, insurance, doctors and even going to the
hospital, should you require a visit there.
It will also help you in dealing
with holistic, chiropractic, naturopathic and other
types of doctors. At the end of
each of the sections below, we discuss the impact of the problem area upon
holistic and alternative doctors and healers.
The sad truth is that you and
your health are no longer the first priority of your doctor. Another way to say this is that blocks
have been placed between the doctor and the patient in modern health care. These are described below.
Your doctor’s first loyalty is
to his state licensing board.
(There is also a national medical licensing board that controls the
state boards, so they are not independent.)
If any licensed doctor does not abide by the dictates of his
licensing board, he or she will lose their license and will be unable to
work. So loyalty to this board
always comes first, before any patient concerns.
This is a powerful argument
against medical licensing, which I discuss at length in another article,
entitled The Case Against Medical Licensing.
The state licensing boards are
supposed to “protect you” by dictating to your doctor, and to your laboratory
and hospital, exactly what they may and may not say and do. Sadly, people vote for more licensing,
thinking this protects them.
The truth is that occupational
licensing mainly protects the status quo, including the drug medical cartel
that is discussed in other articles on this website. It does not protect the public, as evidenced by the
statistics that show that modern medicine is a leading cause of disability and
death wherever it is practiced.
Licensing not only damages the
doctor-patient relationship. It
gives patients a false idea about the competence of the doctor and
hospital. It also stops doctors
who want to innovate, and it protects outdated and often toxic or dangerous
therapies and tests. There are
alternatives to licensing that would make doctors far more responsible to their
Lies that one often hears are
that unlicensed practitioners are “unregulated”. This is not true at all. Unlicensed practitioners are subject to all the criminal
laws in society such as fraud, negligence and malpractice.
Unlicensed practitioners are
also regulated by the laws of the marketplace. This basically means if they don’t help people, they will be
out of business quickly. The same
cannot be said of many licensed people.
Many hold their position because of their license, not because of their
level of competence and how well they satisfy their patients.
Another lie is that medical
boards are “unbiased” and have consumer input. This is never true, in my experience. They are mainly made up of the very
professionals they are supposed to regulate. They have clear conflicts of interest and the public is not
the main priority.
The licensing system in medical
care will not change, however, unless more people understand the problems with
licensing, which I have touched upon.
Holistic and alternative
practitioners have the same problems as those above if they are licensed. For much more information about
licensing, see the article entitled The Case Against
Medical Licensing.
HIPAA (in the United
States). HIPAA stands for the Health
Information Portability and Accountability Act of 1996. This law is supposed to protect the
privacy of your medical records.
In fact, it does the exact opposite! It destroys the privacy of the doctor-patient relationship,
which use to be sacred.
It forces doctors to share patients’
records with up to 45 government agencies! This has a devastating effect upon the doctor-patient
relationship, perhaps the worst of all the problems in this article. It is nothing but government snooping,
is thoroughly unconstitutional and needs to be repealed.
For more on this topic, please
read HIPAA, The Medical Privacy Scam, on this website.
Many licensed holistic and
naturopathic doctors are subject to HIPAA, as well. Unlicensed practitioners are not subject to it.
Your doctor’s next priority is
often to satisfy attorneys, especially if your doctor works in a hospital.
The attorneys’ first and often only
concern is to avoid lawsuits against the doctors. So they suggest a number of
rules that doctors often obey, and if the doctor works at a hospital or clinic
or lab they must
obey or be fired.
is called defensive medicine. This is “politically correct” medical care, and not done in
the interest of the patient. It
may involve:
a. Running unnecessary tests to
satisfy lawyers rather than for the patient’s good.
b. Doing unnecessary procedures
and surgeries to satisfy attorneys, not patients.
c. Lying to patients if the
attorneys suggest or demand it.
The lies are of two kinds, at least: 1) Medical lies. He or she may
withhold or change medical information to protect himself
from a lawsuit. The doctor may
say, “you may have cancer”, when he is quite sure that you do not, but he does
not want to say this - just in case.
He may also say “You need chemotherapy and
radiation”, when he knows you most likely do not need it.
The other type of lie is to
withhold the fact that he is acting to satisfy his attorney, and not from his
own judgment or intuition. At
least if he said, “I would not do surgery, but my attorney insists that I
suggest it, anyway”, this would not be so bad, but doctors do not do this.
d. Giving unnecessary treatments
just to satisfy attorneys.
e. All this can add greatly to the
cost of medical care.
f. All of the above also adds
stress and fear for patients, plus the toxicity and possible adverse effects,
including death, from all the unnecessary tests, procedures and treatments.
This is a legal protection
racket, to be blunt. It greatly
increases medical costs and subjects you to tests and even operations that can
be unnecessary and dangerous. You
may be placed on a medication, for example, just so that no lawyer could even claim
the doctor “failed to treat” a problem, even if the doctor really does not
believe you need the drug.
This is so prevalent it is taken
for granted in our medical system.
People are often guinea pigs for tests, drugs and even operations that
are hardly needed, or should be used as a last resort. Hospitals are by far the worst places
where defensive medicine is used.
Holistic and alternative
practitioners have less of these problems because their methods are safer, and
sometimes because they charge less money.
Another common priority and
loyalty of your doctor, hospital or other medical facility is to insurers, both
government and private. There is a
way around this, which is to pay cash.
Most people, however, don’t know this or are stuck with some kind of
insurance from work or the government.
Insurance often dictates which
tests will be run, which drugs will be used, and which procedures are
done. Those healing methods,
remedies and procedures that are not covered by insurance are often simply
ignored, I am sorry to say. The
doctor would rather not face the embarrassment of telling you that there are
other options, but your insurance won’t cover them.
For example, if insurance will
not pay for your doctor to discuss your diet or lifestyle, this is often
overlooked because there would be no reimbursement for it for the doctor or
hospital. If, by chance, your
doctor recommends a method or even a drug that is not covered, he is afraid you
will be angry with him and go elsewhere.
After all, who wants to pay out of pocket if one has already paid for
insurance or is on the government dole, as they call it in Great Britain?
A very good doctor may bring up
alternative methods that are not covered by insurance. However, he or she may be censured or
lose their job for doing so.
Once again, you are not the main
focus. Instead, your doctor
follows a set of guidelines set up often far away by people who know you only
as a numbered statistic in their insurance calculations.
Holistic and alternative
practitioners do not have these problems if they do not accept insurance. If they do accept insurance payments,
the same issues and problems tend to occur.
PRIORITY #5. NEGATIVE PERSPECTIVE. Our clients run into this issue often. Doctors mainly see clients who are
quite ill and getting worse. This
colors their thinking, both consciously and unconsciously. As a result, when a patient presents a
symptom, they are more likely to come up with a serious diagnosis.
However, our clients are usually
not as ill, nor are they getting worse.
Usually, they are just retracing an old problem when they visit the
doctor. However, they can end up
needlessly frightened and some end up in surgery or drug therapy when it is
rarely needed.
This problem is different from
defensive medicine, which is done at the insistence of attorneys. This is simply a perspective that most
doctors have based upon their experience.
is a serious problem for some, or perhaps many doctors. Arrogance means one thinks one knows a
lot, when, in fact, one does not know that much. A number of factors can combine to cause arrogance in a
doctor. They can be divided into
factors that affect all professions and professionals, and those specific to
health care:
- Earning a lot of money.
- Having power over others.
- Having a lot of knowledge,
especially about matters such as how the body works.
- Having government subsidies,
licenses and other perks.
- Being in a profession for
which people have a lot of respect and need.
specific to doctors:
- Spending time training and
working in facilities such as hospitals that are full of fancy, expensive
Brainwashing, which takes place in all medical schools. For more details, read Brainwashing.
- Learning and speaking a “foreign
language” of medicine, which is somewhat mystical because most people don’t
understand it.
Doctors, hospitals, and even
laboratories are often given incentives, which are really bribes, to use
particular drugs, particular procedures, and particular medical devices.
Drug makers are required to
report how much they spend on “advertising” or “promotion”. It is an enormous amount of money, at
least $10,000 annually per doctor.
Drug manufacturers, or the
government, offers these bribes to promote new or cheaper drugs, or to promote
certain operations and devices, and to get doctors used to “the system”, as
they call it, whereby doctors are the tools of the drug makers and device
makers. This is a sad fact about
modern conventional medical care, even if you choose not to believe it.
I have read account after
account of doctors being paid hundreds of dollars to prescribe one brand or one
particular type of drug. They will
never tell you this, but it is true.
Once again, it is bad medicine, it damages the
doctor-patient relationship, and almost always adds more cost to disease
care. It happens with both private
and government-run health care systems around the world.
Holistic and alternative
practitioners have less of these problems because they are less
targeted by drug companies.
They may be targeted by other special interests, however, such as
supplement companies and device makers, but the “bribes” are usually not as
This problem is particularly sad. It is well known, and has been written
about in medical journals. Some
researchers say that over 50% of the medical studies written today are biased,
poor quality and some are outright phony.
Many of these studies are paid
for by drug companies or device makers who desire certain outcomes. There are literally dozens of ways to alter statistics,
ignore your own findings, draw opposite conclusions from your findings, cherry
pick your study subjects to create a particular outcome, or otherwise rig a study
so it shows what you want it to show.
Your doctor reads these “studies”
in the New England Journal of Medicine, Lancet, JAMA and other supposedly first
rate medical journals. Even the
editors of these journals complain about this problem. However, drug ads support the journal,
so the problem continues. The
result is that patients end up receiving drugs or procedures that don’t work,
cost a lot, and may be dangerous.
Most doctors do not have the
time or ability to really check this research. Some also are not aware of the amount of fraud and phoniness
that goes on in this area.
Slick advertising by drug
companies and medical device makers is everywhere. Also, the medical cartel issues exciting “press releases” at
least monthly about the latest new drug or operation.
Many of these “announcements”
amount to little more than advertising.
The truth is that most new drugs that are announced are later found to
have serious side effects. Many
never make it to the marketplace, and of those that are approved for sale, many
are withdrawn from the market within a few years after killing hundreds or
thousands of people. This is the
truth about drug medicine, even if you don’t believe it.
The goal of all this is to cause
patients to call on doctors and demand the latest drug, operation or other item
shown on television. Sadly, most
doctors go along and try the drug on the patient. This is because they know that if they say it is a waste of
money, or it is toxic, or it is new and untried, or they haven’t studied it
enough, the patient may just find a new doctor who will give him the advertised
The doctor excuses his lax
attitude by figuring that it is probably safe, so why not give it a try. If it were unsafe, the FDA would not
have approved it, right?
WRONG! This is another
integrity issue with doctors and the FDA that, once again, can severely impact
your health.
possible, we would avoid new drugs until they have been proven safe for at
least 10 years.
Even that is not long enough for
some of them, as the problems take time to identify clearly, in many instances.
At times, we learn that the drug
company knew about the problem from their early rat studies. This is a story about the lack of
integrity of many pharmaceutical companies today.
For example, a recent news
headline was that Paxil, a commonly used
anti-depressant, causes increased violence and an eight-fold increase in
suicide among teenagers. The
article stated that the manufacturer knew about the problems for 15 years and
didn’t tell anyone. They are now
under investigation and it will take another few years to get the drug off the
It will, however, be just in
time for the drug patent to expire.
Then the drug company will be much less interested in Paxil anyway.
They will pay a fine and move on to the next horror.
Sadly, this is how most large
drug companies routinely operate.
One must understand this.
It is not intended as a blanket attack on all drugs and all drug
companies. However, too often
profits and patents drive the industry. Many doctors act as the dupes who serve
as the drug pushers.
Holistic and alternative
practitioners usually have less media-related problems, simply because there is
less interest in the media about their work. It is possible, however, that these doctors also may respond
to news flashes and fads instead of having your best interests in mind.
If one follows a development
program, most drugs are never needed.
This is a potential problem
among all professionals, licensed and unlicensed, in all fields, whether they
work in a private health care system or a socialized system. Therefore, I will not dwell on it much. However, it is something to always keep
in mind. Hospitals, in particular,
have large overhead costs and must keep their beds full to make money or make
ends meet, so they have an incentive to recommend drugs, surgeries and other
procedures that benefit them. You
must keep this fact in mind.
health care systems can be worse.
Here the doctors are not paid very much. Their only recourse if they want to make more money, is to
see more patients and do more surgeries or procedures. So the idea that turning health care
over to the government will solve the problem of financial conflicts of
interest is false!
Doctors, in particular, are
prone to financial conflicts of interest for several reasons today. These are:
a) Many doctors go deeply into debt
to pay for the very high costs of college and medical education. Some enter medical practice with up to
$300,000.00 in student loans.
These have to be paid. So
the doctor is greatly tempted to run more tests, do more procedures, or
overcharge for services to help pay off student loans.
b) Paperwork. Today doctors in America, in
particular, but elsewhere, too, are greatly burdened by more and more paperwork
such as reporting to the government, submitting insurance claims, and more. This takes their time, and they are not
reimbursed for this time. The only
answer is to get more money from the patients.
c) Frustration. Doctors in America, and some elsewhere,
are used to being a highly paid profession. Many entered medicine for that reason. Some of these doctors figure they are
owed a great living, so they cheat a little, or do other things to increase
their income.
d) Arrogance. This is discussed above, but it tends
to worsen the problem of financial self-interest.
We have described our nutritional
approach to some medical colleagues.
Those willing to confide sometimes say that it sounds good, but it would
be bad for business. What would
happen to their repeat business, they ask, if people actually become well?
We tell them there are plenty of
ill people who need this work.
Also, if one wishes to develop quickly, one needs to stay on a
development program for many years, even if one feels well.
A hundred years ago, medical
care was given for very little money, and most doctors were not rich. Medicine was considered among the most
honored professions. A large
income was not the doctor’s priority.
This has changed, unfortunately, in too many cases.
You - the client - must be aware
of this when you work with those in the medical system.
Holistic and alternative
practitioners can certainly have financial conflicts of interest. Please be careful in your dealings with
them in this area, as well.
So summarize the above, the four
areas of dysfunction in today’s health care are:
Medical education and the remedy model of diagnosis
and treatment are inadequate to handle most of today’s pressing health
problems. The current system places little
emphasis on nutrition and lifestyle.
Nutritional supplements are hardly used, while toxic and costly drugs
dominate the system.
Bad health care laws. For example, in America these include:
- The State Medical Practice
Acts. These stifle competition,
protect outdated and dangerous practices, reduce access to care and raise the
cost of health care. They are also
unconstitutional in the United States, in our view. For details, read The Case Against
Medical Licensing.
- Early 20th century
laws that outlawed Community Health Organizations. The American Medical Association did not like this excellent
way of delivering health care because these organizations hired doctors and
paid them a salary instead of fees for services.
- The HMO Act of 1974. This law allowed companies to pay
doctors to deny health care.
- HIPAA. This act destroyed the privacy of
medical records, and by so doing did a lot of damage to the doctor-patient
- In many nations, only licensed
doctors may order laboratory tests.
This just adds a lot of cost to medical care.
- In many nations, laboratory
test results may only be sent to doctors, not to the person who paid for the
test. This also just adds cost to
medical care.
- Government medical care
agencies such as Medicare and Medicaid in the United States will only pay for
services from licensed doctors, meaning that although one is forced to pay into
the system, there is little choice when one receives benefits.
- Only licensed doctors can work
in clinics, hospitals and in some important research jobs.
These laws deny people care from
other types of healers, stifle competition, stop innovation and perpetuate
dangerous and outdated practices such as vaccination.
Another bad law is one in New
York State that requires essentially a bribe to the state if a company wishes
to offer hair mineral testing. New
York is the only state with such a corrupt law.
The causes for these bad laws
are mainly corruption and self-serving groups that influenced state and
national legislatures.
Excessive and bad quality regulations. These are
rules established by unelected bureaucrats who work at the Food And Drug
Administration and other health-related government agencies such as the Center
For Disease Control, Health and Human Services, or elsewhere.
For example, the Food And Drug
Administration of the United States allows the sale of many food items that
contain cancer-causing chemicals and other unsafe chemicals such as aspartame,
food coloring, food preservatives, refined sugar, refined flour and more.
The causes for
these bad regulations is a combination of ignorance, corruption, and
overreach of government power.
Corruption. This includes phony or biased studies,
payoffs, fraud, lying and other abuse in various parts of the health care
Many doctors, in interviews,
have told reporters and others that they would never undergo the drug or other
therapy they prescribe for their patients. Then why do these doctors keep recommending such procedures
for others?
The reason is they are often
essentially forced to do so by licensing boards, insurers, malpractice
attorneys, government regulations, and perhaps the censure of their
colleagues. This harms the
patients and today it severely diminishes the quality of health care.
advice to people who complain about doctors and hospitals is to follow a
development program and, in most cases, you will not need doctors very often.
To check the safety of your hospital, go to HealthGrades Web site.
trend toward wrecking the health of people with toxic medicines began years
ago. Here is a rough time line of
the process:
* 1787 -
Benjamin Rush, MD, a physician and signer of the American Declaration Of
Independence, wrote that:
“Laws restricting the
practice of the healing art to one class of physicians and denying equal
privileges to others, constitutes the Bastille of Medicine, for they prevent
progress. They are relics of (the)
Monarchy, and therefore have no place in a Republic.”
- quote as
cited in the Youngstown Vindicator (1911)
The same man wrote:
“The Constitution of this Republic should make
special provision for medical freedom. To restrict the art of healing to
one class will constitute the Bastille of medical science. All such laws are un-American
and despotic. É Unless we put medical freedom into the constitution, the time
will come when medicine will organize into an undercover dictatorship and force
people who wish doctors and treatment of their own choice to submit to only
what the dictating outfit offers.”
* 1847 -
Formation of the America Medical Association. One of their stated goals was to oppose natural methods of
healing, which was their competition.
They eventually were able to impose a drug medicine monopoly or cartel
in America.
* 1906 –
Formation of the Bureau of Chemistry (now called the Food And Drug
Administration). Supposedly, the
mission of the FDA was to protect the American people from adulterated foods
and drugs.
However, its first director, Harvey Wiley, MD, resigned within six
years because he said the agency had become infiltrated by food and drug
special interests and he could no longer protect the people’s food. He wrote about his experience in an
excellent book, The
History Of A Crime Against the Food Law by Harvey W. Wiley, MD.
Over 100 years later, the FDA is still totally corrupt. It allows and defends the sale of
bleached white flour, white sugar, Coca Cola and thousands of other adulterated
and harmful products. Most other
nations have copied the model of the American Food And Drug Administration,
multiplying the evil.
* 1910 –
Publication of the famous Flexner Report On Medical Education. This was a “hatchet job” written by the brother of the
president of the American Medical Association.
Mr. Flexner was not a physician.
However, his “report” showed that all healing schools in America except
the drug medicine schools were inadequate and should be shut down.
The report was taken to every state legislature in America and used to
pass unconstitutional medical licensing laws in all states in America.
We believe the state occupational licensing laws are unconstitutional
because they:
- Interfere with the right of the people to contract for health
- Prevent thousands of people from working. These are violations of the intent of Article I, section 10.
The licensing laws were and are nothing more than a power grab to
eliminate the competition by the drug doctors. As a result, the number of healing schools in America was
reduced by over 50%, including all schools that taught women and blacks, which
the AMA also did not like. The
laws got rid of the nutritionists, chiropractors, osteopaths, hydrotherapists, natural healers and others. It forced the people to patronize
only the drug and surgery doctors.
It signaled the end of an excellent free market health care system that
had made America one of the healthiest nations for 120 years.
Since then, some healing professions have “fought back” by joining the
licensing bandwagon. These include
chiropractors, some naturopaths, acupuncturists and others. However, the medical monopoly is still
very powerful in America and in other nations that did the same thing. A once-healthy population is no more.
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