by Dr. Lawrence Wilson

© October 2023, LD Wilson Consultants, Inc. 


All information in this article is for educational purposes only.  It is not for the diagnosis, treatment, prescription or cure of any disease or health condition.






Related Definitions

Lying Is Common

Reasons Not To Lie – VERY IMPORTANT



Truth And Lying Are Time-Related Concepts

Why People Lie

A Few Common Areas Of Lying

The Bible And Lying

Ways People Lie

Degrees Of Lying

The Habit Of Lying

Ways People Excuse Lying

The Big Lie Technique (including its use today)

Lying Slows Development

Lying With Logic

Left-wing Politics and Lying

Lying And Guidance (a personal note)

Lying And Development



Is There A Time To Lie?

What About Little White Lies?

Is Exaggerating The Same As Lying?

What About Telling Half-Truths And Lies Of Omission?







Lying is the deliberate attempt to mislead or deceive another person by making false statements and/or omitting true statements. 

Lying is not the same as saying an untruth by mistake.  Lying is deliberate.  This is an important distinction (see the paragraph below).


Related definitions.

A liar is someone who deliberately or intentionally tells an untruth in order to mix up, confuse, deceive and perhaps to control another person.  One who simply says an untruth by mistake or ignorance is not a liar.  Such a person is mistaken, confused or ignorant, but is not a liar.

A white lie.  This is supposedly a lie that doesn’t really harm anyone very much and is done for convenience or to move things along in life.  See the Questions And Answers Section below for more details.

Fraud.  This is a legal term that means one does not do what one says one will do.  It is a type of lie.

Misrepresentation.  This is another legal term that means one is not who one says one is.  This is a type of lie.

Satanic.  One definition of this word is when something is the opposite of the way it appears – a type of lie.

Laziness.  This is a type of lie.  One says one will do something, but one does it halfway, or too late, or perhaps not at all.

Seduction.  This is a form of lying in which one acts falsely to get something, often sex, but it could be anything.

Hidden agendas.  This is another word for a type of lying.

To deceive. To make a deliberate attempt to mislead others.

To delude. To make a deliberate attempt to create a false picture or scenario.

Spinning.  Altering a story or evidence in some way to shift its meaning or effect.

Slanting.  Telling facts in various ways to alter their significance.

Bias.  A person’s prejudice that influences the way he or she perceives and thinks.

Propaganda.  Falsehoods that are presented as truth and fact, with the intent to deceive and influence others.

Talking points or takeaways.  This has to do with spin and how one wants facts or narratives perceived.

Political correctness. This is a modern term that means lying.  The goal is to silence dissent, alter people’s thought patterns or brainwash people.

Social justice.  This is not justice and has nothing to do with justice.  It is a code word that means lying to promote a political or social agenda.  It really means doing whatever one wants and justifying it as “just”.

Group rights. Special rights or privileges that are given based on membership in a group such as Hispanics, women, people of color, or some other.  This is a type of lying used today to destroy basic legal concepts of equal rights, equal justice and individual rights.

Emergency powers.  This is a lying term that is used a lot today in relation to the Chinese virus, climate change, and more.  The truth is that emergency powers are nowhere authorized in the American national or state constitutions or those of many other nations.  Therefore, they are all illegal. 

“Emergency powers” are an excuse for violating the rights of the people and taking power illegally.  The justification may be climate change, a virus, or any number of other reasons. 

Defensive medicine.  This is a common form of lying in health care today.  It occurs when a doctor recommends a drug or procedure supposedly to benefit someone.  However, this is a lie.  The truth is the reason for the recommendation or diagnosis is to protect the doctor legally.

Defensive lying can occur in other areas of human interaction, as well.




This is a recent post from the New Earth Newsletter that summarizes major forms of dishonesty to watch for in yourself and others.

1. Dishonesty by omission. This means failing to speak the truth when you know it.

2. Dishonesty by commission. This means deliberately telling a lie.

3. Exaggerating. This means making something sound worse than it really is.

4. Minimizing. This means making something sound more mild than it really is.

5. Lying to yourself. This is a common situation. For example, making excuses is a common way to lie to yourself.

6. Telling a half truth. This is partially telling the truth, but also including inaccurate information.

7. Wishful thinking. This is a type of lying in which you are influenced by your emotions or desires. This causes you to lie.

8. Manipulation. This is telling a lie to influence or manipulate another.

9. Arrogance. Arrogance means thinking you know the truth when you do not. Arrogance is always a form of lying.

10. Self-deprecation. This is very common and occurs when one says things about oneself that are not true such as “I am so stupid” or “I am just ugly”. In truth, you are the child of God. That is your reality, no matter what else occurs.

Related words:

11. Deception. This is lying that also deliberately creates a false impression of a situation.

12. Perfidy. Deliberate betrayal of trust, similar to treachery.

Legal terms related to lying:

13. Fraud. This is lying about some type of behavior or action.

14. Misrepresentation. This is lying about who you are or your credentials.

15. Treachery or treason. This is betrayal of someone who trusts you. It can also be lying about a very important matter that can lead to death. The crime is treason. It means speech or action that gives comfort and aid to an enemy of a nation.

16. Sedition. This is speech or behavior designed to incite rebellion against a government or some established order. It usually involves two or more people.




Lying is very common on planet earth!  It is one of the most often violated of the Ten Commandments given to Moses. 

Some people lie to be polite, and many lie as a way of life.  Politicians often lie in an obvious way, but it often works for them. They say what people want to hear so people vote for them.




Lying is a very bad trait and this section explains why.

Lying destroys trust.  Trust requires believing in the integrity of another.  Lying ruins this, often forever. 

Lying wrecks relationships.  This is related to the paragraph above.  Lying wrecks the trust and more between friends and partners and others. Remember this if you want to have happy relationships.

Lying also can wreck the relationship with your children, parents, siblings and others.

Lies break the chain of love and true information transfer.  This is slightly different than breaking trust.  It means that lies stop the flow of true information.  This is indeed a serious problem in all types of situations and relationships.

Lies can cause your own or others’ death.  Many people know the story of “the boy who cried wolf”.  It is a substantially true story of someone who was in the habit of lying.  When that person really needed help, no one believed his cries for help because he had lied before so many times.  As a result, he was killed.

Lying about product safety and other dangers often causes people’s deaths.

Lying makes oneself and others much more yin.  This is important because the bodies are already too yin, and making oneself or others more yin tends to damage health.  For details, read Yin Disease.

An exception to this idea occurs during some guidance.  See below for details.

Lying within the body is very damaging to the body.  A good example of this occurs in the disease of leprosy.  The author lived in Mexico and met a number of lepers.  Their nerves were damaged and pain signals did not reach their brains.  As a result, they often lost toes, fingers and more.

Our bodies depend more than one may think on accurate and reliable pain messages to be sent and received by our bodies and brains.

Lying frequently leads to bad decisions of every type.  These range from product choices, dating and marriage choices, and every other kind of decision.

Lying shortens your lifespan.  We are not sure how this works, but we think it is the truth.  Chronic liars usually do not live as long as others who do not lie.

Lying wrecks society.  All societies rely on truthful information in order for people to make wise decisions.  This is one problem of lying by the politicians, mass media or on the internet.

Lying often causes anger, fear and depression.  This is one reason lying wrecks relationships, for example.






            A newer theme of this website is the importance and understanding of time.  A curious observation is that lies and lying somehow break the flow of time and are somehow less real than truth.

We know this because when one applies rewind science and rewind methods, as a rule the only actions that are rewound are lying ones.  In this case, this means actions that did not need to occur or were not appropriate in some way.  This can include a car accident, for example, or even a war.

This may sound unusual, but it is the observation and experience of many who know about rewind science and rewind methods.  It is very fortunate because rewinding events is an important topic and an advanced science.  For details, read Rewind Science.




1. Lying for survival or to harm or even literally kill another.

2. Lying for sexual or emotional purposes, such as to get even with another or to seduce another.

3. Lying for power and control over others.

4. Lying to be accepted socially.  This is very common.

5. Lying to marry or to set up a business.

6. Lying to promote an ideology.  See the section below on Liberals, Left-wing Thinking and Lying.

7. Lying about or to promote a religion.




Men and women lie to each other sexually.  This is a common area of lying.  Men lie to women so the women will go out with them, or go to bed with them, or even marry them.  Meanwhile, women lie to men about how much they care for them, and other things in order to get what they want.


Too often, parents lie to children and parents let children get away with lying.  Parents lie to children so the children will stop asking questions.  Sometimes they lie to their children to keep some information from them, or for other reasons.  This is never a good idea.  It is important to learn how to explain things to a small child, but do not lie to them.  It ruins relationships and it sets the child up to hate the parents who lie, and to lie for the rest of their lives.


Political correctness is lying.  Acting or speaking in a ‘politically correct manner’ is just another way of saying that you lie.  This is very important to understand.  So do not buy into this popular idea.

Today, the teachers are taught to lie and the school textbooks lie, all in the name of political correctness.  Political correctness is perpetrated by propagandists and social engineers as a way to brainwash people or otherwise to modify their behavior for their own ends.  Do not accept it.




The Ten Commandments of Moses include, “Do not bear false witness”.  This is another way of saying “Do not lie”. I am not sure why this Commandment is worded the way it is, but to us it means the same thing as Do Not Lie.

The Bible also contains many stories about lying and its consequences.




Below are some of the main ways people alter the truth:


1. They make up completely false information.

2. They exaggerate, add to or embellish the truth.

3. They minimize the truth.

4. They omit or hide truth.

5. They mix truth and falsehoods, giving half-truths.

6. They present truth or half-truths in a way or context that changes their meaning.  The context can be the words themselves that the person uses. They may add positive or negative words or phrases to enhance or to ridicule what they are saying.  They may also change their tone of voice or their writing style to influence what they are saying.

If they are speaking, they may add positive or negative emotions, and positive or negative facial expressions, body language, background music or something else to “color” the truth. 

Another way people use context to “color” or alter truth is they quote “experts” or “expert sources” in support of one point of view, but not another.




The above can be arranged according to the 7 system, as follows:


1. Deliberate false statements.

2. False emotion – such as “spinning” a situation to color it in a desired way.

3. False rationalization – making up a story to reinforce a lie.

4. Falsely using others to reinforce or support a lie or deception.  This might be statements such as “everyone else thinks differently than you do”, “everyone else believes this”, “you are out of the mainstream”, “you are out of step”, “the polls prove I am right”, “98% of people agree with me”, “this is the best selling one”.

5. Working hard in a false or harmful way.

6. False ideologies, such as communism and socialism.  These sound good, but it is a lie.  They are really just tyranny.

7. False gods.  One’s god can be money, power, fame, or something else.




              Many people are in the habit of lying, at least a little.  We believe this is a very bad habit.

As described below, there are times when a lie is perhaps needed and even life-saving.  However, this should be the exception, not the rule.




We hope you do not do this, but here are common excuses for lying:

- Telling the truth is inconvenient, time consuming or embarrassing.

- Everyone lies a little, so I will lie, too.

- Lying really isn’t important.  Getting your point across or getting your way is more important (The ends justify the means).

- Lying and confusing people a little is fun.  This can even include confusing your children, husband or wife with little lies.

- Lying is a way to get “a rise” or a response from others.  The news media today does this a lot.  They find it sells newspapers and gets people to visit their website.  See Energy Vampirism for details.




Adolf Hitler wrote that most people tell small lies, and they will catch you in your lies if you tell small ones.  However, most people do not tell big lies, so it is possible to fool the people by telling enormous lies.

He is correct about this, sadly.  So when he told everyone that the problems of the world are caused by non-Aryan races such as Jews and Catholics, a lot of German people believed him.  When he said he would never attack Poland or other nations, people believed him.

The result was a dreadful war (World War II) with about 500,000 deaths.  It could have been avoided if Hitler had been stopped before he became powerful.

So beware that some are bold enough to tell gigantic lies to get what they want.  Always question politicians and governments because they have a large incentive to lie.  The incentive is to increase their power.

This exact problem is going on today (2021).  The big lies today are about climate change as a manmade problem. 

Another big lie today is that the Wuhan virus is a “pandemic” when it is not, and that it is a major disease when it is not.  The worst lie is using it to justify mask mandates and taking away people’s basic rights to assemble, worship and work.  These wreck the economy, increase suicides, drug addiction and other social problems, and sicken the people because they cannot breathe correctly.  They do not stop the virus.  Viruses easily pass through cloth or paper masks.

Statistics and careful studies from Sweden and other nations that have not shut down clearly show this to be the truth.

Another part of this big lie is that we rarely hear even one word from the medical or government authorities about the importance of nutrition to prevent and heal the virus.  Yet this is the truth.  For details, read The Chinese Virus.

Another huge lie today is that elections are fair.  As long as mail-in voting and voting machines are permitted, the truth is that voting is rigged and cheating is the rule, not the exception.




Development is a process of mental integration.  One reason for telling the truth is that lying tends to slow down development, although it does not stop it.




This is very common today in science, medicine and elsewhere.  Ways to corrupt logic are:


1. Begin with false premises.  This is common, and almost always leads to false conclusions.

The birth control pill example.  In medical school I was taught that birth control pills are good because they are statistically safer than having a baby.  The “side effects” of the pill such as strokes, heart attacks and cancer therefore must just be tolerated.

However, one must examine this more closely.  The premise is that either one takes the birth control pill, or one has a baby.  No other alternatives are mentioned, such as abstinence, or using a diaphragm, or other birth control methods.

In other words, the logic is okay, but the premise that one will either take the pill or have a baby is incorrect.  (We also think the idea that having a baby is more dangerous than having cancer or a stroke is incorrect, even though statistics are used to “prove” it.)

2. Non sequiturs or false conclusions.  Logical thinking consists of a series of statements or facts that must follow one another.  If one of the steps does not follow from the one before, this is called a non sequitur.

Represented in algebraic form, if A is true, then B occurs.  If B is true, then C occurs.  If C is true, then D occurs, and so on.  This is deductive logic.  A non sequitur occurs if one of these steps is not true.

If one is not careful, people slip in a statement that may be true, but it does not follow from the step before it.

3. Generalizing.  This is a type of false conclusion in which one extrapolates from one small example to draw a much larger conclusion than is warranted.

4. Mixing up correlations with direct cause and effect.  Just because A is correlated or occurs together with B does not means that A causes B.




Telling the truth is not a left wing value.  Lying is perfectly okay for these people.  The main value of the liberals and leftists is often the phrase from Karl Marx “the ends justify the means”.  This mans that lying is fine if it achieves your goal.

Knowing this is how some people think is extremely important. Otherwise, you will be deceived.  It means one can never trust left-wing people at all, really.  This includes all communists, socialists, leftists and many people who call themselves liberals or moderates.




As soon as the author learned how to tune into souls, some of the souls lied to him.  Here is what he was told about this type of training.

They explained that it forces the mind to work harder to examine information thoroughly.  In other words, it teaches one to be careful and not sloppy in one’s thinking.  The souls said the lies they tell are not so serious that they would cause severe problems.

This type of training still goes on every day.






Yes, this can occur.  It would be a situation in which to tell the truth would threaten your life, some one else’s life, or perhaps other property of yours. 

For example, if a thief comes to the door and asks if you are home alone, say no, even if you are alone. 

If a crazed man with a gun comes to the door and says he’s looking for your beautiful daughter, tell him she is not home even if she is.




A white lie is a lie that is told to save face, perhaps, or to move things along better.  Presumably, it is a lie that does not harm anyone. 

The problem with white lies is it is easy to cross the line and decide that lying and deceit are okay “if they don’t hurt anyone”.  In other words, telling white lies can lead to the habit of lying (see above for details about this).


IS EXAGGERATING REALLY THE SAME AS LYING?  Yes, so be careful and don’t do it.  Exaggerating is a form of lying and can be just as bad.




These, too, are lies.  They are common on the news media, among children, and everywhere else.

For example, here is a lie of omission:  Your child cries out, “He hit me.”  However, your child fails to tell you that he hit the other child first. 

This is relatively innocent, however, compared to lying politicians who, for example, blow up a relatively minor incident involving their competition in order to produce a false impression in people’s mind.  Do not do this, as it has the same effects as other lies.


A related article is Deep Self-Honesty.




            An excellent book on this subject is Stonewalled, My Fight For Truth Against The Forces Of Obstruction, Intimidation, And Harrassment in Obama’s Washington by Sharyl Attkisson.




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