Dr. Lawrence Wilson
© June 2020, LD
Wilson Consultants, Inc.
information in this article is for educational purposes only. It is not for the diagnosis, treatment,
prescription or cure of any disease or health condition.
Some in America want this nation
to switch to a European-style, government-run, socialized, nationalized, or
“universal” health care system. (These are all the same).
Common refrains go something
like this. “America spends too
much on health care, over twice that of Canada or Great Britain.” “Care is unaffordable for many, as
there are some 47 million uninsured (about 1/6 of the nation).” (This is a complete lie. All Americans can use the government
Medicaid system, if they need it.)
The problem, it is said, is free
enterprise capitalism. The answer,
according to many, is “universal care”.
This must include all Americans or it would not be fair and moral
because there is a “right” to health care. Let us address these assertions.
The main reason is they are
permitted to do so! European and
Canadian governments cap their health care spending.
Who is to say how much spending
is enough? Spending money on
health is hardly a waste, unless the funds do not produce more health. This, unfortunately, is the case in
America and anywhere else in the world that the drug-based and surgery-based
approach dominates the health care system.
Unless we examine the health
care system in detail, attempts at reform will be futile. Here are some of less well-known facts
that cause high cost and poor results:
1. Not
nutrition-based. We assert that this is the main
problem with the health care systems around the world. Until this changes, no system –
privately run or government-run, will work well! The drug-based system is really quite insane. Using poisons to heal the body does not
work well and never will!
The drug-based system is also
not really a preventive system, which is the only sane way to care for health.
No one waits for a car engine to
explode before changing the oil, but that is how much of American and European
health care operates.
Also, the preventive measures
used by the drug and surgery-based health care systems are often deadlier than
the diseases they are supposed to prevent. These include vaccination, fluoridation of the drinking
water, preventive drug use and millions of scans that expose people to harmful
Meanwhile, pollution of the
food, air and water do not cause any reaction from the medical community.
Real prevention is about more
rest and sleep, dietary improvements and other lifestyle modifications. However, Americans and Europeans are
instead encouraged to eat junk food by their governments.
2. A Very Ill
Population. High health care costs are due to sick
Citizens around the world. The
reasons for this are government
regulatory agencies that allow and even encourage people to eat massive amounts
of refined, denatured and chemicalized food items.
Another reason is the use of
vaccines and horrendous prenatal care.
For details, read Vaccination and Prenatal Care.
3. Iatrogenic Or
Doctor-Caused Illness.
A massive amount of illness, disability and death occur due to diagnostic
errors, drug side effects, hospital infections, unnecessary surgeries and
more. Even the Journal of the AMA, a cartel publication,
wrote that modern medicine is the third or fourth leading cause of death in
America. According to others such
as Gary Null, PhD, it is the leading cause of death and/or disability in
4. “Defensive
Medicine”. This is not real healing at all, for
which reason the topic is in quotes.
It is the costly and at times disastrous practice of prescribing extra
x-ray scans, blood tests and even operations than are known to be needed in a
particular case. It is “standard practice” so often today, especially in
hospitals, that most people take it for granted. It stems directly from legal concerns or licensing
regulations and it adds billions to the American and some other health care costs.
5. Lobbying. This is a hidden cost that one can only notice in the high
prices of many health care products and services, including vitamins. The advent of government-regulated
medical care greatly politicizes care.
This means that anyone doing business in health care must spend money to
lobby legislators and other policy makers at every level of government.
They are forced to do this to
make sure their device, procedure, medication or even their medical facility
receives its fair share of positive attention from the authorities. The cost of lobbying, which has nothing
to do with health or healing, runs into the billions of dollars. Much of it is disguised as gifts,
conferences, vacations, speaking fees, fund raising events and so forth.
This occurs any time government
controls an industry.
Decision-making is taken away from the consumer and given to committees
and government agencies such as the Food And Drug Administration (see
below). While it is hard to focus
lobbying money on 200 million people, it is easy to woo a small number of
policy makers who are empowered by the government to make billion-dollar
decisions that affect health care purchasing.
6. The Food And
Drug Administration . If we had to pick one agency
responsible for more loss of life and disability in America and elsewhere it
would be the government agency that regulates food and drugs. These agencies are thoroughly corrupt! They favor drugs and junk food while
they stop advertising, production and distribution of thousands of low-cost,
safe products that save lives.
A close second among corrupt
regulatory agencies in America is the Federal Trade Commission. This group approves the drug ads on television
but will often stop anyone who attempts to advertise natural products that
would save lives and reduce health costs.
7. Licensing And
Faulty Medical Education. A critical fact is that medical
licensing keeps the entire medical system in control. Let us not mince words. If certification replaced licensure,
there would soon be no allopathic monopoly or cartel. Others who can offer less costly care would win out very
Licensing seems “natural” but is
completely fraudulent. It is an old
European system that was called the guild system in Europe. It is relatively
recent in American history. About
100 years ago, the American Medical Association and its wealthy supporters
lobbied all 50 state legislatures to pass medical licensing laws. Since then, hundreds more licensing
laws have made it impossible to change American health care without the
approval of corrupt medical boards.
Whether a health care system is
“private” or government-controlled matters little if health care licensing is in
place. Real change requires a
different system to protect the people.
Only a free market can offer this.
For details, read The Case Against Medical
8. Other –
waste, fraud and abuse. Any time the government becomes
involved in an industry, corruption sets in. This is an ironclad rule everywhere in the world. The corruption takes three basic forms
– waste, fraud and abuse.
Waste means stupid decisions because
government bureaucrats are never the smartest people. The wisest people in a society do not like government jobs,
as a rule. They prefer working in
the private sector of the economy.
The government sector attracts people who are more security-minded and
less capable of succeeding in the private sector. Centrally-managed systems of all kinds suffer from this
Fraud means illegal and usually fake
claims upon government resources.
It is a very serious problem with no good solution. It is just easy to cheat the system and
no amount of policing the system with paperwork and other means can stop it
Abuse means misuse of the system for
political or other reasons. For
example, politicians always reward their friends with government contracts and
in hundreds of other ways. They
reward their donors and the people who voted for them or who keep them in
Politicians also often have
ideological agendas. For example,
they may believe in skewing the system to help illegal immigrants, or perhaps homosexuals
or some other group of people.
If government is given the power
to control health care, these political agendas always find their way into the
system. They have very little to do
with health, and mainly add cost, damage the integrity and fairness of the system
and reduce its effectiveness. They
are just abuses of government power.
Some uninsured people in America
do not want insurance. Some are
working people who would rather spend their money elsewhere.
Others are healthy people who
self-insure by taking vitamins, resting adequately and practicing real
preventive care. Up to 20%,
according to a news report, already qualify for a government program and just
have not signed up.
Some whom the socialists count are
illegal aliens who don’t belong in the nation anyway. As stated earlier, anyone in America can join the government
Medicaid program if needed. In
summary, there is no “crisis of the uninsured”.
Let us examine this carefully. Rights can be of several types:
are those that come from the Creator.
The American Declaration of Independence describes inalienable rights to
life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. A right to unlimited health care services was not among the
rights enumerated in this Declaration or anywhere else we know of.
Entitlements are
government-bestowed rights. They
are more like promises from the government of certain defined goods or
For example, the right to a “speedy
trial by a jury of one’s peers” is one of just a few entitlements in our
original Bill of Rights.
Problems with entitlements, including
jury trials, are:
Enormous cost. In fact, our government has “modified” the right to a jury
trial due to its cost. Few people
actually get a jury trial today, even though it would be fairer.
A problem with the right to health care
goods and services is deciding which ones would be included? This would be debated endlessly and
subject to total political manipulation.
In other words, the fine print is everything in an entitlement. Otherwise the promise is empty.
Another part of the cost is that
someone must be paid to provide the goods and services. This means armies of government
employees are required to dole out the goods and services and monitor the
entire process.
Entitlements also cost far more than
anyone can estimate due, in large part, to the next problem with them.
They reverse the positive incentive to take responsibility for oneself and
one’s family. After all, why
bother caring for yourself if the government will clean up your messes?
One way out of this dilemma is what Mr.
McCain proposes. This may be
called a right to choice in health care.
to choice
are from the government, just like entitlements. However, they do not cost the taxpayers any money and are
easy to administer. They do not
involve promises of goods or services.
Freedoms, or rights to choice, are
prohibitions against government interference with a particular activity or
behavior. Many of these
are in the founding documents of America and some other nations.
They include the right to speak
freely, to assemble, to petition the government, to worship as one chooses, and
the right to bear arms. Dr.
Benjamin Rush, a physician and signer of the Declaration of Independence,
suggested a right to choice in health care, but it was left out of the Bill of
This kind of right would mean
that the government may never impose one type of health care. Citizens would always have a right to
choose their health care, just as they choose their religion or speech.
A few in the US
Congress, such as Ron Paul, have called for such a change. It would be a step in the right
direction to break up the cartel-based system we currently have. It would also not require a new
bureaucracy and higher taxes, as entitlements always do.
A right to health care goods and
services is a financial nightmare.
The right to choose one’s health care would be a blessing that would
reduce costs and vastly improve the health of people everywhere.
say their government-run health plan is the only moral solution. I disagree and here is why:
1. It is compulsory. There is nothing moral about
forcing people to accept and pay for drug cartel medicine, even if one doesn’t
want it and won’t use it.
2. It is wasteful and would be riddled with fraud. This seems immoral to me. Instead, I prefer to be in control of
my health records, not a large bureaucracy.
3. It is based
on a lie. The lie is that the government is
somehow smarter than you are in figuring out your real health care needs.
The Europeans
and Canadians have discovered these problems with socialized medical systems. In fact, most Western European and
Asian nations such as Japan, Great Britain, France and others are looking for
ways to move away from socialistic schemes that bankrupt their nations.
May we think
clearly whether to accept a candidate who wants to establish a new, large
entitlement program that will likely further rob us of our money, our freedom
and what is left of our health as a nation and a people.
This argument for socialized
medicine is the exact opposite of the truth. To see this clearly, view the graph below of total US
health costs over the past 50 years.
It is clear that something dramatic happened after 1970 as costs
escalated and the graph turns almost vertical.
What happened was socialized
medicine in the form of Medicare and Medicaid. A physician friend said the cost of an emergency room visit
doubled overnight when Medicare passed.
The real explosion in health costs is not due to the market, but
instead to its destruction.
1940 |
1950 |
1960 |
1970 |
1980 |
1990 |
2000 |
2004 |
20 |
22 |
27.6 |
75.1 |
254.9 |
717.3 |
1358.5 |
1877.6 |
Source: Vital
Statistics of The United States
A market means there are buyers
and sellers willing to bargain over prices so that each gets the best deal
possible. A market means that
prices and costs are transparent and nothing is hidden from view.
Compare this to a recent
experience (2005) when I called around to get a price for a brain scan for a
friend without insurance. Two
hours were spent just locating all the scanning centers, as they don’t
advertise. Then, only a few were
able to provide a cash quote on the phone. When they called back, fees ranged from $800.00 to $2400.00
for the same scan. Later, we
learned that had we said the right words, we could have gotten the MRI for
about $400.00.
Car Care. Lest one think a free market would never work, witness how
cars are fixed in America. Our
health care system could operate the same way, with the same low costs and ease
of access.
Many options exist for auto
care. Some choose fancy certified
or licened dealers to fix their car.
Others choose certified mechanics.
Other use local shade-tree mechanics. Still others choose to buy the tools and do the work
Prices are known to all and plenty of competition keeps
everyone fairly honest. A spirit
of helpfulness pervades the system so the even the poorest people seem to find
ways to have their cars repaired adequately.
In fact, a market system worked
well for American health care for about 120 years. Statistically, America was among the healthiest nation,
unlike today. Most people are too
young to recall these days, but they were so much better than health care today
there is no comparison.
Many options existed side by
side, with competing systems of care attempting to outdo each other in terms of
their low cost and effectiveness.
Everyone was cared for, even the poor at little cost, because a spirit
of friendliness and giving permeated the system, as it does today in auto
Today, this has been replaced by
fears that one will report the doctor or even sue him for the slightest
infraction of the rules. Auto care
is a model Americans can turn to that works well without breaking the budget.
“Universal care” is nothing more than the new word for socialized medicine. Other code words for socialized medicine are:
- national health care
- single payer
- health care for all
- public health care
In practical terms, it means
that everyone must be forced to join the
system. No one wishes to
discuss the hidden costs of all such government programs, including waste and
fraud. Instead of direct
accountability to the customer, which means that every citizen watches his
pocketbook, government systems employ huge armies of “health police” who chase
down and prosecute cheaters. This
does not work, and always leads to corruption.
For example, fraud and waste in
Medicare alone is estimated at about $33 billion out of $426 billion total cost
or about about 7.5% according to government estimates. Enforcement is through massive amounts
of paperwork, another huge waste of time and money. Truly, the amount of waste in any government welfare program
is so staggering no one dares really investigate.
Having reviewed the issues from
a theoretical standpoint, let us hear from one Canadian who sent an email,
unsolicited, to a friend of mine.
Dear Sir,
America is
considering copying our socialized medical system here in Canada. I thought you should know a little
about how things work here:
1) Health care in Canada is not free. We pay a
premium every month of $96.00 for Shirley and I to be covered. We
also pay much more in taxes to keep the system afloat. I am
personally in the 55% tax bracket! A large portion of it goes to
health care, our #1 expense.
2) When you see the doctor, time is short because it is more
important to move as many patients through as possible, each hour, for Government reimbursement.
3) I would not classify what we have as health care
plan. It is more like a sickness
diagnosis system. One can get in to see a doctor quick enough so he
can tell you that yes, indeed, you are sick or you need an operation. The challenge becomes getting treated
or operated on. We have waiting
lists, some as much as 2 years.
4) Try to avoid requiring emergency treatment as you may
wait hours in the emergency room for treatment.
5) Shirley's father cut his hand on a power saw a few
weeks ago and it required a splint.
To our surprise, we had to pay $125.00 for a splint because it is not a
covered expense, plus we paid $60.00 each week for the doctor to check it.
6) Shirley's cousin was diagnosed with a heart
blockage. He was placed on a waiting list and died before he
could get treatment.
7) The government allots so many operations per
year. When the quota is reached, no more operations are performed,
unless you go to your local newspaper and plead your case. If you embarrass the government enough,
then money may suddenly appear.
8) We give free needles to drug users to try and keep them
healthy. However, people with diabetes, who pay in much more to the
system, have to pay for their needles because it is not a covered expense.
9) A 65 year-old friend needs an operation for a blockage in
her leg. However, because she is a
smoker they will not do it, although she paid into the system all these
years. Now there is talk that perhaps we should not treat obese
people, either, because they are a drain on the system.
Let me see now,
what we want in Canada is a health care system for healthy people
only. That should reduce our health care costs.
I ask not for
sympathy. I just want to make sure
that you hear the truth about health care up here. Step wisely and don't
make the same mistakes we have.”
is the least moral. It is
compulsory, wasteful and riddled with fraud. The moral solution is to leave health care up to the people,
rather than impose a monopoly upon us.
However, I do not see this
happening in America today. Due to
our brainwashed and ignorant population and their leaders, the socialists are
winning this battle, and for many reasons. Let us examine several of them, as otherwise they go
unnoticed and unopposed.
1. So many of us are afraid of sickness and just want to be
taken care of. This is dependency
syndrome, a huge problem in all socialist nations. America is moving this way fast!
2. The government school system
mainly teaches children to just answer questions rather than think
independently. It is no accident
that many of America’s great entrepreneurs, including Bill Gates, were either
high school or college dropouts.
The public schools are run by socialists, through and through. Unless the schools change, we will
continue in our present direction, I believe.
The present discussion of “health care reform” is, in part, motivated by a move
of the allopathic and drug cartels to consolidate its gains and eliminate all
competition, although they will never admit it. It is time, in other words, to “bring America into the fold”
of sheepish nations that cater to their most base desires and expect the
government to clean up their messes.
The cartels need total control of health care to do this.
Since they virtually own the
FDA, FTC, the airwaves and the mainstream media, one notices that the drug ads
have increased, as have the bogus “studies” proving that vitamins are a
hoax. This was even the cover
story of a recent Reader’s Digest magazine. As Hitler taught the world, if they say it long enough, many
people believe it.
The leadership of America is bankrupt, with precious little understanding of
the incredible heritage and gift to the world that is the American
experience. They despair at the
simply-solved problem of health care that a real market would handle, in may
cases, overnight. Instead, they
look to the old, failed monarchical societies of Europe, Canada and Asia for
hope this article helps wake up a few Americans to their incredible heritage of
freedom and prosperity based on capitalist principles and market
economics. Then, and only then, I
fear, we will turn to a market-based solution, the one that honors the God
within each individual that knows best how to solve most health woes.
So few also understand this
simple economic system and structure that would heal us, as it has done in the
past. Also, so few today are aware
of the many wonderful methods and remedies that are so available and
inexpensive, yet effective and far safer than what we use daily.
This is an excellent source of information about the health care system.
2. Goodman, J.C. and Musgrave, G.L., Patient Power - Solving
America’s Health Care Crisis, Cato Institute, Washington, DC, 1992.
3. Health, US, 2006.
Table 120, US Department of Health and Human Services, Centers For
Disease Control and Prevention, National Center For health Statistics,
Hyattsville, MD, 2006.
4.Hornberger, J. and Ebeling, R., editors, The Dangers Of Socialized Medicine, Future
Of Freedom Foundation, Fairfax, VA, 1994.
5. Illich, I., Medical
Nemesis, Random House, NY, 1976.
6. Ruwart, M.J., Healing
Our World, SunStar Press, Kalamazoo, MI, 1993.
7. Skousen, W.C., The
Five Thousand Year Leap, The National Center For Constitutional Studies,
Washington, DC, 1981.
8. Wasley, T., What
Has Government Done To Our Health Care, Cato Institute, Washington, DC,
9. Wiley, H., The
History Of A Crime Against The Food Law:
The Story Of The National Food And Drugs Law Intended To Protect The
Health Of The People, Perverted To Protect Adulteration Of Foods And Drugs, Harvey Wiley, Washington, DC, 1929, 1955.
(Wiley was the first director of the Bureau of Chemistry from 1906 to
1912. The bureau was later renamed
the Food And Drug Administration.)
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