by Dr. Lawrence Wilson
© March 2019, LD Wilson Consultants,
All information in this article is for
educational purposes only. It is
not for the diagnosis, treatment, prescription or cure of any disease or health
Definition. This is a sudden, strong desire to rest and sleep. It can occur at any time of the day, and is not uncommon among those following a nutritional balancing program. The need for rest is usually short – 15 to 45 minutes. Afterwards, the person feels rested and well.
The cause of this sudden fatigue or attack of fatigue is almost always development. A crude way to understand it is that during development the body “downloads” or assembles new information and other changes that need to take place.
At a certain moment,
there is a need to implement or integrate that information into the body
structure and physiology. The rest
period is needed in order to complete this process.
A good analogy. This is analogous to the need to restart a computer after downloading new software for it. The software has been introduced into the machine. However, to fully implement the new software, one must temporarily shut down the machine and then restart it.
Cadmium elimination. A related situation, but with somewhat different symptoms, is a cadmium elimination. This is the removal of a powerful crutch. The fatigue, however, does not go away by taking a rest or a nap.
Instead, one needs to increase
the amount of Megapan and Endo-dren
one takes for a few days to a few weeks.
One may need 3-3-3 Megapan and 3-3-3 Endo-dren, and rarely a little more. Then the body rebalances, the fatigue goes away, and one can
resume one’s regular program.
Not at all. They seem to be a necessary part of development for some people. They can be annoying, however, if they occur while one is driving a car, talking on the phone, or busy in some other way.
In these cases, it is necessary to pull off the road if you are driving, lock the doors and doze off for a few minutes. If you are busy in other ways, the best answer is to excuse yourself, and go and rest until the fatigue attack passes. This often will occur within 15 to 30 minutes and sometimes less.
Twist the spine, pop the toes and knees. A way to speed up the time required to integrate the new information into the body is that when you lay down to rest, push the toes downward until the pop, possibly twist the feet, and pull your bent legs one at a time toward your abdomen while lying down. This releases stuck energy and may reduce the time needed for resting.
At this time, we are not aware of any way to avoid or prevent fatigue attacks. They are part of either retracing or other aspects of development.
One could drink some coffee or take other stimulants to keep going instead of resting. However, this is not wise. The body needs the short rest period to develop properly, and fighting it with stimulants just slows development.
No. Narcolepsy is a medical condition caused by low energy or other imbalances in the body. Fatigue attacks are due to development, and are not a medical condition nor are they any kind of disease condition.
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