by Dr. Lawrence Wilson
Ó December 2016, L.D. Wilson Consultants, Inc.
information in this article is for educational purposes only. It is not for the diagnosis, treatment,
prescription or cure of any disease or health condition.
Toxicity and Adverse Effects
Lack Of Effectiveness
High Cost
Mutated Microorganisms
Drug Abuse And Addiction
Water Pollution
Interfering With Nutritional Balancing
This article
is not intended to ‘bash’ medical drugs, but simply to understand them
better. I feel qualified to write
about this topic because I studied drug medicine in medical school, and have
worked within the medical care system in hospitals during medical school and in
a medical residency program.
However, I
have also worked in the alternative or natural health care industry for 36
years, with over 70,000 people.
I have had
an opportunity to compare the costs, effectiveness, side effects and other
aspects of medical drugs versus other methods of care. These include herbs, vitamins,
minerals, homeopathic remedies, diets, lifestyle changes, the use of various
electrical devices, chiropractic care, and more.
This article
is also an attempt to balance the false advertising, false studies, and other
lies and propaganda that emanate from all of the major media outlets concerning
medical drugs, vaccines, natural healing methods, and other medically-related
This is a
summary article. Everything in
this article is well-documented.
Several sources are listed at the end of the article.
drugs are unnatural and foreign to the body, or they would not be classified as
drugs. They can damage the liver,
the kidneys, the stomach, and every other organ and gland of the body depending
upon which ones are taken.
Some drugs
also damage the mind, and alter thinking, mental clarity, judgment, memory and
much more. Most, if not all drugs
also cause generalized toxicity of the body and most of them accumulate in the
liver and kidneys to some degree, at least.
effects. According to various studies, most drug
side effects are not reported.
Many drug adverse effects are confused with other health conditions. I have learned that if a person taking
drug medicines is experiencing unusual symptoms, the first place to look for
the cause is their drugs.
This problem
is commonly called side effects, adverse effects, collateral effects or unwanted
effects of drugs. Many are
lethal. Many of these take years
to identify, so they are not reported in medical books or on websites.
The only way
to identify them is to discontinue the drug and hope that there may be a change
in the symptoms. Often there is a
change, though it may not occur immediately.
Drug side
effects are often downplayed by the drug salesmen until enough people die or
are maimed by a drug and then it is brought to public attention and perhaps
withdrawn from the marketplace.
Drugs are presumed safe, when they should be presumed dangerous and even
lethal with continued usage.
This is a
major reason why drug medical care is acknowledged to be one of the leading
causes of death around the world.
This has been studied and reported upon in the major medical journals.
One study, Death By Medicine (2009), found
allopathic medical care to be the leading cause of death in America. Preposterous, you may say! No it is not.
To evaluate
this study and others, you have to get past the propaganda and look at the
statistics for how many people are harmed by prescription drug side effects,
incorrect prescriptions, vaccines, hospital infections caused by the
development of drug-resistant bugs, and other problems with drugs such as
Polypharmacy – the witches brew. Polypharmacy is
the prescribing of multiple drugs at one time. It often includes drugs to offset the side effects of other
drugs that are being prescribed.
This modern
habit is far more toxic for the body, more costly, and more polluting for the
There are very
few instances in which more than 3 or 4 drugs should ever be given. However, giving more drugs than this is
quite common, especially among the elderly.
In part this
is due to lack of coordination between medical specialists, and in part the
cause is that medical doctors are not trained in nutrition and natural healing
methods that make most drugs unnecessary.
combinations. The combined
effects of many drugs are extremely unpredictable and often very toxic. There is no book or reference that can
possibly catalog all the possible toxic interactions that can take place when
several toxic drugs are combined.
Yet many medical doctors prescribe them with impunity.
could be written about drug toxicity, how it occurs, where it occurs and so
on. This article is just meant to
alert people to the fact that all drugs are toxic, including over the counter
medications and others. Several
very toxic aspects of drug medical care are Vaccination,
Beyond Antibiotics and Water
fluoridation, which has been banned everywhere in the world except in the
United States and parts of Great Britain.
people poisons to heal their ailments makes very little sense. It works for some symptoms, but for
many it does not work well at all.
This, dear reader, is a critical reason why the health care costs keep
going up.
Drugs are
often promoted by physicians and in advertising as being highly effective. However, this is often not the
truth. Many times, the drugs are
barely better than placebo, which means that giving a sugar pill works nearly
as well as the drug.
For example,
a large review of the SSRI anti-depressant drugs,
which are now prescribed to millions of people worldwide, found the drugs were
helpful for only a limited number of cases, and in most instances were no
better than placebos.
problem of ineffectiveness of many drugs is made far worse by their high cost,
the acute and chronic toxicity of the drugs for the body, their environmental
damage, and that the ads often lie to people. This makes the problem even more serious.
people are familiar with this problem, which only appears to be becoming worse.
to pharmaceutical drugs is now a leading cause of addiction in America and in
other nations. The most common
drugs that are abused are Oxycontin and similar pain
relief medications.
use of pharmaceutical drugs, instead of using them as a last resort only, is
creating more and more drug-resistant bacteria, fungi and perhaps other classes
of microorganism. This is a serious
problem that is only becoming worse.
medical drugs do not break down or degrade quickly. As a result, they are polluting the earth, particularly ALL
of our water supplies. A 2009
report by the United States government in which 44 major American city water
supplies were tested for drug residues found that every single one is now contaminated
with residues of medical drugs.
Similar reports have come from Europe as well, where the problem may be
even worse.
All water
supplies tested had traces of multiple drugs such as heart medication, blood
pressure drugs, female hormones, antibiotics and many other classes of
drugs. This is what you are
drinking every time you reach for a glass of water or eat any product made with
tap water.
The problem
is getting worse with each passing year.
Special tests are required to detect these chemicals, so they have
escaped detection for years. Now,
however, major cities of the world are wondering how to remove this horrible
pollutant from the city’s water supply.
Not only do
the drugs find their way into the water supplies, but our livestock are fed
many drugs, also. This means that
more and more of the food is becoming contaminated with residues of drugs that
simply do not degrade fast enough and persist in the environment. I predict that this subtle effect of
medical products will receive much more attention in the future.
Drug medical
care would hardly exist on planet earth were it not for the drug medical care
cartel, as explained in the beginning of this article. The entire industry is full of
includes perks and payoffs to doctors, hospitals, clinics, laboratories,
research institutes, government officials at all levels in all states in
America. This is the rule, not the
These “fees”
are hidden in costs attributed to advertising, public relations, etc. Others have documented this fact very
The worst
corruption is in the government regulatory agencies such as the Federal Trade
Commission, which regulates advertising, and the Food And Drug Administration,
which is responsible for testing and approving new drugs. One study found that over 55% of the
scientists at the US Food And Drug Administration were receiving payoffs from the
drug companies they regulate.
However, the
corruption continues into the National Institutes of Health, which funds
medical research in America. It
also continues into all the major media, particularly the medical journals that
the doctors read in order to supposedly learn the truth about the products they
use every day. Just open one of
these journals and you will see that it is paid for by drug ads!
Anyone who has
his eyes open can see this, but it is strangely ignored by our legislators, who
are often bought off themselves.
studies. A very sad area of corruption today is
that of medical studies. Many
doctors and scientists are paid off by drug companies to run phony studies and
to endorse their products. Major
medical journals such as the New England
Journal of Medicine have run articles lamenting the low level of integrity
of many so-called “objective”,”double-blind”,
“peer-reviewed” studies.
Simple ways
to rig a study, for example, are to carefully screen the participants to
produce a certain outcome. This is
called cherry-picking. Another way
to rig a study is to limit the duration of the study and end it before the
toxic adverse effects of drugs show up.
Another way is to use incorrect doses of vitamins and minerals so that
these substances do not seem to be effective.
Other ways
to rig studies are to ignore actual findings of the study in the discussion and
conclusion of the study. Instead,
discuss only the outcomes you desire others to see, and use esoteric
statistical methods to make the outcome the way you wish and to mask the truth
of the study.
I could
continue as to how studies are rigged.
It is sad and can only be discovered if one reads the entire study
carefully, which most doctors and media people do not do.
are the drug pushers. Most people do
not realize that medical doctors are required to prescribe drugs. They are forced. If they do not follow “accepted
practice guidelines” (drugs), they can and do lose their medical license. So the doctors have unwittingly become
the legal drug pushers.
big lie technique of Adolf Hitler.
The method used by the medical drug cartel is called the big lie. You fill the airwaves, the newspapers,
the magazines and the medical journals, of course, with your lies. These include the supposed benefits of
drugs and the horrors, stupidity or ineffectiveness of natural methods.
Do this
enough and eventually most people will go along because most people do not have
the time, inclination or brain power to challenge the lies. This method has been used by dictators
and demagogues for thousands of years.
are well-meaning. Many
well-meaning people work in the health care industry, and do not realize what
they mixed up with. In fact, they
are simply dupes, repeating the lies about the virtues of drug medicine they
are taught in school and in the media.
Legal drug
addiction, abuse and misuse of medical drugs is a huge and growing
problem. Many studies have shown
it is very easy to obtain multiple prescriptions for pain killers,
anti-depressants, ADD drugs that are amphetamines, and others.
For example,
Ritalin, a stimulant drug used for attention deficit disorder, is today one of
the most important street drugs in some areas, simply because it is so easy to
While the
nation and the world focus on illegal drugs, literally millions of people are
addicted to legal drugs. These can
also become gateway drugs that lead to more powerful and more dangerous drug
addiction problems.
societies around the world have been purposefully brainwashed to believe that
the answer to whatever problem one has is to be found in a drug.
This is not
by accident, but is a concerted effort by the drug makers to instill this
mentality in the people. While
drugs can help in some cases, the idea that a patented, toxic product is the
answer to one’s problems is far from reality and a cause for many problems in
modern society.
Most of the
drug industry is based on the use of patented products. This is important to understand.
pharmaceutical companies do not like natural products, such as vitamins,
minerals, amino acids, herbs and others because they cannot be patented. This means that anyone can make them
and sell them cheaply.
This is not
good for their business model, which is one of huge markups. The drug companies have among the
highest profit margins of any industry in the world.
As a result,
drug companies spend millions of dollars altering natural substances by
changing the chemicals a little here and there so they can obtain a patent,
which stops anyone else from making the drug for 17 years or so.
Then they
advertise the drug heavily, and hope that the side effects are not too bad,
although they are often aware of them beforehand. By the time the side effects appear, often their patent has
run out so they are less interested in the drug, and they are on to their next
“profit center”.
law firms. If serious
adverse effects show up, most drug companies own personal injury law
firms. They run ads on television
and elsewhere that if you were injured by a certain drug, please call the
toll-free number and we will assist you to collect money for your injuries.
many of these law firms are fakes, and they simply exist to collect the injury
cases and throw them away so the people do not complain more to the government
or to real law firms.
It is all
corruption, and it is sanctioned and allowed by corrupt government officials,
or it would not exist. I do not
blame capitalism. That is not the
problem. It is bribed officials,
and a government with far too much power over our lives.
This is
perhaps the most pernicious lie and problem with drug medical care. I have worked with nutritional
balancing science, a method of natural healing, for 36 years. It will take care of at least 95% of
all chronic and acute illnesses without requiring any pharmaceutical products.
Yet this and
other natural healing methods are derided in the media and labeled as quackery.
methods, healthful lifestyles, and excellent diets offer so much more, in
general, than drugs that there is little true comparison. I am amazed how many seemingly serious,
and even “incurable” health conditions respond when handled properly with a
complete nutritional balancing program.
I hope
someday the potential of simple dietary and lifestyle changes, along with
detoxification procedures and nutritional supplements, will be recognized, and
that the drug industry will be held to far tighter standards of truth in
There are
times when patented drugs are helpful.
Instances when pharmaceutical drugs appear to be the best methods of
care include:
For short-term symptomatic effects, trauma and emergency care, they can save
lives. They can
lower blood pressure quickly, for example. They can stimulate the heart and perhaps restart it after a
heart attack. They may thin the
blood, when needed, and this can also be life-saving until complete restoration
of the liver and other organs can be accomplished. Medical drugs are useful for these and similar purposes to
offer symptomatic relief.
Having said
this, the reader should also note that natural substances such as magnesium
sulfate injections and even tablets can also have very fast symptomatic effects
that can and do save lives.
For surgical care. Anesthesia
drugs and medication for pain are among the best of drug medical care. Surgery, as we know it, would not be
possible without them. Some day, I
hope, acupuncture anesthesia will be used instead, as it is much less
toxic. However, for now,
anesthesia using drugs is the best that is widely available.
For those in whom deeper correction is not possible, or not elected. Some people either do not
respond well to natural methods of care for various reasons, or they cannot or
will not follow a health-building diet, lifestyle and supplement program. In these cases, drugs offer an
alternative that is second best.
Instances in
which this is the case include 1) some genetic diseases that may be hard to
treat, 2) instances in which an organ or gland has been removed surgically or
for some other reason damaged beyond repair, and 3) cases in which a person
refuses to follow a natural healing program or cannot do so for some other
reason. These are all relatively
rare, but they do occur.
In a few cases, health is so poor that natural methods may not take effect
quickly or forcefully enough, at first. These situations are rare, but
they do occur. In fact, often the
natural methods are even better than drugs in very severe and delicate cases,
but not always. In these cases a
drug may be needed until the body can be rebuilt adequately so that simple,
less-toxic methods will work well.
While these
are all important areas, they affect a relatively small number of people,
worldwide. The problem is that
medical care systems in developed nations around the world often use drugs as
the first line of therapy for most everything, when they should be used as the
last resort only. Natural methods
should always be tried first, as they are far less costly, far safer and much
less toxic in almost all cases.
The true
history of the current medical care system in America, and in other nations to
some extent, is not taught in medical schools, or hardly anywhere else. I explain it here so that those seeking
“health care reform” will have some true perspective on the problems of the
present system.
medical care in the Western world and to some degree in developed Asian
nations, has been controlled by a small group of physicians for hundreds of
years, in almost all cases.
England and much of Europe had what was known as the guild system, for example. This was basically like a modern-day
union in which one could only practice medicine if one was a member of the
guild. To do this, one’s father
usually had to be a member, or perhaps one could buy one’s way into the union.
When America
broke free of Great Britain in 1776, her founders hated the guild system and
decided that anyone would be allowed to offer healing services. This was hotly debated in the early
days of the republic.
Rush, MD, a prominent Revolutionary War physician and signer of the Declaration
of Independence, warned that if America ever allowed only one group of men to
control medical care, it would be tragic for the nation. In a famous quote, he referred to
allowing one group to control medical care as ‘a return to the monarchy’. He was referring to the licensing
system that he had fled in England.
decided upon a free market health care
system. This meant there were
very few licensing laws, and anyone could set up a healing practice.
criminal laws against fraud, negligence, misrepresentation, malpractice and
others protected the public very well against abuses of the free market
system. This does not mean there
were not some abuses, as there always are, but it means the system was
self-correcting and needed no other policing to protect the people from the
worst abuses. This system worked
well and lasted 120 years until it was destroyed in the early 20th
In early
America, many types of healers and methods of healing competed openly such as
nature cure, nutritionists, herbalism,
electrotherapy, hydrotherapies, osteopathy, homeopathy, hypnosis, religious
healing and allopathy (drug medicine). Some doctors were called eclectic,
which means they offered several of these methods. I have visited the building that formerly housed the
Eclectic Medical College in Cincinnati, Ohio.
The doctors
and healing methods that best served the people in terms of cost, safety and
effectiveness flourished, while those that did not tended to fade away on their
own, without any need of government oversight or intervention.
For her
first 120 years of existence, America also had a wide variety of choices of
clinics offering each of the methods above. For example, I was born in a formerly homeopathic hospital
in New York. There were many
sanitariums where nature cure and hydrotherapy methods were used exclusively,
and many other types of hospitals as well.
As a result
of this diversity and competition, the American population was cared for
well. There was excellent access
to care for most people, and plenty of competition kept prices low. During this time (the 1800s), the
health of the American people was the best of any developed nation on earth,
even though the nation was not particularly wealthy.
cartel takes over. In 1847, the
drug doctors or allopaths established the American
Medical Association (AMA). In
their meeting notes, they did not hesitate to state that one of their main
goals was to increase the wealth of their members, since at that time no group
of healers or doctors could make too much money due to all of the competition
in health care services.
solution, which is a time-tested method, was to lobby for licensing laws in
each state that would effectively outlaw everyone from practicing the healing
arts, except for their members. No
one else would be granted a license, and this would effectively eliminate the
With help
from several progressive foundations such as the Carnegie Foundation For
Education, along with the pharmaceutical industry, the lobbying effort was
finally successful between 1900 and about 1920.
drug industry’s role. The allopaths were the doctors who
used patent remedies and surgery.
Thus, the makers of the patent drugs were the natural allies of the allopaths.
They also had plenty of money to lobby and bribe legislators because
their products could be patented.
products such as vitamins and herbs prescribed by other types of medical
professionals could not be patented, so these companies made much less money
and were unable to match the lobbying efforts of the patent medicine companies.
The drug
industry and AMA lobbyists bribed and lied to the state legislators and to the
public that 1) licensing laws were needed to make medical care safe, 2) that
only drug doctors should be allowed to practice, and 3) that this was all being
done for the good of the people.
Each of these assertions was completely false, and they knew it. It was just a ruse needed to pass their
laws to get rid of their competition.
In fact, the
AMA of the early twentieth century and their friends in the drug industry not
only bribed government officials and lied to the public. They frequently resorted to extortion,
murder and other crimes, when needed, to pass their medical practice laws. Even quite famous doctors such as
William Frederich Koch and others were driven from
practice and some were killed if they did not go along.
By 1920,
most American states had licensing laws that forbade anyone except the allopaths from getting a license and therefore practicing
medicine. Soon most healing
schools closed because their graduates could no longer work in America.
The number
of healing schools in America was literally cut in half between 1900 and
1940. All medical schools that
taught women and black were also shut down, as the AMA and its friends
considered them undesirable candidates to become doctors.
The public was carefully taught that
all methods of healing except drugs and surgery are “substandard” and to be
avoided and rooted out.
This is still taught today over the public airwaves and in many, many
journal and magazine articles.
strengthen their political grip, the AMA and the drug industry lobbied hard for
government subsidies for their schools, their hospitals, and their drug
research. This made it even harder
for other healing arts to compete.
To this day,
in order to be employed in most government laboratories and institutes, one
still must often have allopathic credentials, and this assures that the
research and distribution of billions of research dollars annually will go for
allopathic or drug-related causes, and no others.
The AMA, to
this day, controls many aspects of medical education, hospital residency
programs, laboratory licensing, device licensing and much more. This is truly the mark of a monopoly or
cartel control of an industry.
This slice
of American history needs to be taught to every child in school. It is absolutely true. I have not embellished it whatsoever. A good book that touches upon this
subject is entitled Patient Power, by John Goodman and Gerald Musgrave. Few other books that I am aware of
discuss the sordid history of allopathic medical care in America.
Without this
understanding of history, one cannot truly understand the health care mess in
America. When one knows this
history, one realizes that:
1. The
American medical system is run by a cartel. This is a small group of individuals or
companies that control an industry for their own benefit. It is very much like a union shop that
takes over an industry for the benefit of their members.
2. The
system is functioning perfectly, as the cartel wishes it. They want to control the people and
make money from it, and they do both very well.
3. The
solution to our health care problems are rather simple. Control of the industry needs to be
returned to the consumer, not given to government bureaucrats!
4. There is
only one way to do this. The
cartel control must end and an open and free market in health care services
must be restored. This approach is
advocated by Congressman Ron Paul and many others who understand history.
5. A
government takeover, advocated by socialistic-leaning people and ignorant
people, would only entrench the cartel even more. This is what exists in Europe, Canada and parts of Asia.
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