by Dr. Lawrence Wilson

© October 2019, LD Wilson Consultants, Inc.


All information in this article is only the opinion of the author and for educational purposes only.  No claims are made for the diagnosis, treatment, prescription or cure of any disease or health condition.


            A value or way of thinking that is commonly endorsed today, especially on college campuses, is called diversity.   This article explores the idea, which is often not questioned on college campuses and elsewhere.




            Diversity supposedly has to do with respecting the differences among human beings.  However, this is not what it really means or how the idea is used on college campuses and elsewhere.

In fact, it is used to justify prejudice and intolerance against some groups such as white, Christian men and to favor other groups economically and in other ways.




            The word diversity, as used on college campuses and elsewhere today, is purposely confusing.  The confusion is that it is the same word used to describe a genetic trait that is very important and, in fact, vital for the continuation of life.  That concept is genetic diversity.  In contrast, what is practiced on campuses today may be called sociological diversity. 

Many people know that genetic diversity is a critical concept.  Those who would destroy Western society want us to believe that sociological diversity is equally important, which it is not.  Let us compare the two ideas.




Genetic diversity is the total number of genetic characteristics in the genetic makeup of a species.  This is extremely important to a species because the more genetic traits that are present, the more able the species is to adapt to changing conditions, and therefore the better its chance for survival.

Preserving and increasing genetic diversity is the reason why all the major religions of the world forbid incest, which is marrying one’s mother, father, child, brother, sister, cousin or other close relative.  Marrying your family members tends to limit your genetics and produces more mutants.  Marrying outside your family increases genetic diversity and is health-producing.

Sociological diversity is the rearranging of society to benefit certain groups at the expense of other groups based on gender, sexual preference, skin color, nationality, racial or ethnic background, religion, or whatever trait those in charge choose to base it upon.

NOTE: This is not how proponents of sociological diversity describe diversity.  However, it is how it is used on campuses and elsewhere.

We have included a lengthy definition of diversity written by those who believe in it at the end of this article.  We did not put it first because we don’t think it is a truthful definition.  It is a false definition and just propaganda designed to trick unsuspecting college students and others into accepting prejudice and intolerance.




The basic difference is that genetic diversity is a valid scientific concept, whereas sociological diversity is not.  There is no evolutionary advantage for the human species to having and encouraging people to be homosexuals, transsexuals, lesbians, transgenders, blacks with whites, or any such sociological mix.

Some will disagree.  They might say, for example, that America is a better nation because it is a “melting pot” of many races and ethnic groups. 

However, this ignores the critical fact that what has made America successful is her legal system that is based upon a large degree of political and economic liberty, with protection of the rights of the individual.  The diversity proponents ignore this fact because they don’t like it, and want less liberty.

However, we are not aware of any research that supports the idea, for example, that more sexual preferences that are around, the better the survival of the society.  It just is not true.  In fact, homosexuals live shorter lives and have more disease and social problems than heterosexuals.  That is not taught in college, but it is true.




              To understand diversity, one must ask a more fundamental question: What is the nature of society?  There are really only two views or visions of society.  These are:


Vision #1.  Societies are made up of people who compete and struggle for dominance and control of the society.  There can be one person in charge, such as the king, who rules over the peasants or common people.

In other cases, groups compete for dominance.  For example, Karl Marx, the 19th century German economist, believed that in industrialized societies the big struggle was between the workers and the business owners.  Marx is the founder of communism or Marxism.

The important thing is that this vision of society is all about strife, struggle and oppression of some by others.


Vision #2.  Societies are made up of people who have different genetics and different abilities and disabilities.  However, they are all members of one group called the human race, and all are the products or children of a benign Creator.  Each one is learning and maturing, and the purpose of society is to nurture and support these activities.

The society should strive to treat everyone equally because all are equal in the eyes of the Creator.  This requires a set of written laws that apply equally to everyone, regardless of their race, color, creed, religion, sexual orientation, nation or origin, height, weight and other characteristics.


            You will see that the diversity idea is a clever way to move modern societies away from the newer vision #2 above and back toward the older vision #1 above.    


Let us examine each of the visions in more detail:


#1 above – the struggle philosophy.  This has been the arrangement in most societies on earth.  The favored people usually rule the others, and there is a perpetual struggle between the favored ones or groups and the less favored ones or groups.

            The favored people are called kings and queens, dukes and duchesses, princes and princesses, the rich and powerful, the ruling class, the upper classes, the dictators, the party members, the central council, or the elites. 

The less favored ones are called the poor, the peasants, the masses, the outcasts, the lower class, the workers, the slaves, the strangers, and other names.

General names for this arrangement include:

Monarchy (rule of a king or queen),

Oligarchy (rule of an elite group),

Dictatorship (secular rule of one person),

Theocracy (rule by an all-powerful religious leader or religious group),

Autocracy (a general word meaning dictatorial rule).

Other names for this arrangement include:

Socialism (this word means government ownership or at least control of the means of economic production such as factories and farms).  It is a deceptive word because it has nothing to do with being social.

Marxism (the philosophy of struggle of the economic classes described by the German author, Karl Marx (1818-1883),

Communism (rule by the central committee of the communist party according to the principles of Karl Marx).  This is a deceptive word because it has nothing to do with being communal or being in communication.

Progressivism (a word that means a belief in progress or change.  In reality, however, it has become a word that describes socialism or communism, and its meaning today is very similar or the same as socialism and communism.  This is a deceptive word because it has nothing to do with real progress, and in fact is a return to the sordid past.

Liberalism (a word that used to refer to the philosophy of the founders of America.  However, it has been taken over by the socialists and communists.  Today, its meaning is the opposite of its original meaning and it now means those who believe in socialism and often communism.  This is a deceptive word because its meaning today has nothing to do with liberty, generosity or openness.

Naziism (This word was used to describe the regime of German dictator, Adolf Hitler, who ruled Germany from 1933-1945.  The word is a contraction of national socialism in German).  Hitler believed in the superiority of the Aryan race and the need to rule over and perhaps exterminate the other races of people on earth.

Fascism (This word originated with the Italian dictator, Benito Amilcare Andrea Mussolini.  He ruled Italy from 1922 to 1943.  He laid out three principles of fascism:

1. Everything in the state.  The government is supreme and within the country everyone must conform to the ruling body, which is often a dictator.

2. Nothing outside the state.  The country must grow.  The implied goal of the country is to rule the entire world and have every human being submit to the government.

3. Nothing against the state.  Any type of questioning the government is not to be tolerated.  If you do not see things our way, you are wrong.  If you do not agree with the government, you cannot be allowed to live and taint the minds of the rest of the good citizens.


#2 above – all people are members of the same group, the human race, and all are equal under the law.  This view and vision of society has been rare in human history.  The word most often used to describe it is:


A Republic.  This means the rule of written law rather than the rule of men.  However, the word has been corrupted by communist nations that call themselves “people’s republics”.  This sounds better than calling themselves communist dictatorships, which is what they are.

What is a democracy?  Many people make the mistake of calling nations such as America, Canada and others democracies, which is not true.  A democracy is simply the rule of the majority, or mob rule.  It is a very bad system of government that fails wherever it is tried.

In contrast, a republic is a special type of government that, when set up right, avoids a dictatorship and avoids mob rule or democracy.

 The word republic originated in ancient Greece, one of the early civilizations that attempted to set up a society based upon laws that applied equally to everyone.

            The most well-known republic today is the United States of America.  Most European nations, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Israel and some Asian nations have followed this idea to some extent, at least. 

The founders of America drew heavily on the experience of the Greeks and others in setting up this nation in which there would be only one set of rules that apply to everyone, regardless of their race, creed, appearance, or national origin.

            Important concepts in this vision of society is that no one is better than anyone else or superior to anyone else.  All individuals are to have the same legal rights, obligations and opportunities.

There will be differences among people because each is born with different genetics.  Also, some work harder and learn more than others.  Some also have better health than others, and so on.  However, the society strives to treat everyone the same under the law and this is called justice.

The role of the government in these societies is not to rule over the people, but to protect the rights of each individual so that each person can learn and develop himself or herself to the greatest degree possible.  This is a very different role for the government than in the philosophy #1 above.

Another aspect of vision #2 is that there should be a maximum amount of freedom or liberty in order for the people to better exercise their initiative and their abilities.  This will enrich society the most.  Freedom or liberty, as here understood, means the ability to do as one wishes as long as one respects the life, liberty and property of everyone else.

Another way to say this is that in the vision #1 above, the government is sovereign, or all-powerful.  In vision #2, the people are sovereign, and sovereignty is shared among all of them.

This introduction is required reading or one cannot understand the problems with the diversity idea.




            Diversity thinking separates people according to certain group affiliations.  A requirement is that the group be perceived as victimized in some way.  It then ranks the groups according to how oppressed they are.

It is a purely secular movement, meaning it does not recognize any higher power or God concept at all.  It also rejects teachings found in the Bible such as the Ten Commandments of Moses.

The groups in the diversity movement must meet certain criteria.  They must be perceived as victimized and the diversity trainers must like them.  For example, the groups include one’s sub-race such as Caucasian or Native, but does not include the human race because that does not divide people and is not oppressed.

It does not include religious groups such as Christians, although Christians are persecuted and oppressed in many nations.  However, those in charge of diversity training don’t like Christians because Christians believe in God or Creator, which is a competing power center.

Similarly, the diversity groups don’t include gun owners, for example, even though they are an oppressed group in many nations.  However, the diversity trainers don’t like them so they don’t include them.

To summarize, the diversity concept seeks to:

- separate people

- have people view themselves as victims

- get rid of the idea of a Creator or God.


The word diversity is deceptive.  The real name of the movement should be separate, create victims, and promote communist solutions.

This movement is nothing more than a trick to move society back to the old idea of society as a struggle between competing groups of people.

            For a definition of diversity from those who practice it, see the end of this article.  The author had put this first in this article.  However, he realized that their definition is not really correct or honest because it leaves out all that is written above.  While claiming that it honors people, it emphasizes one’s group.  This, in itself, denies the unique individuality of every person.




            1. By emphasizing people’s differences instead of their similarities, it separates people and weakens the fabric of society.  Weakening society is the real intent of the movement.


2. By emphasizing victimhood, it weakens people.  As psychologists know, playing the victim is not healthy for anyone.  Weakening people is also the real intent of the movement.


3. Proponents claim that all cultures are intrinsically of equal value.  This is simply a lie and very destructive.  Destruction of society is one of the hidden intents of the movement.

For example, in many Arab nations, rape and murder are legal.  (Legal murder is called honor killing, which is done if one leaves the Islamic religion).  To say that these cultures are equal to Western culture is very strange, in our view.

In the German Nazi culture, there was a belief in world domination.  It led directly to World War II, in which 500 million people died.  We don’t think the Nazi culture was equal to ours.

The Russian communist or Marxist culture under Joseph Stalin resulted in the murder of about 70 million innocent people.  The Chinese communist or Marxist culture under Mao Tse Tung led to the killing of 50-60 million innocent people.  We don’t think these cultures are equal to our own.


4. There is no emphasis on merit or achievement.  This has been replaced by an emphasis on superficial traits.  Societies need to emphasize merit and achievement in order to bring forth the creative abilities of their members.  The real intent of the diversity movement is to discourage merit and thus weaken society.

For example, if a college is looking for applicants, or an employer is looking for employees, rather than pick the most qualified applicant, the college or employer is supposed to seek out diversity as a criterion to choose which person to accept into the college or the job position.

Some might say that one type of diversity at a college or job would be to have high achievers and low achievers, but we have not seen this criterion used by the diversity proponents. 


5. There is no discussion of right versus wrong or safety versus danger.  Diversity is value-free in these regards, and proud of it.  In reality, this is very dangerous thinking and quite insane.


6. Diversity does not teach the value of liberty or freedom.  Yet this is a basic value of Western civilization that I doubt the college professors and other diversity advocates would like to give up.


7. Diversity thinking is discriminatory, although it claims otherwise.  While decrying discrimination and prejudice, diversity thinking often has a double standard that discriminates against groups such as people with light skin color, men, and Christians.  These people are considers oppressors and are told they must change their behavior and include all the other groups in their activities and businesses.

However, a different standard applies to those who are considered oppressed minorities, such as women.  They are told they are free to associate with just women and are not told that they must include men in all their activities.  This is pure prejudice, sometimes called reverse discrimination.


8. Diversity thinking is a dangerous make-believe reality.  This is stated in the definition of diversity from City University of New York at the end of this article:

Diversity is a reality created by individuals and groups from a broad spectrum of demographic and philosophical differences.”

The problem is their reality is not real, it is not anti-discrimination, and it is just a new tyranny based on skin color, sexual preference and other superficial traits.  Thinking about it does not make it real.




Based on the above, the diversity idea is seen as:

- A veiled attack on Judeo-Christian values which built Western civilization into the most humane and advanced culture the world has seen.

- A way to confuse the thinking of people by teaching nonsense such as that cultures that tolerate murder and rape are just as advanced or just as good as those that do not tolerate such acts.

- A way to separate people from each other to make people easier to control.

- A hidden attack on many values and freedoms that people unfortunately take for granted and do not understand well.  These include the idea of one set of laws applied equally to all people, freedom of speech, freedom of the press, freedom of assembly, and others.

- A way to obscure our real identity, which is not based on skin color, gender, race, sexual orientation or sexual identity.  Our real identity is that we are souls.  Souls are not of any race, creed, or skin color.  The souls live in human bodies for a short time in order to have experiences and learn lessons.

- Diversity thinking is the cultural aspect of a political movement that some call liberalism, progressivism, socialism, communism or left wing politics.  Diversity proponents overwhelmingly support the Democrat Party in America and the Liberal Parties in Europe and Canada.  These parties have been taken over by the communists and support the communist party platform – large, powerful government, the graduated income tax, public schooling, forced vaccinations, abortion on demand, open borders or no national borders, and the legalization of drugs and homosexuality.

            - Diversity thinking is, in fact, a huge deception from start to finish that, sadly, most Americans and Europeans now allow to be taught to their children in school, in the media and elsewhere.






            The following was borrowed on 12/8/18 from the website of the City University Of New York:


“The concept of diversity encompasses acceptance and respect.  It means understanding that each individual is unique, and recognizing our individual differences. These can be along the dimensions of race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, socio-economic status, age, physical abilities, religious beliefs, political beliefs, or other ideologies.

It is the exploration of these differences in a safe, positive, and nurturing environment.

It is about understanding each other and moving beyond simple tolerance to embracing and celebrating the rich dimensions of diversity contained within each individual.

Diversity is a reality created by individuals and groups from a broad spectrum of demographic and philosophical differences.

It is extremely important to support and protect diversity because by valuing individuals and groups free from prejudice, and by fostering a climate where equity and mutual respect are intrinsic.  (NOTE: I copied this sentence as it was written-Dr. Wilson).

"Diversity" means more than just acknowledging and/or tolerating difference. Diversity is a set of conscious practices that involve:

·              Understanding and appreciating interdependence of humanity, cultures, and the natural environment.

·              Practicing mutual respect for qualities and experiences that are different from our own.

·              Understanding that diversity includes not only ways of being but also ways of knowing;

·              Recognizing that personal, cultural and institutionalized discrimination creates and sustains privileges for some while creating and sustaining disadvantages for others;

·              Building alliances across differences so that we can work together to eradicate all forms of discrimination.

Diversity includes, therefore, knowing how to relate to those qualities and conditions that are different from our own and outside the groups to which we belong, yet are present in other individuals and groups. These include but are not limited to age, ethnicity, class, gender, physical abilities/qualities, race, sexual orientation, as well as religious status, gender expression, educational background, geographical location, income, marital status, parental status, and work experiences.

Finally, we acknowledge that categories of difference are not always fixed but also can be fluid, we respect individual rights to self-identification, and we recognize that no one culture is intrinsically superior to another.”



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