by Dr. Lawrence Wilson

© July 2018 (with update), L.D. Wilson Consultants, Inc.

All information in this article is for educational purposes only.  It is not for the diagnosis, treatment, prescription or cure of any disease or health condition.

WARNING. This is an older article about the way we formerly worked with cancer. We are leaving this article the way it was written until we have time to review it thoroughly.

At this time, we do not recommend cantron or protocel. We don't think they are needed and they are somewhat toxic. For details about our current approach to malignancy, read Cancer And Alternative Therapies.


A remedy that is helpful for some cases of cancer and some infections is Cantron.  A very similar, if not identical product, is called Protocel.  The product is not too costly, and it can work well in selected cases.


Development science is a fantastic method for rebuilding the body at the deepest level. Development programs work extremely well for most health conditions, and we prefer not to use “remedies”.

However, cancer is an exception. The standard development program is not powerful enough in cases of cancer. This is very important to know.

So when cancer is present, we always suggest an enhanced program. Reasons for this are:

1. Cancer is often a stealth disease.  One never knows how extensive it is.  Medical scans and other tests often miss some of it, and this can be enough to kill a person.  A remedy that kills it quickly everywhere in the body may thus be very helpful.

2. Cancer can be a fast-moving illness.  Development may be too slow to offset the rapid progress of some cancers.  So a remedy to slow or halt the progress of the cancer can give a development program time to work.

The main remedies we suggest for cancer at this time are 1) Protocel or Cantron, 2) the Budwig protocol or 2) rarely, pancreatic enzymes. Other good ones are Essiac tea, apricot pits and natural vitamin A, which is quite difficult to obtain at this time (2025).


What it is.  It is a proprietary formula.  We do not know how it is made.  It is manmade, however, and not primarily an herbal formula.  Apparently, its preparation is special and kept quite secret.

History.  Cantron originated with James Sheridan around 1955.  He said he received the formula and how to make it in a dream when he was a teenager.  It took him another 40 years to perfect it before he released it to the public as a cancer remedy.

How to take it. Protocel only comes as a liquid.  Cantron comes in a liquid or in capsules. The standard adult dosage is to mix ¼ teaspoon of the liquid with about 5 ounces of distilled water and drink it 5 times daily.

Taking it 5 times daily involves getting up in the middle of the night, which some people do not like.  However, I would not skip the middle-of-the-night dose.

Some people do not like the taste of the liquid.  Tablets of Cantron are also available.  This gets rid of the taste problem.  However, the tablets are about twice the price of the liquid.

Cost. Cantron costs about $55.00 per month for the liquid and about $100 per month for the tablets.  Protocel costs about $100.00 per month.

Where to obtain it. WARNING: This is old information. We have not checked it for a number of years:

- To buy Cantron:

1. Medical Research Products, (Florida, USA), Phone: (800) 443-3030 Toll Free US or Canada, or (954) 641-0981 or online: OR Email:

2. Longevity Research Products, (Florida, USA). 1-800-746-1993 or

3. Positive Works, (Utah, USA) 1 (866) 628-8667  or online at:

- To buy Protocel:

The Vitamin Depot, (Ohio, USA) 1 (330) 634-0008 or online at:

Http:// (888) 581-4442.


1. Although the remedy is sold as a stand-alone product, we always suggest a complete development program along with Cantron or Protocel. We consider this a must, and anything else is foolish!

Those who sell the products may tell you otherwise.  However, our experience is that the results will be much better when Protocel or Cantron is combined with a complete development program AND with the specific modifications to the development program described below.  To begin a development program, please contact one of the Approved Practitioners listed at the this link.

2. Always modify the development program in cases of malignancy. For details, read Cancer And Alternative Therapies.

3. Remove all root-canal filled teeth immediately.

4. Do not remove silver-amalgam fillings from teeth when beginning your program. The reason is that drilling out the mercury in these fillings could be dangerous. Wait at least a few months before removing amalgam dental fillings.

5. Cantron or Protocel may come with other warnings and recommendations. We don't find these are needed if one follows the development program with the enhanced protocol.

6. Can Cantron be combined with conventional cancer therapy? Yes, though it is not usually recommended due to the toxicity of standard cancer therapy

7. Can Cantron be used with animals? Yes.

8. How long does one need to stay on Cantron or Protocel? At least one year or more.

9. Can cantron be used for prevention? Yes, but we now prefer the entire development program.

10. Anecdote: One client used Cantron in an enema. She mixed one cup of distilled water with one cup of Santron and allowed it to be absorbed in the colon. She said it helped. We don't have followup about this and we don't have more experience with it. At this time, we cannot recommend it for these reasons.

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