by Dr. Lawrence Wilson
© September 1, 2021, L.D. Wilson Consultants, Inc.
information in this article is for educational purposes only. It is not for the diagnosis, treatment,
prescription or cure of any disease or health condition.
The group we call the Rogues damage human and animal brains in very specific and very extreme ways. This article details some of the methods they use. We will list them roughly in chronological order.
All mothers today are malnourished and toxic. This is very hard on the developing brain of a child in the womb. It causes impaired brain development in at least half the children or more.
One need not look far to see the evidence of this. A few of the labels used with these children are autism, attention deficit, hyperactivity, delayed development, learning disability, sensory processing disorder and more.
Malnutrition. From our perspective, all mothers today are malnourished. This is due to a combination of factors. The quality of the food is poor due to the use of superphosphate fertilizers, which are used even on organically grown food. Commercial food is worse due to the use of toxic pesticides and other toxic chemicals on the crops.
The diets of most people are also inadequate, even if they eat the best quality food available. Bad nutritional advice includes recommendations to eat salads, fruit, raw food, vegetarian diets and more. Other articles on this website explain why.
Most young women also have impaired digestion, so that even if they eat correctly and could eat excellent quality food, they do not absorb enough nutrients from it. Impaired digestion may be due to biochemical imbalances, stress, lack of rest and sleep, poor eating habits, nutritional deficiencies and toxic conditions of the body.
Toxicity. Most unborn children are exposed in utero to many toxic metals and toxic chemicals that are in the mother’s body. These come from the mother’s diet, water, air and through contact.
For example, they include toxins from detergents used to wash clothing, body care products such as soaps, lotions and makeup, and much more. They also include prescription and over-the-counter drugs the mother takes.
Also, babies today are exposed to many toxic electromagnetic fields, including wifi, cell phones, cell phone towers, and even medical ultrasound procedures.
After children are born, the onslaught of poisons and nutritional
deficiencies continues.
Malnutrition. The breast milk of
most mothers is nutritionally deficient.
This is due to malnutrition of the mothers.
This is not an easy problem to solve, because renourishing a
mother takes years. We find that
all mothers need to be on a complete development program to have decent breast milk. Even then, it is not ideal.
We recommend breastfeeding for about three years if a mother is on
the development program. However,
many babies also ask for some extra cooked vegetables after about age 1 to 2.
Bottle fed or formula fed babies are generally even more
Toxicity after birth. Toxicity
comes from:
1. Vaccines. This
introduces toxic metals such as aluminum and mercury into young, vulnerable
bodies. It also introduces
stray viruses and other toxic chemicals into young bodies. For much more on this subject, please
read Vaccination
– A Medical Abomination and
other articles on vaccines on this website.
2. Low quality
breast milk. Sadly, the impact of a sick mother does not end at birth. Most breast milk today is low in zinc
and too high in copper, among other imbalances. Some is contaminated with pesticides
and other chemicals, as well. Breast feeding is
still best, but all lactating mothers need a nutritional balancing program, or
most of their breast milk will be of inferior quality.
3. Poor quality
formula. Many babies are given “junk” commercial formula that does not even
supply the basics of good nutrition. This
is a crime, in fact.
4. Atrocious diets
after weaning. Too many young children are given soda pop, white bread,
sugar, honey, fruit and fruit juice that is far too sweet and sugary for their
delicate bodies, “junk” food with hundreds of chemicals in it, and few fresh,
cooked vegetables that they all need desperately.
5. Use of
pharmaceutical drugs. The ‘antibiotic routine’, as some call
it, often begins during the first year of life and never stops. This is just one class of toxic drugs
that we find are very rarely needed if a baby is nourished and cared for
Many babies are on several drugs, all of which damage the liver
and kidneys a little, especially with immature bodies. Few doctors realize that there are
alternatives because they receive little or no training concerning these
6. Other chemical
exposures. Babies may be exposed to hundreds of
toxic metals and chemicals through the air they breathe, the water they drink,
the food they eat, and what they touch with their hands and their skin.
1. A bad attitude. This may seem surprising, but holding on to anger, resentment, hatred, feeling sorry for yourself, and even too much fear, guilt or anxiety are very hard on the brain. The brain is designed to function as an executive, meaning it is designed to carry out orders, process information, and so on. It is not designed to hold emotions and fixed ideas. This distorts many brains and damages them.
2. Traumas of certain kinds, especially rape. One of the worst is rape. This is why young women, in particular, would be wise to listen to advice about staying absolutely safe as much as they can. It makes life boring in some ways, but it is worth it if you value your brain. Once damaged by rape and other traumas, it can be very difficult to ever recover your former brain power. For more, read Rape on this website.
Too much regular sex is also a problem. Down sex is fine, however.
3. Pounding the brain, from the inside or outside. This should be obvious. However, the brain is quite delicate and is harmed by blows of any kind. This is why young men should never play football or any intense contact sports, for instance. It is also why some auto accidents can do a lot of damage, even if the skull is never broken.
4. Malnutrition. This is one of the most common causes today. It is sadly extremely common, even in the United States and Western Europe. It is often worse in Africa and parts of Asia and the Middle East.
If it happens in early childhood, the child will be less intelligent and have a lower IQ. It may also cause Attention Deficit Disorder, autism and hundreds of other types of brain impairment.
If malnutrition occurs as an adult, it causes brain fog, memory impairment, slow thinking, neuroses and psychoses of many kinds. We know this because all of these disorders yield to nutritional balancing programs, that systematically renourish the brain and detoxify it as well.
5. Drugs and toxic metals. This is the other very common cause of brain damage today.
Drugs. There is no simpler way to damage your brain than to smoke marijuana on a regular basis, or use cocaine, alcohol, Ecstacy, methamphetamines or other drugs.
Some medical drugs are not much better, if used on a regular basis. The worst medical intervention for the human brain, bar none, is the widespread use of vaccines, including boosters and flu shots. Please avoid all these toxins.
Toxic metals. These can be difficult to avoid. Mercury is pervasive and the only way to avoid it is to stop eating most fish, especially any large fish such as tunafish and even salmon. Only sardines and other tiny fish are less toxic with mercury. Shellfish is another very toxic food today, although the exact reasons are not clear to me. However, they are all quite high in cadmium, mercury, lead and other toxic metals.
Other major sources of toxic metals include using some anti-acids and anti-perspirants, which are high in aluminum. Cigarettes and marijuana contains a lot of cadmium. Nickel comes from working with costume jewelry or handling steel and other metals. Arsenic and lead are used in pesticides, especially in grapes and wines, for example. However, pesticides are found in many foods, especially fruits and even some “organically grown” fruit.
Toxic chemicals. While there is overlap here with drugs and toxic metals, important sources of toxic chemicals for many people involve skin care products such as hair dyes, nail polish, skin creams, makeup and many others.
Building materials such as OSB, new carpeting, some artist’s paints and glues used to hold down carpets and other materials are often toxic, and are best avoided and should not be allowed, ideally.
6. Yin disease. This may sound odd. However, yin disease is a very important cause of brain damage today. Yin disease occurs due to eating a vegetarian diet, eating mainly raw food, doing a lot of juicing, and/or eating a lot of fruit. Another minor cause is drinking reverse osmosis water, distilled water for more than a few months, or ionized or alkaline water.
The brain must be yang, or a person’s brain will not function well. This is a very esoteric subject, but it is the truth. To read more about this, read Yin Disease.
7. Electrical imbalances. The brain is like a computer, and it depends upon the electrical charge of the cells for its proper functioning. Anything that disturbs this type of charge on the cells, which is maintained by a balance between sodium and potassium inside and outside the cells, also called the sodium pump mechanism, will seriously affect the brain.
Factors that upset the electrical balance of the body are many, ranging from dehydration and malnutrition to too much sex, bad attitudes, electrical shocks, traumas, aging in some cases, drugs and vaccines and more.
8. Force, coercion and oppression. This may sound unusual, but it is hurtful to be forced to do anything as an adult, or even as a child. This is a subtle problem, because it is necessary and wise to discipline your children, and to discipline adults.
However, if it turns to cruelty, putdowns, threats against one’s life or limb, outright oppression, slavery, lies, deception and propaganda, these are definitely harmful for the brain.
The reason for this may be that the brain is like a computer, in that it is a logical machine that thinks through situations and makes logical decisions, most of the time. When force or threats of force are used to skew or alter those decisions too much, the brain simply cannot function properly. Deeply offending a person in certain ways that just “do not compute”.
This is one of the reason why rape is such a serious crime. It is just rather disgusting, filthy, humiliating and logically makes little sense. The brain in many cases simply cannot process the trauma well for this reason.
9. Lying or deception. These are hard on your brain. A main reason for this is that the brain is a sort of computer, and it requires accurate processing and accurate input, just like a computer. If it is misused, it actually harms the mechanism a lot because the mechanism tries to compensate for the lies so that the logical computer-like mind can continue to function as designed. Another way to say this is that the computer-like brain just carries out orders and remembers things and processes information.
If you lie or listen to a lot of lies, it confuses the memory, as false data is fed into it, and it confuses the processors which must use the data to arrive at conclusions. In computer science, there is a saying: “garbage in, garbage out”. This is the same idea, that you must feed your brain the truth and spread the truth, or it mixes up your brain and those of others very badly, and actually damages the synapses and other aspects of the brain.
For example, it can send the brain into endless ‘loops’, which happens sometimes in computers. This slows the brain, wastes a lot of energy and can actually damage it, too.
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