by Dr. Lawrence Wilson
© July 2018, L.D. Wilson Consultants, Inc.
information in this article is for educational purposes only. It is not for the diagnosis, treatment,
prescription or cure of any disease or health condition.
Increasing a person’s vitality or
adaptive energy level is a great key to improving one’s brain and mental
health. The brain uses up a lot of
energy, and requires many nutrients for its
functioning. In addition, it is
part of the body, so if the body is tired, “burned out”, imbalanced or
otherwise not producing enough energy, it severely affects brain functioning.
short article is adapted from Chapter 36 of Nutritional Balancing And Hair
Mineral Analysis (2010, 2014 and 2016 editions) by this author. It is just a list of the reasons why
good vitality appears to be so important for brain functioning.
1. High vitality is required for
adequate mental activity. This is the most critical aspect, and why nutritional balancing
encourages more rest and sleep, including going to bed by 9 PM every night or
even earlier if one is tired.
2. The body will suppress or block
feelings, memories, perceptions and other mental activity if adaptive energy is
too low. Autism, depression and perhaps other
mental conditions could be, at least in part, methods of partial withdrawal due
to an impaired level of energy.
3. Energy is even required to feel feelings. This means that as energy declines, a person simply cannot
feel and process their experiences nearly as well.
4. Healing old emotional traumas requires very high energy or vitality
in some cases.
This can explain why many cannot heal their traumas even with help from counselors
and others.
5. Depression, emotional withdrawal and even suicide can be ways a
person may decide to cope with very low energy. This is a very important concept regarding the nature and
treatment of depression and suicidal tendencies. Most often, the energetic component of these disorders is
overlooked, at times with disastrous consequences.
6. Decision-making is often unconsciously based on conserving adaptive
7. Enhancing adaptive energy alone, using nutritional balancing, often
causes emotional retracing. Long-forgotten traumas, memories, feelings, perception and
beliefs may suddenly arise, seemingly out of nowhere. One may be shocked at the thoughts and feelings that lie
dormant within, as they are brought up for review and release. The only trigger needed, at times, is
an increase in one’s vitality.
8. Low vitality alone could cause a brittle or unstable
personality. For example, such a person may
develop anxiety attacks or major depression from a seemingly minor shock such as
a squabble at work or a pet becoming ill.
The person seemed stable, but was ‘running on empty’. This is common today, due, in part, to
low-quality foods in the diet, insufficient rest and other types of internal
and external stress factors.
9. A person’s vitality level very often determines his or her overall
outlook on life. For example, high vitality is
associated with greater self-confidence and a more positive outlook on
life. It is also associated with a
greater ability to achieve results, take risks, reach out to others, learn new
skills, and more.
10. Increasing adaptive energy with nutritional balancing therapy will
enhance the effectiveness of most other medical and psychological
11. The vitality level often influences a person’s control
strategy. Fast oxidizers with higher energy
often control overtly with threats, intimidation or a physical show of
force. Slow oxidizers or anyone
with low energy tend to control through seduction, spoiling, enabling, false
‘going along’, secretive plotting and other methods that do not require as much
12. Identity is, in part, determined in many people by the adaptive
energy level or one’s vitality level during the formative childhood years. For example, if a person was
sickly and often tired as a child, he or she may grow up believing that “this
is just who I am”. One can build
an entire identity around traits such as fatigue, mental confusion, or
believing one is stupid. In fact, it was just
an energy problem that occurred during the formative years.
13. Once formed, an identity based
upon energetic imbalances may be hard to change. This is one reason to work with
children as close to birth as possible so they grow up free of false
perceptions about themselves and instead grow up centered, alert and mentally
14. Excellent vitality is also
needed for mental development or mental enhancement. This
is an exciting topic discussed in a number of articles on this website. You can find them at this link: Development.
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