By Dr. Lawrence Wilson
© January 2017, L.D. Wilson Consultants, Inc.
in this article is for educational purposes only and is not intended as
diagnosis, prescription, treatment or cure for any disease or health condition.
article discusses a concept found in the compact disc programs sold by the
Shanti Christo Foundation - the four steps to any action. Here are the four steps:
is the motivating force for everything.
A strong desire for healing, no matter how it is felt, for example, is
absolutely necessary for healing to take place. The best treatment or doctor in the world will help nothing
if the desire for healing is not present.
the human being has a natural desire for healing that is quite strong. However, at times this desire dims,
especially as one ages or becomes toxic with certain poisons emitted by cancer
and other diseases. This can cause
a diminishing healing desire that will lead to death if it is not reversed.
desire for development is important as well. This, too, decreases with age and illness as the body
prepares for death.
is far more complex than one may believe.
All of life depends on desire.
To put it bluntly, if you had not desired to be alive, you would not be
here today reading these words.
one’s deepest desires is quite important.
Otherwise, unintentional desires can take over and cause illness or even
death. Sometimes this phenomenon
is called a “death wish”. This is
just an unconscious desire to die that one is not aware of.
do not realize it, but at a certain point one can decide they would rather die
than keep living as they are. This
is actually played out in one’s life, causing untold suffering, illness, “bad
decisions”, ill fortune and similar issues. Thus it is very worthwhile to examine your deepest desires.
Changing your desires. Desire can be changed easily if you get in touch with what
you want. If you want healing,
then you must let go of all desire to give up, for example. When thoughts of giving up arise in the
mind, one must disown them.
is done usually by just observing them and even by talking with them. Remind them that those are old thoughts
that are no longer your deepest desire.
In this way, you will slowly learn about many desires that most people
harbor that are not healing at all.
example, many people just want problems to go away, even if that means dying to
make this happen. This is one way,
of course, to deal with issues that are unpleasant. It is called dying to them, literally. However, this is not a healing desire
but just a desire to run away into death.
Other problems in desire. Exactly what you desire is important because you will get
it, along with everything that comes with your desire. For example, if a woman desires a
partner, she will get one. However,
he may be an alcoholic, wife-beater or child-molester if she is not careful in
how she frames her desire.
women can relate to this one, am I right?
So asking for exactly what you want is of utmost importance. This is a task that takes great wisdom,
in fact. The reason why is that
what you think you want or even need may actually not be in your best interest.
example, one may desire a large, beautiful home. Actually, one might be far better off in a small house that
is much cheaper to heat and cool and doesn’t require cleaning so much or other
chores like repairs.
this reason, it is wiser to ask for guidance about getting a house, partner,
job or other desire. This is
sometimes called asked for “thy will be done” rather than asking for a specific
item or type of person. This is
far safer, though it will bring a few surprises along the way.
example, one may ask for a partner and becomes pregnant out of wedlock. One may ask for work and be confined to
bed with “healing work”. However,
asking for thy will to be done is actually far wiser in the long run.
similar methods are to ask for divine guidance in all your affairs, or asking
for great wisdom, as King Solomon did.
One might also ask for improved awareness of a situation, rather than
ask for a specific outcome that only seems to be in your favor. This will take you much further on your
journey of healing.
help with fine tuning your desires, I heartily recommend the Pushing Down Exercise described in a separate article
on this site. It will help you
identify hidden desires to escape and die, for instance. It will also help you see how you allow
your desires to be colored by your past traumas as they are released.
is similar to desire, but occurs on a longer-term basis. Intention is about maintaining your
desires in a consistent way, no matter what happens, over an extended period of
time. It may also be called
persistence or stick-to-itiveness.
example, many people desire healing or perhaps money, but won’t learn about
healing or money. This could be
called a lack of serious intention.
If one is serious about healing or about money, one must continually
learn and grow with the desire so that it comes to pass.
desires maintained by intention lead to consistent results. Inconsistent intentions or desires lead
nowhere, usually, because circumstances are always changing. One must be able to keep the goal in
mind, in other words, no matter where you are and no matter what others may say
or do.
quality is one of the hardest for many people. They want what is right, but they are swayed by their
friends, by what is on the news, or by the cravings and desires of the physical
again, I strongly recommend the meditation-observation exercise and other
disciplines to help develop the quality of intention or perseverance. This is discussed more in the section
Discipline. Healing often involves developing
discipline. The word discipline is
derived from the same root as the word disciple. Discipline is not
so much a harsh striving to achieve a goal, as it is the honing of one's skill
in an area.
healing to occur, forces that controlled the body and emotions have to be brought
under conscious control. Regimens
that retrain the body and brain have to be pursued. One may indeed choose illness to learn discipline.
can be as simple as following a diet and doing some exercise. However, it may also involve years of
working through emotional traumas, following the threads of intuition to their
sources deep within the psyche.
discipline may be simply learning to follow one's intuition, instead of being
distracted or caught up in ideologies and concepts. However, it may also be learning to discard one’s so-called
is harder for many new-age type of people. They must learn, instead, to listen to the wise advice of
someone who has been there before you or is older or wiser in some way. I mention this because it is such a
stumbling block for many people today who are so used to depending on their
wits, for example, instead of reading directions carefully and making sure they
follow them exactly.
often requires this kind of discipline.
It is about retraining the body, mind and emotions in more healthful
ways. One must overcome the
tendency to be lax about discipline, in other words, in order for the new
training to take hold.
is not unlike the need for absolute discipline if one is training a dog, for
example. If you give confusing
signals, the animal will never get it right. The same is true, at times, though not quite as severely so,
of the body, mind and emotions.
is often necessary, since if your intuition were so excellent, you would not
need articles such as this one.
Learning discipline is an important skill to
master. It is particularly hard
for those who had a liberal or lax upbringing. This means that you were not forced to learn discipline as a
these cases, it can seem very demeaning or childish even to learn simple
discipline. This is
unfortunate. It is also the reason
why parents never do their children a disservice by insisting on clean rooms,
clean bodies, nice clothing and other simple disciplines for children.
does not mean punishing a child for disobedience harshly. It is about teaching the child that
discipline is a great thing to learn when you are young, so you don’t have to
suffer as much later in life. This
way one will not feel constrained or “put down” to always have to follow
special instructions, for example, for living or eating.
Learning to be a disciple of the high self,
or of an excellent guide or guru or teacher or even friend, is a wonderful
experience. It sublimates the ego
mind and makes room for real personal development. In fact, it is the only way to make real progress in a
spiritual way. This is why the
role of the teacher, priest, rabbi, master or guru, as it is called in
Sanskrit, has been accorded such a high place in many spiritual teachings.
more could be said about discipline.
Once again, any practice such as meditation, tai chi, yoga, chi kung or
even a sport or musical discipline such as practicing the piano every day is
useful to help develop discipline.
Like intention, it has to do with overcoming resistance of the lower
mind and body to certain tasks or activities.
process known as allowing is also critical for healing. For instance, it is often necessary to allow
symptoms called healing reactions to play out as part of healing. It is also necessary to allow emotions
to surface, and it may be necessary to allow oneself to undergo unusual or
uncomfortable experiences or therapies.
also has to do with permitting a process of healing to occur, when the mind is
looking for healing to be simply an event.
for successful allowing. These are
many, in fact. A few of the most
important are:
1. Slow down so you have the time to process events, feelings,
illnesses and more. This
often means do not program your entire day and evening so that you are on the
run all the time.
other words, allow time and space in your life for rest, relaxation and
recreation of a gentle, non-intense variety such as watching a TV show or
listening to music or just reading a good book. This is an aspect of allowing that is not well understood in
our productivity-oriented and goal-seeking society.
2. Relax so that the healing process will not upset you too much. If you are relaxed and have the time,
the process will move along much faster and usually much more easily. Fighting it will do no good except to
extend it and make it more severe.
could also stop it entirely, as happens when one undergoes drug therapy often. The body is so debilitated by the
effects of the medication that true healing is not possible.
is helpful, of course, if the person cannot move through the allowing
stage. At times, it could save
one’s life, for which reasons drugs have a role in the world. However, in general it is not helpful
in the long run, for which reason we don’t recommend drug therapy except as a
last resort in some cases.
3. Rest more. This will allow processing to proceed much faster, or
possibly at all. In other words,
sleep 11 hours a night if needed and take naps and rests throughout the
alone is allowing in a powerful way.
Relinquish the idea that you must “keep on plugging” when your issues or
illnesses are up for review or healing is in motion.
4. Set up a strong support system in advance and use it a lot. This will help you pass through a trial
or an emotional time with much less trauma or fear. This means first you must have and know your support people. Call them at once if you feel the need.
and equally important, do not call people who will put down your path and what
you are going through or minimize it.
call your support people as often as needed. In other words, use your support system correctly, not just
in some dire emergency.
support system is more than just people.
It means have around you books, tapes, CDs, movies, videos, objects and
anything else that gives you peace and solace. Keep a list of special things you can do as well, such as
deep breathing, a yoga routine, a warm bath with Epsom salts, a short walk in
the forest nearby or just getting in the shower, if that is all you have
handy. All this is your support
system, a vital link in the allowing process.
is the most mysterious of the four steps.
In a way, it is the outcome of allowing. In other ways, it is a very active process. In part, it is saying that I am not
sure what the outcome will be, even though I have faith.
is admitting that one cannot know all the facts on this earth plane of
existence. God or the higher self
may have plans for me of which I know nothing. Therefore, I surrender, in the end, to the will of the high
self or God.
requires digging deeply into oneself.
Here lie great power, strength and mystery. The ego, with which most people identify most of the
time, is but a small part of who one is.
Peak experiences or enlightenment are when one transcends the ego part
of oneself.
experiences often touch this vast and mysterious part of oneself. People returning from these experiences
are often transformed. Their lives
change dramatically and their illnesses and neuroses often vanish. Excellent books about these experiences
include those by Raymond Moody, MD, among others.
from biblical times to the present have described vast realms and dimensions
inhabited by incredible beings, places one visits while asleep, and so
forth. Most people do not give
themselves credit for the beings they are. While symptoms may be addressed along the way, the
challenge is to remain aware of the complexity and mysteriousness of human
Steps to surrendering. At first one usually surrenders the desired outcome of your
desiring process. After all, maybe
one is mistaken about the goal or desire.
one can surrender all traces of desire itself, realizing that even desire is an
ego-based idea, which it is in a way.
Next, one can even surrender fear and the fear about desire not being of
God or the high self.
one can surrender all will. This
is a very deep stage of surrender.
“Not my will, but thine be done”.
This is a biblical admonition that is indeed difficult to fathom. What does it mean? Simply put, it means that I don’t know
anything, really. I just think I
do because I think.
idea is that eventually, one surrenders it all - fears, feelings of smallness,
symptoms and even the ego's feelings of despair. Then, and only then, is one absolutely free to go or come,
heal or die and one can be at peace.
That is, giving it all up is higher, actually, than “having it all”.
The chart below includes the four steps discussed above. However, it has been expanded to include an idea called the stress wave, which is how bodies respond to stress. It also includes certain aspects of a nutritional balancing program and other things that can be divided into four steps or four stages.
The Stress Wave |
Upward-moving wave from 0 |
Down-moving wave to 0 |
Down-moving wave below 0 |
Recovery up wave to 0 |
Oxidation Rate |
Fast |
Mixed |
Slow |
Slow |
Adaptive Energy |
Good |
Burning Out |
Burned Out |
Healing |
Health Effects |
Destructive |
Destructive, Often Try Remedies |
Even more destruction |
Restoration Often Possible With Nutritional
Balancing |
Oxidation Rate Effects |
Vampire Tendency (fast oxidation) |
Slowing Down |
Begin Retracing (usually slow oxidation) |
Etheric Reset (oxidation rate will balance) |
Polarizing Direction |
Up |
Up or Mixed |
Mixed |
Down |
Psychology |
Fast Oxidation Is Fun Extroversion Extension And Expression Aggressive |
Beginning of Failure And Burnout |
Slow Oxidation Is Sad Introversion Apathy Depression |
Possible Metanoia, Letting Go, Retracing And
Resolution |
Gender Emphasis |
More Male-Oriented |
More Female-Oriented |
Stage of Stress |
Alarm Stage |
Resistance Stage |
Exhaustion Stage |
Possible Recovery |
Nervous System Primary Activity |
Sympathetic |
Mixture |
More parasympathetic |
Parasympathetic |
Awareness |
On A Tear |
Little Awareness |
More Awareness |
Most Awareness |
Energy Center Emphasis |
1, 2 and 3 |
1, 2 and 3 |
1, 2, 3, and Maybe 4 and 5 |
All 7 Centers |
Tetra Emphasis |
Knowledge |
Self-Discipline |
Love Others |
Love God |
Jeshua Action |
Excitation Desire |
Failing Intention |
Journey To The Kingdom Allowing Starts |
Journey Within The Kingdom Surrender |
Religion |
Sinning, Judgment Prodigal Son, “My Will” Adam And Eve The Fall of Man |
Hardship And Questioning |
Deeper Questioning, And Even More Misery |
Grace, Salvation Repentance Discernment, not Judgment, “Thy Will Be Done” |
Forces |
Ones – Pure Radiation (very unstable) |
Twos – Yang And Yin (unstable) |
Threes – Triangles (much more stable) |
Fours – Tetrahedrons (most stable) |
Analogy With A Person’s Age |
Babies And Young Children |
Older Children |
Teens and Young Adults |
Older And Wiser, If Can Avoid Death |
Analogy With The Time Of Day |
Morning |
Noon/Afternoon |
Evening |
Rest And Sleep |
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