Another excellent healing procedure is to shine a 250-watt reddish heat lamp on your abdomen, chest or back. It provides healing frequencies that we need at this time.

It is also very calming and it can get rid of some kinds of pain and many other health conditions.

Where to get one. The bulbs are large, but not expensive. They are sold at stores that sell products for animals. Stores sometimes call it a chicken brooder lamp because people who raise chickens usually use them. Be sure to get one that is reddish in color, not a clear bulb. If they sell one that is splatter-proof (won't break easily), that is good.

They are also sold online. They cost between six and about twelve dollars US. A few hardware stores sell them, but not many.

The socket. You will also need a socket for the bulb. The bulb is large and 250 watts, so you need a socket designed for that size bulb. These are sold at the stores that sell the bulbs and online.

The best kind is a clamp-socket. One end has the bulb socket. The other end has a clamp so you can attach the lamp to a chair or shelf. Most also come with a switch somewhere on the socket to turn the bulb on and off.

Beware. The reddish heat bulb is very hot! Make sure you do not touch it. Also, it is somewhat delicate so don't bang it around and don't allow water to touch it.

How to use it. Clamp the bulb and socket to a chair or shelf so that you can sit in front of it comfortably. When it is ready, take off your shirt because the light needs to shine on your skin. Girls can wear a bra if you wish.

Sit about 18 inches or 10 cm from the lamp. Aim it so it shines on your chest, or abdomen or back.

How long?

For ages 0-1, use it 10 minutes every day.

For ages 1-3, use it 15 minutes every day.

For ages 3-5, use it 20 minutes every day.

For ages 5-8, use it for 25 minutes every day.

For ages 8-11, use it for 30 minutes every day.

For ages 11-13, use it for 40 minutes every day.

For ages 13-15, use it for 50 minutes every day.

For ages 15 or older, use it for 60 minutes every day.


- Will it cause a burn? No. However, your skin may turn red for about an hour after a session with the lamp. You may also sweat. These are normal.

If the lamp is too hot, you are sitting too close to the lamp. The lamp should feel warm, but not burn.

- Can I just sit in the sun instead? No. It is not the same. However, a little sun-bathing is good, too.