Nutritional Balancing & Hair Mineral Analysis (2014 edition)

Updated Jan. 2019




DIET. The diets have undergone major change.  For the most updated information, please read Food For Daily Use, Food For Occasional Use, and Forbidden Food.

Page 45. We now recommend only 1000 mg daily of TMG for adult women and up to 3000 mg daily of TMG for adult men.

Page 92.  The section on Vitality is not updated.  For updated information, please see the article on the website entitled Vitality.

Page 138.  Degrees of fast oxidation.  A better method to calculate this is to use the following criteria:

Ca/K >1.5 = Mild fast oxidizer

Ca/K 0.4-1.5 = Moderate fast oxidizer

Ca/K <0.4 = Extreme fast oxidizer

Page 140.  Definition of slow oxidation according to Dr. Paul Eck.  A better method of assessing mild, moderate and extreme slow oxidation is to use the following criteria:

Ca/K < 30 = Mild slow oxidizer

Ca/K 30-100 = Moderate slow oxidizer

Ca/K > 100 = Extreme slow oxidizer

Page 207.  Ideal mineral levels.  Newer research has necessitated a few changes in these levels.  Please go to Mineral Levels in Human Hair for the new ideals, ranges, toxicity level and poor eliminator levels.

Page 244.  Initial patterns: Remove Four Highs.

Calcium (Ca): Calcium shell is at 165 mg% for women and 155 mg% for men.

Phosphorus (P): Acceptable=13–16 mg%

high = above 16 mg%

low = 11-12 mg%

            Toxic metals:

Lead (Pb) = above 0.06 mg%

Mercury (Hg) = above 0.035 mg%

Arsenic (As) = above 0.008 mg%

Nickel (Ni) = above 0.019 mg%

Aluminum (Al) = above 0.04 mg%

Other Minerals:

              high chromium = above 0.012 mg%

            high cobalt = above 0.02 mg%

high molybdenum = above 0.02 mg%

high lithium = above 0.02 mg%


Page 258. Sodium/potassium ratio chart.  The good range for the Na/K ratio is now 2.5 to about 4.  Greater than 4 is elevated.  Greater than 6 or so is definitely high.

Page 262. Double Inflammation or Double High Ratio Pattern.  Definition. It should say: a calcium/magnesium ratio greater than 9.5 and a sodium/potassium ratio greater than about 6.

Page 279. Near the bottom.  Bullet for Supplementation.  It should read “everyone with a low sodium/potassium ratio needs copper supplements”.

Page 503. Add: #6. Trimethylglycine.  The new dosage is 1000 mg daily for women and up to 3000 mg daily for men.

Page 504.  #3. Delete Ova-adren.   This product is no longer available.

Page 504.  For Severe depression.  Hi-B is no longer available and we do not use vitamin C any more.  Extra Megapan can be given and is helpful.

Page 505. For Copper toxicity.  We do not give taurine or ICMN any more.  ICMN is no longer available.

Also, for Alcoholism, do not give taurine.

Also, for Seizures, do not give taurine or ICMN.  These are not that helpful.

Also, for Pregnancy, always give one Megapan tablet if it is not already part of the program.  Give iron only if needed for anemia.

Also, for Insomnia, ICMN is no longer available.

Page 514, 515 and 516. The Roy Masters Exercise is now called the Pushing Down Mental Exercise.  It is the modified version.  For details on this change, please read The Pushing Down Exercise.

Page 518. Nutritional balancing programs can be combined with medical drug therapy, if needed.

Page 629. Nickel is found mainly in rooibos tea, also called red tea or rui tea.  It is a very toxic product.  Also, the ideal hair nickel level appears to be between 0.015 and 0.019 mg%.

Page 699. The index entry for trimethylglycine is spelled incorrectly as trimethylglucine.



1. New sympathetic dominance indicator.  An additional indicator for sympathetic dominance pattern is a 3 highs or 4 highs pattern, along with an elevated sodium/potassium ratio.

2.  Poor eliminator pattern.  This is a very important new hair analysis pattern.  Very low toxic metal levels indicate that the body cannot eliminate the metal, and so it builds up inside the body.  This is explained in a new article on the website entitled Poor Eliminator Pattern.

3. Toxic potassium.  Important new topic.  Please read Toxic Potassium to learn about it.

4. Page 263. Celebration, Or The Hill Pattern.  Newer research indicates that the criteria should be changed slightly to a calcium/magnesium ratio less than 4.5 and a sodium/potassium ratio greater than 4.5.

5. New hair analysis patterns.  At least 20 new hair patterns have been found in the past few years.  To read about them, go to the Read Articles page and then scroll down to Hair Analysis Patterns.

6. The 7 System.  This is a very important concept.  To learn about it, please read The 7 System section of articles at WWW.DRLWILSON.COM.

7. Newer nutritional balancing procedures.  These are the Vaginal Coffee Implants, Kelp Wraps and Peroxide And Ozone Baths.

8. Page 24. Add – do not take a bath more than twice a week – too much exposure to water in this way makes the body too yin.

9. Additional topics. The following articles at WWW.DRLWILSON.COM are just a few of more than one hundred newer articles that discuss additional material:


The Big Picture

Quantifying The Hair Analysis Patterns – This is a newer concept in hair analysis interpretation.

Rape – a long article on an important topic that can be helped a lot with nutritional balancing.

Acupuncture And Nutritional Balancing

Medical Marijuana – important problem today



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Peyer’s Patches And Nutritional Balancing

Fifty Reasons For The Cooked Vegetable Diet

Soul Upgrades




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