By Dr. Lawrence Wilson

© September 2018, L.D. Wilson Consultants, Inc.


There are ways to tell if your body is more yang or more yin.  Some of the indicators are complex, because they are indicators of genetic qualities or other factors.  Some, however, are quite independent of these factors. 




Overweight.  The body should be well-proportioned.  An overweight body is generally too yin.  This is particularly true of extra weight on the hips or on the abdomen.


 Moons on the fingernails.  All fingernails should have moons.  These are rounded, whitish areas extending out from the base of each nail.  They should cover up to one-fourth of every nail.

Most people have moons on their thumbs, but not on all fingers.  Lack of moons or very small moons is a yin indicator.


Eyes rolled upwards.  When you look at a person straight on, the eyeballs should be in the center of the eye sockets.  If the eyes roll upward at all, it is a more yin indicator.


Breasts on women.  These should be present and firm.  Very soft, flabby or sagging breasts are a yin indicator.

The breasts need not be large.  In fact, large breasts are often a yin indicator.


A pale or ruddy complexion.  Although this is somewhat genetically determined, the complexion should be clear and neither pale nor too reddish.  It should also not appear ÒbloodyÓ, ÒmilkyÓ or ÒdoughyÓ.  These have to do with what a person eats.


Lips that are large and turned out.  This is a more yin indicator that is fairly easy to change with diet, mainly. 




              There are many of these, affecting particular parts of the body.  They are less reliable because they are more likely than the ones above to be due to genetics, diet, trauma, accidents or some other factor other than oneÕs yin or yang condition.

            They can be more difficult to change because they can be related to the DNA.


Very tall and thin body.  This may be a yin indicator.  A shorter, stockier body is more yang.


Odors.  The body should not have much of an odor.  A common yin indicator, especially among women, is a yeasty odor, often with a tendency for yeast infections in the vagina and elsewhere.

Other odors are also usually yin indicators.


Skin color. The body should be neither too pale or too ruddy.  It should also have a bright look to it.  Otherwise, the body is more yin.


Skin texture.  This should be clean and smooth.  Rough, dry, very oily, pock-marked or otherwise scarred skin are yin indicators.


Posture.  One should stand tall and straight.  This is a more yang indicator.  Poor posture – hunched or twisted - is a common yin indicator.




Head shape. This should be squarish, not elongated.  A vertically long face, especially with a narrow dental arch, is a yin indicator.


Hair.  Should be firm, present, shiny and able to grow long.  If any of these are not the case, it is a yin indicator, as are split ends.


Thin nose.  The nose should be full and not too thin.


Weak chin.  This is very common today, and a yin indicator.  It is associated with overbite, which means the teeth do not come together properly.  A squarish and strong jaw and chin are more yang indicators.


Small, cramped, broken, or decayed teeth.  Also, separations between the teeth.  These are common yin indicators in many people.


Eyes slanting upward.  This is more yin.  Eyes and eyebrows that slant somewhat downward as one moves outward from the center of the face is a more yang indicator.


Depressed or too fearful.  These are yin indicators.




Inflamed nail beds.  This is another common yin indicator, often seen in younger women.  The base of the fingernails is reddish and inflamed.


Orange-tinted palms.  This is a yin indicator having to do with liver toxicity and sluggishness.  Most young women today have this.


Rough nails, split nails or nails that will not grow long.  This is a yin indicator.




              Collapsed chest (also called pigeon breast).  This is a more yin indicator.


              Tilted pelvis.  This is very common.  Some women have a sway back, in which the pelvis is tilted backwards.  Other people have the pelvis tilted forward (tail between oneÕs legs).  Twists in the pelvis are also common.  All are more yin indicators.


            Bloated abdomen.  This is a yin indicator.  The bloat can be caused by watery tissues, yeast in the intestines, eating too much salt or perhaps other digestive problems.


            Intestinal gas.  While a little gas is normal, it should not be excessive or too smelly.


            Constipated.  This can have to do with a diet low in cooked vegetables or not drinking enough water.  However, it is also a yin indicator.


            No sweating.  This is a slow oxidation indicator or skin congestion indicator that is also a yin indicator.




            Bowed legs.  This is a yin indicator.


Flat feet.  This is a yin indicator.




Diseases that are particularly yin in nature are cancer, yeast infections, some parasitic infections, apathy, depression and suicidal thoughts.




Other indicators of excessive yin include fatigue, a sickly body, hypersensitivity of any kind, discharges, and most cysts.



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