by Dr. Lawrence Wilson

© September 2024, LD Wilson Consultants, Inc.

All information in this article is for educational purposes only.  It is not for the diagnosis, treatment, prescription or cure of any disease or health condition.


I. Introduction




Relationship concepts are ways to understand compatibility in man-woman relationships or other friendships.


- Souls at the same maturity or age level.

- Souls with similar interests or who have done similar work in the past.

- Souls that have known each other in the past.

- Sharing some soul pairs. One person has the male soul and the other has the female twin soul. They like living and working together.

- Traumas to souls match up in some way. They may be similar in nature, for example, or they may complement each other. Many relationships are thus trauma-based.


I am told that the negs, thugs or satan or rogues like man-woman relationships in which the man cools down the woman through sex or abuse and the woman cools down the man by having sex with him.

These are cool-down relationships, meaning each person makes the other person more cold or yin in macrobiotic terminology.

In fact, man-woman relationships should ideally be the opposite: The man should warm up the woman through proper love, support, down hugs and down sex. The woman should warm up the man through down hugs and down sex and helping the man to save his sexual fluid. This is an interesting way to understand and evaluate relationships.


Many people are sensitive to the smell of other people. At times, this is conscious. At times, it is not conscious but it is still present. Compatibility based upon smells is a common and powerful relationship idea.

It is helpful because one's smell can tell a lot about a person. It is a complex phenomenon.


This is another common relationship concept. Liking or disliking another's appearance has many aspects because appearance is complex. It has to do with body shape, size, skin and hair and eye color, posture, gait, and other aspects such as voice and mannerisms.

Appearance compatibility can be based upon experience, prejudices, sexual attraction, traumas, fantasies and more.

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