by Dr. Lawrence Wilson

© June 2024, LD Wilson Consultants, Inc.

All information in this article is for educational purposes only.  It is not for the diagnosis, treatment, prescription or cure of any disease or health condition.


I. Introduction

II. History

III. How To Tune In




The Pentecostal movement is a charismatic Christian denomination and one of the fastest growing. There are over 100 million people worldwide who identify as Pentecostals.
The word Pentecost means 50 days. It refers to the waiting period of 50 days after the resurrection of Jesus to the day in which the Holy Spirit descended to the earth.
History. The Pentecostal movement began in the late 1800's and grew a lot during the 1900s first in America and then worldwide.
It developed because people wanted a return to the original principles of the Bible.
Pentecostals usually don't like the mainstream religious denominations, which they say are too formalized. Pentecostal churches are more relaxed and they will teach you how to tune into the Holy Spirit
1. TUNING INTO THE HOLY SPIRIT. The basis of the Pentecostal movement is the sections of the New Testament of the Bible that describe the Holy Spirit. Jesus explained that he needed to leave and then, 50 days later, the Holy spirit would descend upon our planet.
Anyone would be able to tune into the Holy spirit and receive answers to all their questions. The basic procedure for tuning in is below.
If one cannot tune in, then other Pentecostals can help one learn how to do it.
2. FAITH HEALING and SPEAKING IN TONGUES. I am told these are less important aspects of the pentecostal movement.
1. Sit.
2. Relax. Saying a prayer such as the Lord's Prayer can assist. Breathing deeply can also help. I am told the Lord's Prayer from the New Testament of the Bible is the basic prayer for everyone at this time.
Relaxing is the hardest part and may be impossible for women and some men who are brainwashed, very sick and terrified.
3. Eat, drink or rest, if needed.
4. Be safe. It is important to be in a safe location.
5. Move your energy downward.
6. Ask a short and preferably simple question.
7. Wait and you must listen for the answers. Often, the answer will take a moment. Often, it is a small or soft voice.
8. Repeat. Ask again to confirm the information. If you wish, ask many times over a period of at least a day to confirm.
- What if interference occurs? For example, what if I hear both “yes” and “no” at the same time when I ask a question. This occurs often, in my experience. In fact interference is the rule, not the exception.
In this case, check to be sure you are following all the steps above and ask again.
- What if stray, evil, selfish or contrary thoughts arise? This is normal. Such thoughts can arise from within the body or you may pick up thoughts of others around you. Just observe these thoughts. Do not react or blame yourself for them. Let them go.
- What if one is in an emergency? If following the steps above is not possible, such as during a rape or other attack, you will need to do your best.
I was once attacked and the attack halted when I said the Lord's Prayer. This was surprising to me. Saying the Lord's Prayer is a type of tuning in and asking for help.
- What if I am told I am not allowed to tune in to God? For example, some women are told by the aliens, Rogues or Satan that they will be beaten or killed if they tune in to God. God says to defy this order. We know this is difficult.
- Know that events are not just punishment. Instead, they are opportunities for the souls to learn lessons. They are also the way to remove 'blemishes' on the souls, and the souls very much want to do this.
Advantages. Tuning in can save your life. It also reduces anxiety. Many people also say that it gives one a wonderful and amazing life.
Disadvantages. The advice may be unusual. It also may also be hard on the ego self or lower self. At times, it may require special effort or courage to follow.
Rules to follow.
- All decisions. Turn all decisions over to Holy spirit. A mistake many people make is to ask about certain matters, but not others.
- Asking Other Sources. Do not pray or ask anyone other than God. For example, do not ask a master, or Jesus, or an angel or a guide.
- Timing. Solutions to problems may take time. Therefore, be patient. For example, if you ask if it is the Will of God that you have a loving husband or wife, the answer may be yes. However, the outworking or result may take time.
- Following through. It is necessary to follow the advice you receive. This is not always easy!
If you often ask but do not follow advice, God may not give you as much advice in the future because He/She knows it is a waste of time.

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