by Dr. Lawrence Wilson

© June 2011, L.D. Wilson Consultants, Inc.


All information in this article is for educational purposes only.  It is not for the diagnosis, treatment, prescription or cure of any disease or health condition.


Nutritional balancing science is what is called a universal science.  This is an unusual term that means that this method of healing or correction of health incorporates, and can be understood in terms of, many or even all the sciences.

Nutritional balancing incorporates and integrates them into a coordinated package.  It can also enhance oneÕs understanding of all of these sciences.

Stated differently, nutritional balancing goes to the core of how a human body works.  To do this, it draws upon modern physics, physiology, medical sciences, biochemistry, and other sciences.




1. Conventional Western biological and medical sciences.  The chief among these are basic physiology, biochemistry, and mineral analysis by mass spectroscopy and induction-coupled plasma technologies.  However, nutritional balancing also relies upon a deep understanding of aspects of toxicology, histology, microbiology, molecular and cell biology, anatomy and other Western sciences.

2. Basic traditional Oriental healing sciences. These include acupuncture and the Taoist concept of yin and yang.  The latter is actually a physics concept that is applied to human bodies since they are mechanical and biochemical machines, as it were.

Nutritional balancing also incorporates aspects of Ayurveda, Macrobiotics, zone therapy or reflexology, and other non-Western healing sciences.

3. Traditional naturopathy.  Nutritional balancing utilizes many concepts such as increasing vitality, nutritional principles, and many other aspects derived from and utilized in traditional naturopathy. Some of these have been abandoned by modern naturopathy, which is more about the use of remedies.

4. Metabolic typing.  This is a fascinating concept used in both traditional Western and Oriental healing science, but not in conventional allopathic medicine.  It is a way to classify or understand human beings at a systems level that yields a great deal of information quickly and usually very accurately.

5. Wellness, predictive medicine, preventive medicine, homeopathy, biochemical individuality orthomolecular and other uses for vitamins, minerals and other phyto-nutrients, herbs, plants, glandular products and more.

6. Teleology.  This is the study of the healing intent of the body and other living organisms.  It has to do with the role of the soul or perhaps better said, the wisdom of the body.

7. Agricultural sciences.  This may sound odd, but in fact many concepts in nutritional balancing were drawn from the work of William Albrecht and Andre Voisin, among other twentieth century agricultural scientists who explored mineral bioavailabliltiy, how plants take up and use minerals, effects upon animal species of different soil minerals, and much more.

8. Materials sciences.  This is the study of minerals and other materials, examining their properties and composition.  The body is made of many materials that are used for various functions, such as the hardness of the bones and the flexibility of the artery walls.


Basic sciences:


1. Physics.  Nutritional balancing is about directionality, chemical bonding, holography, and other physics concepts.  Yin and yang is an Oriental physics concept that is most important in nutritional balancing science.

2. Mathematics, including fractals, vector mathematics, calculus and other advanced mathematical sciences.

3. Systems theory.  This, and many other concepts in this article, are described in an article called the Theory Of Nutritional Balancing.

4. Stress theory in engineering and in disease causation.

5. Cybernetics, which is information science and communication and control science used in computers, modern servo mechanisms, automatic weapons control systems, and the like.


Social And Mental Sciences:


1. Sociology.

2. Mental programming and deprogramming sciences.

3. Life planning sciences, which some call karmic science.  This is related to what is called movement patterns, or how a person is responding to his environment in carrying out his appointed life tasks.

4. Trauma release theory.

5. Psychology and psychiatry.


These are just a few of the most important modern sciences, insights from which are all incorporated into and can help one understand nutritional balancing science.  They are all integrated and synthesized in unique ways so they work together in a beautiful and harmonious fashion.

For more information, see the textbook, Nutritional Balancing And Hair Mineral Analysis (2010 edition).



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