by Dr. Lawrence Wilson

© September 2012, L.D. Wilson Consultants, Inc.


All information in this article is for educational purposes only.  It is not for the diagnosis, treatment, prescription or cure of any disease or health condition.


Applied kinesiology or muscle testing is a method that some people use to tune into the body.  It is usually done by applying pressure to a muscle at the same time that one holds a product, perhaps, in the body’s energy field in some way.  If the muscle is strong, it indicates that the product or remedy is compatible or strengthens the body’s energy field.  If the muscle goes weak, it can indicate that the product or remedy is not compatible with the person at this time, and is weakening the person’s energy field.

Muscle testing is not used in conventional medical care, but it is used widely by some holistic doctors, chiropractors, nutritionists, allergists and others to test various remedies, to test for allergies, and much more.

This article is important because some people attempt to use muscle testing to confirm the use of certain foods or supplementary nutrients that are recommended as part of a nutritional balancing program.  While confirmation may occur, many times it does not, and this makes a few people believe that the programs are not correct.  Therefore, it is important to understand why this occurs, and why I much prefer hair mineral testing to muscle testing for designing nutritional balancing programs.




            While it can be useful to test remedies, applied kinesiology has many problems that make it unsuitable for use with a nutritional balancing program.  These include:


1. It is very dependent on the skill of the tester.  If the tester is not skilled enough, or just tired, upset, angry, hungry, thirsty or otherwise out of balance, the testing will not be valid at all.  This makes applied kinesiology difficult to teach to some people.


2. Results may also depend upon the condition of the person being tested.  It can be influenced by the patient’s state of hydration, rest, oxygenation, rest level, emotional state, and more.


3. What are called blocks and reversals can occur.  These easily confuse the results.  Practitioners who use muscle testing should be aware of these, and check frequently for them.  However, most practitioners do not do this, and even if they do, they may not be able to get rid of them.

The causes of these phenomena are imbalances or upsets in the body’s energy system, energy field or electrical system that can be quite subtle, at times.


4. Difficulty testing over a period of time.  In other words, the test may work for the moment, but may not be accurate in a few hours from now.  In fact, muscle testing is definitely the most accurate when one is testing what to do right now.  It is much less accurate when one wishes to test what to do tomarrow, or in a week or a month from now.


5. The difficulty or impossibility to effectively test complex combinations of foods or nutrients, for example.  One must usually test one item at a time, or perhaps two or three.  However, it is basically impossible to test 10 or more items at the same time, in all their various combinations and dosages.

Yet, this is exactly what is required for a nutritional balancing program.


6. Inability to finely distinguish more sublte aspects or effects of a product or regimen.  Often, kinesiology testing gives a yes or no, white or black answer unless, perhaps, the practitioner is very skilled.  This is fine in some cases, but not in others.


7. The inability to test for anticipated systems changes, especially when these involve adding stress to the body or adding a type of chaos to the body to break old patterns.  With a nutritional balancing program, often one often wishes to alter deep metabolic and biochemical patterns in the body using the principles of nutritional balancing science.  This involves breaking old patterns and pushing the body in particular directions or ways.

Since muscle testing only measures whether a food or supplement or other item “balances” or “strengthens” the system, a product or regimen that breaks a pattern or changes a homeostatic state or state of equilibrium may not test well.  Yet such regimens are needed, at times, to move the body to a different homeostatic state.  This is one of the worst problems of muscle testing in relation to a nutritional balancing program.


            For all of the above reasons, muscle testing a nutritional balancing program is a bad idea, and is never recommended.



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