by Dr. Lawrence Wilson

© August 2024, LD Wilson Consultants, Inc.

All information in this article is for educational purposes only.  It is not for the diagnosis, treatment, prescription or cure of any disease or health condition.


I. Introduction

II. Healing Of ITP

III. ITP Case History




Idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura or the new name, immune thrombocytopenia, or ITP is a chronic illness in which the platelets, which enable blood to clot and are produced in the bone marrow, die prematurely.


A low platelet count can cause bleeding under the skin in the form of petechiae (small bruises) and larger purpura (purple blotches) on the skin. More severe cases include internal bleeding and other symptoms that can be very serious.


It is known that ITP can develop in children after they have an infection. Based upon this, some say ITP is a problem with the immune system and it is considered an auto-immune disease. This just means something goes wrong with the immune response that results in ITP. We don't find that term useful, however.

However, the condition can also appear at any time without a prior infection.

Toxicity. I am told that ITP is a toxic condition of the body. Specifically, it is due to a toxic cadmium compound in the bone marrow. We find that over 100 “diseases” are, in fact, really just due to toxic metal poisoning.



There is no medical cure for ITP. In children, the condition may improve by itself. In adults, it tends to be long-term illness.

A number of drugs may help control symptoms. Problems with these drugs are: 1) not too effective, 2) toxicity of the drugs, 3) high cost, in some cases and 4) drug therapy does not build health. In fact, the drugs add more toxins to the body so they worsen overall health.


In our small sample of clients with ITP, the development program can help to remove the cause of the condition. It does so in a number of ways:

- It includes a low-toxicity diet and lifestyle to reduce and limit exposure to toxins.

- It powerfully renourishes and balances the body. This helps with many conditions and is needed by everyone. The fact that drug therapy ignores nutrition we view as unacceptable.

- The development program includes at least 20 methods to remove all toxic metals and all toxic chemicals from the body. The process can take a number of years because the toxins are deep in the bone marrow.

NOTE: The development program does not include chelation therapy. This method does not work on ITP and is somewhat toxic. For details, read Chelation Therapy.


Deborah, age 62, was diagnosed with ITP early in adulthood. The condition did not go into remission. She tried several drug therapies with little change in her platelet count or her symptoms.

Flare-ups. She had episodes when the ITP would flare up and cause skin symptoms and weakness.

The development program. When she was about 51 years old, Deborah heard about the development program and began the program. She follows it well, although not perfectly.

Her program includes the development diet and about eight nutritional supplements which are recommended based upon hair tissue mineral testing.

Mineral testing. The development program uses hair mineral testing, which must be done carefully and correctly by a laboratory that does not wash the hair. The test must also be interpreted correctly, which we teach.

One repeats the test every three to six months. Based upon the test, we recommend and change the diet, nutritional supplements and healing and detoxification procedures. We find blood or urine testing are not nearly as helpful for this purpose.

Healing and detoxification procedures. Her program also includes several healing and detoxification procedures such as daily coffee enemas and daily use of an infrared sauna powered by three reddish heat lamps. The bodies today seem to need the frequencies produced by these lamps. For details, read Sauna Therapy. Note: we do not like far infrared saunas, which all give off some harmful radio frequencies.

Most recent tissue mineral test (July 11, 2024). This test revealed number of patterns associated with chronic illness:

- Slow oxidation rate. This is very common today, and is associated with many chronic health conditions. Sluggish metabolism tends to slow all healing of the body.

- Sympathetic dominance. This is an imbalance of the autonomic nervous system in which a person overuses the sympathetic nervous system. It is supposed to be used for emergencies only. Using it more retards healing and is very destructive for the body.

- Inflammation (a high sodium/potassium ratio). This can also be related to ITP and tends to slow healing. An elevated sodium/potassium ratio is also usually an indicator of kidney weakness.

- Copper imbalance. The copper level is extremely low, indicating a poor eliminator pattern. This is one type of copper imbalance associated with copper toxicity and weak adrenal glands.

- Zinc is very low. Zinc is needed for hundreds of enzymes and activities of the body. Low zinc is very common today because the food supply is low in zinc and stress depletes zinc quickly. On the development program, everyone receives at least a little zinc supplementation. Debra is getting a lot (about 88 mg daily).

- Poor eliminator patterns for lead, mercury, cadmium and nickel. This is associated with toxicity with these heavy metals. In our limited experience, those with ITP usually have too much of a number of toxic metals that could contribute to the condition.

Progress. Within about two years of starting the development program, Deborah reported fewer flare-ups and fewer bleeding episodes, even though her platelet count was still somewhat low. Deborah has continued to feel quite well on the program.

Retracing. As the body heals using the development program, occasionally one experiences temporary symptoms called retracing. However, Deborah has experienced very few episodes of retracing. For details, read Retracing.

At this time (August 2024), after about 10 years on the development program, ITP does not bother Debra at all and she is able to live a normal life.

Discussion. The development program is probably helpful because of the combination of nourishing, balancing and slowly removing many toxic meals and toxic chemicals.

Correction may be slow because the problem is mainly in the bone marrow. This tissue of the body is quite shielded because it is very important. This may slow the healing of this area of the body.

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