by Dr. Lawrence Wilson

© December 2024, LD Wilson Consultants, Inc.

All information in this article is for educational purposes only.  It is not for the diagnosis, treatment, prescription or cure of any disease or health condition.


I. Introduction

II. The Relationship Stages

III. Cautions



This article discusses a number of development stages that impact relationships. A few occur early in development. The rest occur after one has followed the development program for about 50 years.

You might think you won't be around in 50 years, but if you follow the program you may well live a long time.



This can be an early stage. It is a sudden feeling that one is not as connected to the world. It is a strange feeling when it occurs suddenly. It is as though one is just an observer of the world and not a participant.

It impacts male-female relationships because these are often projections or involve projection. This means that one views a person as though he or she is someone else whom you knew earlier in your life. It is often a parent, but it could be a brother, sister, aunt, uncle, teacher in school or just a friend.

Relationships based upon projection are fraught with problems because the person you are in relationship with is not your parent, uncle, aunt, brother, sister or old friend. Detaching from the world helps you not to project.


This can occur when one follows the development program for about ten to thirty years. It can occur much earlier, but it usually does not thanks to the rogues, thugs or satans.

They damage the central channel, which runs down the midline of the body from the head to the genitals. Then it turns around and goes up the middle of the back to the top of the head.

When the central channel(s) heal to a certain degree, the area is said to be “open”. This means that some subtle energy flows through the area. One feels more centered in oneself and less influenced by others.

This is very good for relationships because it makes you much steadier and calmer. You also become much more able to handle the energy, talk and behavior of another person.


Now we skip to a set of stages that occur much later during the development program. Usually, they won't occur until one has followed the development program for 50 to 100 years.

At this stage, a man or woman's hormones change and one is less interested in sex. This might seem like it would harm relationships, but this is not true.

One is still interested in the opposite gender. However, one is much less likely to become aggressive or too seductive with others. This is very positive because it helps with trust, honesty and integrity in relationships. One touches only with permission, for example, and that is how it should be.


This stage closely follows the previous one and is related to it. At the safeman stage, a man's hormones decrease and change in nature. The result is he is less aggressive, less demanding and less oriented to sex. This is excellent for man-woman relationships because these should be based upon love, not sex.


This stage closely follows the previous one and is related to it. At the safety stage, mostly the men's sex hormones continue to decrease and change.

At this stage, a man or woman can get a tickle or sensation simply by moving subtle energy downward from the head to the feet. This frees up the other person in the relationship.

At earlier stages, getting tickles from your partner is perhaps quite important. This is demanding and not really loving at all. This need diminishes at this stage and it is excellent.

The result, once again, is that he is less aggressive, less demanding and less needy. Once again, this is excellent for man-woman relationships because these should be based upon love, not sex.


This stage closely follows the previous one and is related to it. At the whole man stage, a man's and possibly a woman's channels open more and one's energy improves in a calm and healthful way. The body is healthier and life is therefore easier.

This stage is very helpful for man-woman relationships because there is more energy available for the relationship. At earlier stages, usually both people are quite ill, even if they look healthy. At this stage, one partner is stronger and healthier in a good way. The body odor may improve, sleep may improve, or other improvements may take place.


This stage closely follows the previous one and is related to it. At the open man stage, a man's and possibly a woman's channels open more and one's energy improves and is shared better. This is why it is called “open”. The body is also healthier and life is therefore easier.

This stage is excellent for relationships because the man, usually, is much more available. This means he can be present more easily and can better handle whatever comes up in the relationship. It is truly wonderful! He is also often warmer and more friendly, more willing to just hug without needing sex. Women particularly like this stage.


This stage closely follows the previous one and is related to it. At the down man stage, a man's and possibly a woman's channels open more and one's pull-down ability improves.

This is excellent for man-woman relationships for a number of reasons. First, it helps the man to stay centered and grounded and healthy. It also helps the woman to tune up faster. It also helps the relationship in other ways.


This stage closely follows the previous one and is related to it. At the love stage, channels open more and an unusual thing occurs. One may “pull in” or cause the appearance of a person who could be a sexual and marriage partner. This is unusual and can be sudden and unexpected.

The person may or may not be a suitable partner in different ways, and may not be at all interested in a relationship. However, there usually are qualities about the person that the other would enjoy.

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