by Dr. Lawrence Wilson

© January 2019, LD Wilson Consultants, Inc.


            All information in this article is solely the opinion of the author and for educational purposes only.  It is not for the diagnosis, treatment, prescription or cure of any disease or health condition.


Addison’s disease is a severe adrenal shutdown that causes fluid loss, sodium loss, fatigue, exhaustion and can cause death.  Medical doctors always treat it using adrenal hormone replacement therapy, usually cortisone therapy in the form of hydrocortisone, Prednisone or similar drugs.

            For many years, we believed this was the only treatment for this rather devastating condition.   However, in the past few years we have worked with a number of individuals who were given a diagnosis of Addison’s disease. 

In many one of these cases, the condition disappeared with a complete development program.  Cortisone therapy was not needed, and the clients were able to wean off all the drugs.  In fact, drug therapy got in the way, at some point.

This leads me to believe that either:

1. The diagnosis was mistaken OR

2. At least in some cases, Addison’s disease is really just an extreme form of adrenal exhaustion or adrenal burnout syndrome.  We do not know if all cases of Addison’s disease will respond to a development program.  So far, however, those that have come to us have responded very well.

To read more about adrenal problems, read Adrenal Burnout Syndrome and Adrenal Insufficiency.



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