by Dr. Lawrence Wilson
© March 2019, LD Wilson Consultants, Inc.
All information in this article is for
educational purposes only. It is
not for the diagnosis, treatment, prescription or cure of any disease or health
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one out of every five children are diagnosed with a
behavior or learning disorder. It
is often a nightmarish experience for both parents and children. Also, the problem does not necessarily
end when the children grow up.
problems are just renamed delinquency, social anxiety or other labels. Medication,
psychotherapy, special education, and more prisons and police may help control
the situation. But none of these
methods address causes.
our experience, ADD and ADHD are not a single disorder, but rather are symptoms
with many possible causes. The
causes can be divided into those from outside a person, and those from
within. Outside influences include
factors such as the family, home and school environments.
causes include structural, biochemical, congenital, or other bodily
imbalances. Basic
factors such as nutrition are usually overlooked by both medical and
psychological professionals.
magnesium and zinc are deficient on the tissue mineral
analyses of many ADHD children.
Supplementation with these minerals alone may occasionally end
hyperkinetic behavior. I have
heard this comment from so many parents that I am no longer surprised. Recently, a mother called to say her daughter
had transformed within a month from a nasty, mean 4-year-old into a sweet
child. She said it was like
getting to know a different child.
Calcium and
magnesium help relax the muscles and have a calming effect on the nervous
system. Magnesium deficiency
is associated with belligerence and irritability. Many ADHD children are tired, because they have trouble
going to sleep or staying asleep.
This only adds to their difficulties. Calcium and magnesium also function as psychological buffer elements. This means they protect one from the
effects of stress. When they are
deficient, one is more reactive, and often has a harder time being around
others and maintaining a focus of attention.
high salt content of many fast foods such as chips and French fries may reduce
magnesium levels, worsening magnesium deficiency.
Zinc functions
as a mood stabilizer. Some
researchers actually consider it a calming neurotransmitter in its own
right. In the absence of adequate
zinc, copper and cadmium accumulate in the brain and other organs. Unfortunately, many diets are low in
zinc, and many children today are born low in zinc due to their mother's
diets. According to Dr. Eck and
Carl Pfeiffer, MD, PhD, author of Mental and Elemental Nutrients, the entire
American population is borderline zinc deficient. Other trace elements such as manganese and chromium also
play a critical role in behavior because they influence glucose tolerance.
Lithium is known to reduce manic episodes in
manic-depressive or bi-polar disorder.
Some physicians have noted that serum or hair lithium levels are low in
most children with ADD and ADHD.
Supplementing lithium in the form of lithium orotate
has proven helpful for some children.
Iron deficiency
has been implicated in ADD, according to a French study (Pedrr
Neurol 08;38:20-26). According to the study, a group of 5 to
8 year old children were given either 80 mg of iron or a placebo for 12 weeks
or about 3 months. Those given the
iron had significantly better ADD scores, while those on the placebo had no
change. The improvement was
comparable to children given Ritalin or other ADHD drugs. Other studies have shown that some ADHD
children have low serum levels of iron.
we find that most children have too much iron but it is biounavailable. The answer is not to give more iron, but
rather to balance body chemistry.
Then low serum iron improves and ADD disappear.
nutrition is no less important.
Early in this century, deficiencies of the B vitamins were found to be
associated with mental confusion, fatigue and even psychosis. In 1950, Abram Hoffer,
MD, a Canadian psychiatrist, discovered that some people need much larger doses
of certain vitamins due to subtle defects in body chemistry. This approach is called orthomolecular
medicine. It means giving the amounts
of a nutrient that each person needs, rather than simply giving the RDA of a
with choline and inositol has been found helpful for some younger
hyperactive and ADHD children.
Amino acids such as L-taurine and L-tryptophan
often also have a calming effect on some children. Phosphatidyl serine has also been
found helpful for some children.
effects of toxic metals on children's behavior
have been known for years. In May
l987, The Lancet reported that in a study of 800 English school children, the
more lead in
the children's blood, the slower their learning rate. Researchers also found that there was no safe level of lead. Excess lead is associated with mental
retardation and hyperactivity.
Mercury toxicity is known to affect personality and behavior. The "mad hatters" in Alice in
Wonderland were a real phenomenon 100 years ago, when mercury was used in the
hat industry. Vaccinations are
still preserved with thimerosal, a mercury-containing
compound. This is an abomination
of the worst kind.
study reported in the Journal of Orthomolecular Medicine found no safe level of mercury. Yet millions of silver-mercury fillings
are still placed in Americans' mouths each year, many in children. Mercury amalgam fillings are treated as
toxic waste when they are removed by dentists. With modern dental materials, there is
no excuse for placing a potent neurotoxin in anyone's mouth!
Cadmium. In a study of naval recruits, those
with high cadmium
had the most behavior problems.
When tissue mineral analysis is performed on criminals, many have
elevated levels of cadmium and lead.
This is reported in the book Diet, Crime and Delinquency by Alexander Schauss,
PhD. Sources of cadmium exposure
in children include tap water, refined foods and cigarette smoke. Many children are born with cadmium
toxicity passed on from their mothers.
Aluminum toxicity may also impair some cognitive abilities in children, in the
author's experience. Children are
born with it or acquire it from drinking out of aluminum soda cans, or aluminum
cookware, or aluminum added to tap water, table salt and other products.
Copper. Analytical Research Laboratories in
Phoenix, Arizona has performed mineral analyses on over 130,000 children. In addition to the toxic metals above, copper
imbalance is commonly found in the hair analyses of ADHD children. The copper is often passed through the
placenta to the children at birth.
Copper interferes with zinc metabolism, affects thyroid activity, and
enhances the biogenic amines.
These are neurotransmitters that stimulate brain activity. Copper is also an important substance
to control yeast overgrowth within the body.
Carl Pfeiffer, MD, PhD and Dr. Paul Eck have documented the effects of excess
copper. They include
hyperactivity, mood swings, anxiety, panic attacks, depression
and anti-social behavior. Copper
stimulates the old brain or diencephalon.
This is sometimes called the animal brain, as compared to the cortex or
new brain. The old brain is responsible
for our 'animal' responses, while the new brain modifies these responses. The latter is responsible for complex
thought and the higher emotions.
Those with copper imbalance may revert back toward primitive animal
responses to their environment.
reviewing 400 studies, The U.S. EPA concluded that hair tissue mineral analysis
is a reliable way to detect toxic metal excess. However, one must remember the test only measures metals in
the hair, not the total body load.
It may take several months of corrective therapy before the metals begin
to be revealed as they are eliminated through the hair.
Hypoglycemia in children is quite common. Diets high in sugar and carbohydrates,
often combined with caffeinated beverages, can cause a child to experience a
blood-sugar roller coaster every single day.
hypoglycemia means low blood sugar, the symptoms arise from low sugar in the cells. For this reason hypoglycemia is
not always identifiable on a glucose tolerance test unless insulin levels are
measured along with glucose levels.
sugar may have other negative effects, such as altering calcium and phosphorus
levels, and fueling the overgrowth of yeast in the intestines of some
children. Sugar enters the blood
stream very rapidly. This speeds
up the metabolic rate, which is already excessive in many children with ADHD. Sugar is also a refined food that can
contribute to the depletion of the minerals and B-complex vitamins needed to
process it.
parents feed their children sugar-laden foods out of ignorance or
laziness. Others, however, think
they are doing the right thing by feeding their children natural, unsweetened
apple juice and lots of fruit.
They feel that natural sugar is better than sucrose or fructose in
processed food. The only advantage
of the natural food sugars is that they come with some minerals and
vitamins. However, the sugar is
the same. It will cause problems
for any child who is sensitive to it.
Parents are often amazed at the improvement in behavior when all sugars
(simple carbohydrates) are removed from the diet.
Chronic yeast overgrowth can cause many symptoms in
susceptible children, including behavioral changes. A combination of factors lead to
the overgrowth of the common yeast, candida albicans, in many children. Among them are diets high in sugar and carbohydrates,
repeated use of antibiotics that kill the normal intestinal flora and may
impair the immune system, steroid hormone therapy and copper imbalance. Even in those children who have not had
repeated doses of antibiotics, residues of the same drugs may be ingested today
in commercial meats and dairy products.
Residues of steroid hormones fed to farm animals may also enhance the
yeast problem. A recent report
suggests these medications may even find their way into our drinking water
(Science News, March 21, 1998).
and acetaldehyde produced by yeast organisms are toxic to the brain. They can lead to "brain fog"
and hyperactive behavior. It is
also possible to have allergic reactions to the yeast organisms or to its
metabolic products.
combination of yeast overgrowth and hypoglycemia may cause a physical addiction
to sugar or sugary foods. This can
affect childhood behavior, and lead to more serious conditions such as
alcoholism in the teenage years and adulthood. An excellent book on this topic is The Hidden Addiction, by J.K. Phelps, MD
and A. Nourse, MD.
to foods, chemicals, dusts, molds or other substances can cause changes in
brain chemistry and behavior. They
may cause histamine release in the brain, or affect it in other subtle ways.
Feingold, MD, a San Francisco allergist, wrote Is Your Child
Hyperactive? some thirty years ago. He found that by eliminating sugar,
additives and preservatives from hyperactive children's diets, half the
children reverted to normal behavior.
pioneered the idea that some children have allergic reactions to common food
colorings and additives that affect their behavior. His research has been greatly expanded upon and reported in Is This Your
Child's World?, by Doris Rapp, MD. Today, children are exposed to a wide variety of toxic
chemicals in their food, water, home and school environments. Matters have been made much worse by
the use of carpeting in schools, buildings with no openable
windows and the increase in toxic building materials and cleaning
products. In spite of much
clinical research, some medical groups still deny the very existence of these
allergies or sensitivities.
have very sensitive nervous systems.
Yet many children daily consume huge doses of stimulating caffeinated
soft drinks. The author once gave
a talk at a school. A 12-year old
announced he was taking Ritalin as he sipped a bottle of Dr. Pepper, one the
most caffeine-rich drinks available.
The soft drinks may also contain up to 10 teaspoons of sugar, as well as
phosphoric acid, a compound that interferes with the absorption of calcium,
magnesium and zinc. These are
often exactly the minerals these children need the most.
heavy content of salt and MSG in many fast foods and
spicy food may also act as stimulants that affect the delicate nervous system
of some children. Aspartame, also
called Equal or Nutrasweet, is another toxin that affects
behavior in some who eat or drink items with this additive.
mineral analysis indicates that many children are born today with excessive
levels of toxic metals, and deficiencies of vital nutrients such as zinc and
manganese. Toxicology books
confirm that lead, cadmium, copper, and other toxic metals pass through the
placenta from mother to child.
Children are described as "sinks" for these metals.
studies reveal that the results of poor diets or ingested toxins often don't
show up immediately. It may take
several generations before problems start appearing. The situation in America today is that several generations
have lived on devitalized food and been exposed to many chemicals and low-dose
radiation. The effects are showing
up in this generation of children.
children suffer from the use of antibiotics, sometimes beginning the day they
are born. These damage the normal
intestinal flora and weaken other body systems as well. The negative effects may persist long
after the antibiotic therapy. A
combination of antibiotic usage, copper imbalance, antibiotic residues in meat,
and a high-sugar diet forms the perfect environment for candida
albicans overgrowth.
overuse also contributes to resistant microorganisms and chronic
infections. Chronic infections can
contribute to fatigue, irritability and poor concentration. These cause children to miss school,
affecting school performance.
Parents often remark their child no longer gets sick so often when they
are following a corrective nutrition program. An excellent book on this subject is Beyond Antibiotics by M. Schmidt, DC, L.
Smith, MD and K. Sehnert, MD.
is research that vaccination and other medications may also affect children's
behavior. For example, there has a
dramatic rise in autism, a condition somewhat related to ADHD. Is there a connection with the fact
that the average child in America now receives some 28 vaccines, when 50 years
ago they received perhaps 8? Many
researchers believe there is a connection, and more evidence is surfacing to
support it. See the article on vaccination and the Vaccination
Horror Story for more information about this important topic.
young children with ADHD are fast oxidizers. On a hair tissue mineral analysis, this is reflected in low
levels of calcium and magnesium and elevated levels of sodium and potassium. This mineral pattern is associated with
excessive activity of the thyroid and adrenal glands. While the pattern is common in children, it is often
pronounced in ADHD children. A
fast metabolic rate contributes to a short attention span, hyperirritability,
and often aggressiveness and belligerence.
oxidizers are also allergy-prone.
Low calcium and magnesium may enhance cell permeability, which permits
foreign proteins to pass into the blood causing allergic reactions. Fast oxidizers are also prone to
hypoglycemia, as they burn their food more rapidly than normal.
children are made worse by sugar and all sweets, which further speed up their
metabolism. This includes fruit
and fruit juices. They benefit from
good-quality fats and oils, which have a slowing effect on their metabolism.
parents are afraid to give their children fats for fear of obesity or raising
cholesterol. In fact, children
need good-quality fat, an essential nutrient for the development of their
nervous system. Natural,
hormone-free meats, omega-3 fatty acids are essential, eggs from range-free
chickens prepared with a runny yolk, certified raw dairy products, butter,
olive oil, nut butters, and perhaps a little avocado and flaxseed oil and other
high-quality fats and oils are very beneficial for these children. They do not cause increased cholesterol
or obesity in most children provided the diet is healthful and appropriate.
further increases the oxidation rate.
Stress can take the form of too much television, too much activity, or
even too many children in a classroom.
Fast oxidizers easily become 'wound up' and need peace and quiet to
function best. Chronic
overstimulation in these children leads to its opposite, a 'burnout' condition
which is becoming more common in children. Correcting fast oxidation is another key to ADHD that is
routinely overlooked, but fairly simple and inexpensive to correct.
1979 and 1983, the New York City School System removed the sugar, additives and
preservatives from its school lunch program. This change alone produced a 15% increase in performance on
standardized tests. School
performance in the New York City School System moved from below national
average to above national average.
This study was well-controlled, and involved
800,000 children. Other reasons
for the outcome were carefully ruled out. (see Schoenthaler, S. International Journal of Biosocial Research
8/2:185-195, 1986).
must start now!
Mothers, and potential mothers, begin NOW to eat well, quit smoking and,
if you feel the need, have your body chemistry checked. Do this before becoming pregnant, because it
takes time to bring body chemistry into balance. The father's role in prevention is not as clear, although
genetic problems are of course passed on from both parents.
you have a child with a learning or behavior disorder, simple measures can
make a big difference:
Feed your child a variety of fresh,
organically grown, minimally processed foods. Take the time to prepare and eat regular, sit-down meals.
Keep your child away from all sugars in
all foods, including many breakfast cereals and snack foods. Even unsweetened fruit juices and fruit
cause problems in sensitive children and should be avoided or minimized.
Avoid giving children soda pop and other 'junk foods', even if they
contain no sugar and no caffeine.
These foods contain little nutritive value and can contribute to deficiencies. You are not depriving your child. Explain to the child why. Many children will understand that they
feel better off the junk food.
Don't overfeed on starches.
They can worsen blood sugar imbalances and yeast problems in some
children. Good quality fats and
oils can be very beneficial. Many
children need the fats and oils in their diet.
Many children are sensitive to food additives. Try eliminating additives, preservatives, artificial colors
and flavors, and Nutrasweet. You may notice an improvement in
Most children are sensitive to particular foods. Keep all children away from wheat and
beef, for starters. These are not
very healthful foods today. Keep a
journal for two weeks what your child eats, and his behavior afterwards. Pasteurized and homogenized dairy
products are also often a problem.
Food allergy testing may also be helpful.
A trial with an anti-candida medication and
diet can sometimes work wonders.
A development program includes all the above, plus will go much deeper
to remove two dozen toxic metals and hundreds of toxic
chemicals. It will also replenish
dozens of trace minerals that all children require.
ADHD children (and adults) are highly sensitive to toxic chemicals in their
environment, dust and molds in carpets and heating ducts, flickering
fluorescent lights, and lack of fresh air in closed school buildings or homes. These and other environmental
considerations may play an important role in some cases of ADHD.
children need a structured and friendly environment. Daily activities should be structured. This does not mean to be rigid, but
simply to encourage and set up routines and schedules that the child can follow
and live and play within. This
will be found to be most helpful.
Some schools encourage structure and routine, while others do not.
children often do best in small classes, with plenty of personal
attention. Many are very bright
and perceptive, and may become bored in school environments that are
inappropriate for them. ADHD
children also need plenty of rest and sleep. Naps and quiet times are excellent.
getting these children wound up, especially in the evening. Minimize violent films, video and
computer games, as much as possible.
Encourage quiet activities, play quiet music in the home, and a relaxed
home environment. Do not push
these children to perform, as that will generally make them more anxious.
may benefit a child whose spine is out of alignment. This is easy to check, and the younger the better before
patterns become deeply set. Craniosacral work is another excellent healing modality.
are many other holistic modalities that may be helpful, from aromatherapy to
light, color and sound therapies.
hydrochloride (Ritalin) is a central nervous stimulant given to many ADHD
children. The Physicians Desk Reference states there
are no long-term studies of its safety and effectiveness. The drug carries a special warning of
drug dependency and psychotic episodes.
In addition, "careful supervision is required during drug
withdrawal, since severe depression as well as the effects of chronic overactivity can be unmasked."
a review of the drug at the University of Cincinnati Medical School, 111 side
effects were reported, including suicide on withdrawal. The drug suppresses growth, makes some
children more prone to seizures, causes visual
disturbances, nervousness, insomnia, anorexia nervosa and toxic psychosis. One study showed that children treated
with such stimulants had more arrests and were more likely to be
Textbook of Psychiatry notes that as many as 75% of children show some
improvement on Ritalin. However,
40% reported the same improvement when given a placebo. This suggests that half the response to
Ritalin could be a placebo effect.
his practice, the author never takes a child off medication without the
prescribing physicians' or parents' agreement. Nutritional methods may work quickly, but at times several
months may be required to replenish nutrients, and rebalance body chemistry.
article would not be complete without noting the connection between children's
behavior problems and those of young adults. It is no accident that both problems have escalated
together. Hair tissue mineral
analyses on delinquents and adult offenders reveal similar nutritional
imbalances as are present in ADHD children.
excellent book on this subject is Diet, Crime and Delinquency by Alexander Schauss,
PhD. The book cites many studies
showing a clear relationship between nutrient deficiencies, toxic metals,
hypoglycemia, food allergies, junk food diets and criminal behavior. As we spend more money for prisons and
police, would it not be wise to examine causes, instead of always dealing with
the author's experience, most children with ADHD have one or more of the
following nutritional imbalances: mineral and vitamin deficiencies, toxic metal
accumulation, stimulants in the diet, junk food or other improper diet, hidden
infections, chronic candida albicans
infection, food or environmental allergies, or a rapid rate of metabolism. Often nutritional imbalances were
passed on at birth - congenital but not genetic. Some children also have structural imbalances correctable
through chiropractic or osteopathic methods.
labels and drugs such as Ritalin are of some benefit to ADHD children. However, simple changes in the diet and
the correction of candida overgrowth, allergies and
nutrient imbalances can add a new dimension to the treatment of attention
deficit/hyperactivity disorder.
Brief references
1. Cleave,
T.L., The
Saccharine Disease, Keats Publishing, New Canaan, CT, 1975.
2. Crook,
W.G., The
Yeast Connection Handbook, Professional Books, Inc., Jackson, TN, 1999.
3. Eck,
P and Wilson, L, Toxic
Metals in Human Health and Disease, The Eck Institute of Applied Nutrition
and Bioenergetics, Ltd., Phoenix, AZ, 1989.
4. Feingold,
B., Is Your
Child Hyperactive, Random House, New York, 1975.
5. Hoffer, A, and Walker, M, Orthomolecular Nutrition, Keats
Publishing, New Canaan, CT, 1978.
6. Marlowe,
M, Moon, C., Errera, J, Jacobs, J., Bunson, M, Stellern, J,
Schroeder, C, Low
Mercury Levels and Childhood Intelligence, J. Ortho. Med.,
Vol. 1, #1, pp 43-49.
7. The
Lancet, May 1987 (lead toxicity and intelligence).
8. Pfeiffer,
C, Mental and
Elemental Nutrients, Keats Publishing, New Canaan, CT 1975.
9. Pfeiffer,
C, Zinc and
Other Micronutrients, Keats Publishing, New Canaan, CT 1978.
10. Phelps, J.K., and Nourse, A., The Hidden
Addiction, Little Brown and Company, Boston and Toronto, 1986.
11. Price, W., Nutrition and Physical Degeneration, Price-Pottenger
Nutrition Foundation, San Diego, CA 1945, 1979.
12. Rapp, D., Is This Your Child?,
William Morrow and Company, New York, 1991.
13. Rapp, D., Is This Your Child's World?, Bantam Books, New York, 1996.
14. Schauss, A, Diet, Crime and Delinquency, Parker
House Books, Berkeley, CA, 1982.
15. Schmidt, M, Smith, L, and Sehnert, K, Beyond
Antibiotics, North Atlantic Books, Berkeley, CA, 1993.
16. Toxic Trace Metals in Mammalian Hair and Nails,
EPA-600, 4.79-049, August 1979, US Environmental Protection Agency, Research
and Development.
17. Wilson, L., Nutritional Balancing and Hair Mineral Analysis,
LD Wilson Consultants, Inc., Prescott, AZ, 2010, 2014 and 2016.
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