by Lawrence Wilson

© December 2018, L.D. Wilson Consultants, Inc.


All information in this article is solely the opinion of the author and for educational purposes only.  It is not for the diagnosis, treatment, prescription or cure of any disease or health condition.


            The sodium/magnesium ratio is one of the most important ratios on a hair mineral analysis.  Hair must not be washed at the laboratory at all for accurate mineral readings.

Dr. Eck called this ratio the adrenal ratio.  He used it to help determine the oxidation rate.




            The sodium/magnesium ratio on a hair mineral test is one of several indicators of adrenal gland activity.  Here is why:


The sodium level.  The adrenal hormone aldosterone causes sodium retention by the kidneys.  By this mechanism, aldosterone regulates the level of sodium in the blood.  This also affects the sodium level of the tissues.

Dr. Eck found, however, that while the hair sodium level is an adrenal indicator, that mineral ratios often offer more accurate information about glandular and other activity in the body.

Sodium and magnesium are antagonistic to one another, to a degree.  He found the ratio of these two minerals to be helpful for adrenal gland assessment.  He set the ideal sodium/magnesium ratio at 4.17:1, which we still use.

A ratio greater than 4.17:1 indicates adrenal hyperactivity and is part of the determination for fast oxidation.  A ratio less than 4.17:1 is an indicator for reduced adrenal gland activity and is part of the determination for a slow oxidizer.


Other adrenal activity indicators on a hair mineral test.  These are:

- The sodium level.

- The sodium/potassium ratio.  For details, read The Sodium/Potassium Ratio.

- Four lows pattern.  This is associated with adrenal exhaustion.




            Dr. Eck also used the sodium/magnesium ratio as one of the two ratios involved in determining the oxidation rate.  This is a very important determination in development science.  For details, read Fast, Slow And Mixed Oxidation.

            The term oxidation rate was coined by Dr. George Watson, PhD.  He used odor tests and small variations in the pH of the blood serum to assess the oxidation rate.

Dr. Eck pioneered the use of the hair mineral test to determine Dr. WatsonÕs oxidation rate.  This is the method we use at this time.  Neither Dr. Eck nor we have been able to use blood, urine or other standard medical tests to determine the oxidation rate.

Some practitioners use the hair calcium/phosphorus ratio to determine the oxidation rate.  We do not find this accurate enough.

A few practitioners use blood tests, questionnaires, applied kinesiology or other methods to assess the oxidation rate.  We do not find these accurate enough.

An unusual method of assessing the oxidation rate is to use indicators in a personÕs energy field.  However, most people cannot see the energy field, so this method is not practical today.

The basal metabolic rate.  The oxidation rate is completely different from the basal or resting metabolic rate, as measured by some physicians and by some fitness and weight loss professionals.  The metabolic rate is dependent upon oneÕs height, weight and age and is the number of calories required to carry out all body functions in a resting state.




            Common ones are:

- Getting a controller pattern.  This is a sharp rise in the magnesium level on a retest.  It is due to the elimination of a less preferred form of magnesium when one gets back a controller creature.

- Kidney stress pattern.  This is a rise in the sodium and often the potassium level on a retest hair analysis.  It is due to the elimination of a toxic metal or chemical through the kidneys that affects kidney activity in such a way that there is a temporary rise in the sodium and often the potassium levels.

- An elimination of biounavailable or so-called metastatic magnesium.  This causes a temporary rise in the magnesium level.

- Bathing in water softened with salt.  This will cause a much higher sodium level.


To be continued . . .



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