by Dr. Lawrence Wilson

© January 2014, L.D. Wilson Consultants, Inc.


All information in this article is for educational purposes only.  It is not for the diagnosis, treatment, prescription or cure of any disease or health condition.


Many biochemical and nutritional factors can either cause or contribute to positive thinking or take away from it.  This is not taught in most churches and books, but it is the truth.   Among the most important biochemical factors are:


1. High cellular energy production. This requires a balanced body chemistry, plenty of rest and sleep, and a healthful  lifestyle in most cases.

2. Balanced blood sugar. An even and sufficient level of blood sugar can contribute to a positive outlook instead of living on a blood sugar rollercoaster.

3. Balanced hormones often contribute to positive thinking.

4. Certain foods.

5. Individual mineral levels in the body.  These can have surprisingly powerful effects upon the brain that influence one’s energy and thought processes.  Toxic metals, for example, are definitely associated with more criminality, negativity and violence.

6. Vitamin nutrition. This can also sometimes be critical for clear and positive thinking. 

7. One’s oxidation rate. This influences the energy level and many other aspects of positive thinking.

8. The hill pattern and the sodium/potassium ratio.  This is a specific pattern on a hair analysis that tends to be associated with positive change, celebration and overcoming blockages and hurdles that were holding a person back in some way.

 Let us discuss each of these in more detail.




 Jane experimented with prayer, visualization and affirmations to help her to think positively.  She even joined a positive thinking church. Yet she was still plagued by fears and feelings of depression.

Eventually Jane made the connection that the negative thoughts arose when her energy was low.  At these times, her body was sending her messages that "all is not well", which translated into fears and worries on the emotional level.

People with abundant energy are generally positive thinkers because:


·           Self-esteem is aided greatly by high energy levels.

·           Energy enables us to take necessary risks to move ahead in our lives.

·           At a business course I learned that “people buy energy”.  High energy has an attractive quality that others sense and admire.

·           Energy makes decision-making and daily coping much easier.

·           Energy is often necessary to stand up to people and defend yourself and your beliefs. 

·           Personal relationships require plenty of energy.

·           Children with abundant energy get sick less and do better in school.


Although adequate rest and exercise are parts of the story, the nutritional balance of the body is critical for high energy. The best analogy is that of an engine, which must be tuned up to produce full power.




Our bodies can be viewed as energy converters.  We take in food, which is a storage form of solar energy.  We digest the food and finally convert it to ATP or adenosine triphosphate.  This is the form in which energy is used in the body.  We then use the converted solar energy for all our activities.

Any blockage or reduction in the efficiency of energy conversion will cause fatigue.  It can often also result in negative thoughts.

Tuning up the system involves ridding the body of toxic metals, which are like replacement parts in a car.  These must then be replaced with the correct parts – the physiological or vital minerals and other nutrients in the energy cycles within the body cells.




An important aspect of the energy system involves glucose tolerance. Fuel, in the form of glucose, must reach the cells and be burned in a controlled, even manner in order for a person to have high energy levels.  Otherwise energy levels fluctuate, and often one experiences mood swings and even panic attacks or anxiety when energy levels drop suddenly.

Several minerals, including manganese, zinc and chromium are heavily involved in normalizing glucose tolerance so that high energy levels can be maintained.

Eating sweets is one of the best ways to upset the glucose tolerance system in the body. It is like fueling a fire with paper, which bums very quickly and doesn't provide lasting energy.  Cravings for sweets are a sign that the glucose system isn't functioning correctly.




There are many examples of this.  For instance, the adrenal glands secrete cortisol, which has a mood-enhancing effect.  This is one reason why people with adrenal exhaustion often are depressed and negative.

Female hormones also influence one’s thinking.   A woman recently told me that she becomes so depressed and irritable before her period that several times she tried to commit suicide.  Yet when she has her period, it is like a cloud has lifted and she is fine.

Weak adrenals and copper toxicity are involved in causing these severe symptoms.  Her daughter is similarly afflicted.  This is not surprising because copper problems and other nutritional imbalances are passed on from mother to daughter while the fetus is in the uterus. 




Eating adequate protein nourishes the adrenal and thyroid glands, which, in turn, cause a mood-enhancing effect in most people.  In others, eating carbohydrates stimulates the production of serotonin, which can have a calming effort on mood.  This is one reason many people are addicted to sugars and complex carbohydrates or starches.  Unfortunately, eating too many carbohydrates and sugars eventually depletes many nutrients and unbalances body chemistry.

Dairy products, with their relatively high content of calcium, tryptophan and fat, have a calming effect that can cause depression if eaten in excess.

One client told me he becomes almost non-functional when he eats certain foods and chemical additives. Foods or other chemicals to which one is sensitive can cause the release of histamine in the brain, which can have mood-altering effects.




Research in mineral analysis has provided surprising information about the relationship between individual minerals and our state of mind:


·           Iron poisoning can cause feelings of anger and hostility.  Iron settles in the amygdala, an area of the brain associated with hostility. On the other hand, low tissue levels of iron are a cause of fears and weakness.

·           Copper toxicity is associated with fears, anxiety, spaciness, violent behavior and mood swings.  Very high levels of copper cause one type of schizophrenia.

·           Zinc deficiency is associated with mood swings, emotional instability and behavior problems in children.

·           High calcium and magnesium in the soft tissues cause apathy, withdrawal, lethargy and depression. Low levels of tissue calcium and magnesium are associated with irritability, aggressiveness and hyperactive behavior in children.

·           Lead and cadmium toxicity are associated with hyperactivity in children and violence in adults.

·           Mercury toxicity causes timidness and shyness.

·           Aluminum toxicity is associated with memory loss and mental confusion. (Beware of aluminum cans, cookware, antiperspirants and antacids that are high in aluminum).

·           Sodium is called the volatility element. Too much in the tissues is associated with anxiety and excessive emotions, while too little is associated with fatigue and lethargy.


Imbalances in these critical elements are very common, even in those who eat a quality diet. 




Adam is 11 years old, and was diagnosed as paranoid schizophrenic.  Two years ago he pulled a knife on his mother.  The doctor said he would have to be committed to an institution for life.  But when Adam takes a combination of nutrients including choline, inositol, and about 2 grams of niacinamide, he becomes sweet and gentle, and acts like any normal 11 year-old child.

If he misses his vitamins for a few days, he changes back and becomes schizophrenic.  Like many people, Adam requires about 100 times the recommended daily allowance of certain vitamins for him to remain healthy.

This is why the government-approved daily allowances or recommendations mean very little.  They do not account for individual differences, or what is called biochemical individuality.

Other B vitamins are also important for the nervous system. Common deficiency symptoms of Bl, B3, B6 and B12 are fatigue, depression, mental confusion, and nervous irritability.

If Adam were to go on a nutritional balancing program, most likely he would not need to stary on the megadoses of vitamins.  However, his nutrient program is mainly symptomatic, so it is not balancing his overall chemistry and removing many toxic metals, most likely.  Hence, he must stay on the nutrients forever.




Mild fast oxidation is associated with a forward-looking, upbeat and positive personality, in general.  Mild slow oxidation can also be a state of positiveness, although usually one’s energy level is usually much lower.

In contrast, very fast or very slow oxidation are associated with a more unbalanced and less positive personality.  Very fast oxidizers tend to be irritable, upset much of the time, nervous and even paranoid at times.  Very slow oxidizers tend more toward depression, apathy, and even despair.

A properly performed hair mineral test can identify these imbalances quite easily in many cases.  It can also guide their correction with diet, lifestyle and supplementary nutrients, along with a detoxification program.




                  The Hill Pattern on a hair mineral analysis is associated with a person who is open-minded, forward-looking and making positive changes for the future.   It is usually found on retests and identified by a calcium/magnesium ratio less than about 4:1 and a sodium/potassium ratio greater than about 6:1.  On a calibrated hair mineral graph, the first four numbers appears visually to resemble a hill or mountain.  For more information about this and many other psychologically-related patterns, read Personality And Hair Analysis.


                  The sodium/potassium ratio.  A ratio greater than about 2.5 is another indicator of a positive outlook and better energy as well.  When the ratio is less than 2 or so, the energy level declines and one’s outlook also is usually less positive.




Many factors play an important role in positive thinking. Certainly attitudes, lifestyle, adequate rest and activity cannot be ignored. But often the biochemical causes of positive thinking are overlooked.

Nutritional balancing science is extremely helpful to identify biochemical imbalances that are causing negative thinking, and correcting them using inexpensive natural methods.  This has helped thousands of people to regain a positive attitude about life and to enjoy their lives to the fullest.



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