by Dr. Lawrence Wilson

© March 2017, L.D. Wilson Consultants, Inc.


All information in this article is for educational purposes only.  It is not for the diagnosis, treatment, prescription or cure of any disease or health condition.


            Osteoporosis (porous bones) is the condition in which the large bones of the body begin to lose calcium.  The bones lose their strength and may break just from normal walking and other activities.  It is a serious condition, and can be very painful.  Fortunately, it can almost always be prevented and reversed by following a complete nutritional balancing program.

A lethal condition.  Osteoporosis is a very common cause of death today, although indirectly.  This is especially true for women, who are generally more prone to this horrible condition. 




One of the worst problems related to osteoporosis is a fracture of a hip.  This causes disability, immobility and is difficult to recover from in the elderly.  It can even cause death if a blood clot forms that goes to the lungs, the heart or the brain.

Reasons and risk factors for falling among older people.  These include:

Nutritional deficiencies

Weak muscles

Poor balance

Sudden drops in blood pressure when standing up, for example.  This can cause dizziness and fainting.

Too much blood pressure medication, which can lower blood pressure too much and cause fainting.

Impaired vision.

Slower reflexes.


Complications.  Complications also occur with surgery to repair the hip.  Still other complications occur because, even with surgery, the person must be bedridden for weeks, often, to heal properly.  In an older person, this can be a death sentence.  They lose strength and have trouble caring for themselves.  They can easily form blood clots from inactivity and this is often the actual cause of death.

Osteoporosis is thus a disease to avoid, if at all possible.  And this is often possible.  This article will explore its causes and correction in more detail.




            Mineral Deficiencies. A common cause of osteoporosis is nutritional depletion of the body.  This is not discussed adequately in the medical world because nutrition is not taught in depth in most medical schools.  However, trace elements such as copper, manganese and zinc, as well as calcium and magnesium, are critical for bone health and wound healing.


Calcium problems.  Calcium is mentioned frequently in regard to osteoporosis, and is highly recommended.  However, many of the sources are highly questionable in terms of how well they are absorbed and used by the body.  This is especially true of foods such as pasteurized, homogenized milk products, including cheese and yogurt.

These are often suggested as excellent sources of calcium, when this is not the case.  The processing of the milk renders the calcium much less usable in most people.  Also, homogenizing the milk actually makes it toxic.  For more about milk, read the article entitled Dairy Products. 

            Foods such as sardines with bones, bone broth, carrots, turnips, parsnips and other roots are good sources of calcium.  Raw, fresh carrot juice is a wonderful source of calcium.  Some dark green vegetables such as spinach and chard are also good sources, but not as good as carrots, roots and RAW dairy products.  Greens must be cooked, however, as their fibers are tough and cooking makes them easier to digest. 

So one should not limit oneself to dairy products and believe that one is getting high quality calcium in the diet.  This is simply not true in many instances.  Raw dairy is much better, but is harder to locate unless one buys it via the mail, which is possible in some areas.

            Calcium supplements.  Many of these are of poor quality.  We hear from many patients that they try different calcium supplements with poor results.  When they use the ones we recommend, however, they feel it immediately.  There can be several reasons for this:


1. The products do not contain what the label states.  This is unfortunately true, especially with cheaper brands of supplements and pharmaceutical products as well.  Even prescription calcium may be problematic.  It is just not well controlled at the factory.


2. The form of calcium is not too absorbable. For instance, Tums and other calcium carbonate products are suggested as good sources of calcium.  This may be untrue.  They are too alkaline and are difficult to absorb for this reason for many people.

Calcium chelate, calcium citrate or calcium ascorbate are better because they are well-absorbed by more people.  Another good product is called MCHC or microcrystalline hydroxy apatite crystals.  It is a bone extract.


3. The need for calcium varies a lot.  Some people need twice or three times as much as others.  We use hair analysis to assess this.  When properly interpreted, we have a good idea how much is needed by each person at any particular time.  As a general rule, most people need about 750 mg of calcium daily and about 450 mg of magnesium with it.  Those with a four lows pattern on the hair test, however, need more than 2000 mg of calcium daily and more than 1350 mg of magnesium daily.


4. Other calcium factors, such as magnesium and vitamin D, are also critical in many cases.  Vitamin D deficiency is now considered to be very widespread. 

I believe the only reliable way to obtain enough vitamin D today is to take a supplement of vitamin D3 of 4000-5000 iu daily.  Vitamin D2 will work, but not quite as well.

Magnesium.  In addition to the usual poor quality sold in the supermarkets and even health food outlets, milk is deficient in one of the most important elements needed for the bones – magnesium.  This amazing element is heavily involved in calcium metabolism and bone health.  It is so commonly deficient in modern diets that few people get enough each day to replenish and maintain adequate levels in the body tissues.  Most people must supplement it and take about 450 mg of chelated or another quality magnesium daily.  Those with a four lows pattern must take about 1350 mg of magnesium daily in many cases.


Other Elements. Bones also require a number of other trace elements such as manganese, copper, boron, selenium, zinc and vanadium.  These must be supplied in the diet in sufficient quantity to replenish and maintain the ideal levels so that calcium and phosphorus and other major minerals will deposit and remain in the bones as they should.

Other nutrients may be involved in bone health in ways we do not fully understand.  However, the only way to make sure one obtains all these elements in enough quantity is to eat a diet with plenty of COOKED vegetables.  The trace elements are needed to transport calcium to the bones and help it remain in the bones once it has arrived there.   Copper, for example, assists calcium to remain in the bones once it is deposited there and copper imbalance is rampant today.  Click here for an article on Copper Toxicity Syndrome.


Nourishing the protein matrix of the bones.  Taking enough minerals is not enough to produce healthy bones.  Bones also have a proteinaceous structure or matrix into which the calcium and phosphorus are deposited.  This protein structure requires many nutrients for its health, as well.  People who live on refined food diets do not get nearly enough of the bone nutrients.  We are surprised their bones last as long as they do without more problems.


Raw food diets.  I find that today one cannot be properly nourished with just raw foods, as raw vegetables are difficult for most people to digest.  Also, vitamin pills usually do not contain all the trace minerals.  One must eat plenty of cooked vegetables and cooked meats and whole grains, but not wheat.

Also, beware of products that claim to contain all the minerals.  These often contain toxic metals as well, a topic we will discuss below. In short, there is no substitute for an excellent diet if one wishes to heal old wounds and fractures and to avoid osteoporosis. 


Toxic Metals.  Toxic metals such as lead and cadmium, in particular, but also others may accumulate in the bones.  Aluminum can contribute to osteoporosis, and is commonly a factor.

Toxic metals replace vital minerals in the bones, causing them to be more brittle in the case of cadmium, or weaker in the case of lead and fluoride.  These metals are actually incorporated into the structure of the bones, so they will not be revealed on any simple tests.  Such tests include urine challenge tests with EDTA or blood, hair, stool or other tests. 

However, they are there in most people today.  If one eats poorly, smokes, or just does not care too much about nutrition and diet, more toxic metals are likely present.  Also, we are all born today with some toxic metals from our mothers, most all of whom are toxic to some degree.  These metals pass easily through the placenta to the developing child.

For this reason, I assume that everyone has some of these so I do not need to bother with the sometimes costly tests used for this purpose.  I use the hair analysis strictly to figure out how to correct the problem, not for an assessment of toxic metals.


Inflammation and an elevated hair sodium/potassium ratio.  Inflammation seems able to contribute to osteoporosis.  I am not sure of the mechanism.  Inflammation is commonly revealed on a hair mineral test as a sodium/potassium ratio greater than about 4.




The use of many types of medical drugs contributes or causes osteoporosis.  Here are some of the major ones:


Cortisone is the best-known pharmaceutical agent that causes osteoporosis.  It is also one of the worst offenders.

Anti-acids, heartburn drugs and proton pump inhibitors interfere with digestion of minerals and can contribute. These include Nexium, Prevacid, Losex and many others.

Many pain killers such as Aspirin, Tylenol, ibuprophen and other also upset digestion and interfere with nutrient absorption.

Antibiotics. These interfere with the intestinal flora.

Anti-arrhythmia drugs that slow down the heart and its rhythm.  These affect digestion as well, as do most other drugs if they irritate the intestines,

Birth control pills and patches affect hormone production and are known to deplete zinc and perhaps magnesium and other micronutrients.

SSRI anti-depressants include Celexa, Lexpro, Prozac, and Zoloft.

Osteoporosis drugs.  Yes, the bisphosphonates such as Boniva, prescribed for osteoporosis, can cause loss of bone in the jaw and have other side effects.

Diuretics. Lasix and others can cause loss of minerals, contributing to osteoporosis.

Blood pressure drugs.  These can cause falls if the blood pressure gets too low.  Do not take them for mild hypertension.

Too much thyroid hormone.  This is common, particularly in women.

Diabetes drugs such as Avandia and Actos can cause fractures.

Cancer chemotherapy drugs may contribute to osteoporosis.


This is a major reason to adopt a natural lifestyle and follow a nutritional balancing program, which will allow most people to stop taking most medical drugs.




Hair mineral analysis can be very useful to help identify the  cause of osteoporosis.  In fact, using a properly performed and correctly interpreted hair mineral test, one can identify at least 6 causes for osteoporosis.  Here are a few of them:


Fast Oxidation and osteoporosis.  Fast oxidation is a state of excessive adrenal glandular and often excessive thyroid gland activity.  It is not common in most adults, but is seen more in children today.  This state of body chemistry is indicated on a properly performed hair mineral analysis by low levels of calcium and magnesium, in relation to the levels of sodium and potassium. 

These individuals lose calcium and magnesium in larger than ideal amounts as part of the fight-or-flight response.  Their calcium may also be deficient due to overactive thyroid glandular activity, which tends to lower calcium in the body.

Slow Oxidation and osteoporosis.  This is an opposite condition of reduced adrenal and thyroid glandular activity, at times with higher parathyroid activity.  In slow oxidizers, a low tissue sodium level causes calcium to precipitate out of the blood and deposit in the soft tissues.

As calcium leaves the blood, however, the body draws more calcium out of storage from the bones to replace that which was lost from the blood.  This process goes on slowly and unnoticed for years.  Eventually the bones become demineralized and osteopenia and osteoporosis are the result.  This pattern is common in adults.  It is a most important cause of osteoporosis that I encounter.


Four Low Electrolytes and osteoporosis.  This pattern is defined on a hair analysis in which the hair is not washed at the lab by a calcium level less than about 40 mg%, a magnesium level less than about 6 mg%, a sodium level less than about 25 mg% and a potassium level less than about 10 mg%.  For more information about this pattern, click here.  This pattern is also commonly seen with osteoporosis.  It is a glandular burnout pattern, a toxic metal accumulation pattern, and a calcium depletion pattern. 


Lead poisoning and osteoporosis.  Lead easily replaces calcium in the bones and weakens them.  Elevated lead may show up on early hair tests.

However, in many instances, high hair lead does not show up at first.  It takes a few months to several years for the lead to be mobilized from storage sites in the bones.  Then, as the lead is removed through the hair and skin, a hair mineral test will usually show a high lead level.


Aluminum toxicity and osteoporosis.  Aluminum in excess may also contribute to osteoporosis.  Unfortunately, excess aluminum is a problem for most people today.  Sources range from anti-perspirants and anti-acids to the use of aluminum cookware and aluminum added to table salt and found naturally in some sea salt.


Deficiencies or biounavailable copper, manganese, zinc and vanadium.  These mineral imbalances may be obvious on a hair mineral test, or may be subtle.  For example, a person may have what is called a poor eliminator pattern, which is a tipoff that a mineral imbalance is present.  Blood and urine tests for minerals are usually not reliable.


Osteoporosis as a soul disease.  In some people, osteoporosis is the result of an attitude of weakness and giving up.  This may sound odd, but I have encountered it.


Hair analysis is thus helpful to assess some causes, but not all, for a case of osteoporosis.  Many physicians use hair analysis only to look for calcium in regard to osteoporosis, and this is definitely a mistake.  One can also glean a large amount of information by determining the oxidation rate and by assessing the energy level, digestive strength, tendency for inflammation, trace element nutrition and much more that the test reveals.  For much more information about hair mineral analysis, view the articles on this website on this topic.

The proper way to use the hair mineral analysis is to use it guide correction of the entire stress response and body chemistry.  This is a lengthy program and yet it is worthwhile to prevent or heal most cases of osteoporosis and improper wound healing.




            Drugs.  I do not recommend wasting time on symptomatic remedies or drugs for osteoporosis.  The drugs called bisphosphonates (Fosamax, Boniva, Actonel, Aredia, Skelid, Didronel, Zometa and others) are not that helpful and have serious side effects such as:

1. Increased risk of GERD and Barrett’s esophagus.

2. Spontaneous hip fractures.

3. Indigestion.

4. Long-term weakening of the skeleton.

5. Irreversible necrosis or breakdown of the mandible or jaw bone.


The only way to get rid of deep-seated lead toxicity, for example, that often contributes to stubborn cases of osteoporosis, is with a complete nutritional balancing program.  The program must include an individualized diet, lifestyle changes, proper drinking water, several highly targeted nutritional supplements depending on the hair test results, sauna therapy (discussed below), more rest, some exercise and sunshine, and perhaps other procedures such as coffee enemas to improve the balance of the body chemistry.




            These may include:


1. Some exercise, though it need not be vigorous to be effective.

2. Good attitudes.  This may sound strange, but discouragement, for example, tends to harm the bones.  Bones are your support, and when you do not feel supported, it can affect the bones.

3. Making the body more yang in Chinese medical terms.  We do this using nutrition, mainly.  This is important for the bones, that are very yang structures.

4. Getting rid of your traumas is very helpful for bone health.  This is a psychological factor, but important.

5. The bone matrix must be strong.  This is a protein matrix within which calcium deposits forming the bones.  It is not enough just having enough minerals in the bones.  The proteinaceous cartilage-like bone matrix must also be healthy.  It requires dozens of nutrients for its health.

6. A balanced oxidation rate is very helpful for strong bones.

7. As mentioned earlier, removing metals like lead and aluminum is imperative as well.  Chelation therapy will not remove them deeply enough.  I don’t know of any way to do it as well as with a nutritional balancing program.




Microcrystalline Hydroxyapatite Crystals or MCHC. This is a bone extract that might be helpful, but we are not sure at this time.  It contains a number of trace elements needed for the bones.  It is sold by a number of companies including Endomet Labs at 1-602-995-1580.

On a nutritional balancing program, this product can replace Paramin.  However, one must also supplement magnesium with it, as it does not have enough in the product.  Usually one needs about 4 MCHC per day and 3 magnesium tablets of 133 mg of chelated magnesium daily with it.


To prevent osteoporosis, start building good bones when you are young. This means as a teen or earlier.  Otherwise you will start off life with weak bones and thus be more prone to osteoporosis later in life. 

Young people won’t have any symptoms when young, however, although occasionally a young person suffers from fractures that seem to be excessive.  Also, one might have other bone problems such as pain or Osgood-shlatter Syndrome, which can be related to osteoporosis later.




            Nutritional balancing programs are fabulous for any type of wound or bone that will not heal properly.  Poor healing of soft tissue injuries such as bone fractures and other similar wounds often have some of the same causes as osteoporosis.  These include subtle nutrient deficiencies, low energy in the body, toxic metals or other causes such as lack of proper rest, healing is greatly impaired.




 Sauna therapy may seem to be an unlikely way to handle osteoporosis and wound healing.  However, it can be very effective if the right sauna is used and used enough.

You must use a near infrared lamp or light sauna only.  This uses three or four infrared heat lamps that are reddish in color to provide heat.  Click here for an article about this sauna and purchasing information as well.  This home spa device works well to greatly improve circulation, remove many toxic substances from the body through the sweat, clear chronic infections and much more.

An extra lamp down at the legs or feet is helpful for leg fractures or wounds.  Turning in the sauna is also very helpful to direct more of the infrared energy toward the area in need of healing.

Please read the other articles on this site about nutritional balancing such as Nutritional Balancing, Why I Prefer It and others for more information on how nutritional balancing is helpful for osteoporosis and impaired wound healing.



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