by Dr. Lawrence Wilson

© May 2021, LD Wilson Consultants, Inc.


All information in this article is for educational purposes only.  It is not for the diagnosis, treatment, prescription or cure of any disease or health condition.




            At times, the hair sodium/potassium ratio, also called the vitality ratio, remains low for months or even a few years even though a person follows the development program.

            For accurate mineral readings, the laboratory must not wash the hair.  Sodium and potassium readings are particularly prone to alterations due to washing the hair at the lab.  The only lab we currently can recommend for hair mineral testing is Analytical Research Labs in Phoenix, Arizona, USA.






Traumas commonly affect the adrenal glands and kidneys.  Weakness in these will keep the hair sodium/potassium ratio low.

Trauma points.  We observe that certain ratios on a hair mineral test are difficult to pass through as one heals.  We call these trauma points. 

When the sodium/potassium ratio is rising as one regains health, at these points a person may become more aware of old traumas and this is difficult to handle for some people. Feelings and thoughts may surface that are very disturbing.

As a result, the Na/K may remain at this ratio for a while.  The Rogues know about trauma points use this concept to fix traumas in people’s bodies and to maintain brain washing.  For more details, read Trauma Points.




Dr. Paul Eck found that chronic emotions, in particular frustration, resentment and hostility, correlate with a low Na/K ratio.  In other words, these negative emotions can create chronic stress to such a degree that it affects this ratio and keeps it low. 

If these emotions are not addressed, a person may not be able to overcome the low ratio with just diet, supplements and a healthful lifestyle.  This is an important reason why a low ratio may persist.

Sodium/potassium ratio less than about 1 and reduced awareness.  Since Dr. Eck’s passing, we have found that when the Na/K ratio is less than about 1, a person may be less aware of emotional imbalances, and even subtle emotional or other types of traumas.  Often the person appears well-adjusted and emotionally balanced. However, this can be due to a reduced level of awareness, though, rather than the absence of negative emotions.

We find that as the Na/K ratio increases on the development program, the person is suddenly faced with his or her emotional issues.  This can be very disconcerting and uncomfortable.  Greater awareness sounds wonderful, but it is not so for these people. 

This is especially the case at first, and even more so if one is not prepared or lacks the skills or support to handle the feelings of anger, anxiety, depression or other that may arise. 

This problem can slow one’s progress in correcting a low Na/K ratio.  These individuals may experience significant improvements in some areas, but their Na/K ratio may persist at a low level.


Examples.  Having excessive expectations of people or situations easily gives rise to chronic frustration.  The habit of holding grievances leads to feelings of resentment and to living in the past.

Attitudes that promote a normal Na/K ratio include living in the present, letting go of grudges and grievances, forgiving everyone (which does not mean condoning bad behavior), and keeping expectations reasonable at all times.  An attitude of gratitude for what you have, no matter how paltry or imperfect it may appear, can also be most helpful.




Improper Diet.  Improper diet or subtle difficulty handling sugars and carbohydrates may also cause a persistent low Na/K ratio.  Diet plays an important role in sugar-handling, as do mineral deficiencies and toxic conditions of all kinds that may result indirectly from a poor quality diet and/or improper eating habits. 

For example, some clients refuse to give up eating sugars and other sweets.  This may seem innocuous, but in some cases it will slow or perhaps even stop progress in the correction of the Na/K ratio.

            Low levels of omega-3 fatty acids and/or vitamin D, both of which are common, may also impair correction of the Na/K ratio.


Aging. Older people may persist with a lower Na/K ratio due to weaker adrenal glands, or perhaps kidney toxicity, which are usually due to the presence of toxic metals and lowered vitality as one ages.  Renamide, a kidney glandular supplement, is most helpful for them.


Vaccines. These introduce many poisons such as mercury into the body, as well as stray viruses and other contaminants.  Excellent alternatives to toxic vaccination exist.  See the article on this site entitled Vaccination for details.


Fatigue and/or low vitality for any reason. Fatigue alone can cause a low sodium/potassium ratio and can cause it to persist.  It is usually due to inadequate rest and sleep, although it could be due to overdoing on activity or exercise.


Drugs.  Medical or recreational drugs often contain toxic metals, including marijuana.  They can poison the kidneys and all other organs, affecting the sodium/potassium ratio.  Also, read Marijuana and Violence.


            Chronic infections. Dr. Paul Eck discovered that a low Na/K ratio is associated with chronic infections. Many people have 50 or more chronic infections!  We know this because they retrace them during the development program.

Common sites are the eyes, ears, sinuses, teeth, intestines, joints, bronchial tubes, lungs, liver, intestines, and skin.  Most people also have a few sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) that can be acquired just from swimming in pools or sitting in hot tubs.

            Eliminating these infections takes a number of years on the development program.  Until they are gone, the sodium/potassium ratio may remain low.


Retracing infections usually takes several years or more because:


- The infections thrive on weakened tissue and toxic matter in the body. Most people have plenty of this.  Only as the toxic and diseased tissue is removed can the body completely rid itself of these infections.

- Some infections are old, deep-seated and chronic, meaning that they are well-entrenched, often in areas of the body with impaired circulation or tissues that are unhealthy such as the bronchial tubes and even the ear canals in many people.

- Often they are encapsulated or walled off by the body to some degree. This reduces blood circulation, oxygenation and hydration to the area, often causing healing to be much more difficult and slower. 

- Many bacterial infections were treated with antibiotics that killed off most of the infection, so the person felt better.  However, the germs that remain are often resistant to antibiotics, which means they are not susceptible to medical treatment.

- Past use of antibiotics has caused toxicity in the body that is subtle, but very real.  The drugs must often be removed from the body with coffee enemas, sauna therapy and a properly designed program, and this also takes time.  Removing the drug residues is often helpful to strengthen the immune response to the point where the body can go after the remaining infection.

Chronic infections may cause no symptoms, or very low-grade symptoms.  For example, one may only experience post-nasal drip, a light cough, a mild ear ache, other minor aches and pains.  For this reason, most people have no idea these infections are present.  Yet they can easily cause the Na/K ratio to remain low for years.


            Hidden toxic metals and toxic chemicals.  In our experience, everyone has excessive amounts of toxic metals and toxic chemicals in their bodies.  These take years to remove and until they are reduced, the Na/K ratio may remain low.

Avoid chelation therapy.  We do not recommend chelation therapy for toxic metals.  The development program removes more of them and is much safer.  For details, read Toxic Metals and Chelation Therapy.


For more details about the sodium/potassium ratio, read the article on this site called The Sodium/Potassium Ratio.



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