by Dr. Lawrence Wilson

© May 2014, L.D.Wilson Consultants, Inc.


All information in this article is for educational purposes only.  It is not for the diagnosis, treatment, prescription or cure of any disease or health condition.


Scientific, educational and other discoveries of the twentieth century literally catapulted the entire planet earth into a new era.  I was fortunate to have stumbled onto the books and biographies of many of the men and women who led this wave of brilliance and inspiration.  I also met several of them.

Nutritional balancing science gathers some of their insights into a new system of healing.  This article focuses on the persons themselves, and their amazing lives.  Anyone who wishes to be inspired need only read their biographies and their works!

For me, to be inspired is most important.  This is especially true because institutions that are supposed to inspire us as children and adults such as schools, television, music, newspapers, and the internet often do not do so today.

Each person will find different sources of inspiration.  This article discussed those who have inspired me.  May they do the same for you, and may you, in turn, inspire your children and many others.


J. KRISHNAMURTI (1895-1986), Philosopher, Scientist, Psychologist, and more


Born in India, and educated in both Eastern and Western traditions, J. Krishnamurti was one of the foremost teachers of what may be called wisdom science of the twentieth century.

I stumbled upon one of his books when I was about 20 years old, and it literally opened my mind.  I could not get enough of his personal and simple words of wisdom, of love and of sacredness.  Fortunately, he wrote many books and they are all similar, so one can begin anywhere to read them.  For much more, visit


MARIA MONTESSORI (1870-1952), Child Development Educator and Physician


Education is an area that is desperately in need of improvement in most nations, including America.  While “Montessori schools” are part of the answer, the lessons of Maria Montessori are incredibly inspiring for anyone who feels sad or despairing sometimes at the wastefulness, insanity and stupidity of our beleaguered education system today.

Maria Montessori was an Italian physician at the beginning of the twentieth century.  One day she was assigned to care for a group of impoverished and sickly two-year-old orphans.  Though she was asked to help them medically, she did far more than this.

She had been told these children would never go to school and could never learn much, anyway.  She did not agree.  To everyone’s surprise, she soon had them learning at rates much faster than their peers in the regular school system.  We owe her such a debt it will scarcely be realized.  Here are just a few of her contributions to education and child development and health:

1. A great secret of her success was to allow the natural rhythms or cycles of attention of the children to remain unbroken.

2. She realized that children learn in different manners at various ages. 

3. She learned that what she (the teacher) considered important often had nothing to do with what the children considered to be 'the lesson'.  This is quite radical and very poorly understood even today, almost 100 years after she lived.

4. Her approach was far more child-centered, natural or holistic than most education. 

5. Instead of “filling the children’s head with knowledge” and forcing children to learn, her approach involved vastly more respect for the natural learning patterns of children.

6. She developed the Montessori method of education, which has yet to be understood by the vast majority of educators.  One reason for the failures of 'modern schooling' is precisely the lack of respect for the natural learning methods and styles of children.  Instead, knowledge is forced down their throats at the pace and in the style of the teachers.

7. Even among Montessori schools, her wisdom is often not fully appreciated, and her work is still years ahead of our so-called modern educational methods.  Give yourself a treat this day and read her biography.


R. BUCKMINSTER FULLER (1895-1991), Inventor, Scientist, Designer, Mathematician and Philosopher


Born in 1895, “Bucky”, as he was called, was one of the most brilliant visionary scientists and designers of the twentieth century.  He worked as an architect, designer, scientist and artist, in a way.  Most important for me, he was a very positive thinker who believed in modern technology and the potential of modern society to satisfy people’s needs.

Fuller had his problems.  He was born extremely nearsighted, and became an alcoholic because he was so discouraged with the world he saw around him.  At one point, he was ready to commit suicide because of family problems and the death of his daughter.  He had a spiritual experience, he said, where he was lifted up and told that rather than be discouraged, that his ideas were correct and he should just start telling everyone about them and keep inventing, making experiments and writing about his ideas.

True environmentalism.  He was an ardent environmentalist, but he was not a doom and gloom environmentalist at all.  He repeatedly pointed out that we must not stop our technological progress.  Instead we need more industry and more inventions.  He proved with all sorts of research and charts that good inventions make the world cleaner, better and safer.  We must not give up our industry and our way of living, but instead help everyone around the world to live at a higher standard of living so they stop polluting their lands and water.  The key, he said, is simply better technology, not endless rules and regulations, and taking people’s rights away to do as they please with their property.

Bucky stands in stark contrast to the doomsayers.  What is interesting to me is that he, not them, has been proven correct over and over again.  Whether it is about pollution, oil prices, the wars we fight or other issues, he had a positive attitude and his predictions have proven correct.  He believed in people and their capacity to overcome all obstacles.  He understood that everyone wants the same thing – a better life for themselves and their children.

Buckminster Fuller always wanted to understand the ‘big picture’ in the world, and his vision was totally global and planetary in nature.  He will help anyone who is feeling stuck, negative or thinking in a small way.

Bucky spent a week at Harvard University and thought that college was stupid.  He spent his entire allowance quickly and was told to get out of Harvard.  As a punishment, his parents sent him to work in a factory.  He loved it and soon was inventing better machinery at the factory.  He was especially interested in the housing industry, transportation and other areas of human needs.  Bucky went on to develop a whole series of items from a car that got 100 miles to a gallon of gas (in 1933) with a conventional engine to the geodesic dome.

He began the manufactured and mobile home industry and predicted the computer revolution we have today.   He coined the term 'spaceship earth'.  He was at least 100 years ahead of his time in his positive attitude and his mode of thinking about all problems as “systems”, not isolated incidents.

He was an admiral in the US Navy, which he said taught him to think big and to think in terms of systems.  He was forever grateful for his Navy experience, although he was not a war-mongering person ever, and believed that if people had more truth they would stop wasting their time, money and manpower on warlike activities.

What distinguished him the most for me, however, was his positive view about our world and the incredible benefits of technology and capitalism to lift the world out of poverty and misery.  When I first started reading his books, I had a very dim view of science, technology and the military.  He helped me understand the truth about these, and much more.

Bucky backed up all his assertions with impeccable and thorough scientific research, something that is so often lacking today.  He was a researcher and published volumes of information about the world, its energy situation, its natural resources, and much more.  Unfortunately, his books are not that easy to read.

I also love that he valued the power of truth and integrity, the title of one of his books.  He always asked what one, not-powerful person could do to change the world.  He used the analogy of the tiny rudder on a large ship turning the entire ship around to illustrate how anyone with understanding, could cause change far out of proportion to his or her status or position in the world.  He truly valued the “little guy and gal” and showed exactly why these are the people who must come forward and learn the truths of our world.  For much more, please visit


MARGARET FULLER (1810-1850), Powerful women’s advocate, Natural philosopher and Writer


            Buckminster Fuller spoke often of his great aunt, Margaret Fuller.  I read about her in a book called The American Transcendentalists.  She, too, was a most inspiring lady who lived in the early 1800s on the east coast of America.

One of her most famous writing was an essay entitled Women In The Nineteenth Century.  Her writing is beautiful and brilliant.  She was also a publisher, and in fact was the first to publish the writings of Ralph Waldo Emerson and Henry David Thoreau, two of the greatest thinkers America has produced.  She, in fact, influenced their thinking quite a lot, as she was a brilliant woman indeed.  For more, please visit www.Margaret


BOOKER T. WASHINGTON (1856-1915), Educator, Writer, Builder of a university, and A Will Of Steel


            Booker Washington grew up as a slave at the end of the Civil War.  He managed to talk a white lady into teaching him to read.  He learned to love reading and became a great inspiration to many throughout the United States and around the world.  He became the most famous Afro-American in America in the late 1800s.

He began with nothing but a dream of helping his people, and eventually founded the Tuskeegee Institute in Alabama to educate black people.  Not only did it accomplish its purpose, but it pioneered many new educational ideas for the entire United States that have still not been instituted at many colleges.

Booker Washington's story is dramatic and proves that nothing can keep a good person down.  Everything this man thought and said is worthwhile listening to.  He tells about it in his book, Up From Slavery.

This book should be required reading for everyone, but particularly African-Americans.  The perspective and attitude are much healthier than that which most black leaders preach today and so much more inspiring than what is taught in schools today.  Booker Washington, a slave, was never a victim.  He made up his mind what he wanted to do and overcame the odds in a beautiful and passionate way.

His little book should be required reading for both inspiration and for practical guidance on how to live your life.  I recall him saying that “discrimination will always exist.  Don’t pay attention to it.”  Instead, he said, spend your time and energy becoming very responsible and skilled at what you do.  Then you will win the respect of good people everywhere.  You will never win the respect of bigots, so don't bother with them.

Many more lessons can be taken from the life of Booker Washington, one of the greatest Americans who ever lived.  For more, please read his books, which are listed at


GEORGE WASHINGTON CARVER (1864-1943), Inventor, Scientist, Botanist, Humanitarian


            George Carver was another dramatic, amazing man who was also born at the end of the Civil War, but in a border state without slavery - Missouri.  He was quickly orphaned after birth when his mother was kidnapped.  The kidnappers wanted to sell the Afro-American mother in the deep South as a slave.  They did not want the baby, so as a newborn he was literally thrown to the ground from a galloping horse and left to die.  A white woman and her husband found him, and they raised him as their own child.

From early childhood, George Carver had an unusual ability to make plants grow.  He seemed to be able to speak with the plants.  He loved every aspect of gardening, planting, raising food, raising flowers and more.  Eventually, he attended the University of Missouri and became a brilliant soil scientist.

He saw how cotton was ruining the soil in the American South and saw how they desperately needed other crops besides cotton and tobacco to make money.  He began to experiment and eventually taught farmers to grow legumes (soybeans and peanuts) to regenerate the soil.  Almost single- handedly, he developed the peanut as an important cash crop for South-Eastern US farmers, and came up with some 300 products made entirely of peanuts.  They included foods, plastics, semi-synthetic building materials, and much more.  It was a true gift to America and to our world.

His story, like that of Booker Washington, is one of incredible success against great odds, and I find it truly inspiring.  Reading his biography makes so much better reading than most of “modern literature”.  Look for his biography in the library and visit sites such as - awesm=~oEtSCMHOQHK8dm.


IDA ROLF (1896-1979)


Ida Pauline Rolf was the founder of structural integration or as it is better known, Rolfing.  This is a very deep type of body tissue manipulation, not at all like most massage, that can help restore the natural architecture of the soft tissues and most other structures of the body.  It is truly a revolutionary science of healing that is gaining acceptance around the world, although it is still mainly limited in its acceptance to a relatively small group of holistically-minded healers in America and Europe.

I first experienced this work in 1981, and was very impressed.  It helped me understand and solved a number of structural and pain problems I was having when medical science was unable to help.  I went on to have over 40 sessions of Rolfing, and I continue to be extremely impressed with this technique.  Ida Rolf formed the Rolf Institute in Boulder, Colorado, which offers training in this area.  For more information, please visit


NIKOLA TESLA (1865-1943)


            Nikola Tesla was another of the most brilliant inventors ever.  His story is also extremely inspiring.  He was born around 1865 in what is today Croatia or Yugoslavia near Turkey.  He  went to school to learn electrical engineering in Europe, but he saw that America was the land of opportunity and invention.  He arrived in New York in 1889 with about fifteen cents in his pocket, having been robbed on the ship on his way to America.

Dr. Tesla’s many discoveries, as he called them, include alternating current power systems, the alternating current motor, X-rays, radio, radar, television, fluorescent lights, microwaves, remote control and robotics, star wars technology, touch-tone dialing, the ignition coil on a car, and many more amazing inventions.  Some of these we still do not have for our use for political and other reasons.

The lives of Edison and Tesla are very inspiring stories of how basically penniless men changed the world for the better through their own efforts, with no help from governments, and little help from anyone.  Several biographies of Tesla and Edison are in print and available in libraries.  Edison is fairly well known.  Tesla has been ignored and deserves much more attention in the history books.


THOMAS EDISON (1847-1931), Inventor, Scientist, Humanitarian


Thomas Edison was a child prodigy, taking a keen interest in electricity from a very young age.  He never made it past the fourth grade in school.  Today we would label him with ‘attention deficit disorder’.  His mother was told to take him out of school, as he seemed unable to learn much.  Yet he went on to become one of the greatest inventors of all time.  School never got in his way, he said.

His many inventions include the phonograph, moving pictures, the incandescent light bulb, the first electrical power system in New York City, and dozens of others that we take for granted today.  In 1890, he invented an electrically-powered car.  In all, he took out over 1000 patents for new electrical and mechanical devices.  To learn more about him, please read,28804,1999143_1999200_1999163,00.html.


PAUL C. ECK (1925-1996), Biochemist, Nutritionist, Scientist and amazing Synthesizer of Knowledge


            Paul Eck was a brilliant biochemist and nutrition researcher who is largely the inspiration for this website, at least for the nutritional part of it.  He is the originator of nutritional balancing science, with whom I worked closely for 14 years.

Early in his career he worked for several pharmaceutical companies and for Sivad Bioresearch, a prominent vitamin company of the day.  He gained a reputation as a very knowledgeable and caring nutrition specialist.

In the 1960s, he heard about the new technique of hair mineral analysis.  It intrigued him and he soon began to study it, applying all of his biochemical knowledge to this rather puzzling new method for testing the mineral levels in the body.  Soon, pieces of an amazing puzzle started to fall in place as he recognized that one could determine many things from a simple mineral analysis, if one arranged the minerals correctly on the chart or graph, and if one did not wash the hair at the laboratory.

Soon, he began his own hair analysis laboratory in Phoenix, Arizona, and offered services to the many physicians he knew through his work at Sivad Bioresearch.  His research continued all his life, adding to and refining the insights he had gained from his early studies of the hair mineral analysis and all that it taught about human physiology and pathology.

An avid reader and experimenter, he was able to synthesize thousands upon thousands of pages of biochemistry, physiology, naturopathy, medicine, toxicology, stress theory, systems theory, cybernetics and more into an integrated approach to healing he called mineral balancing science or the new nutrition.

This is the work I do today, much expanded but basically the same in its principles and practices.  I feel greatly honored and privileged to have spent 14 years learning from him.  His dedication was amazing, and his brilliance was in no small part a product of that dedication.  He stuck with his principles and had a grasp on human systems principles that I am still in awe of.  He did little writing himself.  I have published by far the most complete book on his work, Nutritional Balancing and Hair Mineral Analysis (2014 edition), noting which is his work and what has been added since his passing.  Many of the articles on this website are also based, in part or in their entirety, on his work.


LOUIS KERVRAN (1901-1983), Scientist, Agronomist, Inventor


            Louis Kervran was a brilliant French scientist who early in his life took a keen interest in the possibility that plants and animals can transmute one element into another at low temperature and pressure.  This idea is called biological transmutation.  He went on to test this hypothesis very carefully and repeatedly, and wrote about his theory and his experimental results in several books published in the mid-twentieth century.

            Paul Eck read Dr. Kervran’s work in the 1960s and 1970s, and was amazed to find that his work correlated directly with his findings on hair mineral tests.  Although the details are still not all worked out, the principles of biological transmutation form one of the bases for nutritional balancing science.  For much more about Louis Kervran, please visit and other sites and books about Louis Kervran.




The real story of the founding of America is amazing and a miracle, given the odds against its success.  Essentially, a small band of untrained, poorly armed farmers who wanted to live free of colonial domination went up against the most powerful empire the earth had ever seen – and won. 

It is a story that unfortunately is often told to school-age children in school without much feeling or understanding.  No wonder many Americans do not understand or value their liberty, and the system of free enterprise called capitalism.  No wonder some Americans don’t even like concepts such as free speech, freedom of religion as long as that religion offers the same to others, and our system of equal justice for all.

Thomas Jefferson, along with many of the other founders of America such as Ben Franklin, John Adams, James Madison and others, were remarkable men.  Their depth of understanding about human behavior and the nature of government power is astounding, by today’s standards.

Their depth of intelligence and knowledge puts all modern statesmen to shame.  Jefferson’s story, along with that of Adams, Madison and many of the founders of America, is also dramatic and most inspiring. Their stories are human, yet they had a vision that is rare as can be.

            The wisdom of Jefferson, Washington and the others birthed a nation unlike any that had ever been seen before.  Those who denigrate the founders because they were slave owners or for any other reason just demonstrate their ignorance of the men they so carelessly talk about.

            Jefferson wrote quite a bit, and his writings have been collected by various editors and authors.  An in-depth study of Jefferson, in particular, would be well worth the effort of anyone who wishes to understand our world today and why we, as a nation, are loved by billions and hated by those who do not want freedom for their people.

The truth must be told to the young people in school, or America will fail.  I am nauseated when I read in books or hear on television that Thomas Jefferson was just a white slave owner who had a negro mistress, and this is all there is to Thomas Jefferson.  It is almost criminal.  Please read a good biography of Jefferson, John Adams, George Washington, Benjamin Franklin, Patrick Henry and the other American founders.  Every child needs to read these men’s story of courage, desperation, at times, intelligence, cunning in the face of a powerful enemy, dignity and grace.

America was and is a unique experiment in liberty and the rights of the individual.  Most nations only give lip service to these concepts.   Because this is not taught in school, America is losing this little by little.


ROY MASTERS (1928- ), Teacher, Meditation Instructor, Spiritual Psychologist


Roy Masters has taught a spiritually-based psychology for over 50 years through his 16 books and his radio program that reaches most of America and parts of Europe.  His teachings dovetail with nutritional balancing science in some remarkable ways.  In particular, his meditation-observation exercise, as he calls it, fits perfectly with nutritional balancing science.  I have modified it, so it works even better for healing purposes.  For this reason, it is included in all nutritional balancing programs today.  To learn more about him and his excellent work, please visit


JOHN HARVEY KELLOGG, MD (1852-1943), Philanthropist, Physician And Surgeon, Educator, Innovator, Businessman


Dr. Kellogg led an amazing life.  Among his many accomplishments, he created the now famous Kellogg’s breakfast cereals, which used to be health foods.  He also started and ran one of the most famous of the American sanitariums located in Battle Creek, Michigan.  He studied medicine with the leading experts all over the world, and brought their insights and techniques to America.  Many famous people were healed at his Battle Creek Sanitarium.

John Harvey Kellogg was one of many who inspired nutritional balancing science, as he used all of the same modalities of healing we use today.  These include diet, lifestyle, meditation, spinal correction, foot reflexology, carrot juice, coffee enemas, and he was the first to make use of the electric lamp sauna.  His were built by the inventor of the incandescent lamp, Thomas Edison, who was his friend.  For much more about John Harvey Kellogg, please visit




Mr. Ellis invented an electrical machine called the

microdynameter.  It was one of the most popular electrical machines of the early 20th century, used mainly by chiropractors to assess the spine and much more about the body. 


THE JESHUA TEACHINGS (as found in a set of CDs sold by the Shanti Christo Foundation)


This is a remarkable set of CDs, now in book form, as well, in a book entitled The Way Of Mastery.  It outlines a way of thinking, being and acting that is Biblically based, but with a different emphasis than that found in the Bible.  There is nothing at all wrong with the Biblical teachings, of course, but this has a different focus that some people will not like, frankly, but I found very useful and quite amazing.

The teaching is not so much about sin and failure and that the one called Jesus came to save us.  Instead, it is about the fact that we are loved, that we are “the expression of love in form”, and that is the truth about each of us.  It is time to love ourselves wholly and thoroughly, which does not mean to indulge the ego.  Quite the opposite, in fact.  This is an all too brief introduction to the teaching.

For more, please read the article on this website entitled The Real Self.  I also put the same ideas into a short book entitled The Real Self, and the same material is discussed in a little more depth in a compact disc program that I offer.















            These are some of the great souls who have inspired me.  I continue to find others.  However, start with these, I would suggest, and you won’t be led astray.

Beware that some apparently “great men and women” are just great talkers.  Their philosophies, when examined carefully, are really empty and destructive.  They may say beautiful words, but they agitate for class warfare and other things that are ultimately quite negative.  Be careful about this.

I suggest surrounding yourself with inspiring, uplifting books, tapes, and people.  Get rid of friends, books and other items that pull you down.  This will do a lot for your mental healing, in particular.  It has kept me going and working when things get tough, or if I am tempted to feel sorry for myself or just plain depressed at the way people sometimes talk and treat others.  Returning to your inspiring books and other material is like a breath of fresh air in such situations.

For a related article with more detail, read The Theory Of Nutritional Balancing Science on this site.


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