by Dr. Lawrence Wilson
© May 2011, L.D.Wilson Consultants, Inc.
information in this article is for educational purposes only. It is not for the diagnosis, treatment,
prescription or cure of any disease or health condition.
properly interpreted hair tissue mineral analysis can help one to know whether
a problem is more due to something outside of oneself or if the problem
is more internal. This is
just a tiny fraction of the information that the test can provide, but it is
interesting, so I thought it would make an interesting article. Here is how it is done.
The calcium/magnesium ratio on a
properly performed and correctly interpreted hair analysis has a lot to do with
things outside of a person, such as the diet, lifestyle, habits of thought,
speech and action, and perhaps others such as one’s relationships, work or
occupation, hobbies, attitudes and more.
We have observed that if the calcium/magnesium ratio on an
initial hair test only is over about 13.5:1, it is very likely that a
situation in the lifestyle is currently not in the person’s best
interests. In other words, a
person has a need to let go of something in his or her life, in order to move
ahead in life and often for the purpose of healing as well.
We call the elevated
calcium/magnesium ratio in this range the
spiritual defensiveness pattern.
You can click on the name to read an entire article about this
The concept is that when the
ratio is about 13.5 or greater, the person is defending something that is no
longer needed or helpful. It is a
kind of karmic or other pattern, tendency, factor or attitude that is finished
and needs to be let go of. It
could refer to a job, hobby, relationship, friendship, location, type of work
or a thinking style, habit or attitude that is not really working in their best
This pattern was not a part of
Dr. Paul Eck’s original research.
He felt that an elevated calcium/magnesium ratio in this range is a
diabetic indicator. It may be, but
I have not been able to confirm it.
However, Dr. Eck identified a mental
tendency with this pattern that is interesting. He called it a pretentiousness or pretending pattern. It is the idea that one believes one is
doing something correctly, but in fact, it is not correct or appropriate. This is the sense, I believe, in which
he meant the word pretentiousness.
So the highly elevated
calcium/magnesium ratio can indicate that one is pretending to do something or
be something or believe in something that is really not so.
It also has a quality of
defensiveness in it, as though a person is defending the action, behavior or
thinking pattern. Calcium has to
do with defensiveness and structure in one’s life and a high ratio of calcium
to magnesium is associated with the quality of defensiveness or defending
structure too much in one’s life.
let us turn to another interesting mental/emotional/spiritual pattern that is
commonly seen on hair mineral analyses that are performed correctly. It is called sympathetic dominant
pattern. It, too, was not formally
a part of Dr. Eck’s original research, but I was aware of this pattern for
years in myself and others, and I am sure I discussed it with Dr. Eck, who
probably agreed with the idea.
The main indicator for this
pattern is a hair potassium level less than about 5 mg%. This is a low potassium level. Another indicator is a three highs or
four highs pattern with a sodium/potassium ratio above about 3. A secondary indicator is
sodium/potassium ratio greater than about 4 or 5.
The levels of sodium and potassium
on a properly performed hair mineral analysis have much more to do with
situations and conditions internal to the body, meaning toxic metals, glandular
activity, nutrient deficiencies and so on.
In this case, however,
sympathetic dominance pattern also has to do with an attitude or approach to
life, though the presence of toxic levels of metals can and does affect the
pattern to some degree.
This pattern is usually a deeper
tendency having to do with pushing oneself, worrying a lot, and overusing the
sympathetic nervous system. It is
not the same as a sympathetic state of body chemistry, which is associated with
and basically the same as fast oxidation.
The sympathetic nervous system
is the system one uses to fight or run.
It should be used for emergencies only. However, these individuals are using the sympathetic nervous
system much of the time to force or push themselves in some way. They often wear themselves out and
often become ill and can even die from it. One might call it running on adrenal reserves or adrenal
Here are some of the major
differences between these two patterns, both of which could be about an
attitude or certain mental habits.
1. Generality. Sympathetic dominance pattern is about a more general
approach to life, rather than a specific lifestyle factor.
2. Internal versus
external. Spiritual defensive pattern usually
refers to something more external such as a job, relationship or something
else. Sympathetic dominance is
more related to body chemistry rather that outer events in one’s life.
3. Deeply affected
by copper and the amigos. Sympathetic dominance is often highly
affected by the presence of overt or hidden copper imbalance, or the amigos,
which irritate the adrenal glands and perhaps other parts of the nervous
system. This is not the case with
a spiritual defensive pattern, which is more related to karmic ending.
4. Both patterns
have to do with a failed or difficult transition pattern. However, the transition or shift with the spiritual
defensiveness pattern has to do with a specific lifestyle choice, habit or
attitude. The conflict or
disconnect is that a particular situation, attitude or habit is no longer
appropriate, but the person is holding on to it anyway.
The transition involved with
sympathetic dominance is a shift from fast oxidation to slow oxidation. The person with sympathetic dominance
often acts and feels like a fast oxidizer, yet the body has transitioned to slow
oxidation. This is the disconnect
or conflict associated with this pattern.
So in both cases, it is a type of holding on to the past, but one is
more externally-oriented (spiritual defensiveness) while the other is more
biochemically oriented and more internal to the body.
Getting out of this pattern may depend upon changing various attitude. It usually means learning to relax
more, and practicing meditation or relaxation methods to slow the mind and rest
the body. These can shift the
body’s autonomic system away from so much sympathetic activity.
may mean getting less exercise or switching to a more gentle routine. It may mean taking one’s job or family
a little less seriously so that one can rest adequately.
also can require removing from the body certain toxic metals, notably excess
copper, mercury and cadmium, for example.
These metals, along with certain toxic chemicals such as some
pesticides, help keep one in sympathetic overdrive, as we may call it, too much
of the time.
Healing spiritual defensiveness. This also may involve changing an
attitude such as being angry all the time or perhaps too fearful too much of
the time. However, changing this
pattern may also require a shift in a lifestyle factor such as one’s work or a
relationship that is not working well.
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