by Dr. Lawrence Wilson

Ó December 2018, L.D. Wilson Consultants, Inc.


All information in this article is for educational purposes only.  It is not for the diagnosis, treatment, prescription or cure of any disease or health condition.


WARNING: Those who follow a development program can develop mild hyperthyroid symptoms and a low TSH if they do not eat enough well-cooked vegetables.  The symptoms go away on their own when the diet is corrected.















Definition.  Hyperthyroidism is a condition in which there is excessive secretion of thyroid hormones.  An older name for the condition is Grave’s disease, named after the doctor who described it in detail over 100 years ago.

Hyperthyroidism is a fairly common health condition today.  It is most common in women between the ages of about 20 to 55. 

Nutritional balancing science is excellent for this condition, and usually resolves it within 6 months with no need for surgery to remove the thyroid, or radioactive iodine (or RAI) therapy.  These medical treatments are quite barbaric and rarely needed, in my experience, if one is willing to follow a complete nutritional balancing program.




Medically, the causes of hyperthyroidism are divided into primary and secondary causes.  Primary causes are those that originate in the thyroid gland.  Secondary hyperthyroidism is caused by a factor that is outside of the thyroid gland.  For example, an imbalance in the pituitary gland can cause the condition.

From a nutritional and biochemical standpoint, the following are the most important factors that contribute to Grave’s disease or hyperthyroidism:


1. A toxin in the pituitary gland.  This does not show up on any traditional medical test, and it may not show up on hair mineral analyses.  The toxin is often a toxic mineral, such as mercury, biounavailable copper, lead, arsenic or some other.  It could also be a chemical toxin or possibly even an infection.

Fortunately, in all cases that I have worked with, so far, the toxin can be removed with a proper healing program.  It may come out quickly, but it usually requires several years to be slowly removed using a nutritional balancing program.  Sauna therapy and coffee enemas may be needed in addition to the dietary and supplement program.


2. Stress.  An acute stress of some kind is often a secondary or even a primary factor in Grave’s disease.  It may be family or social stress, too much exercise in a few cases, or something else.  Stress is a very individual matter, so what may not seem too stressful for one person can be extremely stressful for another.  Stress reduction is always an important consideration with Grave’s disease.


3. Slow oxidation with copper toxicity.  This also seems to be present in most cases, so far.  Slow oxidation is discernable only with a properly performed hair mineral analysis, since the patient may not have the typical signs of slow oxidation such as fatigue or depression.

Also, the copper toxicity is almost always hidden, so one must use the hidden copper toxicity indicators to find it.  These are described in the article on this website entitled Copper Toxicity Syndrome. 

They include a low hair potassium, an elevated hair calcium, a low hair zinc or elevated hair mercury level.  Rarely, none of these are present, but most of the time one or even more are visible on a first hair mineral analysis that is performed properly.


4. Mercury or other toxic metal poisoning.  This is not always the case but may contribute to the situation.  Often, iodine is low and the thyroid is toxic with bromine, chlorine or fluorine.  This is not discernable from any test, however, and is more of an empirical or theoretical consideration.  The effect is to weaken the thyroid gland.


5. Other personality factors.  Many with hyperthyroidism are “take charge” types of people who are willful and active people.  This type of personality can be a factor in some cases, and may be why slowing down and reducing stress is so helpful in many cases.




The hair analysis patterns found in those with Grave’s disease are often consistent.  They tend to reveal:


·           Slow oxidation.  This means that at a cellular level, they all have adrenal exhaustion and low thyroid gland effect at a cellular level.

·           Hidden copper toxicity.  Elevted copper is usually not showing, with the hair level usually between about 1 and 1.5 mg%.

·           A low phosphorus level (less than about 15 mg%).

·           Many have an aluminum level less than about 0.7 mg% on their initial hair mineral tests unless they use anti-perspirants that contain aluminum.  A low aluminum appears to be a lowered vitality indicator.

·           A potassium of 4 mg% or less.  This pattern is called sympathetic dominance.

·           Often a normal or slightly high sodium/potassium ratio, with the ratio between 2 and 5.

·           A normal or slightly high calcium/magnesium ratio, often between 7 and 9.5.

·           Mercury toxicity is also common, though it may be hidden and not revealed on the first hair mineral analysis. 


These all point to a failed response to stress in the sense that too many thyroid hormones are secreted, but the thyroid hormones do not have the anticipated or desired effect at the cellular level.  The excess hormones make the person anxious, nervous, and often cause tachycardia and other symptoms, but they do not normalize the oxidation rate as one would expect.

Possible reasons for the failure of the thyroid hormones to properly regulate the oxidation rate in these case are:


·           Copper, mercury or some other toxic metal interferes with the effect of the hormones at a cellular level.

·           High tissue calcium stabilizes the cell membranes and prevents the thyroid hormones from passing into some cells.

·           There is a lack of coordination between the thyroid and the adrenal glands, which are also needed to mount a proper stress response.  Everyone with Grave’s disease, so far, has shown adrenal exhaustion as well.




A properly designed nutritional balancing diet and supplement program will usually improve Grave’s disease and make it possible to stop medication for this condition.  I know this is a very bold statement because this condition is usually not easy to correct.  However, this is my experience with about 30 cases. 

Some cases correct more easily than others, depending on the cause.  Difficult cases may take several years or longer, while others improve within 6 months.  During correction, a person must remain on their prescribed medication.


Modifying the nutritional balancing supplement program.  This is a must!  Anyone with hyperthyroidism must omit the following products when beginning a nutritional balancing program:

1. Megapan (multi-vitamin-mineral formula for slow oxidizers

2. Endo-dren or Thyro-complex (adrenal or thyroid glandular support products)

3. Kelp (mineral support that is high in iodine).

These products may be slowly added in as one heals, but this usually requires six months or longer on a complete nutritional balancing program.


Sauna therapy.  A very helpful procedure for overcoming Grave’s disease is to use a near infrared light sauna once, or preferably twice daily.  Each session should be from 20 to 40 minutes long.

This will help reduce copper and mercury, reduce sympathetic nervous system activity, and relax the nervous system.  One can also move the neck and thyroid area closer to the lamps during the sauna, which may help remove toxins from the thyroid gland.


The pushing down exercise.  Another very helpful procedure is the Pushing Down Mental Exercise.  Once again, this is to reduce stress, relax the autonomic nervous system, and thus to promote healing.






At times, medication is required for hyperthyroidism until the condition can be improved with a nutritional balancing program. When beginning a nutritional balancing program, continue your prescribed medication. 

The medication will often be needed for at least several months, and perhaps longer.  The medication does not significantly interfere with the nutritional correction process.




When one is diagnosed with hyperthyroidism, often doctors suggest RAI to correct the condition.  I do not recommend this therapy.  Problems with it are:

1. If often overcorrects the imbalance




I observe that the underlying metabolic condition of most people who have Grave’s disease is a sluggish oxidation rate.  This is what is revealed on their hair mineral analyses.

However, when this condition is present, there exists a secondary stressor on the thyroid gland that causes an increased secretion of thyroid hormones.  This is not revealed on most hair mineral analyses, so the oxidation rate remains slow.


For more information, read Thyroid Disease And Its Healing.



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