By Dr. Lawrence Wilson

© June 2024, LD Wilson Consultants, Inc.

All information in this article is only the opinion of the author and is for educational purposes only.  It is not for the diagnosis, treatment, prescription or cure of any disease or health condition.


In this article, the word forging means to deliberately damage the biochemistry, structure, appearance, thinking and other aspects of a person or creature to produce what the alien invaders called the negs, Rogues or satan want a person to be.

They essentially convert normal human beings into their fighters and operatives. They do this in order to increase their numbers and take over more planets and beings.

Like a virus. It is similar to a virus that enters a body and turns the body into a virus factory to further strengthen a disease.

It is a terrible abuse of the principles of nutrition, medicine, surgery, psychology and many other sciences for evil purposes. For example, instead of balancing and detoxifying the body, foods and nutrients are given that weaken, sicken and otherwise alter the body in pathological ways.

Forging begins before birth. For example, before birth they destroy a part of the pancreas of everyone called the Criste. They do this because the pancreas produces enzymes that help get rid of them.

They also begin before birth to molest and beat the babies.


In general, they want the bodies malnourished, toxic, more sexy, more open to rape, less able to resist temptations, and much more obedient to their satan leaders. they also want people to easily lie, deceive, steal, murder, rape, poison, beat others when given the order to do so.



More extreme forging occurs often when women, and some men, experience rape or they are beaten up by the rogues. For details about rape and its use to control people, read Rape and Beatings.


This includes all sorts of surgical damage to the body. The surgical abilities of the rogues are quite amazing! They can:

- Remove parts of or entire organs, including the brain

- Add organs or parts of organs to the body

- Alter the structure of the skull or other structures.


This is a combination of violence and instilling ideas in people in a way that traumatizes and alters people's thinking and feeling in ways the rogues desire. It is a very ancient science of war.


Everyone on earth is affected by forging due to very specific and well-planned poisoning of the soil, food, air and water on planet earth.

For example, most all the food on earth is somewhat low in calcium, magnesium, zinc, iodine and perhaps other vital minerals.  Also:

- Chlorine, aluminum, and fluoride (in America) are allowed to be added to the water supplies

- Poisons are dropped from aircraft forming what are known as the chemtrails in the skies over America and other nations.

- Several thousand chemicals are allowed to be added to the food supply.

- Refined white flour and refined white sugar are allowed to be sold though they are quite toxic and nutritionally depleted products.

- Some GMO foods contain toxic chemicals.

- Cadmium is permitted to be used in brake linings of automobiles, contaminating the air, especially in cities.

- Loads of toxic substances are given to people in vaccines, medical drugs and some medical procedures such as gadolineum in contrast media used in certain scans.

- Toxic sewage sludge is allowed to be used as fertilizer, even on organic food.

- Ionizing radiation is too high in some areas, due to nuclear power plants and some medical use of radioactive substances.

This is not random or accidental.  It is forging – meaning that it is an attempt to create human beings who are weak, sick, and thus easier to control and manipulate.

Also, at times, the attacker forces the person to drink a vile of poison, toxic metal or something similar.  At times, a person is told he or she must use a specific type of salt that is contaminated with arsenic or some other poison.  Commonly, the person is told to drink rooibos or red tea, which contains some nickel and lead.

The “cult diet”.  The above is part of a diet that will keep a person weak, sick and therefore much more likely to be obedient to those who wish to control the person. For details, read The Cult Or Rape Diet.

If one knows the principles of development science, one can “adjust” body chemistry in this way to produce people who are obedient, weak, and otherwise deranged mentally and physically in specific ways.


Make sure you are following a true development program with one of our Helpers. Many doctors, nutritionists and other healers claim to offer nutritional balancing programs via the internet and in other ways.  They claim to understand the science well, and some do understand it.

However, they deliberately ruin the programs, which is not difficult to do by giving the wrong foods, the wrong supplements, inferior quality supplements, omitting the procedures or ignoring the lifestyle aspects of the program.  This is a form of forging, and they often know exactly what the results will be.

Please be very careful of anyone who says they offer nutritional balancing or even development programs.  The only ones approved by this website are those listed on this page.

In the future, we hope to elaborate more on this very large subject.

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