© August 2018, L.D. Wilson Consultants, Inc.
All information in this article is for educational
purposes only. It is not for the
diagnosis, treatment, prescription or cure of any disease or health condition.
Medical authorities continue to recommend toxic cholesterol-lowering drugs and low-fat diets to reduce an elevated serum cholesterol level. However, our experience is:
1. Lowering cholesterol is often easy using a much safer and health-building development program instead of taking risky drugs and following unbalanced diets. Simply cutting fat out of your diet if cholesterol is elevated is not healthful, and often doesn’t work that well.
2. The statin drugs are quite toxic and dangerous. Their side effects include heart attacks, muscle weakness, and more.
Natural products such as chromium and red rice yeast can do the same thing without the side effects.
If you feel you must take a statin drug, you must also take about 300 mg of coenzyme-Q-10 to prevent serious side effects of these drugs.
3. A mildly elevated cholesterol, up to 250 or so, is not important, and should be left alone. It is a stress indicator, and little else. It is not the cause of heart disease.
Let us examine cholesterol in more detail.
is an essential body chemical, mostly synthesized in the liver. It is the precursor or raw material
used to make the vital pituitary, adrenal and sex hormones. Cholesterol is also required to form
vitamin D and bile acids. The
liver makes about 2 grams of cholesterol daily, regardless of one’s diet. Under stress, the body makes more
cholesterol in order to make more adrenal or stress hormones.
is a mixture of compounds. These
include high density lipoproteins or HDL, and low
density lipoproteins or LDL. The
latter contain lipoprotein-A, thought by some authorities to be important in
the genesis of heart disease.
which is unoxidized cholesterol, is sometimes called
‘good cholesterol’, while LDL, the oxidized form, is often termed ‘bad
cholesterol’. Blood laboratories
often measure the ratio between the HDL and total cholesterol.
cholesterol theory of heart disease asserts that: 1) The risk of cardiovascular
disease correlates with the serum level of cholesterol, and 2) eating
cholesterol-containing foods raises your cholesterol level. Let us explore this theory and
alternative hypotheses in more detail.
100 years ago scientists noted that fatty deposits in the arteries often contain
cholesterol. Of course, it was not
known whether cholesterol deposits were the cause or the result of heart
disease. Studies, including the
large Framingham study, found a definite correlation between high serum
cholesterol levels and the risk of heart disease.
the picture is not as clear as it seems.
The Framingham study found that LDL or oxidized cholesterol was more
predictive of heart disease than total cholesterol. Also, the study could not correlate eating foods containing
cholesterol with an increase in the blood cholesterol.
many studies from around the world do not support the simplistic idea that
eating more cholesterol or saturated fat increases the risk of heart
disease. In an interesting book, The Milk Of Human Kindness Is Not
Pasteurized (1), William C. Douglass, MD cites the following:
The famous heart surgeon, Michael Debakey, MD, analyzed 1700 patients with hardening of the
arteries and found no correlation between blood cholesterol levels and the degree
of atherosclerosis (2).
2. The New England
Journal of Medicine reported that a group of Guinea natives whose diet is
normally low in cholesterol were fed eggs to see how much the eggs would
influence their cholesterol. There
was no significant effect on cholesterol levels (3).
3. A study done by the American
Cancer Society revealed that non-egg users had a higher death rate from heart
attacks and strokes than egg users.
This was a large and therefore convincing study involving over 800,000 people
4. Eskimos living on a diet of mostly meat and fat, have low cholesterol levels (about 130 mg) provided they stay on their native diet.
5. The Masai tribe of Africa, drink about 7 quarts of milk per day containing 60% saturated fat. Yet the average adult cholesterol level was 122. (The average American adult level is about 234.)(5)
The American Academy of Pediatrics is warning against the latest call for
low-cholesterol foods for children, since it is known that cholesterol is vital
for children's growth.
7. Many
other studies show no significant effect on blood cholesterol from eating eggs
or other cholesterol-containing foods.
Several of these are reported in an article in The New
Vegetarian, by Gary and Steve Null.
A study in France found that although butter consumption is much higher in
Western than in Eastern France, the mortality from heart disease in Western
France is almost half that of Eastern France (6).
9. Before Western eating habits
were introduced into the Eskimo population, they lived almost exclusively on
animal meat and fat. Yet the
incidence of heart disease was very low and cholesterol levels were below 200
mg (7).
9. Similar results were found in
studies in the Soviet Union, India, and elsewhere (8,9).
cholesterol theory of heart disease is very simplistic. It is like saying that duct tape
wrapped around a damaged water hose is the cause of the hose damage. More likely, the tape
- and the cholesterol - are the result of the damage, not the cause.
fact, two scientists, Brown and Goldstein, won a Nobel Prize in 1985 for their
research into this theory.
Cholesterol plaques are often there to protect a damaged artery. After all, a clogged artery is far
preferable to a ruptured one.
Elevated cholesterol is associated with heart
disease, but may not be its cause.
cholesterol is not the cause of heart disease, what are the causes? Many factors may contribute to
cardiovascular disease. A properly
performed hair mineral analysis can help identify a number of them. Here are some of the major factors
suspected in cardiovascular disease:
Dr. Leslie Klevay and others showed that copper
deficiency is associated with atherosclerosis. Copper is required for connective tissue synthesis.
Zinc deficiency reduces the flexibility of the arteries and causes
hardening. It may also cause
inflammation of the arterial walls.
Magnesium and taurine deficiencies may contribute to high
blood pressure and other heart problems.
Cadmium toxicity is associated with hardening of the arteries.
Elevated homocysteine levels are a factor in heart
disease. Homocysteine
is an amino acid. Its level can be reduced by increasing the intake of vitamin B6 and
folic acid.
According to Rath and Pauling’s unified theory of
heart disease, the causes are deficiencies of vitamin C and lysine. These are required for collagen
synthesis. This theory asserts
that high levels of lipoprotein-A, part of LDL cholesterol, is responsible for
arterial damage.
Other vitamins and minerals are involved.
Chromium supplements, for instance, have been shown to lower cholesterol
levels. Chromium, manganese and
B-complex vitamins may reduce stress by enhancing carbohydrate metabolism.
Low thyroid activity is associated with heart disease. Hypothyroidism may have numerous
causes, including nutritional deficiencies and toxic metal poisoning.
Inflammation and infections are now known to be important in cardiovascular
disease. These can include
seemingly unrelated locations of infection such as dental infections. These can spread toxins that affect
every organ.
High blood pressure from any cause is a factor.
Smoking, diabetes, obesity, coffee-drinking and a
sedentary lifestyle are risk factors.
Oxidant damage from refined vegetable oils and other oxidant exposure
contributes to vascular disease.
This factor may explain why populations that consume more animal fats
often have less heart disease.
(Animal fats are not as subject to oxidant damage). A hundred years ago
in America, people ate far more animal fat and there was far less heart disease.
Artificially-hydrogenated fats often contain trans-fatty acids and are found in
margarine, dressings, fried foods and many processed foods, may contribute to
heart disease.
Chlorinated and fluoridated drinking water, and residues of ionic detergents
may be a very important factor in heart disease.
Drinking homogenized milk may be harmful for the arteries.
Adelle Davis in Let’s Get Well noted
that “animals and human volunteers that are fed sugar instead of
unrefined carbohydrates develop high cholesterol levels”. Unrefined carbohydrates include whole
nutritional science reveals several important facts about cholesterol:
High cholesterol is usually a symptom of an imbalanced
body chemistry. One can observe
high cholesterol levels in vegetarians who consume no cholesterol at all.
Stress can increase cholesterol.
Cholesterol is needed to make stress-fighting hormones such as cortisone
and cortisol.
A body under excessive stress (from internal or external sources) may
produce extra cholesterol to increase the anti-stress hormones.
Cholesterol plaques may protect weak arteries to prevent breakage.
Cholesterol may, in fact, protect the body against free radical or oxidant
damage. This
theory was first advanced by Dr. Elmer Cranton
in the book, Bypassing Bypass.
This may be why high HDL which is non-oxidized
cholesterol is positive, while LDL, which is oxidized cholesterol, is
more of a risk for heart disease.
In coping with oxidant stress, the HDL is oxidized, or converted to LDL.
Some people seem to have a familial tendency for elevated cholesterol.
Excessive consumption of sugar can contribute to high serum lipid levels.
Fingerstick cholesterol tests are among the least accurate
medical tests. Always have such
tests repeated. HDL and LDL levels
are as important or more important than total cholesterol. A simple cholesterol reading is not too
subject of fat in the diet is complex.
There are many kinds of dietary fats, produced in many ways. Some are natural. Others are highly processed. Each has different
characteristics. In addition, some
metabolic types fare better on dietary fat than others. Let us examine dietary fats in more
egg was indicted as a major cause of elevated cholesterol based on studies in
the 1940s and 1950s.
However, it turned out that powdered eggs were used in those studies(10).
These processed eggs contain oxidized cholesterol, the type known to
cause problems. When the studies
were repeated with fresh eggs, they did not raise cholesterol significantly(11).
However, many physicians and health authorities still quote the old
studies. (Stay away from powdered
eggs). Eggs from chickens allowed
to run free, so called cage-free eggs, have less cholesterol. In other words, the way our eggs are
produced also influences their nutritional content.
have shown that a diet high in tuna, salmon, sardines and mackerel, which contain
anti-inflammatory omega-3 fats, can reduce heart disease (12). Other studies show great value in
unrefined olive oil,flax
seed oil, hemp oil, fish oil and the oil found in almond butter.
George Watson(13) identified metabolic types he called
fast and slow oxidizers. He found
that fast oxidizers require more fats and oils to help normalize body
chemistry. Slow oxidizers, by
contrast, do poorly on fats. This
fact alone means that studies that look at the effects of fats on large groups
are flawed unless they take into account different body chemistries.
can help account for divergent results of studies, some of which show no ill
effect of fats, while others show that saturated fats, for example, are not
healthy. The concept of metabolic
types can be most helpful to assess the effects of fats on any particular
person. Let us explore this is more detail.
oxidizer is the term Dr. George Watson used to describe a person who was able
to metabolize fats well, but had difficulty metabolizing carbohydrates. These individuals may become irritable,
hungry and nervous if they are on a low-fat diet. One might think that fast
oxidizers would have low cholesterol because they burn their fats and other
nutrients better than most average.
In theory, this is indeed true.
in practice, often fast oxidizers have elevated
cholesterol levels. There are at
least two reasons for this. First,
many of them live on high-carbohydrate diets. This diet unbalances their body chemistry, creating more
stress. The body may respond by
producing more cholesterol.
many who appear to be fast oxidizers are in fact what we call slow oxidizers
under stress, or temporary fast oxidizers. This means they are in fact slow metabolizers,
who often have more difficulty with fats.
Also, they are under plenty of stress, which can cause the body to
produce more cholesterol. This
situation is especially likely when on a hair mineral analysis,
the ratio of sodium to potassium is less than about 2:1, or when the calcium
and magnesium levels are above 40 mg% and 6 mg% respectively.
you are in fast oxidation and feel you must restrict cholesterol, use
high-quality vegetable oils including, fish oil, olive oil, flaxseed and hempseed
oil. It is best to avoid
processed vegetable oils such as corn, soy, sunflower, safflower, canola and
peanut oils sold in the supermarket.
These have had all their vitamin E removed, and can cause more problems.
health authorities recommend restricting all fats and oils when the cholesterol
is elevated. However, fast
oxidizers often note a reduction in cholesterol when some fats and oils are
added to the diet, substituting for high carbohydrates in the diet.
disease in fast oxidizers is most often due to deficiencies in copper, zinc and
magnesium. Excessive adrenal
activity may also cause constriction of the coronary arteries. This can precipitate sudden and massive
heart attacks.
oxidizers have more difficulty converting cholesterol into adrenal and sex
hormones. The body may attempt to
compensate by raising cholesterol to help produce more stress hormones. This is one cause of elevated
cholesterol in these individuals.
The solution is to improve glandular activity. Slow oxidizers may be under stress for other reasons, and
this can also lead to elevated cholesterol.
disease in slow oxidizers may occur due to calcium deposits in the
arteries. Also, zinc deficiency or
cadmium toxicity may cause inflammation and damage to the arteries. Sluggish circulation may allow emboli
(blood clots or plaque) to form.
oxidizers usually fare better restricting all fats and oils due to their
metabolic patterns.
hair analysis pattern often associated with cardiovascular disease and elevated
cholesterol is a ratio of sodium to potassium less than 2.5:1. This is a chronic stress pattern,
associated with excessive tissue breakdown, fatigue, diabetes and heavy metal
toxicity, all of which may contribute to cardiovascular disease.
margarine is made by heating vegetable oil and bubbling hydrogen through the
mixture to produce an artificially saturated fat. (The advertising about polyunsaturated oil used in margarine
is misleading. The oil is
saturated by the time they finish with it.) The problems with margarine are:
Nutrients in the oil such as vitamin E are destroyed when the product is
heated. (Vitamin E deficiency from
overeating on refined vegetable oils increases the risk of heart disease).
Hydrogenation produces trans-fatty acids.
These are non-naturally occurring fatty acids that contribute to inflammation,
one of the causes of heart disease.
(Some margarines today claim to have the trans-fatty acids removed).
Nickel is added as a catalyst in making margarine. Nickel is a highly toxic metal - fine for making coins, but
not for eating.
Artificial color and flavor are often added to margarine to make it
palatable. These chemicals may
have their own toxic effects.
A recent study showed that margarine elevated the undesirable LDL cholesterol.
problems with margarine apply equally to commercial peanut butters, vegetable
shortening such as Crisco, fake whip cream products such as Cool-Whip, and many
fried foods, salad dressings and crackers made with hydrogenated oils. These artificially saturated fats are
worse for the body than naturally-occurring fats.
cholesterol and increasing the HDL/LDL ratio can usually be accomplished easily
and quickly with nutritional methods.
Here are some guidelines:
While some fat restriction may be helpful, other dietary factors are often much
more important. A development
program based on a properly performed and interpreted hair analysis is best, in
my experience, to set up the diet.
Food products containing refined white flour and white sugar - in all its forms
- should be totally eliminated from the diet.
Conditions such as dental infections and diabetes need to be addressed.
4. Lifestyle considerations are important
including exercise, weight control, adequate rest and sleep and smoking
medical authority wrote:
a few patients of the hundreds I've treated for high cholesterol have had to
severely limit dietary intake (of fat).
Usually, it is a matter of correcting the metabolism rather than the
the main drugs used to lower cholesterol are the HMG-CoA
reductase inhibitors, popularly called the statin drugs.
Brand names include Lipitor, Lescol, Mevacor, Prevachol, Lovastatin and Zocor.
drugs increase the risk of heart attacks and diabetes, and they deplete
coenzyme Q-10, leading to muscle diseases and lowered energy in the cells. They should all be strictly avoided for
good health.
In one study, patients placed on gemfibrozil did have reduced cardiac events than a placebo group. However, the overall death rate was almost identical. Those taking the drug had a higher incidence of violence, accidents and intercranial hemorrhages (14).
recommendations suggest the use of medication whenever cholesterol is over 200
mg (15). This ignores the research
that total cholesterol is not nearly as important as LDL and its ratio to the
total cholesterol. Drugs do not
address the biochemical causes for high cholesterol in most cases. This means that pathology in the body
may continue to progress, despite the use of these drugs.
approaches to cholesterol and heart disease have no side effects, except
perhaps improved general health.
Also, they address deeper causes to create a more permanent
correction. However, it is often
best to consult a physician before stopping any medication.
are numerous articles about cardiovascular health conditions on this
website. They are available by clicking here.
1. Douglass, W.C., The Milk of Human Kindness is not Pasteurized, Copple House Books, Lakemont,
Ga., 1985.
2. JAMA 189:655-59 (1964)
3. New Eng. J. of Med. 98:317 (1978)
4. Abrams, J. Applied Nut., Vol.32, #2, pp.53-87.
5. Cardiovascular Disease of the
Masai, Mann et al.
6. Maclennan,
R and Meyer, F., “Food and Mortality in France”, The Lancet, 2 (1977): p. 133.
7. Ho, K.J. et al., “Alaska Arctic Eskimo:
Responses to a Customary High Fat Diet”, Am. J. of Clinical Nut., 25:1972,
pp. 737-745.
8. Malhotra,
S., “Graphic Aspects of Acute Myocardial Infarction in India with Special
Reference to Patterns of Diet and Eating”, British Heart J., 29:1967, pp. 337-344.
9. Prior, I.A. et al., “Cholesterol,
Coconuts, and Diet on Polynesian Atolls: A Natural Experiment”, Am. J. of Clinical
Nut., 25:1972, pp. 737-745.
10. Cook, R.P., Cholesterol:
Chemistry, Biochemistry, and Pathology, Academic Press, NY, 1958.
11. Passwater,
R., Super Nutrition for Healthy Hearts, Deal
Press, NY 1977. See also Flynn,
M.A. et al, Effects of Dietary Egg on Human Cholesterol and Triglycerides, Am.
J. of Clin. Nut., 32 (May
1979) pp. 1051-1057.
12. Wright, J., MD, Dr. Wright's Book of Nutritional Therapy, Rodale Press, Emmaus, Pa., 1979.
13. Watson, G., Nutrition and Your Mind, Bantam Books, NY, 1972.
14. Frick, M.H. et al,
Helsinki Heart Study. Primary
Prevention Trial with Gemfibrozil in Middle-aged Men
with Dylipidemia, New Eng. J. of Med., 317 (1987).pp. 1237-45.
15. J. Amer. Med. Assn., May 16,
16. Atkins, R., Dr. Atkins Health Revolution, Houghton Mifflin Co., Boston,
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