by Dr.
Lawrence Wilson
© 2015, L.D. Wilson Consultants, Inc.
information in this article is for educational purposes only. It is not for the diagnosis, treatment,
prescription or cure of any disease or health condition.
age 3, was diagnosed autistic. He
did not speak or interact with anyone, threw tantrums
daily and was severely constipated.
His first hair mineral analysis showed a calcium level of 66 mg% (ideal
is 40), magnesium of 5 mg% (ideal is 6), sodium of 4 mg% (ideal is 25) and
potassium of 16 mg% (ideal is 10.
The hair
calcium, magnesium, sodium and potassium levels indicate a mild slow oxidizer
pattern. This is a tendency for
somewhat underactive thyroid and adrenal glandular activity. This is uncommon for a three-year-old
as most children of this age are fast oxidizers. It indicates some degree of adrenal exhaustion, even at the
age of three.
calcium/magnesium ratio was slightly
high, which can indicate that Joey was overeating on carbohydrate foods. The sodium/potassium
ratio was very low at 0.4:1.
This indicates excessive tissue breakdown and is also associated with
chronic infections, glucose intolerance, kidney and liver stress, and feelings
of frustration, resentment and hostility.
had a severely elevated manganese level at 0.123 mg% (ideal is 0.04) and an
iron level of 2.4 mg%. I consider
any iron level over about 2 mg% to be somewhat elevated.
High iron
and high manganese are often associated with behavioral problems. High iron is associated with anger and
rage. Iron settles in the
amygdala, a portion of the brain associated with anger. ‘Manganese madness’ is a term used to
describe the toxicity condition seen in manganese miners.
aluminum was also quite high at 3.66 mg% (ideal is 0.05 or less). Aluminum has been implicated in
Alzheimer’s disease and perhaps other dementias. However, we find that aluminum can affect mental functioning
even in children. It is also
reversible if it can be eliminated from the tissues.
In our
experience, aluminum, iron and manganese toxicity are found together. If any one of these are
elevated on a hair mineral analysis, the other two are also present in excess,
even if they are hidden. These three minerals are also often eliminated
together on nutritional balancing programs.
Joey also had an extremely elevated lead
level at 1.54 mg% (ideal is 0.1 or less).
Lead toxicity is associated with over 100 symptoms. Prominent among these are
hyperactivity, lowered IQ and emotional and behavioral abnormalities. Lead interferes with calcium
metabolism, blood formation and a number of critical enzyme systems.
also had a zinc level of 8 mg%.
This is very low, with the ideal being between 15 and 20 mg%. Zinc is critical for over 50
functions. Low zinc is associated
with emotional instability, delayed development, slow growth, impaired digestion,
skin problems and impaired protein synthesis.
daily nutrient program for Joey included two divided doses of a multivitamin
for slow oxidizers, as well as 10 mg of zinc, 1 mg of copper and about 3 mg
manganese to help correct his low sodium/potassium ratio.
Let us
discuss giving manganese when the level is this high. Some authorities believe that manganese supplements should
not be given when manganese is elevated on a hair mineral analysis. However, we consistently find that
giving a biologically available form of manganese will help the hair manganese
level return to normal, as occurred with Joey. His elevated manganese is in a biounavailable form. Giving available manganese is helpful
in these cases to raise the sodium level and perhaps to provide needed
bioavailable manganese as well.
Joey’s daily
nutrients also included about 200 mg of calcium and 200 mg magnesium. Calcium is an excellent lead
antagonist, and both calcium and magnesium are sedative minerals that can
improve hyperactive behavior.
Magnesium is helpful for many cases of constipation. Joey also took a small amount of
vitamin C and E to help raise his sodium level. Vitamin C can help as a chelator of excessive metals.
dosages of minerals may seem large for a three-year-old child. However, we find that often children do
well on and require somewhat larger doses than one would calculate for a child
based simply on weight or age.
This is an important principle for obtaining the best results with young
parents made sure he ate well and took his supplements. He improved dramatically. Within four months on a nutritional
balancing program he began to speak, his temper tantrums were greatly reduced
and he now interacts with people.
He will be able to attend at regular kindergarten. He is also no longer constipated.
Often the
process of correction takes longer, up to several years, and it is often less
dramatic. In this case, the chemistry shifted quickly and results
followed. We never know which
mineral imbalance or other factor is most important and when the body will
address that factor. Also in some
cases emotional difficulties at home can significantly slow down progress in
rebalancing body chemistry.
A retest
mineral analysis after Joey was on supplements for four months showed some
surprising changes. The
electrolyte pattern looked worse in some ways! Calcium was 56 mg%, magnesium was 31 mg%, sodium was 16 mg%
and potassium rose to 59 mg%.
Joey became
a mixed oxidizer with a fast thyroid ratio (calcium to potassium ratio less
than 4:1). A faster oxidation rate
means Joey’s energy level improved.
This is excellent for general healing. In hyperkinetic children, however, more energy at times
means more acting out behavior because more energy is available to the
body. This was not the case with
Joey, however, as his behavior calmed down.
The calcium/magnesium ratio became
extremely low at 1.8:1. This is
often due to a magnesium loss. It
could have been an elimination of magnesium that for some reason could not be
used by the body. This type of
change looks worse, but usually resolves itself on later tests.
Joey’s sodium/potassium ratio also became much
more imbalanced at about 0.27:1.
This is extremely low and usually indicates severe protein breakdown or
catabolism. Joey showed a pattern
we call a double inversion. This is a low ratio of calcium to
magnesium combined with a low ratio of sodium to potassium. The double inversion pattern reinforces
the low sodium/potassium ratio pattern, associated with excessive tissue
breakdown, chronic infections, liver and kidney stress, glucose intolerance and
feelings of frustration, resentment and hostility.
In this
regard, we have found that on a corrective program, at times the body must go
through a stage of breaking down poor quality tissue. This is tissue that may contain toxic metals or toxic
chemicals, or tissues infected with bacteria or viruses.
When cells
are broken down, potassium and magnesium are released, as these are the primary
intracellular minerals. This
release is associated with temporary higher hair readings of these two
minerals. This in turn can cause a
lower sodium/potassium ratio and a lower calcium/magnesium ratio as well.
the retest, Joey’s lead level was about half of the level on the first test at
.84 mg% and aluminum was about 1/3 of his previous test at 1.10 mg%. Manganese was down to 0.078, which is
still slightly elevated but much better.
Iron also declined from 2.4 to 1.4, which I consider a more normal
reading. These are all excellent
zinc level did not change from the first test to the second. In both cases, the reading was a very
low 8 mg%. This occurred in spite
of Joey taking a substantial amount of zinc for four months. How can this be?
are several explanations. First,
we know that our bodies will often keep the tissue zinc level low to help raise
the tissue sodium level. In Joey’s
case, the sodium/potassium ratio was extremely low. The body may not have absorbed the zinc he took to keep the
sodium level up, which in turn helps maintain the sodium/potassium ratio. Dr. Eck called this phenomenon a defender. That is, zinc stayed low to defend the sodium/potassium
possibility is that zinc was simply not well-absorbed
during this period of time for other reasons. Alternatively, zinc was absorbed, but used up as fast as it
was being given.
we know that zinc is a vital mineral that replaces toxic metals in enzyme
binding sites during healing. The
zinc level in the hair may have remained low because the zinc Joey took was
absorbed and incorporated into the tissues to replace toxic metals that were
eliminated. Thus, no extra zinc
found its way into Joey’s hair.
persisting in providing Joey with supplemental zinc in the correct amount,
eventually the hair level will rise in our experience. This will mean he is re-establishing
his normal tissue stores of zinc.
Some health
authorities claim that mercury toxicity is the cause of autism. Joey’s mercury level was a very low
0.002 mg% on the first test. It
increased five times to 0.01 on the second test. This is still very low reading.
We know that
many toxic metals are not revealed on the first hair mineral analysis. They are revealed later as they are
mobilized from storage sites deep within the body. Time will tell if Joey will start to eliminate more mercury
on future retests.
However, it
is clear that other toxic minerals such as lead and aluminum, or vital minerals
in excess including manganese and iron, probably played important roles in his
behavioral problems. Deficiencies
in vital minerals such as zinc also most likely contributed to Joey’s symptoms.
In our experience, it is usually
incorrect to blame symptoms on just one metal, as most people have combinations
of imbalances.
case illustrates so many principles that it bears rereading a number of
Perhaps most
important, it confirms that autism is not simply an incurable or ‘genetic’
conditions requiring years of drug therapy to control the symptoms. A hair mineral analysis showed severe
mineral imbalances. By following
the principles of test interpretation and program design based on the brilliant
work of Dr. Paul C. Eck, results were most gratifying.
Although in
some ways the retest hair analysis looked worse, another principle is always to
ask the patient (or parents in this instance) about symptomatic
improvements. In this case, these
changes were amazing, reminding us that mineral analysis results may not
correlate with symptoms. Each test
uncovers deeper layers of imbalances, and at times the picture may not
correlate with how the patient feels.
The test results can lag symptomatic changes, or at times test results
can anticipate symptom changes as well.
To read much
more about autism, click here.
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