by Dr. Lawrence Wilson

© December 2022, LD Wilson Consultants, Inc.

All information in this article is solely the opinion of the author and for educational purposes only.  It is not for the diagnosis, treatment, prescription or cure of any health condition.

This article presents an overview of ways to understand God using the 7 system.

1. GOD AS A PHYSICAL BEING. The word god (no capital letter) in the ancient Ebre language means an advanced or powerful physical being, such as the Greek gods.

Based upon this idea, one can think of God as a person such as Jehovah. One can also think of God, or the Father, as a person sitting on a throne.

The biological concept of space. This website teaches the concept that space is actually an enormous fine matter being with many smaller beings inside. This is a physical concept that is gaining acceptance among astronomers.

From this perspective, one can say that there is a creator being who lives in space and literally gave birth to our planet and everything on it.

We are all inside of this being, and he/she loves us unconditionally and more than you will ever know.  We are never separated or apart from him/her.

The old idea is that we are the product of a “big bang” or giant explosion in space.  However, new evidence indicates that the big bang theory does not explain enough about our world.  The biological concept of space - that space is composed of living beings - is better. For more details, read Outer Space.

2. GOD AS AN EMOTIONAL IDEA. One can say that god is goodness.  The two words – god and good – are related.

One can think of God as Love. This is stated in the Bible.

Some people also think of God as their lover, and this fine.  It is not a sexual love. However, when one moves energy downward from the head to the feet (the Pulling Down Exercise), bringing into the body more of God and then even more of God, there is often a slight tingling in the body that is very pleasant.

Some people associate other emotions with God, such as a God full of mercy and grace. Some people believe in a “wrathful God”, a term used in the Old Testament of the Bible. We believe this is a mistranslation and should read a “powerful” God.

3. GOD AS POWER AND CONTROL. This is a common understanding of God as the almighty one, all-powerful and in control of everything.

4. GOD AS MY FRIEND. This is another excellent understanding of God. Some people talk to God all day and ask for guidance often, as one would ask a close friend.

Asking for guidance. An excellent way to ask for guidance is to sit comfortably with your back straight and feet flat on the floor. Then pull downward from your feet (the pulling down procedure). Then ask a question of the Father in Heaven. Then wait for the answer because it won't come immediately. It usually takes 10 to 30 seconds to hear an answer.

I do this often to obtain information and guidance. I usually ask the same question several times to see if the answer is the same each time. It should be the same, or the guidance is not correct.

God is the friend that is always with you and never abandons you. God is also the friend who always and only has your best interest in mind and never deceives. God is the friend who loves you unconditionally.

God gives one free choice, however. Therefore, don’t blame God if things don’t go well. It is best to just say thank you for this experience, and move on.

5. GOD AS MY PARTNER. In this understanding, God is like one’s marriage partner or business partner. An expression is, “God is my co-pilot”. In this perspective, God is the creative force in the universe.

6. GOD AS AN INTELLECTUAL CONCEPT. Some people understand God as love in an intellectual sense. One can also say that God is the radiance or the life force that gives rise to all matter and all energy in the universe. For details, read Love As Radiance.

7. GOD IS EVERYTHING AND EVERYWHERE. God is within me and around me at all times and I am a manifestation or expression of God in physical form.

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