by Dr. Lawrence Wilson

© December 2024, LD Wilson Consultants, Inc.

All information in this article is for educational purposes only.  It is not for the diagnosis, treatment, prescription or cure of any disease or health condition.


I. Introduction

II. Main Spins

III. Problems With The Spins

IV. Improving The Spins



Life is about spinning. The reason is that certain spins cut the ether field that is all around us. As a result, our bodies are able to extract and convert a little of the etheric energy that is all around us to a form that powers our bodies.

This means that we do not live by nutrition alone. Our bodies must also continuously convert a certain amount of etheric energy into a “food” for the body.

A core article. This article is about a very basic concept of life. However, it is not taught much and some don't want you to know about it. Every child should know about it and it should be taught in school.

Our language is full of expressions about this such as “I am feeling alright (all to the right), “I am doing the right thing” and “I will right the wrong”.

The look of the spins. Few people can see the energy centers of the body. However, they are real and they should spin to the right, spin fast, and be bright in color. They make up an important part of a person's energy field, also called the Aura.

Sex and spin. The thugs, satans or rogues spin to the left. They use up sex, also called left sex, to spin people to the left. Standard orgasms cause a left spin.

When they rape, they force women to have orgasms because it spins them backwards – to the left. It is just one of their horrors.

When a woman heals, she experiences a strong feeling of spinning to the right. This can be scary and cause dizziness. However, it is very, very good and the feeling will pass. Just lie down and rest.

We recommend down sex, also called right sex, because it spins the body to the right. It is the proper use of sex. Unlike left sex, right sex or down sex is extremely healing for both partners and for the planet. We also recommend down hugging because, it too, spins the energy centers to the right.

Objects and spin. Objects often have a spin. The thugs use and make things that spin to the left. They are all harmful! You will feel better if everything around you spins to the right. This includes your clothing, your car, everything in your home, and more. For example, cell phones all spin left, so we don't recommend them.

Ideas and spin. Conservative thought and traditional Biblical values help one spin to the right. This is one reason we recommend them. Some call them “right wing” ideas. For details, read What is the Political 'Right Wing' Versus The 'Left Wing'?.

Love and spin. Love is a right spin. Many people can feel this.

Development and spin. In most people, the spins are too slow, and some of the energy centers spin backwards. They also do not look good. They are usually dim and dull in color.

Development, which we teach, corrects this situation. For details, read Introduction To Development.

For example, as one develops properly, one's energy centers all begin to spin to the right. Other spins also improve dramatically. This is explained below.

In fact, there is a development level called a man in which the right spin becomes very powerful.

Coffee and spin. Coffee has a powerful right spin, especially when used in enemas. This is one of the most important reasons we recommend its use in enemas. Plants we do not recommend usually have a left spin, such as all forms of marijuana and most drugs.

Cooked vegetables, blue corn chips, sardines, almond butter and sesame tahini. These foods have a strong right spin. This is why we recommend eating them every day. Fruit tends to have a left spin, as does all sugary food, refined food and most bread. That is why we recommend avoiding these foods.

Weapons and spin. Most of the weapons the thugs use spin a person to the left. If done with enough force, it will kill. Our electronic weapons spin people to the right. This does not harm a normal person, but it does harm a sat, a black master, or a satan. For more details, read The Spins Of Life.

Generators. Spinning to extract energy from the ether field is done in many ways. For example, it is the method used to generate electricity in an electric generator or alternator. The device has a shaft that rotates or spins. It is built so that when it spins, it extracts and converts some energy of the ether field into electricity.

Charging. One can also extract energy from the ether field with an in-and-out motion that cuts the ether field. Cutting the ether field is the reason why women, in particular, may experience charging due to sexual intercourse. For details, read Charging.

All the methods recommended on this website are designed to help improve the sad situation of weak spins and left spins.



There are seven large energy centers located along the midline of all living bodies. They are sometimes called the chakras. These are major energy conversion devices.

These energy centers should spin to the right or counter-clockwise if you are looking at the front of another person. You can lie or sit comfortably and spin them to the right as fast and as evenly as you can.

In addition, there are hundreds of small energy centers scattered throughout our bodies. They also should spin to the right. For details, read The Energy Centers.


These are three grapefruit-sized balls of energy located along the midline of the body. One is located in the head, one in the chest and one in the lower abdomen.

The dantiens are very important energy centers. They should spin fast in a forward direction. It is most helpful for health to visualize these balls of energy spinning directly in a forward direction.

As one ages, they become smaller and more murky in color unless one develops. If they become too small, life ends. For details, read The Dantiens.


The microcosmic orbit. This is another important energy circuit or path.

It begins in the head and moves down the midline of the body, between the eyes, through the middle of the nose, through the mouth, through the middle of the chest, through the navel.

When it reaches the genital organs, it moves toward the back through the floor of the pelvis and then moves up the spine, all the way back up to the top of the head.

This energy circuit is roughly the shape of a bicycle chain and you can spin it fast and evenly in the proper direction. Events such as rape and beatings usually spin it backwards, which is harmful.

The macrocosmic orbit. This energy circuit is similar to the microcosmic orbit, but it is larger.

It also begins at the top of the head and moves down the midline of the body, just like the microcosmic orbit. However, it does not turn around at the genitals. It continues down both legs to the feet. It moves downward on the top of the feet, turns around at the toes, and moves back along the bottom of the feet.

Then it moves up the back of both legs. At the Pelvis, the energy from the two legs join together and it moves up the spine to the top of the head.

The orbits should spin fast and evenly. On most people, they are somewhat blocked and do not spin well. This is a cause of weakness, fatigue and ill health. You can use your mind to spin them correctly. For details, read Orbiting.


This is another important spin that you can visualize. It is a movement of energy from the left side to the right side of the body in front. Then the subtle energy moves around the right side and moves from the right to the left in the back of the body. It looks like a cocoon that engulfs the entire body.

5. DOWNWARD MOTION. This is not a spin, but it is a critically important movement of subtle energy. You can push the energy downward or pull it downward by first moving your attention to your feet. This is best.

It is a movement from the top of the head or even from above the head down the entire body to the feet and below the feet.

We call this critically important movement of energy the Pulling Down Procedure. Read the article for many more details.


To do these, one must move the legs together so that the legs touch each other at the knees and at the feet.

1. Subtle energy moves from the right side of the pelvis down the right leg to the right knee. Then it crosses to the left knee. Then it moves up the left leg and back to the pelvis to complete the circuit.

2. Subtle energy moves from the right knee down to the right foot. There it moves into the left foot. Then it goes up the left lower leg to the left knee. There it moves into the right knee to complete the circuit.

3. Subtle energy moves from the pelvis down the right leg all the way to the feet. There it turns and moves into the left leg. Then it moves up the left leg and back to the pelvis to complete the circuit.


We include this because one's thoughts either help or hinder the proper spins in the body. This is one reason this website encourages Biblical values such as the Ten Commandments given to Moses, the Golden Rule, and understanding Love and The Law of Cause And Effect.



Causes for problems with the spin of the centers, dantiens, orbits and others can be due to improper nutrition, injuries, traumas, negative emotions, loneliness, improper thinking, improper social life, improper work and faulty spiritual aspects of life.

In other words, every aspect of one's life can affect the spins and therefore can impact your health and life.


The negs, crud, satans or rogues slow down the spin of the energy centers, dantiens and the other spins in order to hurt people and control them more easily.

They use many methods to do this. It is one of the major uses for rape, beatings, poisoning our entire planet, and other tortures such as screaming, using foul language, and more.

All of these slow down the spins of the body and may cause them to spin backwards. This mixes people up, weakens them and causes disease and death. For details, read The Rogues.



All true methods of healing improve the spins of the body. In fact, it is one way to evaluate methods of healing.

An excellent procedure to do daily is to visualize spinning the energy centers, orbits and side spin correctly. You can do this while lying down, sitting, or standing.

You can do it while going to sleep or if you cannot sleep, while doing a coffee enema, while watching a movie or television, while talking on the phone, while standing in line at the bank or market, or anyplace. The more you do it, the better. Make it a new habit.

With others. Another excellent method is to a down hug or down sex with your husband or wife every day and spin your partner. Each one helps the spins of the other.

Spinning can also be done in a group or class. Everyone sits comfortably and spins himself or herself. This sets up a field of energy that helps everyone in the group to spin better.


Faith, hope and love are wonderful to help all the spins of the body. This is why these spiritual qualities are so important to cultivate and focus on all day.


One of the main goals of the diet, supplements, lifestyle and procedures of the development program taught on this website is to help spin the energy centers, dantiens and orbits correctly.

This is vital to know. It is one reason the program is more effective than many other methods of healing and it is the reason we don't recommend most other healing methods.

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