by Dr. Lawrence Wilson
© June 2021, LD
Wilson Consultants, Inc.
All information in this
article is for educational purposes only.
It is not for the diagnosis, treatment, prescription or cure of any
disease or health condition.
is a most interesting word, and a very helpful concept for all healing and for Development. The word is found throughout the Hebrew and Christian
bibles, but it is not used very much in general conversation.
is also not popular in modern psychology.
This is a shame, because the idea is so useful and helpful. Repentance or repenting is actually a
very important psychological and spiritual process that everyone needs to
understand and practice. Let us
examine repentance in more detail.
verb to repent means to engage in a
special mental process for the purpose of making a permanent improvement, or
progress, in one’s life path.
Repenting is not necessarily about ending a vile “sin”, in the biblical
sense of the word. It could be
about eating a better diet, or perhaps learning not to exaggerate a little when
you speak with people.
could also refer to shifting anything – an attitude or thought, a habit
or a behavior - that needs changing to fulfill your responsibilities to your
higher self and to your Creator.
noun repentance means to
feel badly about your past in some way, and to begin to move in a healthier or
more wholesome direction.
The word repentance is related
to the words penitence and penitentiary. Jails are sometimes called penitentiaries, meaning a place
where one goes to make penitence, or to repent. In other words, it is a place to feel badly about something
you have done, and then to go through the repentance
process in order to change and improve oneself in some way or fashion.
Many people think that it is enough to say “I
am sorry” if they do something that is less than totally honest or
forthright. While this may make
one feel better, and assuage the guilt or other feelings, often this does not
result in much maturing or change in a person’s future thoughts or behavior.
Just saying one is sorry is too easy. It can be little more than a mechanical and learned response
that carries little deeper meaning.
In other words, without going through the repentance process, a person
does not really understand what he or she has done that is problematic, and one
may not really feel very badly or sorry about it. As a result, efforts to mature and change, if there are any,
tend to be limited, and often are not successful.
This is an important principle.
Unless one figures out what was done wrong, deeply, in the heart, real
change and maturing is difficult or impossible. One can say, “I will do better next time”.
However, one will not necessarily be prepared to do this unless clear
about what was done incorrectly, how to initiate a deep intent to change for
the better, and the willingness to make a sincere effort to follow through with
this intention. Actually, a little
more even than this is required for repentance, as explained below.
are the basic steps:
Step 1. Understand clearly what you did, how you
behaved, or how you spoke or acted. This is often not easy for some who are
ill, tired, or who see things in a jaded, confused, incomplete or lying
fashion. This step must be done
without judgment of either yourself or others. In other words, it needs to be pure and clear observation at
this step.
part of this, you must recognize or understand, at least partially, the effects
of your action or speech upon yourself and upon others, and even upon nature or
other beings.
step is basically about increasing your awareness of your past thinking or
actions without making excuses for it, condemning it or judging yourself or
others in any way.
How to increase your awareness of the
problem. It is often difficult to see our own
thinking process and behaviors for what they really are. Methods that can help include:
1. A
good friend or partner may help, but only if the other wants to tell you the
truth and is patient with you, and if you are willing to listen and take heed.
Pray often and ask God or the angels for guidance. When you do this, life often has a way of showing you what
you need to do, even if it is painful at times.
Affirm how you wish to be and how you wish to think about things. Some prayers are helpful for this, or
perhaps reading or listening to spiritual material can help you to affirm what
you want.
Obtain professional counseling, attend group therapy or join a support group
that discusses your issue.
Read and study articles about the thoughts or behavior you wish to change. This website offers quite a few, for
example. You can also listen to
audio material or watch video programs about the subject or behavior you wish
to change in order to inform yourself fully and begin to reprogram and
deprogram the mind.
Do the Pulling Down Procedure a lot, and do not waste
time on other, feel-good meditations, for example. It is an awareness and concentration exercise that helps one
to observe the mind calmly, without judging anything. It also moves energy properly through the body.
is a powerful way to learn about yourself and your behaviors that is often
easier than listening to the advice of others, for example. This exercise can be done in the
privacy of your home and it will slowly and gently reveal hidden thoughts,
hidden emotions, and much more for you to observe, process in some cases, and
then dismiss when you have completed the process. For more on this topic read Meditation
For Healing.
Other ways to bring up hidden traumas, hidden motives and hidden emotions
include following the development program carefully, along with chiropractic
and deep breathing.
Step 2. Once you have a clear understanding of what
you have done or said or thought, then you must conclude or realize that your
thoughts, words or deeds were less than ideal, and why. This
is really a two-part step. First,
you must see that they were less than ideal, and second, you must learn why.
speech or actions are usually less than ideal if they physically or emotionally
harm someone else, if they confuse others, if they waste others’ time, energy
or money, or if they do this to oneself.
ways in which your actions may harm yourself or others are because the
thoughts, words or actions may be selfish, malicious, devious, stupid,
dangerous, insane, cruel, frivolous, fraudulent, lying, inciting to violence,
or confusing for oneself or for another.
3. When this is understood fully, you must feel
badly or very sorry about the whole thing. This is a very
special quality of mind, and this is the hardest step for many people. It is at the heart of the repentance
process and needs to be explained carefully to avoid the following extremes.
people just “blow off” the problem by saying or thinking, “I’m just human, no
one’s perfect, and it’s not that bad, anyway.” One may go on to blame one’s parents, teachers, poverty, bad
health, traumas, the government, religion, or something else.
opposite response is not correct either. Some people move into heavy guilt,
deciding they are such a sinner and liar, perhaps, that there is no hope.
wrong response is to become angry at yourself and
others for the problem, or to feel depressed and ashamed about the situation,
although a little of this is necessary.
badly is really about realizing that you can do better, that you have the
courage, wisdom and intelligence to do better, but you did not use these and
chose differently.
allowed “lower forces”, perhaps, to influence you instead of standing up for
principle and doing the right thing in the situation. This you must accept and desire to avoid in the future. This is all this step is, at its most
basic level.
more religious way to view this, is that you are a
God-centered being (which you are even if you don’t believe it), but your thinking
and/or behavior were not at the highest possible “God” level on this occasion.
an energetic level, repentance is a change of direction of the mind. This is a key to success. I will explain.
thought or action is a reversal of
the true, the holy and the beautiful.
It is like taking a wrong turn on the path of life. Repentance is turning around on the
path and moving in the opposite direction firmly and clearly, with no intent,
desire or interest in ever going back to the old ways of thought, speech or
especially this step of it, is a reversal
of a reversal, or a negation of negation, which takes you back toward
positivity, sanity and truth.
Compassion for yourself and repentance. This step, in particular, requires a lot of
compassion and love for yourself. You need to see what you did
incorrectly or wrongly, but you must continue to love yourself through the
process of repentance or it will stall, often at this step.
Through this step in repentance, you will learn compassion for
yourself or self-loving quality.
In fact, it is one of the great benefits of going through the process of
4. Develop a desire and intention to
change your behavior, attitudes or whatever needs
changing. In order to
change, one must develop a sincere desire to do so. This must accompany your new awareness of the problem or
item that needs changing.
The problem of inertia.
Developing a strong desire for something is often not easy because we
all have a certain inertia that keeps us moving in the old direction, no matter
what we say we want.
inertia is powerful because it involves the brain, the nervous system, the
chemistry of the body itself, the structure of the body, the family and friends
around you and, in fact, much more than this.
might include the books you read, the music you listen to, even the house you
live in and the car you drive. All
of these act as props, so to speak, that can keep you from changing your ways. It is thus important to understand the
idea of inertia or momentum in your life and the need to work hard, at first,
and maybe for a while, to overcome it.
you have set in motion new habits, new behaviors and new thinking patterns,
this inertia lessens to a degree and the new path becomes far easier. However, it can be quite difficult for
a while.
the development program to increase your biochemical energy production can be a
great help with this, because it may take some energy to overcome your inertia
and change your direction in life.
For more on this subject, read the article entitled Inertia And How To Overcome It.
same methods above that you used to increase your awareness can be used to
continue to motivate and increase your desire to be different in whatever way
you choose.
Sadness helpful at this stage of
repentance. To help you develop a strong desire to
change, it is helpful to feel sadness, regret or contrition about your past to
some degree. Guilt is not helpful,
except in some cases, but a certain sadness about
missing the mark or sinning, as it is called in the bible, is most
fact, it is a central part of the process of repentance. If there is no sadness and contrition,
then repentance is not complete and usually the change that is needed will not
occur fully.
5. To fully implement your new desire, you must
take positive action and sustain it. The next step in repentance is to begin
life anew, so to speak, or make the changes you desire and intend to make. This is an action step. It, too, is an essential part of the
repentance process. It is not
enough just to study the truth, or to feel sad about your past behaviors or
thoughts. You must also take
action in a new direction.
The need for discipline. Learning discipline is critical in this stage of
repentance. The word intention means a disciplined and
sustained desire. Self-discipline
is required to sustain your desire and your new actions in the new direction
you want to go, even when things become difficult or discouraging.
is one reason for sticking with the development program. It teaches discipline and includes
actions that change your life. The
discipline itself is a wonderful benefit.
The discipline you learn can be applied to any project or area of your
life, and you become a more powerful and more effective in every area of life.
The word discipline. The
word discipline
is related to the word disciple. It does not exactly mean just forcing or pushing yourself to
do something. It is more about
becoming a disciple of the truth, and subordinating the old ego or lower
will to something greater and more wonderful. It is truly about developing the soul to overcome the
inertia of the body and of the past thoughts, words and deeds.
new action must be strong and direct, and it must be sustained in order for it
to take hold in your mind and body, and finally in every area of your
life. In this sense, a whole
systems change must occur for repentance to be complete.
may mean new friends, a new lifestyle, different books and videos to listen to,
and much more. The entire body and
mind must be inclined or shifted to
support your new lifestyle.
6. Surrender into your new way of living. This
is the final positive outcome of repentance. It means that you understand at a deep level that living
differently will have consequences, and you are ready to allow, accept and
surrender to your new life.
example, if you change your diet, or perhaps give up alcohol, cigarettes or
loose sex, you may lose some friends.
You might even alienate your family. You may have to change your church, or your job. It might cost you money, and it may
cause other stress as well.
you are willing to allow, accept and surrender yourself anyway, because you
know it is for the best.
Therefore, you are willing to go through whatever are the consequences
of thinking and acting differently.
is another difficult step for some people. They understand what they did, and they want to do the right
thing in the future. However, they
do not want to suffer the consequences of real change, or they may weaken and
succumb to family or other pressures that take them back into their old ways.
are suggestions to help with this step:
Faith in God really helps. This is
one of the big secrets of the 12-step programs such as Alcoholics Anonymous,
for example.
Do your best to surround yourself with new friends, new activities and new
media that believe as you wish to, and support your new way of living. For example, keep reading this website
and similar material that supports your new lifestyle and way of living.
In fact, anything that is helpful, even if it seems very gimmicky, should and
often must be used, at times, to help you to surrender fully into your new way
of being and living. I call this
your “toolkit”, which must be used often, at first, in particular, to support
you and keep you on track.
You will need to adopt an attitude of “letting the cards fall as they
may”. This is very difficult for
some people, so do not feel frustrated or discouraged if you feel the pain of
letting go of some people, places, things, or whatever was part of your former
lifestyle. This is true of all the
steps above, but particularly this one.
people who have accomplished great things have had to go through this process
of repentance and change, and have faced the same obstacles. So know that you are in good company
when the old forces come against you and you feel lonely,
misunderstood or unloved by your old friends and perhaps family members as
well. This is the challenge of
this step in the repentance process.
Stay on your development program, as it will keep rocketing you forward. It will support the body and the brain,
and build character in mysterious ways.
6. Know that there is light at the end of the
tunnel! This is based on my
experience, as well as that of many others.
If you are even a little religious, understand that the world
is controlled by evil forces.
You are deciding to oppose them, and they will try to get you “back in
line with them”. Know this will
happen, and they will try to trip you up.
Just persist, knowing that you do not have to live by their decrees, but
you will have to fight your way out, especially at first.
is sometimes called developing the warrior mentality. This is a powerful concept. To learn more about it, read The
Warrior’s Creed and The Path Of The Warrior
on this website.
You will become a wiser person, a more mature person, a more
self-reflective person and a deeper or more profound thinker.
Other benefits of repentance learning to love the self that is
necessary to love others deeply.
You will also learn courage, patience, forgiveness, persistence, and
better judgment. These lead to better
health and a longer and happier life.
also enables you to be truly through with your past behaviors and speech. You will be moving in a new direction,
and in most cases, if you do it correctly, you will not be tempted to go back
to the old ways.
These are just a few of the wonderful benefits of going through the
process of repentance over and over again, without anger, fear, too much guilt
or too much hesitation.
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