by Dr. Lawrence Wilson

© April 2024, L.D. Wilson Consultants, Inc. 

All information in this article is for educational purposes only.  It is not for the diagnosis, treatment, prescription or cure of any disease or health condition.



How Placeholders Work

Helpful Analogies

Examples of Placeholders

Implications Of The Placeholder Concept

Why Not Just Use Food-Based Supplements?

When To Stop Using Placeholders


The placeholder concept is a very profound idea that goes to the heart of modern development science.  The concept is that:

Certain foods and supplements, such as chemically-derived minerals and vitamins, and even the minerals in spring water, are not in the ideal forms or compounds needed by our bodies.  However, they are still helpful and needed for healing and development when the body is very toxic and deficient in vital minerals, as are all of the bodies today.

The chemical forms of minerals act as placeholders until the body can obtain the correct mineral forms.

As one eats the correct diet of mainly cooked vegetables, the body obtains the special forms of minerals it requires.  Then it easily removes the placeholders, leading to even better health.

Partial placeholders.  A food or supplement may be partially a placeholder and partially not.  In other words, some of the minerals or other substances in a product may be in the ideal form needed by the body, while others are not.  An example is meat, and there are other examples, as well.


Holding open channels. Placeholders appear to work by holding open certain energy channels in the body that are damaged.  As long as the channels are held open, deeper healing can occur, and eventually the channels heal and the placeholders are not needed.  However, if the channels are not held open somehow, deeper healing will never take place.

Placeholders hold the complex system of the body in a certain posture or manner so that deep healing can occur.  Once they have done their job, they are eliminated from the body as they are no longer needed.

Placeholders are thus protective.  Some placeholders protect the sodium/potassium ratio, for example, or they may balance the oxidation rate.  Both these are whole systems aspects of our bodies that must be balanced and protected, even at the cost of some toxicity.  Otherwise, deep healing and development slows or stops.

Placeholder minerals often replace even more toxic mineral compounds in the body.  For example, the “amigos” help support adrenal gland activity.  However, they are very irritating.  Using a placeholder instead is a better alternative.

Placeholders must be used cautiously, as they can be toxic.  However, so far they are absolutely necessary, at times, to move the body along.


The scaffolding analogy.  Placeholders are like the scaffolding that construction workers place around a building on which they are working.  The scaffolding is not permanent, but it allows workers to do certain jobs that are absolutely needed for construction.

When those jobs are complete, such as installing windows or painting the outside of the building, the scaffolding is no longer needed and they remove it.

The crutch analogy.  A concept similar to that of placeholders is that of using crutches.  A crutch is an unnatural or artificial device that keeps one going when one’s legs cannot support the body.  The crutch is used temporarily only.  When no longer needed, it is removed.

The plaster cast analogy.  When one breaks and arm or leg, often a doctor will place a plaster or another type of cast over the broken arm or leg.  The cast is definitely not natural or ideal in any way.  Indeed, it is heavy and cumbersome. 

However, it performs a vital role of holding the bones in place until real healing can occur.  Then the cast can be removed, as it is no longer needed.  This, in fact, is an excellent analogy to help understand placeholders.


Below are examples of how placeholders are used in development programs:

Example #1.  Mineral chelates, citrates, malates, lactates, oxides, gluconates, picolinates and others.  A very common example of a placeholder are the chelated minerals we use.  These are not as good as giving actual foods.  However, they work wonderfully. 

Some health authorities object to the use of isolated chelated minerals, preferring to use only food-based nutrients.  However, we find that for deep correction, the isolated chelated minerals work far better than the generally lower dosage food-based minerals.

Example #2. Isolated chemically-derived B-complex and other vitamins.  Some say these should be avoided.  However, we do not find any long-term toxicity from their proper use, and they are able to hold the oxidation rate and essential mineral ratios in place so that deeper healing can occur.

Food-derived B vitamins or food-derived vitamin C, for example, do not work as well for some reason – perhaps due to dosage or some other reason.

Example #3.  Coffee enemas.  Some people say we should not put coffee into the body as it is somewhat toxic due to its high caffeine content.  However, we find that the coffee enemas, and this type of enema only, seems to be able to activate the liver to eliminate more toxins than any other method we have ever seen.  This saves lives and heals people every day.

We observe no long-term toxicity when they are done right.  After a number of years, they are no longer needed, so we discontinue their use.  For details about discontinuing placeholders, see below.

Example #4.  Eating meat.  Some people object to eating meat as part of a nutritional balancing diet.  They say meats are toxic, for example.  While this may be true, meat contains certain nutrients that the bodies absolutely need when they are not developed.  Meat is also very yang.  We find that people need it for a while.

After a number of years on a nutritional balancing program, the body becomes more yang and there is less need for meat.

In this sense, meat may be considered as a remedy or placeholder that is needed for a while, although it may not be an ideal food.

Example #5. Spring Water.  Spring water contains minerals that are not in an ideal form.  It may also contain some toxic metals and other toxins.  In addition, it is often packaged in plastic, which can add a little more toxicity.

However, in spite of these difficulties, we find it is one of the best sources of drinking water available for undeveloped bodies.  At a certain point in development, it is less desirable.  At that time, which few will achieve, the best water appears to be an open water that is low in minerals.

The problem with drinking water is that none of it is perfect, and a lot of it is very poor.  For details, read Water For Drinking.

Example #6.  Natural supplements such as kelp, digestive aids, trimethylglycine, naturally-derived or food-derived vitamins, glandular products and others such as omega-3 fatty acid supplements. 

For example, kelp, a sea vegetable, has been processed.  As a result, the minerals are not all in ideal forms.  However, the iodine and others are needed for undeveloped and less developed bodies.  As one develops, at a certain time, kelp is not needed or helpful and we will no longer recommend it for you.

The same is true for all the other supplements used in development programs.


1. If you are too dogmatic and idealistic, and decide “I will not eat this food or take this supplement because it is not ideal”, you just defeat yourself.

2. If you say, as many of our clients do, that “I will take the pills, but I don’t like the diet” you will defeat yourself.  The pills are needed as placeholders to initiate healing.  However, the diet of mainly cooked vegetables is needed to obtain the exact form of minerals and other substances the body needs.  Otherwise, permanent healing will not occur.

3. Please don’t change the program and don’t add subtract or substitute different products.  The programs are designed as they are for a reason.  Most often, making changes damages or even ruins the program because of the placeholder concept. 



This is a good question, which many clients ask.  The answer is:

1. We use some food-based products, such as glandular products.

2. The food extracts used in the food-based supplements are not the correct forms, either, in almost all cases.  The correct forms of the minerals are not easy to obtain from any packaged product because the processing and packaging often ruin them.  This is one of the big lies of the food-based supplement industry.

3. Another one of their lies is that the products are all food-based.  Yet if you read their label, you will find they use chelates, lactates, and perhaps other non-food sources.  One such product is called zinc liver chelate.  This is such an obvious contradiction you would think the company would change the name of the product just to hide the truth.

4. We use supplements not just to obtain minerals.  We use them to balance the oxidation rate and the sodium/potassium ratio, and for other purposes.  The amount of minerals in most food-based products is too low for these purposes.

5. The food-based products are often made from fungal sources.  These are foods, but they are too yin for us to use.

6. Food-based products can be rancid or spoiled.

7. Food-based products are often mixed with foods that we do not want our clients to eat, such as wheat or other items.

Most important, we find that using all or most food-based supplements does not work well for development programs.  They may work for other purposes, but not for development.

We are clinicians, and we use what works best, and we are able to check this.  If the best product is food-based, then we use it.  If it is a chelate,  then we recommend that product.  For much more  on this topic, please read Food-Based Supplements.


One would need to be very developed and following an excellent diet in order not to need placeholders. So for practical purposes, do not stop using placeholders.

Please ponder the placeholder concept, as it is a very important theoretical idea that is essential for success with development programs.


A nutritional bridge is a substance that bridges over a damaged enzyme or a part of a metabolic pathway. By so doing, it allows vital chemical reactions to continue to function even though part of their chemical pathway is blocked or destroyed.


Unlike placeholders, bridges do not fix chemical pathways. Therefore, one must continue to take the substance or the effect stops.

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