by Dr. Lawrence Wilson

© February 2021, LD Wilson Consultants, Inc. 


All information in this article is for educational purposes only.  It is not for the diagnosis, treatment, prescription or cure of any disease or health condition.


We wish that a complete development programs could be done without supervision.  It would be simpler and less costly.  However, so far we do not find this is possible.

It is true that one can begin with the free program listed on the home page.  However, this is just a starter program or general program, and is not a complete program.  While a person can definitely benefit from the free program, the benefits will not be nearly as great as if one were on a complete program.

For example, the free program may cause significant improvement in oneÕs symptoms, but it will not cause nearly as much tissue regeneration and de-aging as will a complete program. 


A ship analogy. A fairly good analogy for this situation is that if one is ill, it is similar to having a faulty autopilot on a ship or aircraft.  Normally, the autopilot, which involves your judgment and your instincts about how to stay healthy, keeps the craft on course.  Being ill is similar to being off course and out of touch in some way so that your body becomes ill. 

As a result of this situation, it is necessary to steer the ship or aircraft manually for a while, until the autopilot mechanisms can be restored sufficiently that the ship or your body will stay on a healthy course.  In other words, it is necessary to put aside your own feelings and judgments, and realize that your judgment is skewed as a result of illness, and that help is needed.

I realize that taking help is difficult for some people, often because they have trusted doctors and nutritionists in the past, with disappointing results.

Let us discuss the reasons for supervision in more detail.




            Here are just some of the main reasons why it is necessary to work with one of the Approved Practitioners if you wish to follow a complete development program:


1. To make sure you are doing the diet, the drinking water, the supplement program and the procedures correctly.

Even though these are explained as well as possible, it is most helpful to have someone to review them with to make sure they are done correctly.


2. To figure out the correct supplement program.  Guessing about which supplements to take, and how much, is never a good idea.  In almost all cases, it is incorrect and it often makes people worse.


3. To adjust the program, at least every few months.  This can only be done with a repeat hair mineral test and a new program.  Guessing as to how to do it is extremely unreliable, and can make a person worse instead of better.


4. To correctly discern what to do during healing reactions. Most people go through healing reactions during their development program.  These are confusing, at the very least.  Symptoms may become aggravated and one can easily believe that the program is not working.

While almost all the reactions are benign, such reactions scare most people, and some will quit the program unless they have someone to discuss the matter with who knows you and who understands healing reactions well.

Also, we find that most peopleÕs judgment is altered during these reactions.  This can increase fear and complicate matters, making it even more difficult to know how to proceed at these times.  It is helpful or even necessary to have someone to check with as to what is going on, at these times.


5. To retrace difficult traumas.  Every now and then a person retraces a mental or emotional trauma.  Here again, having someone to discuss the reaction with is most helpful or some people will quit the program, thinking that something is wrong.


6. Other reasons.  For example, at times, the program must be altered quickly to keep it appropriate or to counter a symptom or condition that arises.  Also, updates and improvements to the programs occur periodically.  I am also available to handle difficult situations when the nutritional consultants and doctors are not sure what to do.

For all these reasons, we find that working with one of the Approved Helpers is best for success with your program.




At this time, there are twenty or more practitioners that offer programs that seem similar to ours and some say they studied with us and know our system.  We do not recommend working with these people, and many are not honest.



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