By Dr. Lawrence Wilson
© December 2023, LD Wilson
Consultants, Inc.
All information in this article is for
educational purposes only. It is
not for the diagnosis, treatment, prescription or cure of any disease or health
Ii. The Mendeleev Periodic Table Of The Elements
III. The Research Of Dr. Paul Eck
IV. Transmutation And Dr. Kervran
V. The Mineral Concepts Of Charles Leadbeater And Brian Andersen
VI. The Mineral System Of Joseph Scogna
The subject of minerals has fascinated mankind for thousands of years. In the past 200 years, several methods have been proposed to classify and arrange minerals according to their physical properties such as size, weight, electrical properties, and other qualities. This article discusses the main ways this is done.
The most commonly used mineral system is based upon the Periodic Table Of The Elements, first proposed by Dmitri Medeleev in 1869. It is essentially the same today, except that many more minerals have been added that had not been discovered in 1869. The chart accurately predicted the discovery of these elements.
The rows of the table are called periods, of which there are 7. The columns are called groups. These number 18. In general, within a period, the metals are on the left and the non-metals are on the right.
In total, there are now 118 elements (as of 2016). The first 94 elements exist naturally, although some exist in very small amounts. The rest have been synthesized in laboratories and most are radioactive and quickly decay to smaller elements.
Dr. Paul Eck lived from 1925 to 1996. He was a mineral researcher and physician who took a keen interest in what was then a new type of test for minerals - hair mineral analysis. This author worked along side him and studied with him for about 14 years, from 1982 to 1996.
Dr. Eck was very unsatisfied with the way doctors and researchers were interpreting the new hair mineral test. Most looked at it like a blood test in which one simply tries to reduce the high numbers and raise the low numbers using food, diet, supplements or other means. We call this replacement therapy. It does not work well!
Dr. Eck read widely and began to apply systems theory, metabolic typing, the oxidation types, the stress theory of disease and other modern biochemical and physics concepts to the interpretation of the hair test. As he did so, his success rate improved dramatically.
He also developed a unique calibrated chart to display the results of the hair mineral analysis that has some amazing qualities. The most amazing is that certain visual patterns of the bar graphs of the minerals correlate perfectly to the effect or symptom of the person whose hair was tested.
For example, a “calcium shell” looks like a very high wall of calcium on the calibrated chart, and the person often feels as though he or she is living behind a wall.
Another pattern, the “hill pattern” looks like a mountain or hill. It indeed correlates with a feeling in a person that he or she has accomplished a climb up a hill and has arrived at the top.
The opposite pattern, called the “bowl pattern” looks like a bowl. Here the opposite is true – the person tends to feel stuck emotionally, as though trapped in a bowl and unable to climb out.
Dr. Eck’s mineral chart basically groups minerals in twos and in sets of four we call tetras. The first set, for example, are the electrolytes – calcium, magnesium, sodium and potassium. The exact order of these minerals is extremely important.
Dr. Louis Kervran, a French scientist who lived from 1901 to 1983, started with the Mendeleev Periodic Table Of The Elements. However, he demonstrated that transmutation of one element into another is possible in living organisms.
An older name for this work is the science of alchemy, as compared to chemistry. Dr. Kervran ran various simple experiments that proved that the science of chemistry is not adequate to explain many chemical phenomena.
Dr. Kervran’s work is absolutely amazing. Dr. Paul Eck drew upon it. For more details, read Biological Transmutation.
The following are more difficult concepts to understand, but they are interesting.
Charles Leadbeater lived from 1854 to 1934. He was a prolific author and was in touch with masters, he claimed. He and his co-author, Annie Besant, wrote that, in fact, there are 96 chemical elements. We can see 92 of them, and the other four do not take physical form. They named them X, Y, Z and Kalon.
Mr. Leadbeater arranged the 96 elements somewhat differently, but not totally differently from the standard Mendeleev Table Of The Elements. This information, and more, is found in the book, Occult Chemistry (1938) by Leadbeater and Besant.
Mr. Leadbeater also investigated 10 levels of sub-atomic particles. He found no electrons, protons or neutrons. However, he did find a sub-atomic particle that makes up all matter. The only difference between the elements is the number of these particles that the element contains. He named the particle “ultimate physical atom” or U.P.A. He also called it a chiral. (Another author, Glenda Green, in her book, Love Without End, Jesus Speaks, calls this particle an adamantine particle.)
among Mr. Leadbeater’s concepts is that the elements are not simple circular
atoms, as is taught in high schools and colleges. Instead, they take various shapes depending upon their group
on the periodic table.
Brian Andersen lives in Southern California, USA. He is a student of the work of Mr. Leadbeater. He wrote a book that mentions this author in which he reiterates the theories of Mr. Leadbeater. The book is entitled The Rhythms Of Nature, Volume I.
Joseph R. Scogna, Jr. lived from 1949-1989, and was a researcher who also seemed to be in touch with guides or masters. In his book, The Promethion (1980, 1983), he proposed another system for classifying minerals. He believed there are 64 basic “pressures” or basic minerals, and the rest are isotopes. He also grouped the minerals into 8 “octaves”. His system is quite unique and difficult to understand for this author.
Each of the researchers mentioned above made a contribution to our understanding of minerals. We currently use the system devised by Dr. Paul Eck because we find it to be the most useful and accurate.
However, we have more than quadrupled the number of patterns found on the hair test, and improved the lifestyle, diet and supplement programs compared to those he used.
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